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Yingluck appears at Supreme Court amid hundreds of supporters

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malfeasance means she accepted money or other material gain to provide a bad service and you have already accepted that she did not gain personally so your accusation is groundless. You cannot hold the prime minister criminally responsible for not being able to fully impliment a policy and holding her responsible for others misdeeds. That is just plain ridiculous. What we are witnessing is a witch hunt and if you can't see that then your politics are blinding you.

No - it's your politics that blind you. Seeing it as a witch hunt is a convenient get out and avoids confronting the facts.

Tell us, how do you think she will address the fact she never bothered to turn up to any of the meetings she was supposed to chair, and assured there were no problems with the scheme, ignored all warnings - external and internal, lied about G2G deals and has never presented any accounts?

You can hold the PM responsible for appointing herself scheme chair, stating she and only she was in charge, and then deliberately acting in a negligent manner.

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Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

Whatever you're smoking stop it - and seek professional help quickly.

Unless of course this is another silly diversion attempt.

BTW - do you see the actual irony in your comment?


Yep... and they each revived 500 baht to show up cheer and applauds... easy money....

Which doesn't quite cover the 850 baht that every Thai citizen lost as the result of her malfeasance in administering the rice pledge scheme. A scheme which only put 2% of the indebtedness into the pockets of the rice farmers.

Too bad they will never prosecute the rice millers, the rice smugglers and the warehouse operators who stole all the money from the citizens of Thailand. Just more bought votes for the PTP.

"the rice millers, the rice smugglers and the warehouse operators who stole all the money" Exactly right and so it is clear she stole nothing. The businesses you mention tend be owned by chinese families who are certainly nothing to do with the so called Reds!

Also I do not believe Ms. Yingluck profited financially from the RPPS scam, that is not directly. Of course it bought her (brother) a lot of support and gave her (brothers) supporters bigger pockets.

BTW the Shinawatra are also of Thai-Chinese decendance. Furthermore big brother is frequently described as the 'de facto' leader of the UDD and/or red-shirts. No one, not even knowledgeble posters here seem to deny that.

Anyway, Pheu Thai just last week issued a statement that 800 billion Baht was paid directly to rice farmers, all 3.7 million farming households representing 23% of the Thai population (of 67 million) and who probably voted Pheu Thai. They even referred to the 2007 constitution to defend their 'self-financing' policy.


If it "Happened on your watch", you are responsible. The smart thing is to provide a list of those who took advantage of the situation !!

Even if it including a certain "Dubai Dude" !!

This goes far beyond this simply happening on her watch. This was her populist policy to help get elected. She was heading up this whole program. She regected multiple assertions by others that the system was rampant with corruption.

She allowed the phony G2G deals to be done.

She and her cronies profited from this either directly or indirectly.

I hope she gets what coming to her, but I am not holding my breath.

We have two candidates in the US running for President who advocate taking taxpayer money to get those with student loans out of trouble. Is that a populist policy? Every nation is faced with those politicians in government who promote populist policies for getting votes to the politicians own benefit. This case is no different. If the current Thai government was interested in criminally prosecuting even some of the profiteers from this scheme they could have done so. This is nothing but political staging on the part of the non elected military government who buys blimps, aircraft carriers, and wants to buy submarines. Talk about malfeasance!

Do those two candidates also promote their ideas as being 'self-financing'? Do they tell all they'll keep it out of the National Budget and the 'watchfull' Congress eyes, because that's easier?


This whole charade by YS is cynical, hypocritical and fairly typical of her time in office, to now say that she fulfilled her duties and was operating in good faith beggars belief.

Only the most indoctrinated and naive would believe her well rehearsed protestations, they sound as hollow as the promises her party made before being elected.

They justify their rape of the Thai economy with the firm belief that this is their birth right, their natural superiority within the Thai social structure grants them their high position and privileges, the common man is here to provide them with what they need and require. The common man's position in this country is right where it should be, they had years to enact improvements and to improve the lives of those who voted for them, what did they actually achieve?

Only when the general level of education in this country is improved, only when the general population has a better understanding of how the financial elite hold them in total contempt, only then will clans like the Shins and their cohorts lose their privileged position...

You must be referring to the democrats/Bangkok elite who had years in control but never considered providing free health care, empowering the poor politically or helping them financially until Taksin did so.

