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Prayut warns he may stay longer in office if opposing political groups refuse to stop fighting


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The old traditions I am talking about have nothing to do with lack of education or the rural poor. Please read between the lines as to my actual meaning.

There is no doubt that the rural areas need to be attended to. There is a lack of education and too many poor Thais that need to be assisted. Part of the reason that this never happens is that by some estimates 30% of the National budget is stolen via corruption. This has been going on forever. Do we really need that type of government in Thailand. In fact, the Shin governments did provide some funds to rural areas simply to keep them quiet just like Western governments do and curry their votes. None of this is sustainable long term. In addition, the power of the land was usurped by the Yingluck government who tried to destroy Thailand's rice crop by trying to corner the market. Why is everyone so sure that the current military government will not be able to develop a long term strategy to bring investment into Thailand and into Issan? The PM knows a lot more about Thailand than you or I and I am sure he has a complete picture of what needs to be done to move away from the 'old days' and bring Thailand into the 21st Century. I just don't want Thailand to become like the US, UK or Singapore- .

As far as the poster stating that Thai people cannot express their viewpoint. They can and do. I read letters all the time of Thais complainig about this and that. They just cannot engage in politics- not yet anyway.

Why is providing development funds to the north east unsustainable. Today 70+% of all govt funds are spent in Bangkok. Do you think this is correct?

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I seriously doubt there will be a PTP or a Democratic Party in the next election. All new parties with all new faces and new ideas. Those of the past are the dinosaurs. Those of the future will lead. One of the purposes of the coup is to rid Thailand of money politics.

Are you really this naive?

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Well, no surprise here. This man is a megalomaniac, period. History repeating itself. Those peaceniks who believe anything he says, are delusional. Can you say Hitler, Stalin etc.? They began the same way, absconding the people's liberties. Someone on TV said the "press is relatively free". What does that mean, exactly? Free speech, our leader does not believe in that, so where does Thailand go from that perspective?

What are the people's options? This guy is a "wolf in sheep's clothing".

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Regarding the poster who commented about the elite continuing to control misses the point. There are those who want to come to power and destroy old traditions and Thai culture. They are the ones who want to stay in power forever using money politics /The Junta wants to preserve those things af the past that make Thailand unique . Unfortunately, some of our rural friends do not understand this concept and are being brainwashed by a megalomaniac-who by the way is also a convicted criminal.

Please educate us as to which old traditions and parts of Thai culture some want to destroy.

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I seriously doubt there will be a PTP or a Democratic Party in the next election. All new parties with all new faces and new ideas. Those of the past are the dinosaurs. Those of the future will lead. One of the purposes of the coup is to rid Thailand of money politics.

Are you really this naive?

Almost unbelievable isn't it!

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

Or some corrupt dishonest land grabbing political tyrant doing such things as Khun Suthep did when he held the city to ransome with his Yellow shirt worshippers.

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The life of the Expatriate in Thailand has not been impeded by the Junta at all. We come and go as we please. We still enjoy the weather, the beaches, nightlife or whatever Thailand has to offer. No one is running up to us asking who we support or do not support and keeping score. No foreigner has been taken to a dark place and questioned as to their political leanings. Those of us who watch Thai TV still see different opinions being offered. We still get our letters and packages from abroad without being censored. If anything, our life has improved. There are no street demonstrations obstructing traffic and business. We can still complain about everything without fear of censorship on this board. Stop wishing this place was like New York, London or Singapore.

Yes, the life of the "expatriate", lager louts and sexpats make up the majority most likely, has not been impeded. How about the lives of 70 million Thais?

And I suppose you have first hand accounts of how all 70 million Thai peoples' lives have been impeded ! clap2.gif

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The life of the Expatriate in Thailand has not been impeded by the Junta at all. We come and go as we please. We still enjoy the weather, the beaches, nightlife or whatever Thailand has to offer. No one is running up to us asking who we support or do not support and keeping score. No foreigner has been taken to a dark place and questioned as to their political leanings. Those of us who watch Thai TV still see different opinions being offered. We still get our letters and packages from abroad without being censored. If anything, our life has improved. There are no street demonstrations obstructing traffic and business. We can still complain about everything without fear of censorship on this board. Stop wishing this place was like New York, London or Singapore.

