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Video of parents pouring beer, whiskey into their child's mouth enrages internet


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What absolute horse droppings from some of the posters here. Acting outraged at a Thai doing EXACTLY what many westerners do i.e. give a baby a sip of their drink. If they actually were "pouring" the drink down the baby's throat, I too would be outraged but it clearly is not.

How many of you old codgers gave your kids a wee dram in their milk to help them to the land of nod. For that matter how many of you were given your first taste at a young age by YOUR parents. If you put your hand up for either of those but still abhor a Thai doing the same, it just goes to show your mentality and hypocrisy. Instead, call your mum n dad and tell THEM they abused you and that YOU should have been taken into protection.

And before anyone asks, I am a non-drinker.

Sounds like you SHOULD be a drinker, as it sounds like you need a snort of booze.

I've drank enough "To Float a Battleship Around" as Lynard Skynard says, have two kids, and neither has ever had a drop on my watch......well maybe my oldest, as he is 20 now, married with a kid of his own (still not old enough to drink legally where he lives)...Not saying that silly "Laws" actually deter that, but I sure as hell have never seen him drink.

So, as my Old Grandma (born in 1906) used to say, "Why don't you go jump in the lake?" I thinks it was her Christian way of saying she'd rather not hear your biased opinion. clap2.gif I think that phrase also entailed a subtle suggestion that she hoped you would drown.

So you accuse me of being biased and try to shoot me down with your own bias...hmmmm oh yes, that definitely makes sense. Maybe when you sober up from sinking battleships (your words not mine), you'd like to re-read my post and point out to me where I am biased about drinking . non drinking, giving or not giving alcohol to a bub.

Anyway back to topic: What i am simply saying is that a still photo is not evidence of them forcing a child to skull down whiskey or beer. It could even be, that the bottles were empty except for the last drop which is quite possible. And even if it were a sip, I go back to my original statement: that quite a lot of posters here would have gotten their first taste as infants / toddlers from mum n dad back in the good old days in farangatopia but choose to demonize Thais / Thailand with feigned outrage first chance they get.

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A child having a sip of Heineken, so what? I'm more enraged by all the blurring and censorship that goes on.

Do you have children? I hope not!

Is your house child proof as they do in the West? Do you restrict your child from running arround and finding things out for themselves?

My child can´t running arround and finding things out for herself, she is dead. What does your comment has to do with giving a child alcohol to drink?

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A child having a sip of Heineken, so what? I'm more enraged by all the blurring and censorship that goes on.

Do you have children? I hope not!
Is your house child proof as they do in the West? Do you restrict your child from running arround and finding things out for themselves?

My child can´t running arround and finding things out for herself, she is dead. What does your comment has to do with giving a child alcohol to drink?

Sorry for your loss. What has your comment got to do with the thread?

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Thailand suddenly became surprised that alcohol is given to babies in Thailand. Just stop pretending like you don`t know (I`m talking to Thais more specifically, but also some farang). Everyone knows babies all around Thailand are being given alcohol like it`s supposed to be funny. No one tries to prevent it, instead everyone is laughing together and cheering. I don`t know how many times I`ve seen it, and criticized it, but it`s been many, but I`ve never seen anyone else having the balls to criticize. Now I see they`re all too coward to even be honest about it.

Everyone knows babies all around Thailand are being given alcohol

This is the first time I've seen/heard of parents in Thailand giving children alcohol. Are you sure the statement you made above is accurate?

I have seen this behavior with my own eyes in the building I used to live in in Bangkok, where I was friends with some of my neighbors. A toddler was given a bit of beer and even a cigarette to try. I expressed my disapproval but as a guest (in the country) you can only take that so far in a culture where creating a scene is frowned upon.

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Time the soldier government stopped all Thais from using the internet just in case some ignorant parents look at this and think oh what a clever thing to do we will have to do that to our kids this ones are still alive so it must be safe.

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Have to admit, this is the first time i have seen Thais giving a child a drink from a bottle.

But most certainly not the first time (in Thailand) that i have seen ex-pats doing this for their kids. And i mean ex-pats and not just one person on a one-off event...................wink.png

Love the way everyone gets on their high horses when they comment on something like this. It will not kill them (the kids) unless they are force fed until intoxication!

When i was still a baby, my grandmother used to feed me her homemade dandelion wine to get me off to sleep, and apart from the hangovers, it never did me any harm.

Over reaction. Here, hold my beer and i will see if i have any photos.......................rolleyes.gif

I am expecting a bit of criticism over this post, but the above is true.

I was given Mackeson (stout). Edited by roo860
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A sip of beer, especially a nice English ale, is OK, but I draw the line at sharing a spliff whistling.gif

For all the nutjobs reading this thread & preaching fire & brimstone, that bit about the spliff is a joke wink.png

Cruel to give him a taste of Timmy Taylors Landlord, when all he'll get later is Leo.

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The Thais will be more concerned if the beer was bought near a school or before 17:00

Beer is sold in Belgium at colleges. You can drink wine and beer at 16 years old. In France there is no explicitly stated consumption age for drinking alcohol but to but it you need to be 18. Laos, Indonesia and China have no laws on minimum legal drinking age. Having stated this, the pouring of alcohol down a childs throat under the age of 18 and this case so young is appalling and social services should be called in to repremand the parents.

