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Removing the street vendors . what is this point?


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What I at first liked about Thailand, is that you can find cheap and luxury withiin the same area, so that everyone can enjoy the pleasure of sharing the same environment .

Now if it becomes all normalized, sanitized and exclusive, then the atmosphere will be less amazing, and more discriminating.

It's also important for people who work hard to make a living to have access to the areas where they'll will be able to touch a lot of customers and meet everyone's taste and wallet.

Sharing public space and turning it multifunctionnal depennding on the time of the day is something thais do with great creativity .

False dichotomy.

It's not a choice between keeping the pavement exactly as it is on one hand, or clearing every last inch of space on the other.

There is a middle ground. Allow vendors where it is suitable, ban them where it is not. Get rid of the free for all where vendors take up every last patch of space.

The reason why so many vendors are now being turfed out is that such a huge number are causing a public nuisance. Allow markets where it is logical and we can still have plenty of street life.

Eventually, the main reason many vendors will be moved on, is pressure from Big malls and Big markets. Do away with any competing influences.

The roadside/footpath stalls across Thailand support tens of thousands of families

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it s not their side roads ... roads are public and use to walk.

I think it s scandalous that I have to walk on the road and go around shops because they transformed the side walks to a shopping center.

Just people trying to make a living, for the most part.

Footpaths do not have to be the sole domain of walking pedestrians.

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it s not their side roads ... roads are public and use to walk.

I think it s scandalous that I have to walk on the road and go around shops because they transformed the side walks to a shopping center.

Just people trying to make a living, for the most part.

Footpaths do not have to be the sole domain of walking pedestrians.

As long as there is some balance. If they don't block it at all its ok.
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Between them and the motorcycles, lack of decent footpaths might be my undoing in TH. Getting tired of always watching my head for poles and looking over my back for vehicles. I think the future of BKK street stalls is in places like JJ Green and the Train Markets. If I could own property here, I'd invest in that scene.

I like how they run the electrical cables through the puddles we walk along...

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It is a curious phenomenon, one not confined to Thailand, that Westerners, many of whom profess to love the country in question, wish it to be as cleansed, sanitised and made as stiflingly safe and law-abiding as their country of origin.

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Like them or hate them but I think that by removing the street vendors its like taking the salt of Bangkok city life. The reason Bangkok is so appealing compared is due to the floating vendors. And lets not forget not everybody can afford to purchase stuff in the department stores and the street food tastes better too.

all nonsense. Street vendors are a menace and the fact is there should be no selling on public paths before 7pm in Bkk, but its not strictly enforced in most locations. As far as food goes who wants to eat in a dirty location breathing in traffic fumes? Maybe you
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Footpaths do not have to be the sole domain of walking pedestrians.

Funny how successful rich societies make them so, isn't it?

A lot of Western societies reach a point where they over regulate sidewalks and vendors. They can afford to pay 10% of their citizens welfare to sit and do nothing

Big business has greater pull in the western countries where monopolies rule and force out competition through loss making and influencing local government regulations.

Edited by BookMan
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Like them or hate them but I think that by removing the street vendors its like taking the salt of Bangkok city life. The reason Bangkok is so appealing compared is due to the floating vendors. And lets not forget not everybody can afford to purchase stuff in the department stores and the street food tastes better too.

all nonsense. Street vendors are a menace and the fact is there should be no selling on public paths before 7pm in Bkk, but its not strictly enforced in most locations. As far as food goes who wants to eat in a dirty location breathing in traffic fumes? Maybe you
Yes maybe me and a lot of other people who don't want to spend 100 Baht per meal

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

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it s not their side roads ... roads are public and use to walk.

I think it s scandalous that I have to walk on the road and go around shops because they transformed the side walks to a shopping center.

Just people trying to make a living, for the most part.

Footpaths do not have to be the sole domain of walking pedestrians.

Compromise is called for here, let the vendors use one part of the pavement where it is wide enough.

Don't allow them to use both sides, when the pedestrians have to squeeze past each other in the middle.

ie Sukhumvit Road in the evening from Soi 3, and most of the way to Asok BTS. It is ridiculous.

