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German village of 102 residents ordered to take in 750 asylum seekers


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Sumte is going to prove this "rain of knowledge" BS to be the BS we all knew it was. In the leftists theory, Sumte will thrive due to the influx of knowledge and skills the refugees bring. In reality the refugees are common or garden criminals that paid trafficking gangs a fortune for their passage, they actively hate caucasians and their way of life. They will spend their time queuing at the dole office,clogging up the AandE facilities, raping and beating German female-folk, abusing and selling various narcotics and contributing not one iota to German life.

The politicians must be made personally responsible for their moronic decisions, for example every time one of Merkel's foreign guests rapes a fraulein, Merkel will be personally fined 100k Euro, for every murder one of her guests commits she will be fined a million Euros. Her and her fellow government officials will personally pay the welfare checks for them. Just something to wake these fools up to the utter destruction they are causing to their countries. There is no way back from this Islamification of Europe. FWIW since I quit drinking, I fully support the notion of Sharia law Europe wide. Thieves losing a hand will be so cool to watch on a dull saturday morning at the town square, and a complete ban on alcohol will be hilarious to see. Within 25 years most of Europe is expected to be under Sharia law and an Islamic government system - a combination of birth rates and migration patterns will see to it.

and you should be made personally responsible being ignorant of the fact that Chancellor Merkel did nothing but referring to the German constitutional right regarding the grant of asylum to refugees dry.png

by the way, amputations as well as any other corporal punishments are carried out on fridays and never on dull saturdays.

Thank you for correcting my inaccuracies. I did not realize that the "open doors and windows" policy towards the Islamic conquerers was a constitutional right. Who knew that? Perhaps only you?

I'm afraid I'll have to correct Naam on what is or isn't in the German Constitution.

Art. 16 S.1 of German Basic (GG) law only states "politically persecuted enjoy asylum". Nothing in there about war refugees, religious persecution (well, could be more or less the same),

nothing on no deportation on grounds of sudden illness or inhumane treatment in their home-countries. That's all from the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Agreed, some of that could be deduced from Art. 1 GG, the federal constitution court has at one time ruled Art. 16 GG had a "human dignity core", i.e. could not be abolished.

(On an unrelated side-note: kindly discern between the EU court in Brussels and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Nothing to do with the EU and EU-legislation, only saying)

With a view to German Basic law, the EU Charter would most likely take precedence as the the German Constitutional Court has ruled that way in several "Solange"-decisions.

What rights refugees of all flavours could draw from that is subject to debate. How much of a civil war do you need? Syria obviously qualifies. Somalia? Iraq? Afghanistan?

Is it enough to once watch a SUV carrying a black flag drive outside your village? How about taking up arms and getting at those militias, fight for your own rights for once?

As to Islamization, I see a lot of that coming. I am taking any bet we'll be seeing some sort of Islamic Party in Germany within the next 10 years, and you can see for yourself

how far the Greens Party got in Germany and Sweden with just some 10% of votes. Take a look at German Bundesrat (the second chamber of Parliament): they can block

most decisions on a federal level with the coalition treaties from the Länder where they are junior partners (apart from Palatia) with the Social Democrats (and CDU in Hessia).

With a view to the amputations you mention, not in our lifetime, if ever. They'd have to totally take over for that. But I suppose, on a local extra-legal level sometimes in the next 20 years...

It's going to be a race between assimilating Muslims into western societies, which so far has failed for about 50% of them in every country in question, and them becoming a

major political power. Merkel has opted to take that dare against the express wishes of a more than sizable minority in Germany (up to 50% disagree with her politics!), where

multi-multiculturalism apparently has become some sort of a religion-replacement, and I want to see her impeached for it. This is just unmanageable, might even tear the EU apart.

And don't get me wrong: I've no problem as such with foreigner, I've got some Muslim friends, if I were in Germany at the moment, I'd sign up for giving German courses for charity.

Just I can't see how this affair will come to a happy ending, when there will be over a million more of both refugees and "refugees" over the next year.

