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Pegida: German Justice Minister likened to Goebbels


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Pegida: German Justice Minister likened to Goebbels


BERLIN: -- There is outrage in Germany after the leader of the far-right Pegida movement likened the country’s justice ministed to a notorious figure from the Nazi era.

Speaking at a rally in the eastern city of Dresden, Lutz Bachmann described Heiko Maas as the “worst thing to have happened since Goebbels.”

Joseph Goebbels was Minister of Propaganda for the Nazi regime.

Supporters of Heiko Maas have denounced the comparison as “monstrous”.

Maas is a member of the SPD. There is talk of possible legal action.

Random House cancels author’s contract

A publisher has severed links with a controversial Turkish-German author after comments he made at a Pegida rally two weeks ago.

Penguin Random House says it has cancelled its contract with Akif Pirinçci after his remarks about concentration camps.

Who are Pegida?

- Pegida is a German political movement based in Dresden.

- It claims to be anti-Islamic and against what it says is the growing influence of Islam in Europe.

- The group denies that it is a racist organisation but says it is opposed to the levels of immigrants coming to Germany.

- Pegida has been holding marches on Monday evenings in Dresden since the start of the year.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-04

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So, you criticize the government and/or its ministers and that government will take legal action against you. It does sound a bit like Goebbels.

So, is Germany now a Nazi country or not?

It does appear to be a semi-authoritarian country, where political dissent is threatened with legal action and criminalization. You don't need to be a Nazi to do that. But for a German living in Germany protesting his government's authoritarian diktat, I can understand the comparison.

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So, you criticize the government and/or its ministers and that government will take legal action against you. It does sound a bit like Goebbels.

So, is Germany now a Nazi country or not?

It does appear to be a semi-authoritarian country, where political dissent is threatened with legal action and criminalization. You don't need to be a Nazi to do that. But for a German living in Germany protesting his government's authoritarian diktat, I can understand the comparison.

The problem is that rightist gangs permanently attack lives from minorities. Moslems are only welcomed scapegoats right now, they used violence against homeless and disabled before - they tend to kill anyone who is not exactly like them.

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And the Green party and others have called members of Pegida fascists and racists so it seems that some have the right to call names and others don't.

Recently a Turkish-German author and Pegida member was wrongly quoted saying that immigrants and asylum seekers should be put to concentration camps. His books were drawn from the shelves and some destroyed (burning books, anyone?). Later the media corrected what he had said but the damage was already done. What he actually said, was that it seems that the PC leaders of Germany would probably like to put Pegida members to concentration camps if they could.

Unfortunately, following the recent events in Germany, I see a great threat that history will repeat itself in the most terrible way. It doesn't help that the Eu leaders have their misguided agenda that doesn't allow criticism. At the same time the left wing parties along with the green pukes are talking that Germany and other Europe belongs to all. I do not agree. Europe is made out of national states and if that system is replaced with something that reminds me of the Soviet Union, I see misery and destruction ahead.

!980's socialistic parties had their meeting and agreed to make EU their project. Now we see where that has lead us. Here an interesting link to an interview of Wladimir Bukowski, a well-known Soviet dissident:

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Expect more of this. EU will pass more and more rules, which will allow member countries to suppress free speech and claim anything not PC is dissent and inflammatory.

Just like the British police ignored Moslem pedophile gangs, the Swedish police suppress details of Moslem criminal acts, including rape, the German police will do the same.

It doesn't suit the political masters and EU lackeys to present reality - only statements that show the EU utopia, which for them in their ivory towers in might be, will be allowed.

Democracy, real law and order, and the rights of indigenous Europeans are fast becoming a joke.

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Anyone who criticizes mass immigration is labelled as "far right" or worse by the globalists, their media whores and leftist lackeys. These incredibly important decisions were made without consultation of the German people. Maybe the comparison with Goebbels is in some way apt...it's just that now the propaganda is that national sovereignty is unimportant, and that anyone who opposes it is some kind of irrational, evil, far right, hater.

What is happening in Germany and Europe with the fake refugee crisis is a takeover under the guise of being humanitarian. Merkel and her people are not humanitarian minded 'good guys', they are traitors. They have sold out Germany. This will only end badly. Very badly.

The leftist brainwashing and guilting has been relentless to the point where many still can't accept the reality of what this is, they are so scared of being labelled "fascist" or "racist". It's not only PEGIDA that are upset, people all over Europe are starting to wake up to what is going on. In the Czech Republic, in Poland, in Slovenia, in Greece, in Finland, in Hungary, in Switzerland....do I need to keep going?

The foolish bleeding heart liberals and leftists meanwhile welcome their own destruction.

Can you imagine China opening their borders and doing the same? or Japan? or Russia?

Europe is being played...only fools are unable to see this.

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Before condemning Pergida just look at the sort of thing they are opposing.


Not only do Germans have to put up with hostile illiterate Muslim “refugees” who crowd their public spaces and leave filth in their wake. Not only do they have to endure increased levels of assault, theft, rape, and other crimes. Not only are they forced to keep quiet about it all, to shut their mouths if they don’t want to be prosecuted and/or lose their jobs.