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it s not their side roads ... roads are public and use to walk.

I think it s scandalous that I have to walk on the road and go around shops because they transformed the side walks to a shopping center.

Just people trying to make a living, for the most part.

Footpaths do not have to be the sole domain of walking pedestrians.

Compromise is called for here, let the vendors use one part of the pavement where it is wide enough.

Don't allow them to use both sides, when the pedestrians have to squeeze past each other in the middle.

ie Sukhumvit Road in the evening from Soi 3, and most of the way to Asok BTS. It is ridiculous.

It needs some balance

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it s not their side roads ... roads are public and use to walk.

I think it s scandalous that I have to walk on the road and go around shops because they transformed the side walks to a shopping center.

my first time to thailand,i come across these stalls on the road..just thought well ..this is thailand..i been 7 more times and it still the same..

i accepted that this is the way it is in thailand,,so i go with the flow..i know i have to watch my head..i know i have to wait for others to continue my travel..

i know i have to watch where i put my feet..to me this is thailand...im sorry you feel otherwise...i guess i just go with the flow... easy...some things are worth trying to change..i really dont think this is one of them..all the best on your sidewalk/footpath adventures....take care

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Absolute rot venders pay off police not on occasion they are fined and moved along because of no licence to trade. Keep the pavements for old young alike especially for those of us who have difficulty in walking or such, these people should pay to trade in proper areas allocated for them not to use areas specifically built for pedestrians.

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.

Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.

No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.

The simple idea of people here stating that Thai food is good for them, is ridiculous, there are plenty of fat Thai's in this country.

Apparently some people prefer their foods cooked with questionable ingredients, and feel it taste better, but that is just a theory,

especially when you watch how much the Thai's depend on MSG for what they state is taste good ingredient, and that's exactly what is supposed to make you brain think; that is taste good. It also helps preserve food to some degree.

If there's any question about how great their food really is, just walk around a Thai Market,

where all the meats & poultry are strung out everywhere, and take in that great aroma...

now after about half an hour,

think to yourself, what you want to eat, now that you've built up a healthy appetite?

The locals state that eating food that isn't so preserved and clean only makes you stronger.


Perhaps that's why when I look at Thai's the same age as me,

it's easy to see they look 10 years + more than I.

Our bodies will fight off what ever we throw at it,

but by doing so, we are taxing our bodies even more,

which results in us aging before your true time,

it that really worth that quick snack we grab on the sidewalk?

Now people will compare this to western food, as they like to put it,

but we are not talking about other foods, we are talking about or I am writing about the street foods,

sold in Thailand, which are sold on the side of the road, with all the great seasoning of the street dust,

and fumes off those beautiful buses that drive by every 5 minutes.

What's not to love?

I don't see many people smiling when they have to continuously maneuver around all the stalls that are placed every which way

a person can, to grab all the sidewalk they can each day.

If people are healthier from eating this so called health food...Lol;

it might be from, all the work they went through to get there or it from their favorite stall vendor.

It's an experience in itself, that much I will agree, but it's a far cry from healthy, or a better alternative from real food,

with real ingredients, which people refer to here as western food.

I don't call it that, I call it health, conscience eating,

and since the dirtiest place on anybodies body, bar none is their mouth,

it's something to consider about what we put in it, no?

Not to mention the verdict is still out for me anyway, that the things sold on the street are actually cheaper than in an

establishment. All the junk they sell at these walking markets I can certainly buy from Lazada for better price,

and I didn't have to go anywhere.

If for some reason I find shopping outside to be adventurous, then I can still find things cheaper at the stores.


The vendors have to pay crazy rent prices to be on those locations, and then they have to pay even more to the Police,

to look the other way.

Guess what...the shoppers who haven't woke up yet to figure out things are not such a great deal from the street sellers,

are in fact paying for the vendor to be there, instead of organizing themselves and getting a real business model together,

which would support them into the future, and even perhaps actually put more profit into their hands,

instead of into the Police, and land owner for the few who set up on private locations, like in front of someones home.

Yes those people pay too, and pay big; by the way.