No I was not referring to your other quoted elite, I was referring specifically to the Shin clan and their cohorts.

Like everyone else you are entitled to your opinion, but your comment "empowering the poor politically or helping them financially until Taksin did so" is fairly typical of the myopically sighted red shirt supporter.

Were they "empowering the poor politically" when they were buying their votes for a few measly Baht?

Were they "helping them financially" when they were driving the Thai economy to the edge of a fiscal cliff?

TS knows how to play the game, he spread a few billion Baht amongst his poorest supporters as a smoke screen to hide the hundreds of billions siphoned off by himself and his cronies.

Maybe you can remember how many of those poor farmers committed suicide while waiting for their grossly overdue payments from the government agencies, while hundreds of billions were going missing?

If that was "helping them financially" somo then I have a different understanding to you about the duties of a government...


By gum, the junta groupies are spitting some venom today. Still, it gets it out of their system, bless 'em.

I think some may be between a rock and a hard place....

(Sleep, wife, scissors, todger.)


today they are hundreds, tomorrow they will be millions of them in the street.

Nice dream for today.

Tomorrow will be the reality and the PTP/UDD etc have never reached much past 200,000 let alone millions.

Still dream on if it makes you happy.


today they are hundreds, tomorrow they will be millions of them in the street.

Nice dream for today.

Tomorrow will be the reality and dthe PTP/UDD etc have never reached much past 200,000 let alone millions.

Still dream on if it makes you happy.

And still Thailand is deeply divided. Any ideas PM on how to bridge the division gap? It's about time you concentrated on this issue. The tough guy act isn't working. Try making up with those you despise. Work with the opposition and compromise. Reform is a two way street. Bring together the democrat party and pheu thai party. Let them work out their differences. As for the Shins, some kind of deal could be arranged to end the current situation. Example, a ban from politics should be enough punishment.


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

Whatever you're smoking stop it - and seek professional help quickly.

Unless of course this is another silly diversion attempt.

BTW - do you see the actual irony in your comment?

.............."and seek professional help quickly"..................

Sorry Bb, but that ship has sailed ! biggrin.png


By gum, the junta groupies are spitting some venom today. Still, it gets it out of their system, bless 'em.

Their need to do this increases day by day as it becomes more and more obvious what a complete tool their hero is.


today they are hundreds, tomorrow they will be millions of them in the street.

Nice dream for today.

Tomorrow will be the reality and dthe PTP/UDD etc have never reached much past 200,000 let alone millions.

Still dream on if it makes you happy.

And still Thailand is deeply divided. Any ideas PM on how to bridge the division gap? It's about time you concentrated on this issue. The tough guy act isn't working. Try making up with those you despise. Work with the opposition and compromise. Reform is a two way street. Bring together the democrat party and pheu thai party. Let them work out their differences. As for the Shins, some kind of deal could be arranged to end the current situation. Example, a ban from politics should be enough punishment.

You say bring the Democrat Party and the PTP together and let them work out their differences and then you say a deal can be done with the Shins and a ban from politics should be enough punishment.

I don't know how long you have been in Thailand and how well you know their politics but banning the Shins is not going to stop them getting involved in the political scene, and the reds will still do their dirty work, for a price of course.

The running of the PTP by a wanted criminal based overseas is a good example of banning them from politics not working.


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

Whatever you're smoking stop it - and seek professional help quickly.

Unless of course this is another silly diversion attempt.

BTW - do you see the actual irony in your comment?

Not joking at all , many bully victims I'd say for being not a"Real" man, and then wreak Revenge by proxy through a Junta, in Tight uniforms


today they are hundreds, tomorrow they will be millions of them in the street.

Nice dream for today.

Tomorrow will be the reality and dthe PTP/UDD etc have never reached much past 200,000 let alone millions.

Still dream on if it makes you happy.

And still Thailand is deeply divided. Any ideas PM on how to bridge the division gap? It's about time you concentrated on this issue. The tough guy act isn't working. Try making up with those you despise. Work with the opposition and compromise. Reform is a two way street. Bring together the democrat party and pheu thai party. Let them work out their differences. As for the Shins, some kind of deal could be arranged to end the current situation. Example, a ban from politics should be enough punishment.

You say bring the Democrat Party and the PTP together and let them work out their differences and then you say a deal can be done with the Shins and a ban from politics should be enough punishment.

