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Prayut warns he may stay longer in office if opposing political groups refuse to stop fighting


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Should change his name to Putin.

He has already done done the kick boxing stunt.

What next ? Fly a plane ? Arm wrestle? Take his shirt off?

Take his shirt off? The Right Honorable Gentleman would have a hard time taking his tie off.

A little more of a 'sabai' outlook would go a long way toward endearing himself around the traps methinks...

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I've been sideblinded by this, that he would actually go back on his word and stay on.

A bit of difference MAY stay on IF The haters and losers stop their antics..

The PM always said he would stay for as long as it takes IF The haters calmed down and tried to help.

YOUR VERSION has this rhetoric twist to it, the same the rest on here who lunge at the topic like bees round a honey pot.

The country is important NOT THAKSIN or the PM......understand. agenda comes to mind --like it or lump it.

and of course YOU see no veiled threat only peace, love and harmony

what are you on as I'd like some

My sight is Thailands stability--future, It is not my fault that your a Minority PM hater.

General, is that you posting under an alias? You're such a lovable old rogue, you are!

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Ginjag - I was under the impression I had answered the question. My now crappy internet is a real pain in the arse. Previously replying to the likes of your good self was a case of tappity tap, Send, done. Now it is Hit 'Quote', wait, try again, blank page, refresh, start typing, page drops out.. Have you not noticed this yourself?

Now I spend quite a bit of time online for one reason or another, so I would say the inconvenience is making my life worse.

ha ha ha---Hey---I will apologise My answer was aimed at eggers ?? sorry again. ginjag. keep smiling

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I've been sideblinded by this, that he would actually go back on his word and stay on.

A bit of difference MAY stay on IF The haters and losers stop their antics..

The PM always said he would stay for as long as it takes IF The haters calmed down and tried to help.

YOUR VERSION has this rhetoric twist to it, the same the rest on here who lunge at the topic like bees round a honey pot.

The country is important NOT THAKSIN or the PM......understand. agenda comes to mind --like it or lump it.

and of course YOU see no veiled threat only peace, love and harmony

what are you on as I'd like some

My sight is Thailands stability--future, It is not my fault that your a Minority PM hater.

What is a minority PM hater??? Do you mean hating the present "PM" who is supported by a small minority if the population?

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

"some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again." Again? Did I miss it? Pray clarify, specify and identify with cites and sites. No spittle, please.

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The Junta's main goal that way I read it is to rid Thailand of the Shin Clan and its brand of money politics as well as preserve Thailand's traditions which in the mind of many were under attack from the Shin Clan. Rewriting the Constitution and the organic laws to do this is a huge undertaking but to accomplish the goal of stopping the ability to buy elections it has to be done. Looking back at past military and civilian administrations a few stand out. The Prem government is responsible for the huge growth in GDP in Thailand and the opening of tourism and liberalized Visa rules If you think extension of stay is bureaucratic now- you should have seen what it was 40 years ago. The Kukrit Pramoj Government ordered the departure of US Forces from Thailand which stabilized its relationship with other Asian Nations. the Anand Government liberalized business and opened the country to more overseas investment which created jobs for Thais. It is interesting to note that 2 our of the 3 were military type government as the result of a coup. However, none of the governments were able to tackle the insipid corruption that permeates the country.

While I do not think military governments are the wave of the future as the military normally does not have the expertise to do the job. However, I see the current Prime Minster as bringing into his cabinet experts to handle things like Finance and Foreign Affairs and others. that is what a good leader does. You are only as good as your support staff. The job he has undertaken is so incredibly difficult it will be a miracle if he can completely succeed. We all know what the problems are..He has only been in power 18 months nowhere near enough time to solve the problems that prior governments could never solve. He does have Section 44 but every time he uses it he is criticized for using it. Unfortunately, he is using it for some of the minor things.

How he will transition from a military government to an elected one is really going to be difficult. I really don't see any leaders out there who could be elected and make any difference. Thailand needs a young, energetic type person who can rally the electorate to him/her and push all the reforms needed. He may go to an interim civilian leader to do this before a vote. I hope he succeeds. A return to the Red Shirt-Yellow Shirt days will be chaos. I rather like the calm.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

You spout about what the "naysayers" will say but in reality is this not exactly what P is sayin to everyone? Keep taking the medicine and it will get better soon?

Possibly, but ask yourself, is your life any worse since junta been in power? if yes, in what way?

Yes. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and democracy again would be lovely. Next question, please.