A vendor in front of a house can set them back 30,000 + a month, vendors don't care, they charge the suckers thinking they are getting a deal

by buying from off the street.

My wife gets her nails done from a lady who rent a piece of a corner in a Lotus shopping area.

No walls around this lady, just this stretch of space that Lotus has rented out to her,

for only 20,000 bht a month.

The lady could easily rent the same amount of space, with four walls around her,

and even have her own toilet, but she stays here, because she like the foot traffic.

She can't figure that most of the foot traffic is just walking past her,

as they don't want to be getting their nails done on what amounts to the sidewalk,

where people are just walking by.

I have sat there many times and watched, while my wife gets her nails done by this lady,

who doesn't realize she has a following for her work,

and they will come wherever she lands a true shop at.

She just needs to take on the responsibility to establish herself.

Will she?

Probably not, Thai's love to have others sign contracts,

but they in fact hate to commit to anything, especially in writing,

and that's all it takes to get the same amount of space these people pay for this sidewalk space,

as it all essentially is.

Edited by ajarnmarc
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What I at first liked about Thailand, is that you can find cheap and luxury withiin the same area, so that everyone can enjoy the pleasure of sharing the same environment .

Now if it becomes all normalized, sanitized and exclusive, then the atmosphere will be less amazing, and more discriminating.

It's also important for people who work hard to make a living to have access to the areas where they'll will be able to touch a lot of customers and meet everyone's taste and wallet.

Sharing public space and turning it multifunctionnal depennding on the time of the day is something thais do with great creativity .

Prices will stay low. Those hiso Thais tend to spend money on items that make them look good, but still get by on cheap food.

So true about hiso. Wifes aunty lives in a 20 million plus baht house and all the trimmings and lives on 20 baht meals. But while going to buy the 20 or 30 baht meal she will take the money out of a 30,000 plus baht handbag. Its all about face and showing off. bah.gif

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Thailand can take an example from Taiwan where its known for its street food but streets are not cluttered like Bangkok. Either government has to come up with an area like a "night market" for street stalls to set up or stalls should be renting space for landlords to set up shop. Rules needs to enforce if citizens want a better quality of life.

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I've had both good and bad points to say about this but I think most posts here cover the topics. But I remember years ago before I came to Thailand that many tourist brochures and indeed small guide books written in English would use the street vendors as part of the attraction. Having lived I haven't looked at these but if they still run those type of inclusions they will at least have adjust the content or remove it altogether.

Edited by TKDfella
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The simple idea of people here stating that Thai food is good for them, is ridiculous, there are plenty of fat Thai's in this country.

Apparently some people prefer their foods cooked with questionable ingredients, and feel it taste better, but that is just a theory,

especially when you watch how much the Thai's depend on MSG for what they state is taste good ingredient, and that's exactly what is supposed to make you brain think; that is taste good. It also helps preserve food to some degree.

If there's any question about how great their food really is, just walk around a Thai Market,

where all the meats & poultry are strung out everywhere, and take in that great aroma...

now after about half an hour,

think to yourself, what you want to eat, now that you've built up a healthy appetite?

The locals state that eating food that isn't so preserved and clean only makes you stronger.


Perhaps that's why when I look at Thai's the same age as me,

it's easy to see they look 10 years + more than I.

Our bodies will fight off what ever we throw at it,

but by doing so, we are taxing our bodies even more,

which results in us aging before your true time,

it that really worth that quick snack we grab on the sidewalk?

Now people will compare this to western food, as they like to put it,

but we are not talking about other foods, we are talking about or I am writing about the street foods,

sold in Thailand, which are sold on the side of the road, with all the great seasoning of the street dust,

and fumes off those beautiful buses that drive by every 5 minutes.

What's not to love?

I don't see many people smiling when they have to continuously maneuver around all the stalls that are placed every which way

a person can, to grab all the sidewalk they can each day.

If people are healthier from eating this so called health food...Lol;

it might be from, all the work they went through to get there or it from their favorite stall vendor.

It's an experience in itself, that much I will agree, but it's a far cry from healthy, or a better alternative from real food,

with real ingredients, which people refer to here as western food.