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Talking about ignorance.... lets hope these migrants will be given some kind of document to read, approve, and sign - each in their languageas a gentle reminder - giving them a few tips to follow as first-timers in Germany: as well as for travellers, dos and don'ts lists help to contain xenophobic reactions,

- respect the culture

- keep it clean : littering is selfish, so don't do it...

- fixed price only, there is no free ride

- dress properly, shave, take care of the first impression you give of yourself, keep smiling

- try to help anytime you can,,share your skills in return


- etc , etc .....

Interesting you should say that... the community of Hardheim in Bavaria tried just that, although not in foreign languages, when they got some 600 refugees while having some 4.6 k inhabitants.

They got lambasted for that, although it was formulated very respectfully and politely, as being racist and prejudiced. Apparently went against the new German multi-cultural religion-replacement.

So just put them into the rightist corner and try and preclude them from public discourse on that ground.

Here (in German).

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i'm a German who was taught major constitutional issues in school. and i consider sidesteps such as "Islamic conquerers" and "Sharia Law" as ridiculous. they don't compensate for ignorance.

Germany has since years a Muslim population of 4.5 million (5.5% of the population) and there is less Sharia talk and/or derogatory statements than in Britain (4.5% of the population).

Saw your post only after replying to jaidam, who might have been a bit too drastic in how he went about making his point.

Your high-school experience on constitutional and other legal matters might be a bit ... limited, and I am obviously speaking from personal experience. Not to offend you or anything.

Merkel irrefutably stepped outside of binding EU law when she told Austria and Hungary, Germany would be accepting those thousand of refugees that broke out of

Hungarian asylum centres in waves overwhelming Hungarian security personnel to make their way to "the promised land", when they by law would have had to register in the first

country of the EU they set foot on.

It boggles the mind having to read most of them "refused registration" because they did not like to have to live in Hungary (agreed, it's way from pretty there). To my mind it's like that:

If you cross the Hungarian border without the necessary visa and papers, you either are a criminal illegal immigrant, or you are an asylum-seeker by virtue of stating so. And if then you

refuse registration there should be half a dozen of police pouncing on you and TAKE your finger-prints or lock you up while they grow back after you singed them off.

The German handling obviously flew in the face of Dublin III regulations, and when the CJEU was invoked in a move against obviously the eastern European states' take on things,

it immediately enacted procedures against Sweden and Germany as well, among others, for that reason.

There is one point I am concurring with you: the Muslims that have made Germany their home since the 60ies are mostly Turks. Those had been "introduced" to laicism back home for

2 generations by their state-founder Attatürk, who back then had been at liberty to impose his modernists views by force, for lack of foreign media and meddlers.

He literally had people shot for continuing to be islamists and preaching Sharia law.

While Germany's experiences with those Turkish immigrants have been mixed (for educational purposes and any German swots on this forum, the sarcastic German adage would be "sehr durchwachsene Erfahrungen")

those Muslims have, owing to that background, proven to be mostly pliable, even given their penchant for failing to avail their children any substantive knowledge of German before dumping them into the school-system,

marrying mostly among themselves and cousins, and importing brides from Turkey who don't even understand "Bahnhof" (i.e. not a single word of German; I like translating German adages literally to have a joke).

With Arab immigrants experiences have been mostly disastrous. Doesn't do justice to everyone of them, but just look up what havoc the Miri-tribe and the Abou-Chaker-tribe have been wrecking around

Bremen and Berlin over the 3 decades they've infested Germany. I could quote from Sarrazin as to the level of their integration, but that would probably mark me a racist for just having read that book.

Germany has failed to integrate those Arab groups into society when we have been so been trying over the last decades. What makes us think we will manage now with a national effort, when up to half

of them or so will not *WANT* to be integrated???

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Thank you for correcting my inaccuracies. I did not realize that the "open doors and windows" policy towards the Islamic conquerers was a constitutional right. Who knew that? Perhaps only you?

i'm a German who was taught major constitutional issues in school. and i consider sidesteps such as "Islamic conquerers" and "Sharia Law" as ridiculous. they don't compensate for ignorance.

Germany has since years a Muslim population of 4.5 million (5.5% of the population) and there is less Sharia talk and/or derogatory statements than in Britain (4.5% of the population).

