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Thai man viciously attacks student... for beating his son at a computer game


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Absolutely sickening, but even several pages here noting disgust, as I have, will change nothing.

The Thai's and I'm saying way too much of a percentage of them, are so addicted to their computers and game machines, I doubt anything will change.

Luckily (or should that be unluckily) I have witnessed the complete and utter dedication of so many of the public to the wave of electronic entertainment, which has swept the country since I first visited here more than 40 years ago, I'm afraid it is in a lot of cases now actually "Built-In" to the culture.

Just take a look at the faces of the youngest of kids sitting at the control of games in Internet Cafe's and the like. I doubt many of them have or will be so involved with anything happening around them in their day to day routine.

Think I'm overstating? Good for anyone thinking so! But, I'll stand by what I'm stating.

In the case of this topic, yes, the parents. Many caught up also to so much of an extent with the addiction.......Of course they will feel the need to do anything to back up their children if they feel they've been offended.

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come on, thats happen all around the world!

a thai would never do such a thing!

thai, in their heart, dont have so much cruelty!

thai are lovely people!

these people, what a bunch of sickos!

Edited by Bender
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There is more to this story in the Thai version. The way I was told is that this 7 year old joined a team to fight together online. But he starting trying to fight against his team until the team turned on him in the game and forced the young boy to lose the game completely whilst getting kicked out of the game itself. Then the boy went home crying to father and the father went to the gaming center with a gun but rather than using the gun he went and got another man to come beat up his sons team mates. I'm also told this little boy always has problems and is banned from several gaming centers and usually the mother has to come sort out the mess her son gets into.

This does not in any way justify the fathers actions. The mentality of it all is sickening to say the least yet, in Thailand violence seems to be the response without any foresight to the consequences of such actions. I hope they jail this man and the boy learns that such actions are not acceptable and the boys behavior is also not acceptable.

I'd still be careful what you say though.

This guy could well be Prime Minister next year.wai.gif

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Hmmm yes i am sure all these young lads have fathers and brothers also. The guy in the orange punched an even younger lad in the face. The woman was doing nothing however im sure that she too would have started if her idiotic partner would have been losing.

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Absolutely sickening, but even several pages here noting disgust, as I have, will change nothing.

The Thai's and I'm saying way too much of a percentage of them, are so addicted to their computers and game machines, I doubt anything will change.

Luckily (or should that be unluckily) I have witnessed the complete and utter dedication of so many of the public to the wave of electronic entertainment, which has swept the country since I first visited here more than 40 years ago, I'm afraid it is in a lot of cases now actually "Built-In" to the culture.

Just take a look at the faces of the youngest of kids sitting at the control of games in Internet Cafe's and the like. I doubt many of them have or will be so involved with anything happening around them in their day to day routine.

Think I'm overstating? Good for anyone thinking so! But, I'll stand by what I'm stating.

In the case of this topic, yes, the parents. Many caught up also to so much of an extent with the addiction.......Of course they will feel the need to do anything to back up their children if they feel they've been offended.

You are not overstating.

At one of the schools that I taught in, the teachers sat and played Candy Crush on the phones all day long. Even in lessons.

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Trying to say something constructive. What a childish, poor role model this man is. I hope he feels proud of himself.

I wonder what else the father has sorted out for that child? Was the child present at the beating so that he could learn just how men sort these things out?

That child needs to be taken into the care of someone normal and the father and other "men" imprisoned for some correctional advice.

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Another day in thailand yawn. Notice how the fathers scum henchmen were stopping any other gamers help while a man was beating up the kid . As ever Thai men "Cowards". Psychos

Edited by kingalfred
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Trying to say something constructive. What a childish, poor role model this man is. I hope he feels proud of himself.

Spot On ! Great start for a 7 year old knowing if he doesn't get his way outside of the home his dad and pals will sort it out for him. What's he going to grow up to be ?

I wonder what dad does at home if the boy throws a temper tantrum ?

What's he going to grow up to be ? A policeman or a politician, of course, or a Gogo bar security enforcer.

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What an astonishing story. A 7yo kid allowed to play games in an internet cafe on his own. And with adults (the beaten one is 20). Where the flock are his parents? Probably buying drinks for their "friends" to prove they have money and therefore should be respected.

Then we learn that the 7yo is banned from several cafes. Whaaaaat!!! A 7yo! Banned! Come on. How long has this little child (for that is all he is) been allowed to go to cafes to earn that kind of reputation. Think about it - a social outcast at 7.

What rotten parenting. What a rotten future awaits this unfortunate child, especially if his "parents" should ever become poor and lose their influence.

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and if you read hole the article then you can read the 7 year boy have

do the same thing in other videogamer shop.

There have to be a rule for how old children have to be for play deadly videogame......

Edited by beowolf2012
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I was about 10 when I came home from school one day with a bloody nose and a black eye. When my dad got home, he looked at me and calmly asked what happened. I told him I got beat up. He smiled and told me that I either needed to learn how to fight better, or learn how to run faster. I told him I wanted to learn how to fight better. Two days later he had me enrolled in a Shotokhan dojo.

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Trying to say something constructive. What a childish, poor role model this man is. I hope he feels proud of himself.

Spot On ! Great start for a 7 year old knowing if he doesn't get his way outside of the home his dad and pals will sort it out for him. What's he going to grow up to be ?

I wonder what dad does at home if the boy throws a temper tantrum ?

What's he going to grow up to be ? A policeman or a politician, of course, or a Gogo bar security enforcer.

Ah I see now, daddy was actually helping with practical advice as he sets the boy on a career path.

Edited by metisdead
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A 20 year old crying to his because he lost in a computer game??? there must be something seriously mentally wrong with both their thinking, father and son,,, ... and uncle Auntie etc....

Think you missed the plot sunshine, it was a seven year old who complained to dad, suggest a few remedial reading lessons for you- that's if you did bother to read the story.

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There is more to this story in the Thai version. The way I was told is that this 7 year old joined a team to fight together online. But he starting trying to fight against his team until the team turned on him in the game and forced the young boy to lose the game completely whilst getting kicked out of the game itself. Then the boy went home crying to father and the father went to the gaming center with a gun but rather than using the gun he went and got another man to come beat up his sons team mates. I'm also told this little boy always has problems and is banned from several gaming centers and usually the mother has to come sort out the mess her son gets into.

This does not in any way justify the fathers actions. The mentality of it all is sickening to say the least yet, in Thailand violence seems to be the response without any foresight to the consequences of such actions. I hope they jail this man and the boy learns that such actions are not acceptable and the boys behavior is also not acceptable.

Makes sense i mean if he was just playing some random shmuck on the net how would his dad find him and then actually travel down to his place. The initial impression i had of the incident was that the kid was playing some random dude in thailand and they were miles apart and somehow he managed to find out that students identity and location and his dad actually travelled great distances to beat him up now it seems that the student and the other team mates might have known who the father is before the altercation.

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Betting the dad has killed so many brain cells he struggles to differentiate computer game fighting from real fighting.

If we were talking about one person being obviously deranged, no big deal.

But several of his friends agreed that a mob attack was justified and actually felt compelled to be part of that disgusting display. That's what's really telling about Thai society (Thainess?). Start doing something to teach these perpetual children about rationalizing things and controlling their emotions. It's time to stop this embarrassing crap, Thailand!!!

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