I don't call it that, I call it health, conscience eating,

and since the dirtiest place on anybodies body, bar none is their mouth,

it's something to consider about what we put in it, no?

Not to mention the verdict is still out for me anyway, that the things sold on the street are actually cheaper than in an

establishment. All the junk they sell at these walking markets I can certainly buy from Lazada for better price,

and I didn't have to go anywhere.

If for some reason I find shopping outside to be adventurous, then I can still find things cheaper at the stores.


The vendors have to pay crazy rent prices to be on those locations, and then they have to pay even more to the Police,

to look the other way.

Guess what...the shoppers who haven't woke up yet to figure out things are not such a great deal from the street sellers,

are in fact paying for the vendor to be there, instead of organizing themselves and getting a real business model together,

which would support them into the future, and even perhaps actually put more profit into their hands,

instead of into the Police, and land owner for the few who set up on private locations, like in front of someones home.

Yes those people pay too, and pay big; by the way.

A vendor in front of a house can set them back 30,000 + a month, vendors don't care, they charge the suckers thinking they are getting a deal

by buying from off the street.

My wife gets her nails done from a lady who rent a piece of a corner in a Lotus shopping area.

No walls around this lady, just this stretch of space that Lotus has rented out to her,

for only 20,000 bht a month.

The lady could easily rent the same amount of space, with four walls around her,

and even have her own toilet, but she stays here, because she like the foot traffic.

She can't figure that most of the foot traffic is just walking past her,

as they don't want to be getting their nails done on what amounts to the sidewalk,

where people are just walking by.

I have sat there many times and watched, while my wife gets her nails done by this lady,

who doesn't realize she has a following for her work,

and they will come wherever she lands a true shop at.

She just needs to take on the responsibility to establish herself.

Will she?

Probably not, Thai's love to have others sign contracts,

but they in fact hate to commit to anything, especially in writing,

and that's all it takes to get the same amount of space these people pay for this sidewalk space,

as it all essentially is.

I got about halfway through. Can anyone beat that?

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The simple idea of people here stating that Thai food is good for them, is ridiculous, there are plenty of fat Thai's in this country.

Apparently some people prefer their foods cooked with questionable ingredients, and feel it taste better, but that is just a theory,

especially when you watch how much the Thai's depend on MSG for what they state is taste good ingredient, and that's exactly what is supposed to make you brain think; that is taste good. It also helps preserve food to some degree.

If there's any question about how great their food really is, just walk around a Thai Market,

where all the meats & poultry are strung out everywhere, and take in that great aroma...

now after about half an hour,

think to yourself, what you want to eat, now that you've built up a healthy appetite?

The locals state that eating food that isn't so preserved and clean only makes you stronger.


Perhaps that's why when I look at Thai's the same age as me,

it's easy to see they look 10 years + more than I.

Our bodies will fight off what ever we throw at it,

but by doing so, we are taxing our bodies even more,

which results in us aging before your true time,

it that really worth that quick snack we grab on the sidewalk?

Now people will compare this to western food, as they like to put it,

but we are not talking about other foods, we are talking about or I am writing about the street foods,

sold in Thailand, which are sold on the side of the road, with all the great seasoning of the street dust,

and fumes off those beautiful buses that drive by every 5 minutes.

What's not to love?

I don't see many people smiling when they have to continuously maneuver around all the stalls that are placed every which way

a person can, to grab all the sidewalk they can each day.

If people are healthier from eating this so called health food...Lol;

it might be from, all the work they went through to get there or it from their favorite stall vendor.

It's an experience in itself, that much I will agree, but it's a far cry from healthy, or a better alternative from real food,

with real ingredients, which people refer to here as western food.

I don't call it that, I call it health, conscience eating,

and since the dirtiest place on anybodies body, bar none is their mouth,

it's something to consider about what we put in it, no?

Not to mention the verdict is still out for me anyway, that the things sold on the street are actually cheaper than in an

establishment. All the junk they sell at these walking markets I can certainly buy from Lazada for better price,

and I didn't have to go anywhere.

If for some reason I find shopping outside to be adventurous, then I can still find things cheaper at the stores.


