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Two foreigners busted in Samut Prakan with 15kg of crystal meth

Jonathan Fairfield

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Another good job by the drug police. Nigerians are up to no good.

Has a Nigerian ever been in the news for a positive reason? smile.png

An intriguing albeit fundamentally racist question. Here are some notable Nigerians

Easy to find such a list of notable Nigerians.

Would you be on such a list from wherever it is that you have fled from?

The list looks impressive, but considering the population of Nigeria is 173 + million it is not that good.

Unfortunately a country is judged on what people think of that country, and the first thing that comes to mind when Nigeria is mentioned is internet scams and drug dealers.

Let us know where you are from, then, so that we can run you down too. I will bet you know none of these a Nigerians and have made no attempt to read about any of them.

Racist living in a country not your own: I wonder what you see when you wake up and I wonder how different that is to the words you speak.

You are a disgrace.

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These Nigerians hanging around 7/11 down to soi 3 are so damn annoying... I don't know why they are allowed to hang out there with their gang... it's so obvious what they're all up to.

They always try to talk to me while I walk by... "Hey how you doing"... "what you want?": <deleted> are you even talking to me for you low-life piece of garbage??

No you don't.....you look at the footpath and shuffle on your way Walter Mitty, wishing you actually had the balls to do something about the scourge of the drug dealers.

Actually... I do say this, and quite a bit more. Balls I have... stupidity I don't.

Really though...who are you to write this? You don't know me.

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Another good job by the drug police. Nigerians are up to no good.

Has a Nigerian ever been in the news for a positive reason? smile.png

An intriguing albeit fundamentally racist question. Here are some notable Nigerians

Easy to find such a list of notable Nigerians.

Would you be on such a list from wherever it is that you have fled from?

Good point, but you won't find any of them hanging around soi 3 ....

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I've never seen dealers on Soi 3. But anyway the moral panic about meth like all moral panics about drugs inluding past campaigns about crack, pot,cocaine, LSD etc are politically lead media campaigns to maintain profitable prohibition. Episode 1 series 1 of Boardwalk Empire summarises the issue. As long as there is a drug war the police and the power elite make money, get funds and have a handy weapon to intimidate people. The key to stopping drug damage is education, employment and self respect. However, ultimately it is the individual's choice and not the business of the police or state except I'm rare occasions. The intervention of the police and the penal system destroys more people than drugs.

You have some good points there Manic ...but unfortunately the social dilemma concerning the use of highly addictive drugs, such as Crystal Meth is far more complicated and far more convoluted than simply making those recreational purpose drugs legal...which they should..... by way of decriminalizing the use of such recreational purpose drugs.

The laws and the law enforcement aspect adds to the problems...without a doubt......but legalization does not stop the myriad social ramifications caused by the wide spread use of the drug...... legal or illegal...while the highly addictive nature of drugs such as Crystal Meth and Heroin etc. do not go away with legalization.

Yes there would be less legal ramifications and one less aspect to be addressed if the drugs were legalized for consumption...but the social damage incurred from the drug addiction and everything else negative entailed still remains and has to be dealt with by other people and or social entities who are directly or indirectly associated with the drug addicts and reluctantly dragged into the social problems regarding hopeless drug addiction.

Of course the drug users should be regarded in a far more sensible and or benevolent way while certainly not criminalized for their pleasure seeking gratifications and self serving indulgences.

However, no matter how they are regarded by society they are a burden on society that effects other people negatively while there is no denying that a person who becomes a Meth addict turns into a social liability and a difficult personality to tolerate and have to live with...as someone ends up having to take care of a drug addict...sooner or later...while that aspect of the social dilemma is not a legal matter ...rather one concerning the drug addicts reliance and dependence on society in general and or certain individuals having to help the drug addict(s) while catering to the drug addicts self inflicted, drug addicted demise.

On their own ..as drug addicts.....they are not functional enough to carry on normally and or live normally amongst the various people that they will eventually become dependent on for help.

The laws, as they stand, do not address the social problems of drug addiction in a manner that treats the users as "misguided" or having a "troubled life" rather they criminalize the users while society regards the addicts in disdain as losers and stupid for their decisions and their actions...which may be true enough...but does not in any meaningful way address the issue of what needs to be done about that percent of society that does fall by the wayside due to their drug addiction.

I do not have the answers...but the current means of addressing the problems of recreational purpose drug use and drug addiction and the criminalization of the users is human folly and will be proven so by future generations that finally develop more sensible ways to deal with the issue of recreational drug use.....as the drugs are here to stay and they will never go away.

