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australian embassy road show c/mai 9/11


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its a gidday to all cobbers

our aust emb r/show is here on MON 9/11@ TAMARIND VILLAGE WALKING STREET MARKET HRS 8.30 TO 12....1 TO 3

fot p/port ,licience renewals stat decs etc etc...CASH ONLY

they have provided great service for aussies in previous visitsbiggrin.png

a lovely early evening to allsmile.png

Edited by evenstevens
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They ARE the Aussie Embassy in Bangkok! Just out for a little road show. And yes, it would be a good idea to mention to them the conditions at CM Immigration and how that has affected your decisions on whether to hire a visa agent or not.

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gosh we got a pair of anti zoo galahs, on this thread !!!!!

wished they fly away, and take their droppings , elsewhere

as this thread was opened on the board,to help fellow aussies, of our great embassy services visit dates, etc etc smile.png

not to turn it into another zoo bashing thread

a lovely afternoon to allbiggrin.png

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trying to keep this a bit on topic but it would be a bit much to use this opportunity to shit can local immigration for a few reasons. Firstly if one or multiple people complain it holds up the service for others. On the last visit there were three Thai staff (two on receipting and one admin or queue managing) and one A based Ausralian officer and a lot of people wanting to access that officer as he was the only one who could actually sign or witness a document. Secondly the service itself though welcome was not that much different than local immigration. The venue was packed, not appropriate, and a few codgers sitting outside in the heat (sound familiar), there was no efficient queue system so people were constantly seeking out how they put their name on the list and then going back up again to find how much more they had to wait (familiar?), after having your document signed you then had to wait and for quite a few until after lunch to get you reciept ( and wait you must as they kept documents or passports......familiar again?) so by no means was this quick, they ALL broke for lunch at the same time etc etc etc.

I say this so that those attending appreciate that they may be there for some time, that this is a limited (in size and scope) outreach service so I would not call it a road show so not the best place to complain at length or have complicated queries, and not to different from local Thai immigration. It is a good service for simple high volume certification and application but recognise it for what it is and use it within its limitations.

If I could have used a visa agent to go there I would have :)

Edited by mamborobert
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trying to keep this a bit on topic but it would be a bit much to use this opportunity to shit can local immigration for a few reasons. Firstly if one or multiple people complain it holds up the service for others. On the last visit there were three Thai staff (two on receipting and one admin or queue managing) and one A based Ausralian officer and a lot of people wanting to access that officer as he was the only one who could actually sign or witness a document. Secondly the service itself though welcome was not that much different than local immigration. The venue was packed, not appropriate, and a few codgers sitting outside in the heat (sound familiar), there was no efficient queue system so people were constantly seeking out how they put their name on the list and then going back up again to find how much more they had to wait (familiar?), after having your document signed you then had to wait and for quite a few until after lunch to get you reciept ( and wait you must as they kept documents or passports......familiar again?) so by no means was this quick, they ALL broke for lunch at the same time etc etc etc.

I say this so that those attending appreciate that they may be there for some time, that this is a limited (in size and scope) outreach service so I would not call it a road show so not the best place to complain at length or have complicated queries, and not to different from local Thai immigration. It is a good service for simple high volume certification and application but recognise it for what it is and use it within its limitations.

Just want to thank you for the whole story. I never realized how hard it was for an Australian. As you say yes a lot does sound familiar.

You are rite do not take up the man's time. Maybe some one could write up a petition and have it available for signing.

Edited by northernjohn
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People could still submit their story in writing, couldn't they?

Nancy, personally for me immigration is not a problem but if it were I would have thought that a collective submission by a group like the expats club, or Rotary, VFW for Americans the British Legion for Brits, or a enthusiast club (motorcycles for example) to all embassies to which there members were nationals would be better.

Secondly I would have thought that embassy staff would question the severity of a complaint if the aggrieved party effectively waited until they arrived. There are email and phone options available for this. Being a complaint drop box is not one of the stated functions of the outreach service and I would not want to see any potential for the service new as it is being limited or withdrawn.

