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German village of 102 residents ordered to take in 750 asylum seekers


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Of course it is all in line with the constitution, but the question is if people will keep accepting this, and then I don't have the retirees in Thailand in mind.

If you look at my previous post you will notice from all the people that I know in my home country, I haven't heard of any yet that they are happy with what is going on, and as I said they are not considered far right or racists.

And since the influx has only just started, the real question is, when will real hell break loose.

the over and over repeated "Merkel is stupid!" reminds me of dogs who howl or bark at the moon. presently a couple of friends are visiting and they don't like either what's going on in our "Vaterland". but any bitching and wailing won't change the facts and nobody has come up with a feasible solution (yet).

my view is that Germany and the Germans have survived much tougher times and made it again; they will make it this time too.

Do you realise that this isn't only about Gerrmany, but the whole of Europe.

A solution. Close the borders is the only solution.

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Closing the borders is no solution at all.

Europe needs Africa and Asia, not vice versa. Europe has simply not enough natural resources to survive on their own, and the natives of Africa and Asia will not allow Europe to rob them any longer.

Maybe America and Russia are self-sustainable, too, Europe is certainly not. Europe should better be friendly.

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

Albeit slowly, legislation is being enacted in protection of the national interest e.g. as is happening right now in Germany.

One could level the accusation that some people are "blind & ignorant" in their defeatist opinions that EU governments will not act in their national self interest to protect democratic institutions and the rule of law.


You miss the point, it is nearly lost already. You cannot use antibiotics on a virus. It will appear to be proactive, useful, but it cannot act upon virus. Likewise, policies that are too little, too late, are eye candy. In fact, there is no fundamental change at all, nor planned. Blind might apply to "defeatism" but ignorant would not. Moreover, "defeatism" is utterly subjective. Not surprised your refuge would be the subjective. Objectively, the facts are alarming, immediate, and are easily extrapolated into unpalatable ends.

Your response shows a lack of understanding how it all works. In order for these State Saviors to enter the fray and save the day they have to break EU hegemony. It might happen, but there is no indication of that now, nor would noticing this be "defeatism."

Each to their own, but for me using language such as "You cannot use antibiotics on a virus" to describe refugees, whether they be genuine or not is unacceptable and in IMO a breach of forum Rule 11.

Whilst constantly changing might be a good idea for you to update your knowledge on the development & proposals for EU law concerning the current crisis., URLs below could be a good starting point.

I regret you feel that way. This is, after all, an issue about feeling. Irrespective of the OED dictionary some words make us "feel" bad, or expand our conversation when it should be narrowly focused on the desired direction of talk. Ok.

This German Village is finished. Under zero scenarios can those pensioners ever return to a life they dreamed and worked toward. Compassion can never be concealed in the transfer of misfortune to others. The net burden still exists, it is only now transferred onto wholly innocent people in this village.

Edited by arjunadawn
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I was just talking to a German fella at baggage reclaim at Suvarnabhumi. His take was that while Germany should do their bit and more besides, he couldn't for the life of him understand just what his Government are playing at. In his opinion there is no way Merkel will win the next election.

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

You have overtime posted an awful lot of <deleted> wrapped up in a smidgeon of education to make you seem intellectual.

But the above really takes the biscuit!

Other than commenting on someone's post as silly, wrong, nonsense, etc., I will rarely comment on the poster themselves. Why? Because to do so is inherently an act of intellectual weakness. That you cannot see this only equals the value of the posts you offer. Ad hominen attacks are always the pride of the ill informed.

That you cannot see the comment is on the quality and content of your posts says all that needs to be said.

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Albeit slowly, legislation is being enacted in protection of the national interest e.g. as is happening right now in Germany.

One could level the accusation that some people are "blind & ignorant" in their defeatist opinions that EU governments will not act in their national self interest to protect democratic institutions and the rule of law.


