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Islamic State planning mass attack on Britain, warns head of MI5


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Who gives a rats arse about the 50 different versions Muslim. Their views have no reality. They are a distortion of humanity. The west must confront them and allow freedom of speech, freedom of ideas. Islam is evil. You will not change the opinion of low IQ Islamists. Rather, we should disengage from them, now that we are no longer dependant on fuel from them. Let them sort their own problems, they love killing, let them kill them selves. And let Russia take care of it all. Let the middle east bleed Ruski land even more. I used to respect the USA. now they are sending troops to fight and die for a lost cause. As a former trooper, I feel sorry for the body bags that will go back to the US.. And for what?

by not giving a rats arse, you risk becoming a victim of your own mob when the crunch comes. Remember that there are 1.6 billion Muslims and a large proportion are highly motivated in wanting to uphold the will of Allah. You really need to think a little harder about the implications of we in the west descending into & becoming an unruly mob, as this is precisely what the islamists want. A divided, weak and ultimately vulnerable society that can be taken easily.
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Well they haven't increased the 'threat level'.

The current threat level is "SEVERE" !


That's right, it was increased to 'Severe' in August 2014, more than a year ago.

This is what I meant by 'they haven't increased the threat level'. There is a higher level of threat than severe.

What is your problem?

Is "Severe" not "Severe" enough?

The only remaining level is "Critical". When that level is reached you should go and ride the underground.

If you had bothered to read it correctly you would know the threat level is "moderate" for an attack in the UK but "severe" for an attack to occur worldwide.

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The UK has to learn stop sucking up Arabs it will get you nothing but death from Arabs and other Muslems

Israel is not going to do anything to you but sell you new drugs to cure diseases

I do find it disturbing though that the UK was a key player in having Saudi Arabia added to the board of the UNHRC. It beggars belief that any civil society would have a bunch of barbaric mediaeval savages on a board that scrutinises breeches on human rights. I only say that because of Saudi's human rights record, IE public be headings, crucifixion and flogging to name a few.
It does show Cameron has a sense of humor, but let's face it, look at the current members of the UNHRC and you can see what a joke the entire organization is. One more tyrannical despot regime will make no difference either way.
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It beggars belief that any civil society would have a bunch of barbaric mediaeval savages on a board that scrutinises breeches on human rights. I only say that because of Saudi's human rights record, IE public be headings, crucifixion and flogging to name a few.

I think you are missing the point - the UK government of whichever shade puts on a thin veneer of civility to keep the masses feeling comfortable, but they are willing to kowtow to despots around the world if it helps their own self interest. Last week our UK police were raiding the houses of Chinese dissidents to keep the current Chinese dictator happy during his visit. During Blair's time, the government even went as far as erecting a curtain so that the then dictator didn't have to see the protestors during his trip to London. Our current, humiliatingly weak PM flew flags at half mast and hired a private jet to attend the funeral of the previous Saudi dictator, and now he is doing his utmost to help the new regime apply the same thin veneer in which he coats his actions, all the while aware that they are about to crucify a child for daring to criticise them. At home, his Home Secretary is introducing the snooper's charter, a few mere months after a general election campaign where they made no mention of it. Soon they will have the ability to identify and marginalise any individual who doesn't accept the lies they spew out on a daily basis.

Our government is no better than any other despotic regime - they are merely more sophisticated in their actions and their diversionary tactics.

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It beggars belief that any civil society would have a bunch of barbaric mediaeval savages on a board that scrutinises breeches on human rights. I only say that because of Saudi's human rights record, IE public be headings, crucifixion and flogging to name a few.

I think you are missing the point - the UK government of whichever shade puts on a thin veneer of civility to keep the masses feeling comfortable, but they are willing to kowtow to despots around the world if it helps their own self interest. Last week our UK police were raiding the houses of Chinese dissidents to keep the current Chinese dictator happy during his visit. During Blair's time, the government even went as far as erecting a curtain so that the then dictator didn't have to see the protestors during his trip to London. Our current, humiliatingly weak PM flew flags at half mast and hired a private jet to attend the funeral of the previous Saudi dictator, and now he is doing his utmost to help the new regime apply the same thin veneer in which he coats his actions, all the while aware that they are about to crucify a child for daring to criticise them. At home, his Home Secretary is introducing the snooper's charter, a few mere months after a general election campaign where they made no mention of it. Soon they will have the ability to identify and marginalise any individual who doesn't accept the lies they spew out on a daily basis.

Our government is no better than any other despotic regime - they are merely more sophisticated in their actions and their diversionary tactics.

The point was not missed & your summary is as close to spot on as it can be. I agree with you 100% Edited by marcosss
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