Lastly would it not be better that approaches were made through the larger Expat national embassies such as UK, USA, or other EU nations? And if this has been done to no or limited effect then why presume that all Oz citizens have a problem, will complain, or that the embassy will act, or act successfully or in an actually committed fashion.

Again I personally do not have a problem, have dealt with them direct and through two local agents.....and would deal direct with them again no problem (this Tuesday more than likely). Perhaps it is the nature of Oz nationals but if I had an issue I would complain at the time when there is an avenue for my complaint to be addressed there and then.....where my complaint is warranted and to me serious enough.

From my initial reply on the consular service I am more likely to complain about their organisation but put the first few visits down to it being new and a teething problem and perhaps unexpected demand numbers.

Edited by mamborobert
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I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk - chopped, clipped, abberviated, and slang.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-2 yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

Edited by connda
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gosh we got a pair of anti zoo galahs, on this thread !!!!!

wished they fly away, and take their droppings , elsewhere

as this thread was opened on the board,to help fellow aussies, of our great embassy services visit dates, etc etc smile.png

not to turn it into another zoo bashing thread

a lovely afternoon to allbiggrin.png

crikey blue !! that's a bonza cobber. gunna grab some fellas, chuck a slab in the ute and cruz over .... struth !! sounds like a ripper tune. hope ya got some freebees there. ani_kangaroo_flag.gif

Edited by steven100
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I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-too yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

I am going to have to disagree with you and side with mamborobert on complaining to the head of the road show. As was pointed out the Australian road show is the same as the immigration. It also is fairly new and will take some time to straighten out. It would be a complete waste of the officers time to have to listen to every one complain about it, He already knows.

As I suggested if they really want to make a difference get a petition made up in a reasonable manner and have the people sign it. When he returns to his Embasy he could turn it in and say the people in Chiang Mai are unhappy about this situation. Or with out the paper he could and probably will say I heard a lot of complaints.

I for one vote a petition will show the Australian embassy that Chiang Mai is unhappy with the situation far more than a verbal report that they are a bunch of whining <deleted> up there. Plus it would allow him the time to do the job he came here to do.

As for language I find that people who have to use superlative's generally are hiding some thing. So I tend to ignore them.

Edited by northernjohn
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People could still submit their story in writing, couldn't they?

Nancy, personally for me immigration is not a problem but if it were I would have thought that a collective submission by a group like the expats club, or Rotary, VFW for Americans the British Legion for Brits, or a enthusiast club (motorcycles for example) to all embassies to which there members were nationals would be better.

Secondly I would have thought that embassy staff would question the severity of a complaint if the aggrieved party effectively waited until they arrived. There are email and phone options available for this. Being a complaint drop box is not one of the stated functions of the outreach service and I would not want to see any potential for the service new as it is being limited or withdrawn.

Lastly would it not be better that approaches were made through the larger Expat national embassies such as UK, USA, or other EU nations? And if this has been done to no or limited effect then why presume that all Oz citizens have a problem, will complain, or that the embassy will act, or act successfully or in an actually committed fashion.

Again I personally do not have a problem, have dealt with them direct and through two local agents.....and would deal direct with them again no problem (this Tuesday more than likely). Perhaps it is the nature of Oz nationals but if I had an issue I would complain at the time when there is an avenue for my complaint to be addressed there and then.....where my complaint is warranted and to me serious enough.

From my initial reply on the consular service I am more likely to complain about their organisation but put the first few visits down to it being new and a teething problem and perhaps unexpected demand numbers.

I can assure you that the leadership of the RBL has spoken to the British Embassy about the issue and the CEC has been in direct contact with Ambassadors from several countries. Not so, with the Australian Embassy. One of the most interested Ambassadors as been from one of the smaller countries. Why do think Australia should sit back and do nothing and hope the other country's Embassies solve the problem. In the past two years nearly 40% of the new members of CEC have come from Australia.

Surely, elected officials in your country are like elected officials in mine. They begin to take notice when enough voters contact them about a single issue. If only one special interest group does, then it's an easy issue to ignore. While I know Ambassadors aren't elected, they do listen to their citizens in country.