It hardly matters what the real numbers are regarding muslim pop/sharia. Most major events in history pivoted solely on the minority. In the case of sharia, which is antithetical to all things but its own- militant, oppressive, total- there is hardly room for error. Perhaps people should clarify what it is they oppose exactly; is it the people themselves coming or the fear of sharia stalking in their luggage. IMO, it is the sharia I fear, and the orbit of terror, intolerance, and oppression that surround its enacting. Otherwise, most of us are exactly the same in wanting security, faith, family, health, comfort, avoiding pain, and seeking pleasure.

There is no example in history of a burgeoning muslim population not turning increasingly islamic and acting the sharia militancy upon its neighbors; if there is an example I have not noted it. History simply lacks evidence of this. In fact, the contrary is spelled out clearly in the koran itself regarding the insinuation of muslims into Medina, the stages of migration, growth, and finally usurpation until islam is finally triumphant. The chronology of the life of nascent islam immigrating to Medina became the actual blueprint which began worldwide unabated jihad for 1,400 years.

This is not simply historical musing as the process became a blueprint for how to achieve the goal of islam in the dar al harb house of war, hijra/migration, until the dar al islam- House of Submission is obtained globally. Its not academic. Irrespective of whether each man woman and child couches such aims in their arrival the blueprint upon which they base their faith and social intercourse is made real by the life of their prophet, and hijra/migration is central to this narrative. To ignore this is simply ignorant. What to do with this observation is another matter.

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Why are you so sure that the village pensioners can't be happy anymore?

Many pensioners dream of a life together with younger people, but their families are gone. I know quite a few pensioners who finally became friends with foreigners and now live together with them, including Moslems.

This is a fair question. I think you are correct that such people might actually enjoy the company of younger folks. I cannot comment on this qualia of life for them, I suppose. I have no idea. But in a vacuum, with no other considerations, I think you might be correct. But there are other things to consider. The byline alone suggests a provocative image- an overrun village. No, it doesn't mean it will be a disaster. But if people like me are correct we will know shortly.

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Sumte is going to prove this "rain of knowledge" BS to be the BS we all knew it was. In the leftists theory, Sumte will thrive due to the influx of knowledge and skills the refugees bring. In reality the refugees are common or garden criminals that paid trafficking gangs a fortune for their passage, they actively hate caucasians and their way of life. They will spend their time queuing at the dole office,clogging up the AandE facilities, raping and beating German female-folk, abusing and selling various narcotics and contributing not one iota to German life.

The politicians must be made personally responsible for their moronic decisions, for example every time one of Merkel's foreign guests rapes a fraulein, Merkel will be personally fined 100k Euro, for every murder one of her guests commits she will be fined a million Euros. Her and her fellow government officials will personally pay the welfare checks for them. Just something to wake these fools up to the utter destruction they are causing to their countries. There is no way back from this Islamification of Europe. FWIW since I quit drinking, I fully support the notion of Sharia law Europe wide. Thieves losing a hand will be so cool to watch on a dull saturday morning at the town square, and a complete ban on alcohol will be hilarious to see. Within 25 years most of Europe is expected to be under Sharia law and an Islamic government system - a combination of birth rates and migration patterns will see to it.

The real story is less the future you predict than the fact that commenting on this is somehow... racist, or insensitive. In fact, there are few reasons to believe the future will be much different than you predict. Without question, you are correct!

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Asylum seekers are not only victims, or numbers .. 750, 600, 3 millions.....

As individuals they too have their own préjudices - how immigrant workers are treated and considered in their own home countries, will help them to realize what they'll now have to face. The sooner the better.

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There is no example in history of a burgeoning muslim population not turning increasingly islamic and acting the sharia militancy upon its neighbors; if there is an example I have not noted it. History simply lacks evidence of this. In fact, the contrary is spelled out clearly in the koran itself regarding the insinuation of muslims into Medina, the stages of migration, growth, and finally usurpation until islam is finally triumphant. The chronology of the life of nascent islam immigrating to Medina became the actual blueprint which began worldwide unabated jihad for 1,400 years.