You miss the point, it is nearly lost already. You cannot use antibiotics on a virus. It will appear to be proactive, useful, but it cannot act upon virus. Likewise, policies that are too little, too late, are eye candy. In fact, there is no fundamental change at all, nor planned. Blind might apply to "defeatism" but ignorant would not. Moreover, "defeatism" is utterly subjective. Not surprised your refuge would be the subjective. Objectively, the facts are alarming, immediate, and are easily extrapolated into unpalatable ends.

Your response shows a lack of understanding how it all works. In order for these State Saviors to enter the fray and save the day they have to break EU hegemony. It might happen, but there is no indication of that now, nor would noticing this be "defeatism."

Each to their own, but for me using language such as "You cannot use antibiotics on a virus" to describe refugees, whether they be genuine or not is unacceptable and in IMO a breach of forum Rule 11.

Whilst constantly changing might be a good idea for you to update your knowledge on the development & proposals for EU law concerning the current crisis., URLs below could be a good starting point.

I regret you feel that way. This is, after all, an issue about feeling. Irrespective of the OED dictionary some words make us "feel" bad, or expand our conversation when it should be narrowly focused on the desired direction of talk. Ok.

This German Village is finished. Under zero scenarios can those pensioners ever return to a life they dreamed and worked toward. Compassion can never be concealed in the transfer of misfortune to others. The net burden still exists, it is only now transferred onto wholly innocent people in this village.

Post removed to enable reply.

The use of the unused office facilities is to be used for about a year whilst assessing this groups' refugee status. About 40 villagers have been temporarily employed to provide support services. You & and a number of others are making inaccurate comments regarding the OP.

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Why are you so sure that the village pensioners can't be happy anymore?

Many pensioners dream of a life together with younger people, but their families are gone. I know quite a few pensioners who finally became friends with foreigners and now live together with them, including Moslems.

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Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the war.

Like it or not, these people have to be housed somewhere until their status has been assessed and future determined.

Using empty buildings, such as in this instance, seems a viable option.

Certainly more viable than leaving these people to roam the streets.

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Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the war.

Like it or not, these people have to be housed somewhere until their status has been assessed and future determined.

Using empty buildings, such as in this instance, seems a viable option.

Certainly more viable than leaving these people to roam the streets.

What has Europe to do with refugees from another continent?

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What a gift...I am sure the asylum seekers will do well once they vote themselves into office and change all the rules...feel sorry for the German villagers...chances of this ending badly are very good...

They're refugees. Not citizens. They can't vote. Even if they could vote, I'm not sure how with probably way less than 0.5% of the population, they could vote themselves into office.

Not yet but soon

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Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the war.

Like it or not, these people have to be housed somewhere until their status has been assessed and future determined.

Using empty buildings, such as in this instance, seems a viable option.

Certainly more viable than leaving these people to roam the streets.

What has Europe to do with refugees from another continent?

your question is irrelevant. the refugees are there. Europe has to deal with the problem. period.

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Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the war.

Like it or not, these people have to be housed somewhere until their status has been assessed and future determined.

Using empty buildings, such as in this instance, seems a viable option.

Certainly more viable than leaving these people to roam the streets.

What has Europe to do with refugees from another continent?

your question is irrelevant. the refugees are there. Europe has to deal with the problem. period.

No, it is very relevant. How about countries in their own region taking care of the situation, like your good friends the Saudi's? Or any of the other oil rich Muslim states .

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Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the war.

Like it or not, these people have to be housed somewhere until their status has been assessed and future determined.

Using empty buildings, such as in this instance, seems a viable option.

Certainly more viable than leaving these people to roam the streets.

What has Europe to do with refugees from another continent?

your question is irrelevant. the refugees are there. Europe has to deal with the problem. period.

No, it is very relevant. How about countries in their own region taking care of the situation, like your good friends the Saudi's? Or any of the other oil rich Muslim states .

irrelevant comment again. how about concentrating on the fact that the refugees are in Europe and the fact that neither my "good friends" the Saudis nor any other of the oil rich Muslim states are willing to take even a small number of the refugees?

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Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since the end of the war.