Incidentally, Rotary is not an expat organization in Thailand -- it is a Thai organization with a few expat members. And as for your suggestion that "enthusiast clubs" email their Embassies. That's ludicrous. I can see it now -- the Bridge Club is going to send a petition about how all the time they spend at Immigration is keeping them away from their bridge tables.

What you're saying is -- let anyone but me solve the problem.

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I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk - chopped, clipped, abberviated, and slang.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-2 yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

crickey !! what gum tree cracked your knuckle head blue !! your not one of those poms are ya tryin ta toffee ya nose at our shin ding are ya ......... for pete's sake, ya need to get a tinnie in ya and chill bro !! tongue.png

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Connda, the op is perfectly understandable to the target audience and clear in English..

The first two responses used Oz slang and you had no problem with this, or it seems with poor spelling by others. It is effective communication not an English test.

There is no need for other nationals to hijack the thread for an alternate agenda or point scoring.

Merv Hughes put it very nicely to Viv Richards in a Carribean test some years ago" In my culture we just say............". Google away.

Edited by mamborobert
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Nancy, my apologies, they were just suggestions, perhaps Ill-considered given that I am pretty ok with Thai immigration all in all. My experiences have not been the same as others and in general far better than I have experienced in other countries (US, Ireland, UK, PI etc).

I still do not think this event is the right place to voice concerns but it was good to catch up with compatriots some coming as far away from Chiang Rai. I was surprised at how many Oz citizens there are here now ( and note your increasing Oz membership) but as stated this out service is limited and really targeted to high volume simple issues and any distraction from this will have an effect on wait times and I am somewhat considerate of those that have made a long journey for a specific advertised service.

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gosh we got a pair of anti zoo galahs, on this thread !!!!!

wished they fly away, and take their droppings , elsewhere

as this thread was opened on the board,to help fellow aussies, of our great embassy services visit dates, etc etc smile.png

not to turn it into another zoo bashing thread

a lovely afternoon to allbiggrin.png

crikey blue !! that's a bonza cobber. gunna grab some fellas, chuck a slab in the ute and cruz over .... struth !! sounds like a ripper tune. hope ya got some freebees there. ani_kangaroo_flag.gif

You can grab all the fellas you like..up to you but I will stick to the sheilas.

A good service.....but may need a little tweaking but until there is an election and we remind them that we can vote......................the Government has probably cut their beer ration to 8 cans a day so cannot blame them for being a bit slow.

Edited by harrry
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I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk - chopped, clipped, abberviated, and slang.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-2 yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

god stone the bloody crows!!!!!!

this bloody drongo does,nt understand our lingo

too mutch for the human unit

perhaps throw him on a hoges barbie and drink a couple slabs, before lighting up

thks fellow ockers for your ocker posts, great aussie humour

its a ricky poody and a fandoogly to connda

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I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk - chopped, clipped, abberviated, and slang.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-2 yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

god stone the bloody crows!!!!!!

this bloody drongo does,nt understand our lingo

too mutch for the human unit

perhaps throw him on a hoges barbie and drink a couple slabs, before lighting up

thks fellow ockers for your ocker posts, great aussie humour

its a ricky poody and a fandoogly to connda

Stone the crows the "circus" may not be perfect, but it beats chewing on a Dingo's donga any day!

Edited by Mousehound
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god stone the bloody crows!!!!!!

this bloody drongo does,nt understand our lingo

too mutch for the human unit

perhaps throw him on a hoges barbie and drink a couple slabs, before lighting up

thks fellow ockers for your ocker posts, great aussie humour

its a ricky poody and a fandoogly to conndaStone the crows the "circus" may not be perfect, but it beats chewing on a Dingo's donga any day!

Crikey! I just realised I made a blue. Only yanks would chew on Dingo's donga. A true straight up Ausie would only chew on a DEAD Dingo's donga. Been too long out beyond the black stump - apologies. Hope you got some use out of todays visit.

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People could still submit their story in writing, couldn't they?

I wrote directly to the Australian ambassador about the problem with the immigration department in Chiang Mai. Two months later I'm still waiting for a reply from the rude bastard. Government ministers in Australia will reply to you but these bumped up public service johnnys don't have to face elections.

