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Outrage in Turkey at take over of media outlets


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Outrage in Turkey at take over of media outlets


ISTANBUL: -- Hundreds of Turkish government critics and opposition leaders have vowed to keep up a protest outside a Koza Ipek outlet namely Bugun TV in Istanbul.

It follows the take over by the Turkish authorities of 22 companies linked to a US – based cleric and arch enemy of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

A lawyer for parent company Koza Ipek confirmed that raids had taken place on all 22 firms and that new executives were being installed. Police are said to have detained 19 people.

Opponents accuse the government of a media crackdown in the run up to Nov 1 elections.

‘Bugun TV’ Editor in Chief Tarik Toros was highly critical of the President Erdogan who he says is behind the management take over at Koza Ipek:

“This is an operation to silence all the dissident voices that the ruling party does not like, including media outlets, NGOs and syndicates. This holds true for opposition parties and businessmen as well. This holds true for anyone who does not obey.”

Company officials at Koza Ipek have been accused of making payments to preacher Fethullah Gulen who it is alleged conspired to topple Erdogan. They have denied any wrongdoing.

The European Union has raised concerns about freedom of expression within Turkey which is negotiating EU membership

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-28

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"The European Union has raised concerns about freedom of expression within Turkey which is negotiating EU membership"

They can raise concerns all they want. Everyone knows that they're not gonna do anything about it, if it doesn't suit their own political position.

People in Europe have been made so scared of everything "Muslim", that they prefer their govt to make a deal with a dangerous idiot like Erdogan, than to provide decent humanitarian aid to refugees fleeing from a war thorn country.

In the meantime Erdogan is laughing his ass off: he is promised billions of Euros, free travel of Turkish people in the EU and a seat in Brussels, while at home he silences all his critics, kills Kurds (and say he attacks ISIL) and create more havoc by bombing some protesters (and blaming the protesters themselves for the attack?!). I wonder how long the Turks will continue to accept this dictator....

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"The European Union has raised concerns about freedom of expression within Turkey which is negotiating EU membership"

They can raise concerns all they want. Everyone knows that they're not gonna do anything about it, if it doesn't suit their own political position.

People in Europe have been made so scared of everything "Muslim", that they prefer their govt to make a deal with a dangerous idiot like Erdogan, than to provide decent humanitarian aid to refugees fleeing from a war thorn country.

In the meantime Erdogan is laughing his ass off: he is promised billions of Euros, free travel of Turkish people in the EU and a seat in Brussels, while at home he silences all his critics, kills Kurds (and say he attacks ISIL) and create more havoc by bombing some protesters (and blaming the protesters themselves for the attack?!). I wonder how long the Turks will continue to accept this dictator....

Absolutely spot on RBB.

Added to the largess to come are the huge sums paid by the 'refugees' to the people smugglers for a short trip across to a Greek island.

Given that the going rate appears to be in the region of $2k per head and that a possible 500k have made the trip already, that amounts to a tidy $1billion. It's a given that rather large chunks of dosh are being passed all the way up the line to ensure that limited, if any, obstacles are placed in the way of this lucrative business.

The EU will be played like a violin on this issue by the Turks and really only have themselves to blame for an absolutely shambolic performance.

Back in Turkey, Erdogan has a window of opportunity to take the oppression to a new level knowing that the EU will need to hold back on criticism due to the refugee issue. So, an upturn in the internal dissent will surely happen. Don't think I'll be considering a holiday in Turkey any time soon.

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The governments of the world do not like to have to answer to the public...they prefer to operate with impunity, feeding the public bull and want the press in their back-pocket...

The US (without firing a shot or sending in storm troupers) has managed to capture the majority of the news channels (which makes them distributors of government propaganda).

When the press is not free to ask the tough questions about government policy...then the people eventually become little more than pawns in the governments scheme to keep itself in power and take care of their on...at the expense of the general population...

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