Like it or not, these people have to be housed somewhere until their status has been assessed and future determined.

Using empty buildings, such as in this instance, seems a viable option.

Certainly more viable than leaving these people to roam the streets.

What has Europe to do with refugees from another continent?

your question is irrelevant. the refugees are there. Europe has to deal with the problem. period.

No, it is very relevant. How about countries in their own region taking care of the situation, like your good friends the Saudi's? Or any of the other oil rich Muslim states .

As is often the case when referring to the refugee crisis people just do not do even basic research prior to commenting, but would rather echo uninformed observations by the usual groups.

Though personally I have no admiration for the regional dictatorships it is worth noting the support provided by KSA which is covered in the article below.

The UNHCR counts refugees by noting only those "persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection." Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE are not parties to any of the UN protocols on refugees, and so through this technicality, they, along with most of their refugees, are excluded from many refugee counting mechanisms.


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Sumte is going to prove this "rain of knowledge" BS to be the BS we all knew it was. In the leftists theory, Sumte will thrive due to the influx of knowledge and skills the refugees bring. In reality the refugees are common or garden criminals that paid trafficking gangs a fortune for their passage, they actively hate caucasians and their way of life. They will spend their time queuing at the dole office,clogging up the AandE facilities, raping and beating German female-folk, abusing and selling various narcotics and contributing not one iota to German life.

The politicians must be made personally responsible for their moronic decisions, for example every time one of Merkel's foreign guests rapes a fraulein, Merkel will be personally fined 100k Euro, for every murder one of her guests commits she will be fined a million Euros. Her and her fellow government officials will personally pay the welfare checks for them. Just something to wake these fools up to the utter destruction they are causing to their countries. There is no way back from this Islamification of Europe. FWIW since I quit drinking, I fully support the notion of Sharia law Europe wide. Thieves losing a hand will be so cool to watch on a dull saturday morning at the town square, and a complete ban on alcohol will be hilarious to see. Within 25 years most of Europe is expected to be under Sharia law and an Islamic government system - a combination of birth rates and migration patterns will see to it.

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What has Europe to do with refugees from another continent?

your question is irrelevant. the refugees are there. Europe has to deal with the problem. period.

No, it is very relevant. How about countries in their own region taking care of the situation, like your good friends the Saudi's? Or any of the other oil rich Muslim states .

As is often the case when referring to the refugee crisis people just do not do even basic research prior to commenting, but would rather echo uninformed observations by the usual groups.

Though personally I have no admiration for the regional dictatorships it is worth noting the support provided by KSA which is covered in the article below.

The UNHCR counts refugees by noting only those "persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection." Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and the UAE are not parties to any of the UN protocols on refugees, and so through this technicality, they, along with most of their refugees, are excluded from many refugee counting mechanisms.


Saudi Arabia and especially the Gulf states from Kuwait all the way to Oman face already a problem of too many foreigners, e.g. in the Gulf states except for Saudia Arabia and Oman foreigners outnumber the actual citizens.

Qatari and Emirati citizens are outnumbered by foreigners 9:1!

case closed!

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Sumte is going to prove this "rain of knowledge" BS to be the BS we all knew it was. In the leftists theory, Sumte will thrive due to the influx of knowledge and skills the refugees bring. In reality the refugees are common or garden criminals that paid trafficking gangs a fortune for their passage, they actively hate caucasians and their way of life. They will spend their time queuing at the dole office,clogging up the AandE facilities, raping and beating German female-folk, abusing and selling various narcotics and contributing not one iota to German life.