Now it looks like they’ll be forced into the service of the migrants. Under this new proposal, after graduation their choice will be either military service or abject dhimmi servitude to the new Muslim Herrenvolk

I'd choose military service, at least you would learn how to shoot a gun.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Expect more of this. EU will pass more and more rules, which will allow member countries to suppress free speech and claim anything not PC is dissent and inflammatory.

Just like the British police ignored Moslem pedophile gangs, the Swedish police suppress details of Moslem criminal acts, including rape, the German police will do the same.

It doesn't suit the political masters and EU lackeys to present reality - only statements that show the EU utopia, which for them in their ivory towers in might be, will be allowed.

Democracy, real law and order, and the rights of indigenous Europeans are fast becoming a joke.

Maybe they will use Turkey as the model. tongue.png

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Back to the Goebbels question.... this blog is interesting and a good read.


"Question: What is the media propaganda like?

Answer: No different than Nazi propaganda against Jews. Crude, purposeful, deceptive with the self-righteous claim of being in the best interest of the public, would could not be trusted with the truth."

So yes the Goebbels comparison is not too far from the mark...

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It is "Chosen ones that cant be criticised" {COCBC} that promote multi-culturalism and Third World immigration. COCBC have promoted these movements in the interests of COCBC, though they have often tried to give the impression that they had no distinctive interests of their own. . While attempting to promote the brotherhood of man by dissolving the ethnic identification of gentiles, COCBC have maintained precisely the kind of intense group solidarity they decry as immoral in others. COCBC have advanced their interests by promoting pluralism and diversity -- but only for others. Ever since the 19th century, they have led movements that tried to discredit the traditional foundations of gentile society: patriotism, racial loyalty, the Christian basis for morality, social homogeneity, and sexual restraint. At the same time, within their own communities, and with regard their own state, they have often supported the very institutions they attack in gentile society.
Why is this in the interests of COCBC? Because the parochial group loyalty characteristic of COCBC attracts far less attention in a society that does not have a cohesive racial and cultural core. The COCBC determination not to assimilate fully, which accounts for their survival as a people for thousands for years -- even without a country -- has invariably attracted unpleasant and even murderous scrutiny in nations with well -defined national identities. it is therefore in the interest of COCBC to dilute and weaken the identity of any people among whom they live. COCBC identity can flower in safety only when gentile identity is weak.COCBC are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors {promotion of feminism and gays} COCBC make the diversity-is-our-strength argument it is in support of their real goal of diluting a society's homogeneity so that COCBC will feel safe.COCBC may support deviant movements, not because they think it is good for the country but because it is good for the COCBC.They promote to deconstruct the workings of strong nation-states with powerful immigration policies, to deconstruct the rhetoric of nationalism, the politics of place, the metaphysics of native land and native tongue... The idea is to disarm the bombs... of identity that nation-states build to defend themselves against the stranger, against COCBC and immigrants... The strengthening of multi-cultural or diverse UK and other white nations is their most effective insurance policy against anti-COCBC.. Third-World immigration, affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, and forced integration are clearly not in the interests of whites, yet many whites embrace them, thus demonstrating how completely they have abandoned their racial identity. due to years of cultural brainwashing post WW2

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So, you criticize the government and/or its ministers and that government will take legal action against you. It does sound a bit like Goebbels.

You're right in what you're surmising, but actually the government as such is not taking legal action.

It's the administration, i.e. the states' attorney, that are presently in the process of gathering evidence, whatever that means when Bachmann's speech was public.

To press criminal charges for slander or libel, which is the only possible crime to spring to mind, Germany's Minister Of Justice would have to authorize the states' attorneys.

He has already ruled this out, so there will be no criminal proceedings. Would be taking a big risk, the German Constitutional Court has a history of voiding convictions

for slander against public figures with a view of freedom of speech. Of course might serve to intimidation if you got a criminal record for some two years until they look at the case.

But you are right to a point... If a normal citizen files a criminal report for libel, that will end in the bin to up to 100% of the time, you'd be referred to some sort of communal ombudsman.

And for the police and everyone else to "gather evidence" without Minister Maas asking them to do so (he is the only one that can) it looks a bit biased of them to do so.

And the point actually is, German crime-fighting authorities have pretty much ganged up and are bending over backwards to denigrate Bachmann and other people round PEGIDA

to make them look unappetizing to the genral public by means of criminal law.

There is not one newspaper clip on Pegida and Bachmann not stating him to be an ex-convict (drug-related charges) again and again, and now they have brought criminal procedures

against him because he called the refugees swarming in over the Mediterraneans "scum" or something to that effect over a year ago; no sign of action from them over all that time.

They are pressing charges for public incitement, only if you were to read that criminal provision you'd notice you can only do that against a part of the populace (i.e. already in Germany)

defined by race, religion and so on. Sound fishy to me. They are so fond of calling any sort dissenters Nazis now, thereby trying to preclude them from taking part

What they are obviously trying to do is to keep the press able to do their reporting on him and PEGIDA never failing to remind the readers there are criminal procedures pending.

You can't follow criminals as an upstanding citizen, can you?

So essentially, you're right. We've come a long way in Germany. This is more detrimental to democracy and the basic rights than any right-wingers ever could be.

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