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"POWER CORRUPTS"....so said Lord Acton...Prayut is jut silly in his faux sincerity; but at least PM Thaksin, for one thing, put together that magnificent library at TCDC (Thailand Creative and Design Center at Emporium)...over 30,000 books on design; and is underused, IMO....the only thing the Genl. has done for the Thais is to promulgate an environment of fear and may pen ray loathing........my may baan of many years tells me, in her own capable words, that 'happiness' was never lost- and the General's 'returning happiness to the people' is a secret joke among Thais.... but there may be an upside and perhaps his xenophobia will continue to strengthen Thailand's resolve to maintain its sovereignty, where the Western World is capitulating daily to the Islamic hordes and their global invasions....

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There is no pleasing some people. When Bangkok was locked down and burning, the economy was in tatters and corrupt rice schemes were raping the coffers, this column was full of complaints. Now it is relatively peaceful and it s still full of whinging readers! At least he has brought some stability and if he stops waffling on about corruption, mafias and the economy and gets on with it, I really don't care how long he stays. Democracy is not for all countries and I have a business to run.

Gosh, i hope your business doesn't involve explaining morals or ethics.

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Good to hear…...

Never mind the bossy Yanks shouting about democracy. They should mind their own business.

An Election here would be a disaster as all the crooks, corrupt cronies and the Square Head Mafia would be back just as before.

The poor people of Issan control the winner of any election and that's not good ….. regardless of democracy.

The situation here is unique and the General PM knows it.

Edited by English 1
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The one upside to this insidious regime is that the baht is going to tank next year and tank bigtime.

Quite appropriate, considering the place has been run for half its modern history by successive iterations of 'tanks-r-us'.

If the baht 'tanks', every expat here will be in clover. The baht desperately needs to drop anyway, and the sooner the better, if it collapses before the next GFC (which is months, not years away) then it will act as an insulator domestically to even more fiscal chaos that will follow the next global shamozzle.

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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

You spout about what the "naysayers" will say but in reality is this not exactly what P is sayin to everyone? Keep taking the medicine and it will get better soon?

Possibly, but ask yourself, is your life any worse since junta been in power? if yes, in what way?

Yes. Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and democracy again would be lovely. Next question, please.

We're able to express our views on TV w/o bother, still go to bars, golf, etc w/ mates w/o bother, if you're a farang don't vote here. Has your life been affected by these aspects? As said, been little change to my day to day living.

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Terrible news. My only hope is that Gen P does not use the countries money to fund a personal PR campaign aimed at convincing the feeble minded/gullible that only Gen P cares for them, is good enough for them, and is the only one they will accept as ruler. This sort of machiavellian behavior has caused the country endless grief over the last 15 years or so.

If only Switzerland or Norway could annex Thailand and implement the necessary reforms. How sad there is not a single person living here that is capable of putting the country before himself.

You want Thailand to be like them??? They are being invaded by muslums extremists. I don't think any wants that.


...some people...clap2.gif

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Good to hear…...

Never mind the bossy Yanks shouting about democracy. They should mind their own business.

An Election here would be a disaster as all the crooks, corrupt cronies and the Square Head Mafia would be back just as before.

The poor people of Issan control the winner of any election and that's not good ….. regardless of democracy.

The situation here is unique and the General PM knows it.

Democracy globally has become an elite in-joke, granted.

The people he replaced were execrable, granted.

In many cases recent history has shown that removing a strongman regime from power, makes things irretrievably worse, granted.

I don't think many of the PM's statements have given much of us cause to feel he is likely to continue to wield executive authority, without actually resorting to execution at some point (he has even 'joked' about killing wayward reporters, what a charming soul!) and THAT is the concern that many have.

If anyone is OK with that, then it seems the lessons learned at the cost of millions of lives in the last 100 years has yet to be learned, what happens then is people will keep dying until the lesson is learned, simple really. Carry on.

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

red mob burning downtown again ? what are you smoking ? it is impossible to have less democracy , you have it or you have a coup dictatorship , it is that simple . and please list all the good things the PM has accomplished , inquiring minds need to know . oh ..... and take your foot outta your mouth before you post again .

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

I agree, but unless they actually try and resolve long standing issues, the tension will just grow and grow, and eventually come to a level where the public discontent becomes to great to be suppressed.

Daily platitudes and sound bites are not fooling anyone, and the longer it is all suppressed the more of a powder keg is being created.

The proposed Constitution made it clear to many that they are not even there to attempt to reform, reconcile, so unless they take an about turn in where they are aiming, unfortunately eventually the top is going to blow in a big way.

You cant just keep kicking out elected Government who have millions supporting them, and then suddenly turn around and be surprised that violence erupts.

I an amazed that people like you think an elected government will solve everything.

