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3BB. Change original username and password.

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When I was first signed up for 3BB Internet a few years ago, I was supplied with a Username and password.

Username was along number **************@3bbnex plus a supplied password.

Does anyone know if it is possible to change these at home? Have tried Googling, but no success.


Those are the account credentials (name/pass) entered into the residential gateway/router during setup when provisioning it to authorize Internet service.

Why would you want to change them?


At home?

Bet not.

I just searched at a German ISP about this access credentials.

In any case they are supplied to you by the ISP and not changed by the user.

E.g. in case of "forgotten" they have a procedure to send you new credentials.

And it seems it is only a new password.

The "user name" or number can not be changed in anyway.

Its bound to your contract/customer number.

Try your luck here:

Registration: https://www.3bb.co.th/3bb/member/customer_register1

Login: https://www.3bb.co.th/3bb/member/login

I can't continue. I am not a 3BB customer.

Will check with ToT. Oh no, too much hassle.


Those are the account credentials (name/pass) entered into the residential gateway/router during setup when provisioning it to authorize Internet service.

Why would you want to change them?

I was worried that if someone else had them, i.e. the management company where I live, they could access, or intercept my emails.

Am I wrong in thinking that? Was just trying to play safe.


Just use a google email account smile.png

Do you really use your 3bb assigned email? I certainly would not trust that.

No, i don't have a 3BB email account. I was just thinking it might be safer if I could possibly change the original details.


Just use a google email account smile.png

Do you really use your 3bb assigned email? I certainly would not trust that.

It even doesn't work to register the 3bb contract number. Thaistyle-website.


No, i don't have a 3BB email account. I was just thinking it might be safer if I could possibly change the original details.


You are really on a wrong path.

You can not hide from the ISP exvept...

Whatever account/password with the ISP (3BB) you have:

your ISP (3BB) and all "interested agencies" on the way to your email provider could intercept/read your emails and any other traffic you consume, except:

The only way to prohibit this is using encrypted connection (https, VPN etc.) between you and the server.

Nowadays it is pretty common that email servers use encryption to ensure that no one "on the line" can read.

Of course the mail provider can read the mails. Whether or not it will share the content and with what organizations is speculation.

Again there is a way to even hide from this. And that is encrypting the mail as such from you to the recipient e.g. with PGP.

But encryption is a wide field and would to go far beyond the scope of this thread.


No you can't. If you try your emails can't be stolen since you will have neither internet nor email.

You can and should change both the wifi and router admin passwords though.

Being able to guess admin/3bb on 90% of 3bb routers leaves most users at risk.


Those are the account credentials (name/pass) entered into the residential gateway/router during setup when provisioning it to authorize Internet service.

Why would you want to change them?

I was worried that if someone else had them, i.e. the management company where I live, they could access, or intercept my emails.

Am I wrong in thinking that? Was just trying to play safe.

The 3BB account credentials (name/password) are primarily used by the residential gateway/router to identify the correct speed provisioning and authorize Internet service to occur on the given line/equipment. 3BB may also use the same account credentials to authorize other 3BB sub-services (3BB Cloud, 3BB CloudBox, 3BB iptv, etc) to authorize those services.

Not much someone could do with knowing those account credentials, other than possibly pay your bill, or sign-in to a enabled sub-service and watch iptv. While it also might be possible for someone to enable a second residential gateway/router and use your account credentials to authorize Internet service on another 3BB line (this wouldn't compromise data on your delivered service), that 'line' could easily be identified, traced and the culprits charged with theft of service. Not much point in doing that.

The 3BB account credentials can only be used where the account credentials are used. They have nothing to do with your email.

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