I don't know how long you have been in Thailand and how well you know their politics but banning the Shins is not going to stop them getting involved in the political scene, and the reds will still do their dirty work, for a price of course.

The running of the PTP by a wanted criminal based overseas is a good example of banning them from politics not working.

That must have felt good Mike, being able to sprout the same tired cr@p about all reds being paid thugs and of course mention the bogeyman in Dubai.

But you said "wanted criminal", not "convicted criminal" as you usually do (ad nauseum).

That's wrong. The last thing the junta leader wants is the bogeyman back in Thailand.


Troll post and personal attack removed also one reply

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

Deputy PM Prawit Wongsuwan would be a good choice for Prime Minister. More experience in politics, calm under pressure and as a previous court judge a man who seeks justice for all.


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

In truth nobody knows what will happen when the Thai people get to vote.

You, me and 99% of all the posters on TVF will have any say in the matter, nor should we as it is purely a matter for the Thai people.

You are trying to speak on behalf of some 40,000,000 Thai voters who will make their own minds up and certainly don't need or want the advice or "help" from a few foreigners who have no say in the country.

Of course if you can come up with some links or reports that confirm what you say more people may believe you but until than all you are voicing are your own thoughts, which like mine in Thailand, are worth nothing.


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.
And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

In truth nobody knows what will happen when the Thai people get to vote.

You, me and 99% of all the posters on TVF will have any say in the matter, nor should we as it is purely a matter for the Thai people.

You are trying to speak on behalf of some 40,000,000 Thai voters who will make their own minds up and certainly don't need or want the advice or "help" from a few foreigners who have no say in the country.

Of course if you can come up with some links or reports that confirm what you say more people may believe you but until than all you are voicing are your own thoughts, which like mine in Thailand, are worth nothing.

Excellent post.

Foriegners here should just stick to the reasoning that the electorate get the government it deserves and leave their ego at home.

Americans are an amusing lot. First they bang on about democracy, like they know everything,

but what stance will they take when a worse lot of corrupt looters gets voted in?

They then must find a way of wiping their hands of the elected government while still sprouting they know best and democracy is restored.

When things get worse and out of their control, they will create a conflict in that region.

As long as there is something in it for them of course


Some very Homo-erotic stuff going on in this thread . All the big roughty , toughty he Man Expats cursing a Woman in support of a uniformed symbol of disciplinne and punishment, Nice one Sailors

Whatever you're smoking stop it - and seek professional help quickly.

Unless of course this is another silly diversion attempt.

BTW - do you see the actual irony in your comment?

.............."and seek professional help quickly"..................

Sorry Bb, but that ship has sailed ! biggrin.png

Making jokes about me having a stroke , shows the kind of man you are,


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

Deputy PM Prawit Wongsuwan would be a good choice for Prime Minister. More experience in politics, calm under pressure and as a previous court judge a man who seeks justice for all.

"seeks justice for all" and the electorate? where is the "justice" for them? serving as DPM in a Military Junta? yes a great qualification in seeking "justice for all" which planet are you on???


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

In truth nobody knows what will happen when the Thai people get to vote.

You, me and 99% of all the posters on TVF will have any say in the matter, nor should we as it is purely a matter for the Thai people.

You are trying to speak on behalf of some 40,000,000 Thai voters who will make their own minds up and certainly don't need or want the advice or "help" from a few foreigners who have no say in the country.

Of course if you can come up with some links or reports that confirm what you say more people may believe you but until than all you are voicing are your own thoughts, which like mine in Thailand, are worth nothing.

They made up their minds on every occasion but the unelected elite Junta didn't like it and took over with GUNS but you support that we know


I just saw her on the news here in China. No matter what the political and policy criticism are, she is still a fine looking woman!I could leave my slippers under her bed anytime!

god,your pathetic.How old are you?


This whole charade by YS is cynical, hypocritical and fairly typical of her time in office, to now say that she fulfilled her duties and was operating in good faith beggars belief.

Only the most indoctrinated and naive would believe her well rehearsed protestations, they sound as hollow as the promises her party made before being elected.

They justify their rape of the Thai economy with the firm belief that this is their birth right, their natural superiority within the Thai social structure grants them their high position and privileges, the common man is here to provide them with what they need and require. The common man's position in this country is right where it should be, they had years to enact improvements and to improve the lives of those who voted for them, what did they actually achieve?