Look at any previously elected government here and ask if they did anything that benefited the Thai people...WITHOUT pouring millions into the pockets of themselves/family members/friends.

Its happening in every country when you think about it, just that western society has us conditioned better..not to kick up to much of a stink.

What really is the problem is the gap between rich and poor, and dont expect governments to change that because its the governments who are facilitating it.

Edited by bamukloy
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Good to hear…...

Never mind the bossy Yanks shouting about democracy. They should mind their own business.

An Election here would be a disaster as all the crooks, corrupt cronies and the Square Head Mafia would be back just as before.

The poor people of Issan control the winner of any election and that's not good ….. regardless of democracy.

The situation here is unique and the General PM knows it.

You make 0 sense.

Elections have been going in the "Square Head Mafia"s favor - why would they protest something they have been calling for?

Whose rabid mantra is "Reform before elections"?

The junta-loving Suthep and Co./ yellow shirts / PAD / PDRC / amart

So think again, who would come out to protest elections?

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I may be missing something here, but I haven't noticed too much fighting between opposing political groups. I have heard lots of bullshit from Prayut about reconciliation, but I haven't seen to much action on that either.

Goes well with his statement from yesterday that could have been an opening statement to today's statement....

Yesterday: we are not ready to reconcile yet...

Today: I can't go before we reconcile...

Translated: we might never be ready, I might just stay forever....

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He is right....better than having some red mob burning downtown Bangkok again.

Better less democracy than deads on the street.

I agree, but unless they actually try and resolve long standing issues, the tension will just grow and grow, and eventually come to a level where the public discontent becomes to great to be suppressed.

Daily platitudes and sound bites are not fooling anyone, and the longer it is all suppressed the more of a powder keg is being created.

The proposed Constitution made it clear to many that they are not even there to attempt to reform, reconcile, so unless they take an about turn in where they are aiming, unfortunately eventually the top is going to blow in a big way.

You cant just keep kicking out elected Government who have millions supporting them, and then suddenly turn around and be surprised that violence erupts.

I an amazed that people like you think an elected government will solve everything.

Yinlucks government was elected and did they do anything good that benefited the country...WITHOUT at the same time pouring millions into the pockets of them and their friends/family.

Its happening in every country when you think about it.

What really is the problem is the gap between rich and poor, and dont expect governments to change anything because its the governments are facilitating it.

The problems the country have have been growing since 1930, through 17 military Govts and probably less civilian ones. What have any previous civilian or military ones done to solve these problems? Why focus on the YS Government?

Why is this military Govt going to be any different to the others before? What have they solved?

Bare in mind if they really wanted to solve problems it would be infinintely easier for them to do than an elected Govt, yet they have not done anything in 18 months. Also baring in mind they came to power crowing about reform/reconiliation? Given the militaries history, the circumstances/persoinalities behind them coming to power, and they have done nothing in 18 months is it any wonder people are starting to question whether their motives were really reform and reconciliation? And if they are not, what are they going to do? becuase with a large amount of the population not supporting them if you drew a line down powerlines, it becomes a very dangerous situation.

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Democracy as we see in the West is neither Democratic or free. It is all based upon who has the most money and what business supports what candidate. Until money is taken out of politics 'Democracy' will not survive in its present form.

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The Junta's main goal that way I read it is to rid Thailand of the Shin Clan and its brand of money politics as well as preserve Thailand's traditions which in the mind of many were under attack from the Shin Clan. Rewriting the Constitution and the organic laws to do this is a huge undertaking but to accomplish the goal of stopping the ability to buy elections it has to be done. Looking back at past military and civilian administrations a few stand out. The Prem government is responsible for the huge growth in GDP in Thailand and the opening of tourism and liberalized Visa rules If you think extension of stay is bureaucratic now- you should have seen what it was 40 years ago. The Kukrit Pramoj Government ordered the departure of US Forces from Thailand which stabilized its relationship with other Asian Nations. the Anand Government liberalized business and opened the country to more overseas investment which created jobs for Thais. It is interesting to note that 2 our of the 3 were military type government as the result of a coup. However, none of the governments were able to tackle the insipid corruption that permeates the country.

While I do not think military governments are the wave of the future as the military normally does not have the expertise to do the job. However, I see the current Prime Minster as bringing into his cabinet experts to handle things like Finance and Foreign Affairs and others. that is what a good leader does. You are only as good as your support staff. The job he has undertaken is so incredibly difficult it will be a miracle if he can completely succeed. We all know what the problems are..He has only been in power 18 months nowhere near enough time to solve the problems that prior governments could never solve. He does have Section 44 but every time he uses it he is criticized for using it. Unfortunately, he is using it for some of the minor things.

