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Over the years I have seen so many farang couples who are here on married status contracts, break up and divorce. We now very rarely look to bring to bring guys out on married status contracts, not worth the hassle.

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Over the years I have seen so many farang couples who are here on married status contracts, break up and divorce. We now very rarely look to bring to bring guys out on married status contracts, not worth the hassle.

Do you have any insight into why those relationships broke up?

Were these couples that had been together a long time?


Over the years I have seen so many farang couples who are here on married status contracts, break up and divorce. We now very rarely look to bring to bring guys out on married status contracts, not worth the hassle.

Do you have any insight into why those relationships broke up?

Were these couples that had been together a long time?

All the break ups were due to the guy getting involved with a Thai girl.

Most of the couples were in the early forties and had been married for at least 15 years. We had one manager who fell in love and divorced his wife of 35 years.


Over the years I have seen so many farang couples who are here on married status contracts, break up and divorce. We now very rarely look to bring to bring guys out on married status contracts, not worth the hassle.

Do you have any insight into why those relationships broke up?

Were these couples that had been together a long time?

All the break ups were due to the guy getting involved with a Thai girl.

Most of the couples were in the early forties and had been married for at least 15 years. We had one manager who fell in love and divorced his wife of 35 years.

I'm guessing these relationships were on pretty rocky ground in the first place, then. Still tough on the innocent parties, though.


Over the years I have seen so many farang couples who are here on married status contracts, break up and divorce. We now very rarely look to bring to bring guys out on married status contracts, not worth the hassle.

Do you have any insight into why those relationships broke up?

Were these couples that had been together a long time?

All the break ups were due to the guy getting involved with a Thai girl.

Most of the couples were in the early forties and had been married for at least 15 years. We had one manager who fell in love and divorced his wife of 35 years.

I'm guessing these relationships were on pretty rocky ground in the first place, then. Still tough on the innocent parties, though.

I don’t know whether their relationship was on rocky ground or not, it’s not something you can ask prior to mobilization, but as far as I am concerned it is just not good policy to bring guys out on married status.

In fact it’s not good policy to bring anyone out, single status or otherwise, just too many distractions.


I guess you have to get people from somewhere though. Do you prefer hiring those who are here already?

Our preference in recent years is to hire locals, expats whether living here or not are just not worth the hassle.


Ah ok. I assumed you were hiring foreigners out of necessity for some reason.

The only expats we use now are company men out for a specific task.


OK, so you're living in the USA a divorced guy 50+, you've got a kid or 2 that are grown. What's available to you in the single female market say between ages 45-55. I know a 50 yr old farang female CAN be a knockout, but isn't it more likely she's 20-30 lbs overweight with cottage cheese thighs. Now, I'm not now or have I ever been part of the higher end crowd such as doctors, lawyer and politicians. But, in my little bluish collar crowd she probably have a few kids of her own grown or worse yet they're teen agers. Chances are very good being a single mom she's not living the high life, probably doesn't even own her own home. Now, all I hear about in Thailand are walking ATM's. Ok, now your US squeeze is short on rent money, car payment is due, she gets laid off from work, etc etc etc. or

Or, I can come to Thailand as a 50+ single guy, pay bar fines all my life and be a happy camper but that too gets old. Feel lucky and find a permanent relationship, even consider that having another kid is extremely possible.

So, what's the difference between the 2 scenarios? Life in Thailand is just so much easier and cheaper.

I can see your point. But I do feel it seems a bit of a shame to give up hope of finding a fulfilling relationship with someone back home so easily.

Not like I gave up, I started working overseas 13 yrs ago. Thailand became my home base.

So was your interest in foreign women more by circumstance than choice?

I found an interest in Thailand itself, the ladies are simply a big bonus.


Not like I gave up, I started working overseas 13 yrs ago. Thailand became my home base.

So was your interest in foreign women more by circumstance than choice?

I found an interest in Thailand itself, the ladies are simply a big bonus.

Were you attracted to Asian women before you wound up in this part of the world?


date night is a thing couples do - and the context within which I used it. I don't go on dates with other women - I'm a happily married man.

I am also a happily married man.

I don't go on dates with my wife, but I do go on dates with other women.

Much more fun than going on a date with my wife.


date night is a thing couples do - and the context within which I used it. I don't go on dates with other women - I'm a happily married man.

I am also a happily married man.

I don't go on dates with my wife, but I do go on dates with other women.

Much more fun than going on a date with my wife.

Your idea of a happy marriage is very different to mine.

