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Video of parents pouring beer, whiskey into their child's mouth enrages internet


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I once left my beer on the table and caught my 5 year old taking a sip when I returned. He was disgusted by the taste and I had to laugh at the face he pulled, but I would never make him drink anything like these parents were doing.

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I think this is a potential reason for forced vasectomy. This father definitely should not be allowed to have any more children. One could make an argument that a tiny amount of beer or wine, is not such a terrible thing, as long as the kid is at least 7 or 8? But whisky? That could be deadly. Many adults cannot even handle whisky. What a fool. What a hooligan dad. What a super freak. What a mindless creep. Hope he loses his kids over this one. I doubt it would happen, as it would represent justice, law and order, common sense and reason.

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A child having a sip of Heineken, so what? I'm more enraged by all the blurring and censorship that goes on.

Presuming they're just giving him some, I don't see the problem. Children like to feel included so if you're sitting round drinking and they don't get any they'll feel left out. I am horrified at the fact that people criticise people in an uncontrolled manner whenever someone's doing something they think's bad at that time, when in another generation their own family would routinely give children whiskey to make them sleep---quite a lot to make you sleep. Currently we of course have vaccinations, which are permanently harmful and designed to cull the population, as Bill Gates amazingly has stated. Giving children sugar-based food as a staple food or (or as a present, to a lesser extent) is way more harmful with much more possibility for habit forming, as they get a taste for it which is very hard to kick. Most people here don't have good teeth into their thirties, or the first time they have a motorbike accident that smashes them together and breaks them.

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I think...

the video is probably a hoax in the sense that they did it and filmed it as a joke.

have they given alcohol to a child in this video ? yes, it looks like they did.

have they ever done it before? who knows...

up country it is more common that children get a taste at young ages. people often give children things to taste to find out their reaction. it is fun. it is not seen as abuse. do they give the kid a glass of lao khao or put it in the bottle? No, I think this is extremely rare, even for upcountry.

when i was a kid, the doc and my mom gave me a little whiskey and apple juice when I was sick - I cant remember what I was sick from. maybe this was a alcoholic blackout?

point is: lots of cultures give a bit of drink - a sip or a taste - to children at events like New Years or something. It probably happened in my childhood a dozen times before I was 12. Once a year is not a big deal.

filming it and posting it on Internet is definitely insane and or shows the person was either drunk or incredibly stupid.

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Is it such a big deal ??

As young as I can remember I was allowed a splash of wine in water when my parents had wine with a meal.. I could have a shandy or even straight beer in small quantities.. It demystified alcohol and stopped it being that big secret that you then go out and binge on as soon as you can.

OK the whisky.. probably OTT at that age.. I think I was probably allowed a sip to taste but not 'drink'..

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I don't see the problem... MOST westernise food is more toxic on the human body and is more addictive!! Nearly every westerner is poisoning their child's body.

80% of health problems can be fixed by eating real food compare to this westernise garbage we have today!

Edited by fitnesspm2
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In midieval times EVERYONE drank beer all the time in urban areas. The reason was that drinking water could kill you, due to germs and bacterias. However, drinking beer was safe, because no harmful or deadly bacterias can live in beer. I am not saying it is healthy, but it certainly was the healthy option in those days.

...and average life expectancy was 25-35. Does that tell you something?

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In midieval times EVERYONE drank beer all the time in urban areas. The reason was that drinking water could kill you, due to germs and bacterias. However, drinking beer was safe, because no harmful or deadly bacterias can live in beer. I am not saying it is healthy, but it certainly was the healthy option in those days.

...and average life expectancy was 25-35. Does that tell you something?

Due to the beer or other factors?

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A child having a sip of Heineken, so what? I'm more enraged by all the blurring and censorship that goes on.

Presuming they're just giving him some, I don't see the problem. Children like to feel included so if you're sitting round drinking and they don't get any they'll feel left out. I am horrified at the fact that people criticise people in an uncontrolled manner whenever someone's doing something they think's bad at that time, when in another generation their own family would routinely give children whiskey to make them sleep---quite a lot to make you sleep. Currently we of course have vaccinations, which are permanently harmful and designed to cull the population, as Bill Gates amazingly has stated. Giving children sugar-based food as a staple food or (or as a present, to a lesser extent) is way more harmful with much more possibility for habit forming, as they get a taste for it which is very hard to kick. Most people here don't have good teeth into their thirties, or the first time they have a motorbike accident that smashes them together and breaks them.

A couple of geniuses.

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Did no one else try alcohol from their parents when they were young? I'd see my parents drinking wine or beer and ask them for some. They'd let me try and I'd think it's disgusting and not want anymore.

Unless they're force feeding it to the kid which it doesn't seem from the photo then this is a big drama over nothing.

Remember in Thailand there is a big anti alcohol movement which will jump at anything to justify even more draconian laws and restrictions.

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I once left my beer on the table and caught my 5 year old taking a sip when I returned. He was disgusted by the taste and I had to laugh at the face he pulled, but I would never make him drink anything like these parents were doing.

I used to brew my own beer in Kuwait from NA beer, which entailed the emptying of 48 cans of beer into a jerry can per batch and was a PITA.

My daughter was about 1 & 1/2 and was FASCINATED by this process. I dropped a can one day on the floor. She scarfed it up (there were a few dregs left in it), HAULED ASS with her Mommy chasing her around the kitchen table and had it turned to the moon, pulling the bottom out of that can.

My wife was PISSED OFF. The was no booze in it, but she just didn't like it at all though.