The politicians must be made personally responsible for their moronic decisions, for example every time one of Merkel's foreign guests rapes a fraulein, Merkel will be personally fined 100k Euro, for every murder one of her guests commits she will be fined a million Euros. Her and her fellow government officials will personally pay the welfare checks for them. Just something to wake these fools up to the utter destruction they are causing to their countries. There is no way back from this Islamification of Europe. FWIW since I quit drinking, I fully support the notion of Sharia law Europe wide. Thieves losing a hand will be so cool to watch on a dull saturday morning at the town square, and a complete ban on alcohol will be hilarious to see. Within 25 years most of Europe is expected to be under Sharia law and an Islamic government system - a combination of birth rates and migration patterns will see to it.

and you should be made personally responsible being ignorant of the fact that Chancellor Merkel did nothing but referring to the German constitutional right regarding the grant of asylum to refugees dry.png

by the way, amputations as well as any other corporal punishments are carried out on fridays and never on dull saturdays.

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Sumte is going to prove this "rain of knowledge" BS to be the BS we all knew it was. In the leftists theory, Sumte will thrive due to the influx of knowledge and skills the refugees bring. In reality the refugees are common or garden criminals that paid trafficking gangs a fortune for their passage, they actively hate caucasians and their way of life. They will spend their time queuing at the dole office,clogging up the AandE facilities, raping and beating German female-folk, abusing and selling various narcotics and contributing not one iota to German life.

The politicians must be made personally responsible for their moronic decisions, for example every time one of Merkel's foreign guests rapes a fraulein, Merkel will be personally fined 100k Euro, for every murder one of her guests commits she will be fined a million Euros. Her and her fellow government officials will personally pay the welfare checks for them. Just something to wake these fools up to the utter destruction they are causing to their countries. There is no way back from this Islamification of Europe. FWIW since I quit drinking, I fully support the notion of Sharia law Europe wide. Thieves losing a hand will be so cool to watch on a dull saturday morning at the town square, and a complete ban on alcohol will be hilarious to see. Within 25 years most of Europe is expected to be under Sharia law and an Islamic government system - a combination of birth rates and migration patterns will see to it.

and you should be made personally responsible being ignorant of the fact that Chancellor Merkel did nothing but referring to the German constitutional right regarding the grant of asylum to refugees dry.png

by the way, amputations as well as any other corporal punishments are carried out on fridays and never on dull saturdays.

Thank you for correcting my inaccuracies. I did not realize that the "open doors and windows" policy towards the Islamic conquerers was a constitutional right. Who knew that? Perhaps only you?

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Heres a far out thought. Imagine a crane standing in the middle of the square in a nice European city with a body hanging from a noose for all to see. Imagine pickup trucks filled with black turbaned men carrying AK-47's driving around trying to find people who are going against their version of Sharia Law. Imagine the ancient Churches of Europe blown up and replaced with Mosques. Imagine that women will have no education or standing in society any more in Europe. This is a worst case scenario I know, but it happened in places like Iran which was a very progressive country until it met extreme Islam. You may argue that not all Muslims are extreme and I agree. The problem is that the extreme ones make all the noise and the quiet majority sits back and lets it happen and are forced into voting the way of the nutters (for fear of reprisal). In a democratic society, all it takes is a majority vote to make the changes and the European population is dwindling while the immigrant populations are flourishing (look at the birth rates).

I worked in Iran before and during the early part of the revolution.

Iran was NOT progressive - some people were, but other than Teheran and the area around Khorramshah (the oil-fields) there was a population of Shia peasants who were quite deeply religious in their own way. This was not the same as the Saudi/Gulf State Arabs, after all the people are Persian, but still they were religious, went to Friday prayers, performed their daily prayers and so on. I had many discussions with students at Shiraz University - almost all were pro-Khomeini - anti-Shah. Did you ever watch the parades on Ashura - when the men would march through the streets flogging themselves with chains - all day? One does not see that in Sunni countries.

My daughter was telling me how bad the Shah was, and how to dress/conduct myself, long before the revolution - through our baby-sitter, who was one of the typical lower class women in Shiraz. Remember, Khomeini spent 15 years in exile, mostly in Iraq. But when he went to France and understood about mass-communication, he spent the next two years fomenting his revolutionary return, with the assistance of the French security forces. They wanted Iran's oil.