The vendors have to pay crazy rent prices to be on those locations, and then they have to pay even more to the Police,

to look the other way.

Guess what...the shoppers who haven't woke up yet to figure out things are not such a great deal from the street sellers,

are in fact paying for the vendor to be there, instead of organizing themselves and getting a real business model together,

which would support them into the future, and even perhaps actually put more profit into their hands,

instead of into the Police, and land owner for the few who set up on private locations, like in front of someones home.

Yes those people pay too, and pay big; by the way.

A vendor in front of a house can set them back 30,000 + a month, vendors don't care, they charge the suckers thinking they are getting a deal

by buying from off the street.

My wife gets her nails done from a lady who rent a piece of a corner in a Lotus shopping area.

No walls around this lady, just this stretch of space that Lotus has rented out to her,

for only 20,000 bht a month.

The lady could easily rent the same amount of space, with four walls around her,

and even have her own toilet, but she stays here, because she like the foot traffic.

She can't figure that most of the foot traffic is just walking past her,

as they don't want to be getting their nails done on what amounts to the sidewalk,

where people are just walking by.

I have sat there many times and watched, while my wife gets her nails done by this lady,

who doesn't realize she has a following for her work,

and they will come wherever she lands a true shop at.

She just needs to take on the responsibility to establish herself.

Will she?

Probably not, Thai's love to have others sign contracts,

but they in fact hate to commit to anything, especially in writing,

and that's all it takes to get the same amount of space these people pay for this sidewalk space,

as it all essentially is.

I got about halfway through. Can anyone beat that?

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a lot of farang only eat western food to get even fatter so they won't understand. i love street food and opt for it over farang food everyday. Some street vendors in certain locations pay off the police (I've witnessed it) so i can't see them being moved off.
Those meats on a stick and endless varieties of fried dishes are healthier than western food?

If you think that's all there is to Thai street food, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed.

No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.

The simple idea of people here stating that Thai food is good for them, is ridiculous, there are plenty of fat Thai's in this country.

Apparently some people prefer their foods cooked with questionable ingredients, and feel it taste better, but that is just a theory,

especially when you watch how much the Thai's depend on MSG for what they state is taste good ingredient, and that's exactly what is supposed to make you brain think; that is taste good. It also helps preserve food to some degree.

If there's any question about how great their food really is, just walk around a Thai Market,

where all the meats & poultry are strung out everywhere, and take in that great aroma...

now after about half an hour,

think to yourself, what you want to eat, now that you've built up a healthy appetite?

The locals state that eating food that isn't so preserved and clean only makes you stronger.


Perhaps that's why when I look at Thai's the same age as me,

it's easy to see they look 10 years + more than I.

Our bodies will fight off what ever we throw at it,

but by doing so, we are taxing our bodies even more,

which results in us aging before your true time,

it that really worth that quick snack we grab on the sidewalk?

Now people will compare this to western food, as they like to put it,

but we are not talking about other foods, we are talking about or I am writing about the street foods,

sold in Thailand, which are sold on the side of the road, with all the great seasoning of the street dust,

and fumes off those beautiful buses that drive by every 5 minutes.

What's not to love?

I don't see many people smiling when they have to continuously maneuver around all the stalls that are placed every which way

a person can, to grab all the sidewalk they can each day.

If people are healthier from eating this so called health food...Lol;

it might be from, all the work they went through to get there or it from their favorite stall vendor.

It's an experience in itself, that much I will agree, but it's a far cry from healthy, or a better alternative from real food,

with real ingredients, which people refer to here as western food.

I don't call it that, I call it health, conscience eating,

and since the dirtiest place on anybodies body, bar none is their mouth,

it's something to consider about what we put in it, no?

Not to mention the verdict is still out for me anyway, that the things sold on the street are actually cheaper than in an

establishment. All the junk they sell at these walking markets I can certainly buy from Lazada for better price,

and I didn't have to go anywhere.

If for some reason I find shopping outside to be adventurous, then I can still find things cheaper at the stores.


The vendors have to pay crazy rent prices to be on those locations, and then they have to pay even more to the Police,

to look the other way.