As for the 2 drug traffickers caught for drug trafficking...with out a doubt they should be penalized for being the source of the problem in the first place.


"As for the 2 drug traffickers caught for drug trafficking...with out a doubt they should be penalized for being the source of the problem in the first place." Huh? :whistling:

I doubt a 23yr old Nigerian or a Philippines girl was the boss of this cartel, just another young idiot who was used by someone smarter....

I agree...but the focus should be on the suppliers and the manufactures as their actions are 10 fold the damage ,so to speak, were as the users, misguided as they are, would be considered far less accountable and more accountable to themselves.

The suppliers and that amount of crystal meth ( 15 kilos ) in effect could represent another 100 or more addicts and all the social ramifications that come with it.

Unfortunately Crystal Meth is one of most addicting and commonly more damaging recreational drugs while the manufactures and the suppliers can not feign innocence and argue that people should be able to freely consume that particular drug without any interference or concerns or criticisms as it is a dangerous substance to consume and as for the addicts that do become hopeless hooked on that particular drug....their lives are more or less FXXXED.

Have you ever seen a Crystal Meth drug addict after only 6 months and certainly one year or more???

Not a pretty site, while the Meth Addict is "creepy" and disturbing while you do not want to be associated with a Meth Addict when they can not get there fix of Crystal Meth.

The illegal manufactures and the suppliers KNOW that their product is highly addicting, while truth be told, that is what the underlining agenda is all about ...addicted clients that come back for more and more of their product while eventually becoming hopelessly dependent on the product they supply while the money flows back to them.

An excellent business model but a very damaging one to society in general that has to deal with the social ramifications of the substance they deliberately and callously supply without regard to the damage done, while they argue people should be free to do what they want anyhow.

In this case...... NOT THAT SIMPLE...In this Case, concerning such a highly addictive and life damaging and totally unnecessary substance there has to be accountability and it starts with the manufactures and suppliers and the traffickers of this particular dangerous substance.

Even if the drug was made legal to supply and consume it would still have to be a highly regulated legal substance as commonly only 5 times high on good Crystal Meth leaves the users with the after effects of craving the high once again and then the vicious cycle begins and their self inflicted demise begins as the drug is all consuming and will totally disrupt and alter the users life....and negatively effect many people associated with or known to the users.

It is NOT marijuana and therefore nothing much to be so concerned about while Crystal Meth has a solid track record of being amongst the most damaging recreational street drugs that societies have to deal with.

Those that are involved in manufacturing and supplying that particular product, as if it is just another common consumer product and nothing to be concerned about and argue as such should be wacked and wacked hard if and when they do get apprehended.

They are the source and beginning aspect of the problems further down the road as the consumers can not get the product form any other source...so, in effect, deal with "first things first"..... and focus on the illegal suppliers.

But , I know it is not that simple as it is a convoluted social dilemma of sorts that is not going to go away even if they do crack down on the manufactures and suppliers because another manufacture and the chain of suppliers will step up and continue supplying the substance....simply because there is loads of money to be made.

Anyhow...not lecturing, rather just pointing out some of the social problems associated with the drug and everything entailed.


You have far too much spare time on your hands, please find something worthwhile to occupy your time?

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You have far too much spare time on your hands, please find something worthwhile to occupy your time?

Possible the side effects of this terrible drug has had an affect personally or professionally on the member you quoted and this could be well worth his time. Not everyone sits in your shoes mate.

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A clear case of racial profiling'


Should the police have dipped the guy in bleach before putting him on display?

Check your "irony filter"!



But you have to remember if you ask most expats in the pubs out here What is Irony ? most will answer it's the same as coppery or silvery, is't it. ?

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A clear case of racial profiling'


Should the police have dipped the guy in bleach before putting him on display?

Check your "irony filter"!



But you have to remember if you ask most expats in the pubs out here What is Irony ? most will answer it's the same as coppery or silvery, is't it. ?

No, it's more like steely.... :)

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Let us know where you are from, then, so that we can run you down too. I will bet you know none of these a Nigerians and have made no attempt to read about any of them.

Racist living in a country not your own: I wonder what you see when you wake up and I wonder how different that is to the words you speak.

You are a disgrace.

Well, that is the first time I been flamed for being a racist, usually it is me giving it to people for making racist comments.

Anyway, todlad, I am from Australia, have lived in Thailand since 2005 but have spent some of that time working in Australia and traveling around SE Asia.

Am married to a Thai lady for 5 years and have a son, and I am anything but a racist.