I would hate Thailand to be like anywhere else I've lived.

Does it occur to you for a second that many 'expats' here would consider Thai residency, or citizenship, and the right to vote, run a business on a level playing field without being 'taxed' just to register etc etc if given the right?

What about those expats who have half Thai or adopted Thai sons and daughters, who want to give them the chance to process their thinking through both Western and Thai philosophies, how might those children grow up and perhaps lead Thailand to a better place in it's history?

Those particular expats literally have their blood mixed with the blood of this country, and yet they are forever outsiders.

As the fathers of Thai citizens they deserve the right to participate in shaping their children's futures as much as any Thai born Dad.

I agree with a lot of what you wrote, but just saying to us : "Look they have not bothered us (yet) so shut up, squeeze your tirak, and drink your beer." is not really a response at all.

A lot of the discussion around Thailand, as I have said before, is stymied because of 'the great taboo' plus the unfortunate assumption that a lot of what goes on here is not 'farang' business. Well, if one contributes to this economy significantly, and raises a family, then why is it not?

Also, the other side of the argument, such as ginja or whatever his name is, think they can switch their 'Thainess' on and off, to suit the argument of the day.

That's nonsense, we're all fundamentally one race, the Human race.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Funny what can really change when you have a hammer over the peoples heads called article 44. Kind of puts a one way slant on things. Yes you were right on one point keep taking the medicine. Your still in the running for the foreigner Junta Poster Boy. All you had to do is peel the layers back on this onion and you know the smell would linger and you would break out in tears.

Bit beyond poster boy status!!

People seem to have missed the point, stated better than under Yingluck regime. Is that incorrect in your view? Has your lifestyle been adversely affected by Junta Gov't?

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The lives of 70 million Thais are not impeded at all except for the few that want to flaunt the authority that is keeping order and trying to improve Thailand. there are no concentration camps with thousands of political prisoners. Those who flout the regime and engage in politics are taken in and questioned. Thai people go to work every day or go to their shops and business and conduct themselves the same way as they did before the coup. As I mentioned previous Thai Television still shows discussions on various topics pro and con. The newspapers are relatively free but without different political camps attempting to fool people into believing they will actually do something.. Shall we return to the street demonstrations; seizing of portions of downtown Bangkok and burning of buildings . All the Thai people I know like the quiet.

U really are in dreamland.

If the election happens and ptp wins, which side do you think will be first to protest? Will the army stop it no.

If the dems win, with reds protest, probably, with the army stop it, yes.

But, likelihood is that ptp with win. So watch this space because then the fun is really going to start.

The fun is going to start no matter who wins power T@H, even the village idiot knows that. Get off your mountain peak and stop acting like you are the Guru of Thai politics.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

But the acid test - has he made the trains run on time?

No , but he has done the heart stopping job of closing a few beach restaurants down in far flung Phuket. And got rid of some beach umbrellas at Pattaya..................wow , great improvements to the countries economy. Shame on Yingluck for not having made those massive inroads, i am sure that it has improved the lifestyle of Isaan in general.

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Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to whether a country is a good or bad place to live.

Personally, I don't see any difference between being governed by the Shin regime or the current regime. Of course I am not involved in any particular political group and do not get caught up in demonstrations or protests.

Not really that worried about not being able to watch the movie 1984 as I have already seen it, don't even know how to give a three finger salute, and don't get around Bangkok in large groups eating sandwiches.

But I do like the fact that the reds are back in their holes and not out killing people "democratically".

Would like to see free and fair elections held tomorrow, minus any party connected to the Shins, the Military, Suthep, and the so-called "Elites", whoever the heck they are.

That has to be one of the most intelligent posts that has come out of you in a very long time. Are you getting soft on us Mike.

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The self elected one has never had any intention to leave his plum job , he was most probably planning to become PM two years before his retirement !

You could have a point its funny how he went from retirement right into this office directly. Kismet? A star alignment? Preplanned? Its not just Thailand people world wide are loosing their rights left and right. The IMF keeps coming out with some weird stuff lately one world economy, legalize all drugs (keep the masses sedated.) one world currency all electronic and the list goes on. We are under attack subtly yes but from many directions.