Only when the general level of education in this country is improved, only when the general population has a better understanding of how the financial elite hold them in total contempt, only then will clans like the Shins and their cohorts lose their privileged position...

You must be referring to the democrats/Bangkok elite who had years in control but never considered providing free health care, empowering the poor politically or helping them financially until Taksin did so.

Free medical that is breaking the health system and Thai farmers in debt more than ever.If that's progress i'll kin kee.


And the Shins still get the news and a crowd in the heart of the opposition.

Yingluck did not run away even when given the chance, must be quite galling for the ptb.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

In truth nobody knows what will happen when the Thai people get to vote.

You, me and 99% of all the posters on TVF will have any say in the matter, nor should we as it is purely a matter for the Thai people.

You are trying to speak on behalf of some 40,000,000 Thai voters who will make their own minds up and certainly don't need or want the advice or "help" from a few foreigners who have no say in the country.

Of course if you can come up with some links or reports that confirm what you say more people may believe you but until than all you are voicing are your own thoughts, which like mine in Thailand, are worth nothing.

I'm not trying to speak on behalf of the Thai electorate. It is their choice who they elect. I would not presume to speak on their behalf.

However, I do presume to suggest that it is the Thai people who should make that choice, not a self appointed junta. Perhaps that is the crux of our disagreement. To summarise, I think that the Thai people should choose, through an election, you appear to be content that the military can make that choice for them, despite all the evidence (4 consecutive elections) pointing to the fact that the military's choice is diametrically opposed to that of the electorate.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

In truth nobody knows what will happen when the Thai people get to vote.

You, me and 99% of all the posters on TVF will have any say in the matter, nor should we as it is purely a matter for the Thai people.

You are trying to speak on behalf of some 40,000,000 Thai voters who will make their own minds up and certainly don't need or want the advice or "help" from a few foreigners who have no say in the country.

Of course if you can come up with some links or reports that confirm what you say more people may believe you but until than all you are voicing are your own thoughts, which like mine in Thailand, are worth nothing.

They made up their minds on every occasion but the unelected elite Junta didn't like it and took over with GUNS but you support that we know

And yet you support convicted criminal fugitives. The we know also. What makes you right and me wrong, or is it the other way around.

It is only your opinion against my opinion both of which mean nothing to the Thai people who count.

They don't care what any of us think and they will do what THEY want to do. After all it is their country and their choice. It is not for the likes of you and me to decide for them.

Thaksin is a mastermind of propoganda. Red Sunday, genius. Can he make a comeback after being on the ropes so long? One thing that you can say is that he doesn't go down easy. The very man to drive him down, Prayut is now the man who's weakness is being exploited by Thaksin. If Thaksin was the popular PM then Prayut is the unpopular PM. So what can be done to save the nation from a Thaksin comeback? A new PM. The unpopular one is bringing us all back to square one again.

And how will that "new PM" be chosen?

We all know what would happen if the electorate were allowed to do the choosing.

In truth nobody knows what will happen when the Thai people get to vote.

You, me and 99% of all the posters on TVF will have any say in the matter, nor should we as it is purely a matter for the Thai people.

You are trying to speak on behalf of some 40,000,000 Thai voters who will make their own minds up and certainly don't need or want the advice or "help" from a few foreigners who have no say in the country.

Of course if you can come up with some links or reports that confirm what you say more people may believe you but until than all you are voicing are your own thoughts, which like mine in Thailand, are worth nothing.

They made up their minds on every occasion but the unelected elite Junta didn't like it and took over with GUNS but you support that we know

And yet you support convicted criminal fugitives. The we know also. What makes you right and me wrong, or is it the other way around.

It is only your opinion against my opinion both of which mean nothing to the Thai people who count.

They don't care what any of us think and they will do what THEY want to do. After all it is their country and their choice. It is not for the likes of you and me to decide for them.

This is Thai visa Thailand news forum, where people discuss the current news in Thailand. Will it change anything, maybe not, but the freedom to talk about the news is a freedom we all have, foreign or Thai. When you live in Thailand for a long time you get interested in the news and politics. A normal past time in most countries across the world. Thai visa doesn't descrimate where you are from. If you can type and spell reasonably well your free to voice your opinion.

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