Get to know someone before you even think about flaming them. thumbsup.gif

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I've never seen dealers on Soi 3. But anyway the moral panic about meth like all moral panics about drugs inluding past campaigns about crack, pot,cocaine, LSD etc are politically lead media campaigns to maintain profitable prohibition. Episode 1 series 1 of Boardwalk Empire summarises the issue. As long as there is a drug war the police and the power elite make money, get funds and have a handy weapon to intimidate people. The key to stopping drug damage is education, employment and self respect. However, ultimately it is the individual's choice and not the business of the police or state except I'm rare occasions. The intervention of the police and the penal system destroys more people than drugs.

You have some good points there Manic ...but unfortunately the social dilemma concerning the use of highly addictive drugs, such as Crystal Meth is far more complicated and far more convoluted than simply making those recreational purpose drugs legal...which they should..... by way of decriminalizing the use of such recreational purpose drugs.

The laws and the law enforcement aspect adds to the problems...without a doubt......but legalization does not stop the myriad social ramifications caused by the wide spread use of the drug...... legal or illegal...while the highly addictive nature of drugs such as Crystal Meth and Heroin etc. do not go away with legalization.

Yes there would be less legal ramifications and one less aspect to be addressed if the drugs were legalized for consumption...but the social damage incurred from the drug addiction and everything else negative entailed still remains and has to be dealt with by other people and or social entities who are directly or indirectly associated with the drug addicts and reluctantly dragged into the social problems regarding hopeless drug addiction.

Of course the drug users should be regarded in a far more sensible and or benevolent way while certainly not criminalized for their pleasure seeking gratifications and self serving indulgences.

However, no matter how they are regarded by society they are a burden on society that effects other people negatively while there is no denying that a person who becomes a Meth addict turns into a social liability and a difficult personality to tolerate and have to live with...as someone ends up having to take care of a drug addict...sooner or later...while that aspect of the social dilemma is not a legal matter ...rather one concerning the drug addicts reliance and dependence on society in general and or certain individuals having to help the drug addict(s) while catering to the drug addicts self inflicted, drug addicted demise.

On their own ..as drug addicts.....they are not functional enough to carry on normally and or live normally amongst the various people that they will eventually become dependent on for help.

The laws, as they stand, do not address the social problems of drug addiction in a manner that treats the users as "misguided" or having a "troubled life" rather they criminalize the users while society regards the addicts in disdain as losers and stupid for their decisions and their actions...which may be true enough...but does not in any meaningful way address the issue of what needs to be done about that percent of society that does fall by the wayside due to their drug addiction.

I do not have the answers...but the current means of addressing the problems of recreational purpose drug use and drug addiction and the criminalization of the users is human folly and will be proven so by future generations that finally develop more sensible ways to deal with the issue of recreational drug use.....as the drugs are here to stay and they will never go away.

As for the 2 drug traffickers caught for drug trafficking...with out a doubt they should be penalized for being the source of the problem in the first place.


"As for the 2 drug traffickers caught for drug trafficking...with out a doubt they should be penalized for being the source of the problem in the first place." Huh? whistling.gif

I doubt a 23yr old Nigerian or a Philippines girl was the boss of this cartel, just another young idiot who was used by someone smarter....

I agree...but the focus should be on the suppliers and the manufactures as their actions are 10 fold the damage ,so to speak, were as the users, misguided as they are, would be considered far less accountable and more accountable to themselves.

The suppliers and that amount of crystal meth ( 15 kilos ) in effect could represent another 100 or more addicts and all the social ramifications that come with it.

Unfortunately Crystal Meth is one of most addicting and commonly more damaging recreational drugs while the manufactures and the suppliers can not feign innocence and argue that people should be able to freely consume that particular drug without any interference or concerns or criticisms as it is a dangerous substance to consume and as for the addicts that do become hopeless hooked on that particular drug....their lives are more or less FXXXED.

Have you ever seen a Crystal Meth drug addict after only 6 months and certainly one year or more???

Not a pretty site, while the Meth Addict is "creepy" and disturbing while you do not want to be associated with a Meth Addict when they can not get there fix of Crystal Meth.

The illegal manufactures and the suppliers KNOW that their product is highly addicting, while truth be told, that is what the underlining agenda is all about ...addicted clients that come back for more and more of their product while eventually becoming hopelessly dependent on the product they supply while the money flows back to them.

An excellent business model but a very damaging one to society in general that has to deal with the social ramifications of the substance they deliberately and callously supply without regard to the damage done, while they argue people should be free to do what they want anyhow.