Guess what...the shoppers who haven't woke up yet to figure out things are not such a great deal from the street sellers,

are in fact paying for the vendor to be there, instead of organizing themselves and getting a real business model together,

which would support them into the future, and even perhaps actually put more profit into their hands,

instead of into the Police, and land owner for the few who set up on private locations, like in front of someones home.

Yes those people pay too, and pay big; by the way.

A vendor in front of a house can set them back 30,000 + a month, vendors don't care, they charge the suckers thinking they are getting a deal

by buying from off the street.

My wife gets her nails done from a lady who rent a piece of a corner in a Lotus shopping area.

No walls around this lady, just this stretch of space that Lotus has rented out to her,

for only 20,000 bht a month.

The lady could easily rent the same amount of space, with four walls around her,

and even have her own toilet, but she stays here, because she like the foot traffic.

She can't figure that most of the foot traffic is just walking past her,

as they don't want to be getting their nails done on what amounts to the sidewalk,

where people are just walking by.

I have sat there many times and watched, while my wife gets her nails done by this lady,

who doesn't realize she has a following for her work,

and they will come wherever she lands a true shop at.

She just needs to take on the responsibility to establish herself.

Will she?

Probably not, Thai's love to have others sign contracts,

but they in fact hate to commit to anything, especially in writing,

and that's all it takes to get the same amount of space these people pay for this sidewalk space,

as it all essentially is.

Verdict is still out on the potential health risks of MSG, but to me it will always be a sign of a lazy or poor cook.

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Reading all the posts, opinion seems to be split three ways.

1. Wide eyed occasional visitors to LoS, who find it part of experiencing a different country, (me, ten years ago).

2. Up country yokels who visit a few times a year for essential supplies and put up with it. Often driving a pick up they forgot to wash first, so feel like Jed Clampett when surrounded by shiny Mercedes, (me,now).

3.Folk who actually live in BKK and have to put up with it every day.

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it s not their side roads ... roads are public and use to walk.

I think it s scandalous that I have to walk on the road and go around shops because they transformed the side walks to a shopping center.

So . . . you might want to try Singapore! Oh . . . wait a minute . . . that's what they're trying to turn Bangkok into. Let me out of here!!

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No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.

Western food is usually served in considerably larger portions. The ratio of meat and fat to vegetable content in Thai food is significantly lower. So if you are a falang trained to finish everything on your plate since childhood, Western food will make you fatter.

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The simple idea of people here stating that Thai food is good for them, is ridiculous, there are plenty of fat Thai's in this country.

The fat Thais in this country result from eating KFC, Pizza Hut, and McDonald's. Get out into the villages, and most Thais are as thin as rakes.

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The vendors are not there just for the tourists.Thaiworkers also use them for their convenience. Pattaya tried moving the food peddlers off the streets some time back, but I notice they are back. And why not.? Pattaya made a start at plasticising itself by some years ago removing the grass roofed salas on the beach and replacing them with plastic umbrellas. It now resembles any other beach on the Mediterranean.The powers that be do not seem to realise that tourists come here to experience something different. The smells as well as the sights.

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No, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who thinks western food makes you fatter. Just like Thai food, it depends on what and how much you eat.

Western food is usually served in considerably larger portions. The ratio of meat and fat to vegetable content in Thai food is significantly lower. So if you are a falang trained to finish everything on your plate since childhood, Western food will make you fatter.

That's on the falang, bro. You could make an argument for the chef being responsible. But don't blame the food. I grew up eating home cooked American meals and have never been overweight.

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The simple idea of people here stating that Thai food is good for them, is ridiculous, there are plenty of fat Thai's in this country.

The fat Thais in this country result from eating KFC, Pizza Hut, and McDonald's. Get out into the villages, and most Thais are as thin as rakes.

Did I write that? Doesn't look like my grammar style. Anyway, I never said Thai food is bad for anyone. The right ones, prepared correctly are healthy. KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. do not represent healthy western food. Any Thai who shovels that in their throat is as guilty as a foreigner that sustains himself or herself on crispy pork and Hat Yai fried chicken.

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