Uh-oh you said the 'trigger word' drugs.

Now that you grudgingly understand, but won't accept, drug liberalisation is a fact of life, for reasons even blind freddy could see last century, you ham-handedly turn it around, and claim 'they' want to 'sedate' everybody. If this were true, Singapore for one, would have more 'coffee shops' than Amsterdam.

Plus how would we ever get drugphobics like you to go along with their cunning plan?

If you cannot ever comment about drugs without sounding like you are on them, then don't!

If anything drug liberalization means individuals gain sovereign freedom over themselves and their bodies, including the choice NOT to use drugs. It is precisely the opposite outcome to your imaginings, and that is why mass sedation theory is ridiculous. And also why the elite are being dragged kicking and screaming to try a new approach, they instinctively know they are losing a large degree of 'control' over the individual, the drug debate at its heart is not about the drugs, it is about who gets to control the drugs. Us or them.

Edited by dhream
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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

But the acid test - has he made the trains run on time?

No , but he has done the heart stopping job of closing a few beach restaurants down in far flung Phuket. And got rid of some beach umbrellas at Pattaya..................wow , great improvements to the countries economy. Shame on Yingluck for not having made those massive inroads, i am sure that it has improved the lifestyle of Isaan in general.

................."i am sure that it has improved the lifestyle of Isaan in general."......................

You are only as good as your last stint in office.

iow................... rice scam + long memories = bad ju-ju ! thumbsup.gif

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

But the acid test - has he made the trains run on time?

No , but he has done the heart stopping job of closing a few beach restaurants down in far flung Phuket. And got rid of some beach umbrellas at Pattaya..................wow , great improvements to the countries economy. Shame on Yingluck for not having made those massive inroads, i am sure that it has improved the lifestyle of Isaan in general.

Don't you dare to forget the enormously important job of reforming the state lottery!!!

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Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to whether a country is a good or bad place to live.

Personally, I don't see any difference between being governed by the Shin regime or the current regime. Of course I am not involved in any particular political group and do not get caught up in demonstrations or protests.

Not really that worried about not being able to watch the movie 1984 as I have already seen it, don't even know how to give a three finger salute, and don't get around Bangkok in large groups eating sandwiches.

But I do like the fact that the reds are back in their holes and not out killing people "democratically".

Would like to see free and fair elections held tomorrow, minus any party connected to the Shins, the Military, Suthep, and the so-called "Elites", whoever the heck they are.

That has to be one of the most intelligent posts that has come out of you in a very long time. Are you getting soft on us Mike.

I agree with you, except for the part about pretending not to know who the elite is.

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The lives of 70 million Thais are not impeded at all except for the few that want to flaunt the authority that is keeping order and trying to improve Thailand. there are no concentration camps with thousands of political prisoners. Those who flout the regime and engage in politics are taken in and questioned. Thai people go to work every day or go to their shops and business and conduct themselves the same way as they did before the coup. As I mentioned previous Thai Television still shows discussions on various topics pro and con. The newspapers are relatively free but without different political camps attempting to fool people into believing they will actually do something.. Shall we return to the street demonstrations; seizing of portions of downtown Bangkok and burning of buildings . All the Thai people I know like the quiet.

U really are in dreamland.

If the election happens and ptp wins, which side do you think will be first to protest? Will the army stop it no.

If the dems win, with reds protest, probably, with the army stop it, yes.

But, likelihood is that ptp with win. So watch this space because then the fun is really going to start.

The fun is going to start no matter who wins power T@H, even the village idiot knows that. Get off your mountain peak and stop acting like you are the Guru of Thai politics.

Well am I right? Do you think the reds will start burning things after the election?

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Can you give a single example of how the country is "running better"?

The economy is far far worse. Infrastructure projects STILL haven't taken off. Thai airlines are being investigated and blacklisted. Thai fishing is being investigated and blacklisted. The government is sending journalists to attitude adjustment for not writing what they want. Students are being arrested for eating sandwiches. The internet is being f****** with. Corruption is still rampant. The work of Prayut-appointed legislative bodies has thus far gone no where. Thai universities rankings continue to fall. Thai business rankings continue to fall. No progress has been made in the South.

but hey, we got Chinese tourists


The issue of the economy is not limited to Thailand & not know of any economies in better shape than they were 1 -2 yrs ago. Can you name any?