In this case...... NOT THAT SIMPLE...In this Case, concerning such a highly addictive and life damaging and totally unnecessary substance there has to be accountability and it starts with the manufactures and suppliers and the traffickers of this particular dangerous substance.

Even if the drug was made legal to supply and consume it would still have to be a highly regulated legal substance as commonly only 5 times high on good Crystal Meth leaves the users with the after effects of craving the high once again and then the vicious cycle begins and their self inflicted demise begins as the drug is all consuming and will totally disrupt and alter the users life....and negatively effect many people associated with or known to the users.

It is NOT marijuana and therefore nothing much to be so concerned about while Crystal Meth has a solid track record of being amongst the most damaging recreational street drugs that societies have to deal with.

Those that are involved in manufacturing and supplying that particular product, as if it is just another common consumer product and nothing to be concerned about and argue as such should be wacked and wacked hard if and when they do get apprehended.

They are the source and beginning aspect of the problems further down the road as the consumers can not get the product form any other source...so, in effect, deal with "first things first"..... and focus on the illegal suppliers.

But , I know it is not that simple as it is a convoluted social dilemma of sorts that is not going to go away even if they do crack down on the manufactures and suppliers because another manufacture and the chain of suppliers will step up and continue supplying the substance....simply because there is loads of money to be made.

Anyhow...not lecturing, rather just pointing out some of the social problems associated with the drug and everything entailed.


You have far too much spare time on your hands, please find something worthwhile to occupy your time?

I understand....

Some people's attention span and comprehension abilities are lacking...

I have met many of them while some even have ADD syndrome.

Complicated social issues are raised, questioned and discussed ......but they only have the patience for less than 5 second answers or explanations.

I understand you.

Cheers and have yourself a idle mind, stress free day....lol

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I saw a good man destroyed by crystal meth. He is 20 years my junior and looks older than I do. He lost his house, family, and lifestyle. and is still trying to piece it together. I was the best man at his wedding, and the memory is maudlin, at best.

People who sell meth-- called yaba, ice and crystal needle meth-- should be shot.

I knew a guy who became an hopeless Alcoholic, he lost everything too, he caused chaos in his life and chaos in the lives of those around him, and to cap it all off he was an extremely violent drunk who had various violent assault, GBH ABH charges against him, he was a nightmare, he's dead now, much to the relief of many.

Would you suggest shooting as a suitable punishment for the Manufactures and sellers of the dangerous drug Alcohol ?

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A clear case of racial profiling'


Should the police have dipped the guy in bleach before putting him on display?

Check your "irony filter"!


Irony ? Bummer, I thought you were being sarcastic ! clap2.gif

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I saw a good man destroyed by crystal meth. He is 20 years my junior and looks older than I do. He lost his house, family, and lifestyle. and is still trying to piece it together. I was the best man at his wedding, and the memory is maudlin, at best.

People who sell meth-- called yaba, ice and crystal needle meth-- should be shot.

I knew a guy who became an hopeless Alcoholic, he lost everything too, he caused chaos in his life and chaos in the lives of those around him, and to cap it all off he was an extremely violent drunk who had various violent assault, GBH ABH charges against him, he was a nightmare, he's dead now, much to the relief of many.

Would you suggest shooting as a suitable punishment for the Manufactures and sellers of the dangerous drug Alcohol ?

That suggestion is brilliant...I concur....that would be an excellent idea supported by many...and why not hold them accountable....lol

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Another good job by the drug police. Nigerians are up to no good.

Has a Nigerian ever been in the news for a positive reason? smile.png

An intriguing albeit fundamentally racist question. Here are some notable Nigerians

Easy to find such a list of notable Nigerians.

Would you be on such a list from wherever it is that you have fled from?

Whilst I rather sympathise with the point you are making, you have missed out the couple of philanthropists who emailed me last year offering to deposit very large sums of money in my bank account if....

The eminent Nigerians that you list are sadly overshadowed by the large number engaged in various nefarious activities inside and outside the country. A gift to the racists.

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They always try to talk to me while I walk by... "Hey how you doing"... "what you want?": <deleted> are you even talking to me for you low-life piece of garbage??

They don't speak to Thais walking past either so I guess nobody cares about the farang being offered illegal drugs...

Try it, and then report back how many colours of sh*t they kick out of your racist a**es.


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They always try to talk to me while I walk by... "Hey how you doing"... "what you want?": <deleted> are you even talking to me for you low-life piece of garbage??

They don't speak to Thais walking past either so I guess nobody cares about the farang being offered illegal drugs...