This is not simply historical musing as the process became a blueprint for how to achieve the goal of islam in the dar al harb house of war, hijra/migration, until the dar al islam- House of Submission is obtained globally. Its not academic. Irrespective of whether each man woman and child couches such aims in their arrival the blueprint upon which they base their faith and social intercourse is made real by the life of their prophet, and hijra/migration is central to this narrative. To ignore this is simply ignorant. What to do with this observation is another matter.

Is it just me or has anybody else noted how everybody has begun to read about the history of Islam and acquired an amount of Arab/Islamic vocabulary to ... do what?

Try to understand how they developed those astounding multi-resistances to western civilization and integration?

Barely 10 years ago all that would have more or less been specialist knowledge, just like hardly anybody western knows squat about Hinduism or Buddhism.

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Did you ever watch the parades on Ashura - when the men would march through the streets flogging themselves with chains - all day? One does not see that in Sunni countries.

yes Humph, you see that too in Saudi Arabia's Al Hasa area (Eastern Province south of Dhahran). over there blood is flowing freely on Ashura and the Sunni minority goes into hiding for a couple of days.

Not just Saudi; the Philippines do something similar; only there it's Christians.

Philippine devotees get nailed to crosses, whip themselves in Good Friday acts of devotion

In fact, do some research and you'll find similar acts of 'devotion' across the world from many religions.

But what that has to do with refugees in Germany, I don't know.

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Talking about ignorance.... lets hope these migrants will be given some kind of document to read, approve, and sign - each in their languageas a gentle reminder - giving them a few tips to follow as first-timers in Germany: as well as for travellers, dos and don'ts lists help to contain xenophobic reactions,

- respect the culture

- keep it clean : littering is selfish, so don't do it...

- fixed price only, there is no free ride

- dress properly, shave, take care of the first impression you give of yourself, keep smiling

- try to help anytime you can,,share your skills in return


- etc , etc .....

Hmm'''' dress properly, shave....

So they look like this, you mean?


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The entire situation is a recipe for disaster. There will be much blood on the streets of Europe in the next 2-3 years. I think Enoch Powell just rolled in his grave. My mind is settled my family and myself will never return to the UK other than for a holiday/see relatives. Now Thailand must point all it's guns South and ensure the same does not happen here in terms of uncontrolled immigration. Europe is lost. Seems like the entire thing has been engineered by someone very clever. Getting millions of potentially extreme Muslims embedded in the center of Europe without any issue - pure genius by those wanting a one world Muslim Caliphate, or those wanting to destroy Europe. I can only hope that at the various elections that follow the electorate punish severely the pinko left. How can a village of 100 take in 700 immigrants and hope for a second to keep it's sense of community/history and social structure. All is lost.

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i'm a German who was taught major constitutional issues in school. and i consider sidesteps such as "Islamic conquerers" and "Sharia Law" as ridiculous. they don't compensate for ignorance.

Germany has since years a Muslim population of 4.5 million (5.5% of the population) and there is less Sharia talk and/or derogatory statements than in Britain (4.5% of the population).


It boggles the mind having to read most of them "refused registration" because they did not like to have to live in Hungary (agreed, it's way from pretty there). To my mind it's like that:

If you cross the Hungarian border without the necessary visa and papers, you either are a criminal illegal immigrant, or you are an asylum-seeker by virtue of stating so. And if then you

refuse registration there should be half a dozen of police pouncing on you and TAKE your finger-prints or lock you up while they grow back after you singed them off.


I know that the police of at least one state in Germany do exactly that when they come in first contact with a refugee: they file a criminal report (illegal entry, §14 AufenhG), take fingerprints and a mugshot. It's part of the registration process so to say. I assume, police in all other states of Germany do it as well, otherwise they would commit obstruction of justice. What the prosecutor and the courts make out of it might be a different thing (considering the circumstances, most cases will probably be dismissed, I guess).

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It boggles the mind having to read most of them "refused registration" because they did not like to have to live in Hungary (agreed, it's way from pretty there). To my mind it's like that:

If you cross the Hungarian border without the necessary visa and papers, you either are a criminal illegal immigrant, or you are an asylum-seeker by virtue of stating so. And if then you

refuse registration there should be half a dozen of police pouncing on you and TAKE your finger-prints or lock you up while they grow back after you singed them off.