All the items you mention have been that way for many years & doubt there is a quick fix. Do you imagine the country would be any better under Yingluck's Gov't, the rot had already started & the Junta inherited a basket case. The Gov't paid out the rice farmers immediately, doubt that would have occurred w/ prior Gov't. Sure there's a lot to fix & get on with, but it's a more stable environment than previously & that was my point. I try to have a positive outlook, not wallow in negativity; life too short. Enjoy!!

Don't you think it suspicious that all the banks refused Yingluck the money to pay the rice farmers, but as soon as the army took over the money was immediately available. To me this indicates that the military used the the banks to refuse the rice farmers for political expediency, knowing that they would be able to have the money when they wanted it. So they made the rice farmers suffer, several committing suicide. Nice man Gen Prayuth.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

But the acid test - has he made the trains run on time?

No , but he has done the heart stopping job of closing a few beach restaurants down in far flung Phuket. And got rid of some beach umbrellas at Pattaya..................wow , great improvements to the countries economy. Shame on Yingluck for not having made those massive inroads, i am sure that it has improved the lifestyle of Isaan in general.

Don't you dare to forget the enormously important job of reforming the state lottery!!!

And clearing a few sidewalks of poor traders. Worth a few points surely?

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Can you give a single example of how the country is "running better"?

The economy is far far worse. Infrastructure projects STILL haven't taken off. Thai airlines are being investigated and blacklisted. Thai fishing is being investigated and blacklisted. The government is sending journalists to attitude adjustment for not writing what they want. Students are being arrested for eating sandwiches. The internet is being <deleted> with. Corruption is still rampant. The work of Prayut-appointed legislative bodies has thus far gone no where. Thai universities rankings continue to fall. Thai business rankings continue to fall. No progress has been made in the South.

but hey, we got Chinese tourists


The issue of the economy is not limited to Thailand & not know of any economies in better shape than they were 1 -2 yrs ago. Can you name any?

All the items you mention have been that way for many years & doubt there is a quick fix. Do you imagine the country would be any better under Yingluck's Gov't, the rot had already started & the Junta inherited a basket case. The Gov't paid out the rice farmers immediately, doubt that would have occurred w/ prior Gov't. Sure there's a lot to fix & get on with, but it's a more stable environment than previously & that was my point. I try to have a positive outlook, not wallow in negativity; life too short. Enjoy!!

Don't you think it suspicious that all the banks refused Yingluck the money to pay the rice farmers, but as soon as the army took over the money was immediately available. To me this indicates that the military used the the banks to refuse the rice farmers for political expediency, knowing that they would be able to have the money when they wanted it. So they made the rice farmers suffer, several committing suicide. Nice man Gen Prayuth.

The old pals act went a bit deeper than that... when the reckoning comes there are going to be a few ooh's and aah's when the people realise just how grand the grand conspiracy was. Lots of people going on long unplanned foreign holidays I suspect. But I'm pretty sure the key players will all be dead by that time.

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Foreign press has speculated about why the good general is hanging on for as long as it takes, but it cannot be mentioned in Thailand.

And the good General appears not to be at all entertained, in fact it seems he's getting grumpier by the day... I bet he gets a proper earful every day when he gets home.

Edited by Joe Brennan
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I have gone as far as I can do explaining what I believe. There is a missing element which cannot be discussed. I value all of your opinions even when I do not agree with all of them, Time will tell who has the right insight . Whatever happens, I hope it turns out best for the Thai people. I and mine will survive the result as I sure you and yours will. May we all live together in peace.

Edited by Thaidream
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There is no pleasing some people. When Bangkok was locked down and burning, the economy was in tatters and corrupt rice schemes were raping the coffers, this column was full of complaints. Now it is relatively peaceful and it s still full of whinging readers! At least he has brought some stability and if he stops waffling on about corruption, mafias and the economy and gets on with it, I really don't care how long he stays. Democracy is not for all countries and I have a business to run.

so why you not run your bussines in Notrth Korea? less problems!