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Did you ever watch the parades on Ashura - when the men would march through the streets flogging themselves with chains - all day? One does not see that in Sunni countries.

yes Humph, you see that too in Saudi Arabia's Al Hasa area (Eastern Province south of Dhahran). over there blood is flowing freely on Ashura and the Sunni minority goes into hiding for a couple of days.

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Sumte is going to prove this "rain of knowledge" BS to be the BS we all knew it was. In the leftists theory, Sumte will thrive due to the influx of knowledge and skills the refugees bring. In reality the refugees are common or garden criminals that paid trafficking gangs a fortune for their passage, they actively hate caucasians and their way of life. They will spend their time queuing at the dole office,clogging up the AandE facilities, raping and beating German female-folk, abusing and selling various narcotics and contributing not one iota to German life.

The politicians must be made personally responsible for their moronic decisions, for example every time one of Merkel's foreign guests rapes a fraulein, Merkel will be personally fined 100k Euro, for every murder one of her guests commits she will be fined a million Euros. Her and her fellow government officials will personally pay the welfare checks for them. Just something to wake these fools up to the utter destruction they are causing to their countries. There is no way back from this Islamification of Europe. FWIW since I quit drinking, I fully support the notion of Sharia law Europe wide. Thieves losing a hand will be so cool to watch on a dull saturday morning at the town square, and a complete ban on alcohol will be hilarious to see. Within 25 years most of Europe is expected to be under Sharia law and an Islamic government system - a combination of birth rates and migration patterns will see to it.

and you should be made personally responsible being ignorant of the fact that Chancellor Merkel did nothing but referring to the German constitutional right regarding the grant of asylum to refugees dry.png

by the way, amputations as well as any other corporal punishments are carried out on fridays and never on dull saturdays.

Thank you for correcting my inaccuracies. I did not realize that the "open doors and windows" policy towards the Islamic conquerers was a constitutional right. Who knew that? Perhaps only you?

i'm a German who was taught major constitutional issues in school. and i consider sidesteps such as "Islamic conquerers" and "Sharia Law" as ridiculous. they don't compensate for ignorance.

Germany has since years a Muslim population of 4.5 million (5.5% of the population) and there is less Sharia talk and/or derogatory statements than in Britain (4.5% of the population).

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Talking about ignorance.... lets hope these migrants will be given some kind of document to read, approve, and sign - each in their languageas a gentle reminder - giving them a few tips to follow as first-timers in Germany: as well as for travellers, dos and don'ts lists help to contain xenophobic reactions,

- respect the culture

- keep it clean : littering is selfish, so don't do it...

- fixed price only, there is no free ride

- dress properly, shave, take care of the first impression you give of yourself, keep smiling

- try to help anytime you can,,share your skills in return


- etc , etc .....

Edited by Opl
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Got a small question regarding government power in Germany, does the government have any right to order any community to do anything ever except in very limited circumstances. It would make sense to put those refugees in that location only if it was requested by the community.

The penalty for non compliance to this order would be what ?


Actually, in this case the very questions will not be brought up because Sumte does not own the building those refugees will be accommodated in, it's apparently rented by the RP in Lündeburg. The RP will be in charge of any refugees for the time being, including accommodation, feeding, bills, etc. It will be a reception center ("Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung") run by Lüneburg administration until those refugees get deferred to a municipailty (while they corporally are in fact in a municipality, the latter is not in charge of them legally with a view to the center they have to live in). If Sumte had to clear out a school things might be different, that way it's more or less none of their business. The administration and city council could try and occupy the building corporeally, would be a case for the police (which in turn are run by the Land of Lower-Saxony) to clear them out then, and would imply criminal charges on an individual level.


Ok so was this facility then chosen not because of what the population of germans present may be, but due to the availability of the facility for lease or under existing lease. It seems far more likely that resources are motivating where they are sending these refugees. And by the description it seems that the local population aren't expected to absorb these people as they are under responsibility to the administration. Perhaps some people might want to dial back the outrage.

Thank you for your lengthy post was informative.

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