This is not the only bad parenting I've seen. Near where I live a child has grown up, now 5 years old, with help from the neighbourhood as both his parents leave everyday for work and get back late at night. No one to look after him. Terrible. Another child has been in hospital recently suffering from malnutrition due to his parents not feeding him proper food. He never eats vegetables or a hot meal with rice. Instead he only eats snacks from the local shop. Disgusting. I have seen it all. Rich and poor alike. The child in Thailand is supposed to be number 1, but thats not always the case and lots of children suffer from bad parenting.

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This is after all THAILAND, no Thai parent would do such a thing...................many would say. But then as a mere farang who am I to critise a Thai national for doing something that STUPID, what do I know about Thainess. Nothing but I do know that in most of the CIVILISED WORLD this is illegal and probably unlawful . So Thailand again slips back intop its Thrid world ranking by this BAD DISPLAY OF PARENTING .

This is after all the INTERNET, what I have come to call the SHALLOWS. In the shallows, staged photographs without any context are taken literally. So a couple posted a humorous picture purported to show their young child drinking out of the whiskey bottle and everyone takes it as an affront to their humanity. And it is not just within the "third world ranking" Thai shallows where such perceived indignities occur, but they occur equally within the imagined first world rankings, which is where I imagine most ThaiVisa posters imagine their own shallow thinking lies along the continuum of "I am better than the Thais". So the ThaiVIsa posters again slip back into their own little world of shallow minded Internet denizens and join so many others such as the young otherwise educated young Egyptians who imagined that Twitter was an empowering force in their lives. The shallows may be the future unforeseen by the likes of Huxley and Orwell.

Glad there were no cell phones when I was growing up when my own father let me have a sip of beer as a very young child. Of course I hated the bitter taste and stayed away from alcohol until my young adult years.

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This is after all THAILAND, no Thai parent would do such a thing...................many would say. But then as a mere farang who am I to critise a Thai national for doing something that STUPID, what do I know about Thainess. Nothing but I do know that in most of the CIVILISED WORLD this is illegal and probably unlawful . So Thailand again slips back intop its Thrid world ranking by this BAD DISPLAY OF PARENTING .

This is after all the INTERNET, what I have come to call the SHALLOWS. In the shallows, staged photographs without any context are taken literally. So a couple posted a humorous picture purported to show their young child drinking out of the whiskey bottle and everyone takes it as an affront to their humanity. And it is not just within the "third world ranking" Thai shallows where such perceived indignities occur, but they occur equally within the imagined first world rankings, which is where I imagine most ThaiVisa posters imagine their own shallow thinking lies along the continuum of "I am better than the Thais". So the ThaiVIsa posters again slip back into their own little world of shallow minded Internet denizens and join so many others such as the young otherwise educated young Egyptians who imagined that Twitter was an empowering force in their lives. The shallows may be the future unforeseen by the likes of Huxley and Orwell.

Glad there were no cell phones when I was growing up when my own father let me have a sip of beer as a very young child. Of course I hated the bitter taste and stayed away from alcohol until my young adult years.

Sip, the poor kid is drunk. They're pouring the alcohol down his throat. Sip?

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Sip, the poor kid is drunk. They're pouring the alcohol down his throat. Sip?

You are seeing far more details in the photo than I am able to discern. So its either my graduated bifocals, which have indeed tripped me up more than once, or your overactive imagination. But perhaps you have seen the original video that was posted for a short time on a Thai language website. I, and I would suspect most of us here on TV, have only seen the single screen shot which for me does not allow any judgment relative to volume of alcohol fed to the kid nor whether the child is inebriated.

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Sip, the poor kid is drunk. They're pouring the alcohol down his throat. Sip?

You are seeing far more details in the photo than I am able to discern. So its either my graduated bifocals, which have indeed tripped me up more than once, or your overactive imagination. But perhaps you have seen the original video that was posted for a short time on a Thai language website. I, and I would suspect most of us here on TV, have only seen the single screen shot which for me does not allow any judgment relative to volume of alcohol fed to the kid nor whether the child is inebriated.

Your right, over reaction on my part. Pls accept my apologies.

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Next it will be take the kids away and send the parents to prison to await execution......

Not a bad idea seeing as they are killing there child one brain cell at at time........completely worthless parents!!! I hope they only have the one boy!

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I recall those day where the usual sleeping aid for kids was a sip of whiskey.

Anyway, the human body is made to tolerate alcohol so it's no real danger. And those pictures are published in a critical time for beer brewers so the pictures could be propaganda. Or even think about bottles with filled with water, not alcohol, just to provoke.

I also gave my young son a sip of wine - checked it, hated it, learned a lesson.

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its just stupidity, my daughter tried beer at about 3, she wanted to know what i was drinking and has never shown an interest since. thai netizens need to look homeward and stop worrying about what others are doing. this is a tempest in a tea cup.

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"Anyway, the human body is made to tolerate alcohol so it's no real danger."

Karl Pilkington? Is that you?

You're hilarious as a Screen door on a Thai Submarine...

Ah, another guy who does not understand about human metabolism exactly like the guy pouring litres of alcohol in to his body :D

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I do not know if this was stage or not? Fro m my experience of living here 10 years the problem is in their culture. The law makers the people who run this country ALL were raised in this manner if not at this early age. This all come from a lack of education like it was a right of passage to being a adult. Many of the problems they are trying to correct thru Art 44, banning selling of alcohol near schools, drinking and driving all stem from their cultural mentality.

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