I hear the soon to be honorary consul in Chiang Mai is a retired public servant. I hope he left his public servant attitude in Canberra.

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People could still submit their story in writing, couldn't they?

I wrote directly to the Australian ambassador about the problem with the immigration department in Chiang Mai. Two months later I'm still waiting for a reply from the rude bastard. Government ministers in Australia will reply to you but these bumped up public service johnnys don't have to face elections.

I hear the soon to be honorary consul in Chiang Mai is a retired public servant. I hope he left his public servant attitude in Canberra.

Seems this is a problem for the Poms as well. Very frustrating. Just a hint. I had this attitude a while back from a government department and eventually contacted the cabinet office. I had a public servant from that office inform me that I would be contacted and my problem addressed within twenty four hours - he gave me a direct line with instruction that should I not have things sorted within the time frame I was to contact him direct. I had a call within an hour from the secretary to the minister concerned. All sorted. I was impressed, after months of obfuscation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk - chopped, clipped, abberviated, and slang.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-2 yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

god stone the bloody crows!!!!!!

this bloody drongo does,nt understand our lingo

too mutch for the human unit

perhaps throw him on a hoges barbie and drink a couple slabs, before lighting up

thks fellow ockers for your ocker posts, great aussie humour

its a ricky poody and a fandoogly to connda

wellIbadoanano a ricky poody froma fandoogly sport. Maybe Iabeathinkin thatabe suma dat sout ta da eqaydor nancyboy talk. but gud buddie djywannano but awallago ifigered ya'll ta-a-swallad ana steamin ripe road-apple enabe all eat up insideja likayaseamatabe, djytchyano? Ibadone widdamy travlin's afor ya'll be naught butta gleem in yurun's Dahs glazed eye. Taint my first rodeo Sunshine. so ya'lla welcum to myin worlt whidcha nowa undastand lika white on rice pappy. happy trails 2ya tenderfoot

Edited by connda
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I mentioned before that I plan to wait for CM Immigration to complete their move and give them some time to get there act together at the Promenade.

However, if my consulate and ambassador did do a road show, I would attend specifically to talk about the problems with the CM Immigration offices that have been an issue for a long time, especially now that they have moved to the Promenade.

To the OP - evensteven: If you want forum members to understand what you are saying, please try writing in the English that you learned in school instead of writing the way you talk - chopped, clipped, abberviated, and slang.

(I cooda ritein my aa-mer-rii-can ak-sen-2 yeno...buddai doen') I could write in my America accent too you know...but I don't. I had a formal education like most people, and I write sentences in regular English. I'm not going to attempt to wade through your broken English and Australian slang in the future. I'm sure you have something significant to add to the forum, but it can be almost impossible to understand what your point is. Try writing in a way that most of us English speakers from various English speaking countries can understand. Just a suggestion if you really want to be understood.

Mods, please give me some leeway here. I'm not trying to be mean-spirited, on the contrary, I'd like to understand the OP clearly. But if an English speaking OP really wants to get a point across, writing in the way you colloquially speak your regional native English dialect isn't a good idea. I can do it as I did above, but I don't, and virtually no one in this forum does. It's difficult to believe that this particular OP didn't learn how to write in school. Australia is a very well-developed Western country with a well-establish education system. Just saying.

god stone the bloody crows!!!!!!

this bloody drongo does,nt understand our lingo

too mutch for the human unit

perhaps throw him on a hoges barbie and drink a couple slabs, before lighting up

thks fellow ockers for your ocker posts, great aussie humour

its a ricky poody and a fandoogly to connda

wellIbadoanano a ricky poody froma fandoogly sport. Maybe Iabeathinkin thatabe suma dat sout ta da eqaydor nancyboy talk. but gud buddie djywannano but awallago ifigered ya'll ta-a-swallad ana steamin ripe road-apple enabe all eat up insideja likayaseamatabe, djytchyano? Ibadone widdamy travlin's afor ya'll be naught butta gleem in yurun's Dahs glazed eye. Taint my first rodeo Sunshine. so ya'lla welcum to myin worlt whidcha nowa undastand lika white on rice pappy. happy trails 2ya tenderfoot

What a lota of bulltwang

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