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Thai man viciously attacks student... for beating his son at a computer game


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Boy's dad viciously attacks student... for beating his son at a computer game

BANGKOK: -- A STUDENT who beat a young boy at a computer game paid the ultimate price for his victory – when the defeated lad’s father and a group of henchmen violently attacked him.

Distraught at losing to 20-year-old Worawut Yothaka in a game of WarZ Siam, the seven-year-old boy tearfully complained to his father.

The enraged dad and his mob then tracked down the student at an internet café in southern Thailand, ambushing unsuspecting Worawut and pummelling him with punches.

Full story: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/6729485/Boys-dad-viciously-attacks-student-for-beating-his-son-at-a-computer-game.html

-- The SUN 2015-11-09

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Note to self, do not let your kids beat another Thai kid at any game while crazed and deranged father

is around...

One can not even begin to comprehend what the father motives are in attacking the winning student

other than the man is a sheer lunatic.......

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Fair play to the victim, i'd say he probably won the fight given that he was outnumbered comfortably. He certainly didn't look to have suffered too much.. So am wondering what willl happen to the dad seeing as the article suggests this is somewhat regular thing for him to be getting involved in

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Trying to say something constructive. What a childish, poor role model this man is. I hope he feels proud of himself.

Spot On ! Great start for a 7 year old knowing if he doesn't get his way outside of the home his dad and pals will sort it out for him. What's he going to grow up to be ?

I wonder what dad does at home if the boy throws a temper tantrum ?

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They're gonna blame the Internet cafe and violent computer games which made the "innocent kid" mentally ill and his dad unconsciously contaminated by short temper violence...

That way the dad and his kid won't lose any face, because authorities will have the perfect scape goat in violent games .

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There is more to this story in the Thai version. The way I was told is that this 7 year old joined a team to fight together online. But he starting trying to fight against his team until the team turned on him in the game and forced the young boy to lose the game completely whilst getting kicked out of the game itself. Then the boy went home crying to father and the father went to the gaming center with a gun but rather than using the gun he went and got another man to come beat up his sons team mates. I'm also told this little boy always has problems and is banned from several gaming centers and usually the mother has to come sort out the mess her son gets into.

This does not in any way justify the fathers actions. The mentality of it all is sickening to say the least yet, in Thailand violence seems to be the response without any foresight to the consequences of such actions. I hope they jail this man and the boy learns that such actions are not acceptable and the boys behavior is also not acceptable.

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How will this boy, (the one beaten in a game) ever hope to function in society...... Yes even Thai.... Unless coming from a high ranking family.

My farther never let me win anything intentionally, be it chess, a kick about with a football...... anything...... And I thank him for those lessons; how to accept defeat, how to be a modest winner, perseverance and the fact that the World does not owe me anything, in most cases I have to work for what I want....

Sad thing is this attitude is not confined to Thailand, when I was growing up if I was see by an adult being a fool I would more than likely got a telling off, even a clip if warranted........ And I would not have told my dad and prayed to whoever was listening that whoever told me off didn't know my dad or where I lived...... I would have sorry then!

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"A STUDENT who beat a young boy at a computer game paid the ultimate price for his victory..."

The only game that matters in LOS is the game of FACE. One should not make a move before asking the question: "Will this make this f.... idiot lose face and thus result in him and his henchmen beating the crap out of me?

The schools should not have any grades above the second because most men here continue to act like 8 year-olds throughout their entire lives and intellectually never get beyond that level.

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What a sick, dysfunctional society.......... Disgusting.

Disgusting as the giggling girl behind the screen. BLAH! bah.gif

cowards! bloody cowards! they never go one on one even with their own people! and when you really hit one of them they all run away like a bunch of cockroaches!

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Quite a few years ago, in the US, I attended a local Thai community picnic, sponsored by the local wat. One of the activities was a rope tug-of-war for the kids, anchored by one adult on each side. I was one of two non-Thai guys who participated, with the other guy being quite a bit younger (and stronger) than I was, and on the opposing team.

Things were pretty even, mostly due to the luck of the draw, but once my side started to lose ground, at least ten parents jumped in to cheat for their side...

It was so blatant and unsportsmanlike, but not surprising.

It's just the culture.

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The fact that the dad let's his 7 year old hang around internet cafes and play teenager games (fist hand shooter MMO) says it all.....

I've been in a few Internet cafe's, not the ones around tourist spots, and never ever have I seen any Thai there doing anything else but play games, and I'm talking about age group up to 30+. Actually it may even be so that most Thai thinks that all you can do on a computer is play games.

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