What Stability he brought? exports down 9 month in a row, less western tourists,

curruption on the same level like before, here in Chiang Mai they close everything at midnight but very strange that some places can stay open until 2 am, they never go there but in old town they checking every night.

police still ask for money every month,

how many people died during demonstrations?

less than in a single bus accident in thailand what happens daily and nobody cares. This all is only to take over the power and control and make money, of course some bussineses will make money now, but what will happend if he stays longer?

no elections, restrictions to the North because of the supports of the old goverment, economic fall dramatic, prices will go up, then will be a real civil war in Thailand with hundreds of death victims and Thailand wll be divided in 2 parts.

It not works this way, tell people shut up, not allow them to live and express their opinions.

This will end in a desaster or in a dead PM

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That is good news and good to hear. I hope he stays for ten more years. The country is actually functioning, well, at least as well as can be expected here. Sure as heck better then under the so called "democracies" that paraded through here the last 20 years. Screw the western govts and their opinions, they should look to their own broken govts before telling others how to run theirs. Some groups don't work well nor actually want nor need "democracies". This country worked quite well in the 1970's and 80's under the various Generals in charge, well, enough to take off as an "Asian Tiger". People tend to forget that. Things only went pear shaped when so called "democracy" was implemented and one corrupt and purchased "democratic" govt after another took charge and raped the populace. Keep the Generals, the people are happier and the place actually works.

Good post, couldn't have put it better myself!!

Have you smug 'tanks-r-us' apologist geniuses stopped to consider what happens if the gets replaced by a 'Burmese' style general?

Oops, no way to remove them, since democracy is in the trash chute. And the constitution is in a nice Martial lockdown.

Democracy is broken everywhere, we can agree on that, most politicians in the world are arsehats, but at least it is not so broken that they can't be removed if they go beyond reasonable arsehattery.

Good luck with that, when 'tanks-r-us' decide to put the army boot on your throat.

Democracy is a nation's parachute for when idiots take control of the aircraft.

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Foreign press has speculated about why the good general is hanging on for as long as it takes, but it cannot be mentioned in Thailand.

And the good General appears not to be at all entertained, in fact it seems he's getting grumpier by the day... I bet he gets a proper earful every day when he gets home.

The irony is this is the biggest single issue that needs to be addressed. Whatever you think of squareface, he ruffled the wrong feathers, and that was the real reason he was singled out, when everyone else really was as morally bankrupt, and still are. Thai English language uptake might be woefully inadequate for a globally competitive workforce, but they are fluent in Arselickhan, and that's all that seems to matter, at any cost, even to the point of breaking the place apart.

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The lives of 70 million Thais are not impeded at all except for the few that want to flaunt the authority that is keeping order and trying to improve Thailand. there are no concentration camps with thousands of political prisoners. Those who flout the regime and engage in politics are taken in and questioned. Thai people go to work every day or go to their shops and business and conduct themselves the same way as they did before the coup. As I mentioned previous Thai Television still shows discussions on various topics pro and con. The newspapers are relatively free but without different political camps attempting to fool people into believing they will actually do something.. Shall we return to the street demonstrations; seizing of portions of downtown Bangkok and burning of buildings . All the Thai people I know like the quiet.

U really are in dreamland.

If the election happens and ptp wins, which side do you think will be first to protest? Will the army stop it no.

If the dems win, with reds protest, probably, with the army stop it, yes.

But, likelihood is that ptp with win. So watch this space because then the fun is really going to start.

It's you that's in dreamland if you actually think PTP would win after the last corrupt ending Amnesty an illegal vote,----think about it they only got to govern last time when they were bursting with glee, and got a miserable 35% and had to beg a coalition------what % now all has been revealed. NO CHANCE your dream.

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I’ve been on the golf course for most of the day, so I’m just catching up on this stimulating forum.

Just a small point of clarification needed here!

For those of you giving Prayut credit for the BTS operation, I would like to point out that BTS is a public company (owned by shareholders, including myself). It’s largest shareholder (with a 27% stake) is its founder, Keeree Kanjanapas!

The question needs to be has he been able to make the State Railway of Thailand run on time. Answer, alas no!

I hope your golf is better than your attention span, because had you read the thread through, you would have discovered that the BTS comment was totally misunderstood, and quickly explained, in about three separate posts following it.

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