Try it, and then report back how many colours of sh*t they kick out of your racist a**es.


not everybodys afraid of their own shadow ,

some ppl here must have their balls at the immigration counter on arrival

these guys are scum and they deserve a good kicking whenever they get it

someone is a racist now because he doesnt like being hassled by african drug dealers ??

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"Six mobile phones were also seized."

It has become apparent that mobile phones are more addicting than meth for anyone under 30.

SIXTEEN GRAMS???? HMMMMMM A TYPO MAYBE? WHAT IS IN ALL THE OTHER BLACK OBJECTS? I CANT TELL FROM THE PHOTO. If they hauled in a whopping 1/2 ounce of ice, I beg to ask where the other 100 or more kilos have disappeared to? This is definitely a proud moment for the police dept whth such a HUGE bust; definitely worth prime time news. smells fishy to me nose anyway; just call me cynical but I believe there is much more untold in this story.

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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.
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Let us know where you are from, then, so that we can run you down too. I will bet you know none of these a Nigerians and have made no attempt to read about any of them.

Racist living in a country not your own: I wonder what you see when you wake up and I wonder how different that is to the words you speak.

You are a disgrace.

Well, that is the first time I been flamed for being a racist, usually it is me giving it to people for making racist comments.

Anyway, todlad, I am from Australia, have lived in Thailand since 2005 but have spent some of that time working in Australia and traveling around SE Asia.

Am married to a Thai lady for 5 years and have a son, and I am anything but a racist.

Get to know someone before you even think about flaming them. thumbsup.gif

That's interesting: you say, "Get to know someone before you even think about flaming them." and also "Unfortunately a country is judged on what people think of that country, and the first thing that comes to mind when Nigeria is mentioned is internet scams and drug dealers." and then pronounce that you cannot be a racist because you live in a foreign country married to someone who is not from the same country as you ... and that you attack racists too. So now we know a little bit about you don't we.

You have written off an entire country with your sweeping remark and that is a problem because you have provided no information about the country to support the view you espouse. You blindly state that people, ie all of us, only think of scamming Nigerians. When I think of Nigeria I think of Africa, West Africa, I think of economic development, I think of oil and gas, I think about Ben Okrie, I also think about prospects for the future, even and in spite of massive inequalities in Nigerian society. I also know that there are many Nigerian billionaires and millionaires who have probably become exceptionally wealthy on the basis of corruption and theft.

I have also worked with Nigerians over the last 10 years or so and never once have I felt the need to check my wallet and my bank account as we said our goodbyes.

Of course, it is not good that there are Nigerians here doing what we read about here in the article and in the comments. However, we read about Aussies, Brits, Yanks, French, Germans, Scandinavian and Russian baddies too don't we? There are bad people from all over the world and yes, there are disparaging comments about all of these low life criminals. This racist attack on here is unbecoming this list.

On balance, I see

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Another good job by the drug police. Nigerians are up to no good.

Has a Nigerian ever been in the news for a positive reason? smile.png

An intriguing albeit fundamentally racist question. Here are some notable Nigerians

Easy to find such a list of notable Nigerians.

Would you be on such a list from wherever it is that you have fled from?

Whilst I rather sympathise with the point you are making, you have missed out the couple of philanthropists who emailed me last year offering to deposit very large sums of money in my bank account if....

The eminent Nigerians that you list are sadly overshadowed by the large number engaged in various nefarious activities inside and outside the country. A gift to the racists.

Another pea brain who thinks he's clever.

You are right that those Nigerian stammers are a pain and yes some of them get away with some of their scams. Section 519 ... ever heard of it? Just up your street.

How these: Ken Lay, Bernice Ebbers, Bernie Madoff, Nick Leeson, Allen Stanford ... Enron, WorldCom, ZZZZ Best.

They are just the tip of the iceberg and here's the number of Nigerians in that list: 0.

Do me a favour and add together the value of just three of the above: WorldCom, Enron and Madoff and the see if you can estimate whether you think the non Nigerians vastly outweigh the Nigerians in terms of the value of frauds actually perpetrated.

You know the answer but it won't stop your ill informed prejudice will it?

Hope I managed to penetrative that fog you live in.

That law you refer to is 419 ,not 519

And unless there has been a paradym shift, Nigerians generally are scamming cu nts!

Well done! You read about section 419 which was my intention!

Again you have been rather selective, like many people here, what you really mean to say is, 'And unless there has been a paradigm shift, all drug dealers are scammers ...'

No one disagrees with drug dealers being scammers who really ought to be incarcerated for many years or, as is the law in some countries in this region, done to death.

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