Told me, "The apple does not fall far from the tree I guess". clap2.gif

PS........This is tragic, sad, pathetic thread. Hope this post will make someone smile. My daughter is 10 now, and has yet to taste a drop of real booze.

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Have to admit, this is the first time i have seen Thais giving a child a drink from a bottle.

But most certainly not the first time (in Thailand) that i have seen ex-pats doing this for their kids. And i mean ex-pats and not just one person on a one-off event...................wink.png

Love the way everyone gets on their high horses when they comment on something like this. It will not kill them (the kids) unless they are force fed until intoxication!

When i was still a baby, my grandmother used to feed me her homemade dandelion wine to get me off to sleep, and apart from the hangovers, it never did me any harm.

Over reaction. Here, hold my beer and i will see if i have any photos.......................rolleyes.gif

I am expecting a bit of criticism over this post, but the above is true.

That reminds me chrisinth , when I was about 6 - 8 years old ( in the mid 50's ) I guess , my mother was a school dinner lady at the little Primary school I went to and she made Ginger Beer at home , it was called a Ginger Beer plant , just needed water and I suppose sugar adding , This got siphoned off and taken to school. My mother told me many years ago that she was told not to bring anymore GB to school as us kids were falling asleep in the afternoon , yep it was alcoholic.. If this happened today in England ...... no times past , couldn't happen these days.

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What absolute horse droppings from some of the posters here. Acting outraged at a Thai doing EXACTLY what many westerners do i.e. give a baby a sip of their drink. If they actually were "pouring" the drink down the baby's throat, I too would be outraged but it clearly is not.

How many of you old codgers gave your kids a wee dram in their milk to help them to the land of nod. For that matter how many of you were given your first taste at a young age by YOUR parents. If you put your hand up for either of those but still abhor a Thai doing the same, it just goes to show your mentality and hypocrisy. Instead, call your mum n dad and tell THEM they abused you and that YOU should have been taken into protection.

And before anyone asks, I am a non-drinker.

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What absolute horse droppings from some of the posters here. Acting outraged at a Thai doing EXACTLY what many westerners do i.e. give a baby a sip of their drink. If they actually were "pouring" the drink down the baby's throat, I too would be outraged but it clearly is not.

How many of you old codgers gave your kids a wee dram in their milk to help them to the land of nod. For that matter how many of you were given your first taste at a young age by YOUR parents. If you put your hand up for either of those but still abhor a Thai doing the same, it just goes to show your mentality and hypocrisy. Instead, call your mum n dad and tell THEM they abused you and that YOU should have been taken into protection.

And before anyone asks, I am a non-drinker.

Sounds like you SHOULD be a drinker, as it sounds like you need a snort of booze.

I've drank enough "To Float a Battleship Around" as Lynard Skynard says, have two kids, and neither has ever had a drop on my watch......well maybe my oldest, as he is 20 now, married with a kid of his own (still not old enough to drink legally where he lives)...Not saying that silly "Laws" actually deter that, but I sure as hell have never seen him drink.

So, as my Old Grandma (born in 1906) used to say, "Why don't you go jump in the lake?" I thinks it was her Christian way of saying she'd rather not hear your biased opinion. clap2.gif I think that phrase also entailed a subtle suggestion that she hoped you would drown.

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What absolute horse droppings from some of the posters here. Acting outraged at a Thai doing EXACTLY what many westerners do i.e. give a baby a sip of their drink. If they actually were "pouring" the drink down the baby's throat, I too would be outraged but it clearly is not.

How many of you old codgers gave your kids a wee dram in their milk to help them to the land of nod. For that matter how many of you were given your first taste at a young age by YOUR parents. If you put your hand up for either of those but still abhor a Thai doing the same, it just goes to show your mentality and hypocrisy. Instead, call your mum n dad and tell THEM they abused you and that YOU should have been taken into protection.

And before anyone asks, I am a non-drinker.

Sounds like you SHOULD be a drinker, as it sounds like you need a snort of booze.

I've drank enough "To Float a Battleship Around" as Lynard Skynard says, have two kids, and neither has ever had a drop on my watch......well maybe my oldest, as he is 20 now, married with a kid of his own (still not old enough to drink legally where he lives)...Not saying that silly "Laws" actually deter that, but I sure as hell have never seen him drink.

So, as my Old Grandma (born in 1906) used to say, "Why don't you go jump in the lake?" I thinks it was her Christian way of saying she'd rather not hear your biased opinion. clap2.gif I think that phrase also entailed a subtle suggestion that she hoped you would drown.

Think Unky is right. No need to be nasty because you disagree with him. Sip now and again? Fine with me. Has anyone actually seen the video? One still picture is hardly enough for all the rightsinous comments here.

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I really don't understand some of you guys!

You really think, this is funny?

You see no difference, between a -let's say- 5 year old, trying a left over beer after a party and THIS Case, where moronic parents "feed" alcohol to their baby?


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A child having a sip of Heineken, so what? I'm more enraged by all the blurring and censorship that goes on.

Do you have children? I hope not!

Is your house child proof as they do in the West? Do you restrict your child from running arround and finding things out for themselves?

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l found that Babies generally like the taste of beer. Maybe a contrast to the bland food that they get given.

All my children(4)were given small sips of beer from my bottle. l mean small sips, no more than a teaspoon or so.

lt scandalised their mother's Filipino family but did the children no harm. The youngest now is 29 yo & is a successful Doctor in Australia.

However l would never give my children, or any children for that matter, hard liquor like Whiskey etc.

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