How he will transition from a military government to an elected one is really going to be difficult. I really don't see any leaders out there who could be elected and make any difference. Thailand needs a young, energetic type person who can rally the electorate to him/her and push all the reforms needed. He may go to an interim civilian leader to do this before a vote. I hope he succeeds. A return to the Red Shirt-Yellow Shirt days will be chaos. I rather like the calm.

There are other reasons as well but we cannot discuss those.

Edited by kblaze
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The country has been running better than when under Yingluck & prior"democratic" Gov'ts & PM Prayut has & is doing a good job.

Realistically,there has been little change to day to day living & in some respects has improved.

Yes, I know, the "naysayers" will say,"keep taking the medicine" !!

Can you give a single example of how the country is "running better"?

The economy is far far worse. Infrastructure projects STILL haven't taken off. Thai airlines are being investigated and blacklisted. Thai fishing is being investigated and blacklisted. The government is sending journalists to attitude adjustment for not writing what they want. Students are being arrested for eating sandwiches. The internet is being <deleted> with. Corruption is still rampant. The work of Prayut-appointed legislative bodies has thus far gone no where. Thai universities rankings continue to fall. Thai business rankings continue to fall. No progress has been made in the South.

but hey, we got Chinese tourists


very good and oh so true. Loved the end bit about the Chinese tourists.

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Democracy as we see in the West is neither Democratic or free. It is all based upon who has the most money and what business supports what candidate. Until money is taken out of politics 'Democracy' will not survive in its present form.

IMO the only way to achieve that would be if the wages of politicians were more less voluntary, or their earnings capped at the average persons wage for that country.

But pigs will fly

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"Take it your backing up Lhanna Guy. just the usual reply I would expect from a PM hater on TVF ( it is general on TVF if you do not hate the PM your deemed as being a lover of) ridiculous. MY first 5 words has nothing to do with this love you talk about. grow up if you cannot contribute better than this."

Ginjag, welcome to my reply post. Please 'take a number' and I will be with you shortly after I have run your above response through 'Google Translate' to understand it...

I understand you love the PM, unconditionally. Please understand that many of us have well reasoned arguments why you and your team are firmly on the 'wrong side of history'. What is most worrying is that the vast majority of pro-army supporters don't seem to be able to demonstrate much in the way of independent thinking, you in particular even 'sound' like the PM, hence my 'juvenile' response. By the way 'Lampoon' is not a province in Thailand. No doubt that humble attempt at wit will also sail over your head like the BTS.

Do continue, I've watched all the John Oliver episodes about Thailand on youtube, and could use a good cackle.

Edited by dhream
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The life of the Expatriate in Thailand has not been impeded by the Junta at all. We come and go as we please. We still enjoy the weather, the beaches, nightlife or whatever Thailand has to offer. No one is running up to us asking who we support or do not support and keeping score. No foreigner has been taken to a dark place and questioned as to their political leanings. Those of us who watch Thai TV still see different opinions being offered. We still get our letters and packages from abroad without being censored. If anything, our life has improved. There are no street demonstrations obstructing traffic and business. We can still complain about everything without fear of censorship on this board. Stop wishing this place was like New York, London or Singapore.

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I've been sideblinded by this, that he would actually go back on his word and stay on.

A bit of difference MAY stay on IF The haters and losers stop their antics..

The PM always said he would stay for as long as it takes IF The haters calmed down and tried to help.

YOUR VERSION has this rhetoric twist to it, the same the rest on here who lunge at the topic like bees round a honey pot.

The country is important NOT THAKSIN or the PM......understand. agenda comes to mind --like it or lump it.

and of course YOU see no veiled threat only peace, love and harmony

what are you on as I'd like some

The planet Zanussi I rather fancy!!


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The life of the Expatriate in Thailand has not been impeded by the Junta at all. We come and go as we please. We still enjoy the weather, the beaches, nightlife or whatever Thailand has to offer. No one is running up to us asking who we support or do not support and keeping score. No foreigner has been taken to a dark place and questioned as to their political leanings. Those of us who watch Thai TV still see different opinions being offered. We still get our letters and packages from abroad without being censored. If anything, our life has improved. There are no street demonstrations obstructing traffic and business. We can still complain about everything without fear of censorship on this board. Stop wishing this place was like New York, London or Singapore.

You are speaking like a 3 month tourist. Many expats have much more vested in the future of the country than days at the beach and a bit of nightlife.

Many have family, businesses etc and as such are much more at stake than someone like you, who comes for a 3 month holiday, has nothing vested in the country and can dissapear to somewhere like Phillipines to get your kicks should it go pear shaped here.

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