I know that the police of at least one state in Germany do exactly that when they come in first contact with a refugee: they file a criminal report (illegal entry, §14 AufenhG), take fingerprints and a mugshot. It's part of the registration process so to say. I assume, police in all other states of Germany do it as well, otherwise they would commit obstruction of justice. What the prosecutor and the courts make out of it might be a different thing (considering the circumstances, most cases will probably be dismissed, I guess).

Correct. That is what is supposed to be happening in Germany, sometimes still does happen, and all those cases go to the bin as you are assuming. Won't reach the courts.

§153 StPO I assume, so they won't have to wait for how the asylum cases end in a year or two.

From what I read those measures of identification cannot be transferred electronically to the BAMF's system of registration "EASY", because of missing software interfaces,

so the polices' work is for the bin as well. At least for purposes of registering asylum seekers, might come in handy if there is a criminal case later on.

It is what should happen by law. Unless, of course, when there are so many entrances at a given border police cannot hope identifying everyone that way, so that does get omitted presently.

Would in normal times be against the law for policemen, as you write, but the law ends where in the real world there is no way complying. No need to blame the cops, they're busy

getting everyone to some shelter and keeping them off the Autobahns. That now is more or less the rule in Bavaria with some ten-thousand coming in every day.

What I was writing about was and is the reality in the states of south-east Europe. They found (and are finding) themselves confronted with people aware they would possibly

not be able to make their case for asylum in German if they got registered in any state of the EU before arriving there, as per Art. 16a S. 2 Basic Law and corresponding European provisions.

For Greece, Italy and Hungary that in the latter days actually wasn't the case as the administrative courts kept ruling sending someone back there was inhumane.

Otherwise they would quite effectively stall deportation there or anywhere else by invoking courts full to the brim with cases, getting church-asylum or plainly going underground.

Down in southern Europe they would just not give their names, refused to be finger-printed, and so on. Some start seeking asylum in the EU. Jail them up? Didn't work, too many of them.

Greece made some attempts at that, or at least keeping them in the camps they had been sent to, but then it was reality of numbers against some piece of paper called the law.

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Asylum seekers are not only victims, or numbers .. 750, 600, 3 millions.....

As individuals they too have their own préjudices - how immigrant workers are treated and considered in their own home countries, will help them to realize what they'll now have to face. The sooner the better.

they won't face what you have mentioned because the countries from which the refugees are originating do not employ any notable number of immigrant workers but refugees from neighbouring countries (e.g. Syrians in Lebanon, Afghans in Pakistan, etc.).

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How can a village of 100 take in 700 immigrants and hope for a second to keep it's sense of community/history and social structure. All is lost.

Like others it would seem you're unable to even do basic background checking on the OP before you mouth off. The village is not "taking in" 700+ refugees Authorities are using converting vacant office space as a temporary shelter & processing facility until the asylum seekers have completed the assessment process in the coming year.

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this thread - with some posters mentioning the fall of Rome - reminded me of this - long lasting episode - of Spain's History " la Reconquista" ( after the Muslim Conquest ) - for those interested here is a link in English


by the way ... just after, Spain's Catholic Queen Isabel financed Chritopher Columbus

Edited by Opl
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The entire situation is a recipe for disaster. There will be much blood on the streets of Europe in the next 2-3 years. I think Enoch Powell just rolled in his grave. My mind is settled my family and myself will never return to the UK other than for a holiday/see relatives. Now Thailand must point all it's guns South and ensure the same does not happen here in terms of uncontrolled immigration. Europe is lost. Seems like the entire thing has been engineered by someone very clever. Getting millions of potentially extreme Muslims embedded in the center of Europe without any issue - pure genius by those wanting a one world Muslim Caliphate, or those wanting to destroy Europe. I can only hope that at the various elections that follow the electorate punish severely the pinko left. How can a village of 100 take in 700 immigrants and hope for a second to keep it's sense of community/history and social structure. All is lost.

"Seems like the entire thing has been engineered by someone very clever."

This is exactly what I am starting to think, others too.

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