But then I think we knew that already, didn't we?


Were you attracted to Asian women before you wound up in this part of the world?

I'm not attracted to Asian women, I'm attracted to available women ..... and sometimes men dressed as women if they're really cute.

(In the interests of full disclosure, they also need to be under age 35 and less than 50Kg)


Were you attracted to Asian women before you wound up in this part of the world?

I'm not attracted to Asian women, I'm attracted to available women ..... and sometimes men dressed as women if they're really cute.

(In the interests of full disclosure, they also need to be under age 35 and less than 50Kg)


You neglected to include your fetish for animals of all kind. Don't be shy.



According to Google the worst women on the planet are American women....

The only group of women without 1 positive value in the study.....Tells me when I went exclusively with Asian gals decades ago I had a head start....Some interesting observations made.....

The guy that wrote this is in Bangkok


Not the most unbiased perspective ever, is it?

I guess it provides an interesting overview of stereotypes about women, but not much else.


True to a point.....Stereotyping and Profiling are buzz words to start friction and are not PC correct....

However - statistically it is proven to be a correct and useful resource ....

And, whether or not you agree - it does add another dimension to your topic that is fully in line with the flow of/and ideas generated.....


True to a point.....Stereotyping and Profiling are buzz words to start friction and are not PC correct....

However - statistically it is proven to be a correct and useful resource ....

And, whether or not you agree - it does add another dimension to your topic that is fully in line with the flow of/and ideas generated.....

Hey, this isn't about just opinions I agree with.

I'd be interested to see the statistical proof that google autocorrect is a 'correct and useful resource', though.


The Irish/Brit gals didn't fare too well either - And the Thai gals did NOT get a free pass....

But it helps to clarify why SOME western men prefer not to "look" in their own countries....Most of the "good" ones are long spoken for....

However - the comments made after the post are also interesting to note...


Are you so sure?

Quite a few Farang chicks were after me when I was in Germany. They changed their attitude when they heard what I thought about them.


Over the years I have seen so many farang couples who are here on married status contracts, break up and divorce. We now very rarely look to bring to bring guys out on married status contracts, not worth the hassle.

Most of the farang ladies blame the Thai, or in some cases the company for bringing him out here.

I still get contacted by one very irate lady from the UK, who lost out here.


Whoa. You actually read a website that gives an outlet to stuff like this?


That site is completely brilliant, way better than 'MGTOW' or 'True Forced Loneliness'

Worth reading the whole page. And the other articles are great too.

"Allowing women unlimited personal freedom has so affected birth rates in the West that the elite insists on now allowing importation of millions of third world immigrants from democratically-challenged nations that threaten the survival of the West. In other words, giving women unbridled choice to pursue their momentary whims instead of investing in traditional family ideals and reproduction is a contributing factor to what may end up being the complete collapse of those nations that have allowed women to do as they please."

I always knew the collapse of western society was their fault!


Mine is a rock. I met her twenty two years ago and never looked back. I took some good advice and started how I meant to go on and this negated any family claims to me.


Meet someone from your own social and economic background anywhere in the world and it makes things so much easier, preferably someone who speaks and understands your own language and customs.

Always worked for me in my last 27 relationships.

My last 27 relationships????? You are not qualified to give realationship advice

if you have had 27 relationships...

Relationship advice I would want would come from someone with a 27 year relationship.

Bad Tony

One of the reasons I spend time with only a small number of ex-pat friends here, 4 of us with wives meet once or twice a week for a meal and a couple of drinks, is that 'we' the 4 of us don't take ourselves so seriously all the time as most ex-pats out here do. All 4 financially stable and all 4 wives with good jobs.

We all have a sense of humour and we are all capable of laughing at ourselves, something I have found very few ex-pats out here are incapable of. So many of them take themselves so seriously I get the impression they actually believe they are important to Thailand and if they left tomorrow the country would fall apart. Used to work with similar characters back in the UK, you know the old ' if I resigned tomorrow the company would be in big trouble sort'

For your info Bad Tony I am happily married and have been for 10 years out here, the social and economic background comment was the serious part, the 27 was joke part.

Stop taking life so seriously, tomorrow is promised to no-one and that's the way I live.


Hardly seems any point posting at all, then.

You don't have an opinion on the subject you can share?

I do have an opinion...I think it doesn't depends on nationality it depends on the individuals/ partners and the key word is respect...


Sure, respect is pretty key when it comes to a successful relationship. Without it, I guess you could maintain something, but I'm not sure I'd call it a relationship.

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