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Why is the BBC so biased

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The BBC has always been biased, it is very left wing and green party politics, every program is biased to their way of thinking, it is very anti UKIP. I personally think it should be broken up and the good parts sold to commercial TV businesses. Scrap the rubbish and save the British license payer £150.00 per year.

Very anti-UKIP, well at least they have some redeeming qualities ;)

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GinBoy 2 and Baerboxer are quite right.

The Beeb has been a pinko leftist organization for decades. The criminal is always right in its eyes. To heck with the victims.

It is much worse than Fox News, as it simply tells lies, and blatant lies at that.

My father told in 1948 it was one of the reasons he left the UK, and since then it has just got worse. Much worse. Why wimpy Cameron (and other PMs) does not do a sausage about it is beyond me.

It is a Government organization, - and funded by the taxpayer.

A plague on it. Al Jazeera is far more "balanced".


The Aussies are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario, with their immigration policy.

However, at least it is largely a rational policy, aimed at protecting the country, its citizens

and its values from any detrimental outside influences which may arrive on its shores.

This is the diametric opposite to the unfettered immigration mess which is currently taking place

in Europe, and which has taken place in Britain for decades, mostly because the political

establishment of whatever stripe did not have the guts to bring it under control as it may have

breached "Political Correctness" considerations and delivered Government to the opposition



Research and investigation have shown that the majority of mainstream journalists these days are either liberal or left-leaning.

Inevitably, therefore, there is an in-built lefti-ish bias to their reporting. Often, however well-meaning they think they are being,

they are simply patronising. I see it in a lot of the journalism and reporting which comes out of Africa. There always seems to

be a particular spin applied to it, which, presumably, the writer thinks resonates with his readers' views.

I like to think, and I certainly hope, that there is a "silent majority" of "intelligent" people out there which, as mentioned in some of

the posts here today, derive their information from a variety of sources, consider it, analyse it and then form a balanced opinion

as to where the truth of a particular matter lies.

"Research and investigation have shown that the majority of mainstream journalists these days are either liberal or left-leaning."

Please site your sources!


Maybe you're projecting? Being USA, the BBC has always come across as one of the more worthy news sources. Like most of you fault finders, malcontents they all sleep in the same bed.


GinBoy 2 and Baerboxer are quite right.

The Beeb has been a pinko leftist organization for decades. The criminal is always right in its eyes. To heck with the victims.

It is much worse than Fox News, as it simply tells lies, and blatant lies at that.

My father told in 1948 it was one of the reasons he left the UK, and since then it has just got worse. Much worse. Why wimpy Cameron (and other PMs) does not do a sausage about it is beyond me.

It is a Government organization, - and funded by the taxpayer.

A plague on it. Al Jazeera is far more "balanced".

Hyperbole at it's best, although I agree with you on Al Jazeera.


Maybe you're projecting? Being USA, the BBC has always come across as one of the more worthy news sources. Like most of you fault finders, malcontents they all sleep in the same bed.

To be fair it seems like a lot of posters are British. I think it more likely that there seems to be a distinctly right wing current due to the demographic of posters here.

(CLue white males over the age of 65)


Jeffkp - Seriously?

There was a UCLA study done many years ago on this subject. I wouldn't lie!


The BBC is a disgrace, they are supposed to be unbiased, funded by the taxpayer to provide an impartial view and report accurately. They are neither, they are a vast corporation run and staffed in the main by left wing, socialist, communist fascist Jews (as are most media outlets in the "Free West" ) - (No this is not racist it is a fact - look at this article from Joel Stein regarding Hollywood - and the guy is Jewish, his words not mine.


It is about time that the BBC should pay its own way, end the licence fee, end the forced taxpayer subsidy, they are an outdated, unwanted behemoth of self serving left wing anarchists that have destroyed their own credibility over recent years, riddled with paedophiles and corrupt biased reporters.

Ban the BBC!


Jeffkp - Seriously?

There was a UCLA study done many years ago on this subject. I wouldn't lie!

I detect a hint of, what is it, steely, bronzey? No, Irony. I was taken in for a moment there. Touche.


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

Well said. We live in a time of particularly divisive politics which are fuelled by 24 hour news and social media. Soi Bikers post was spot on. People struggling with cognitive dissonance will label whatever they dislike as rightist or leftist, according to their views.


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?


I think that what any reasonable person is looking for, with any kind of news media reporting or

journalism, is perceived objectivity. Most readers or listeners aren't stupid, and they object

if they think that there is an attempt to pull the wool over their eyes or give them a bum steer.

It is not beyond the wit of man to report events objectively, and so one has to question the motives

of any reporting professional or the organisation for whom he/she works, whose news content is biased

either to the right, or the left.


If the BBC is so left-wing, it's rather odd that they hired Nick Robinson, former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association and the Conservative Party youth group, to be their political editor.


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

CORBYN is not left wing he is a bloody communist, compared to that piece of sh_t I am left wing

Its no wonder the BBC don't like him even they have some decency,


This is a very interesting topic and I have been researching this for some time. In general the BBC leans to the left because most of the people who work for it are of the left. To be more precise the faux left.

These are the well-off middle class who still espouse their beliefs made at their left leaning uni when younger. It is very hard to give up what you so passionately believed in. I have well-off friends who live in the shires who vote left. If you were to dissect their lives you would find they were likely to have: second home in France, kids at private school and be Guardian readers. In practice they are not really left, Corbyn has just appointed someone exactly that for his Media man. Seamus Milne is a Trot and his father was Head of the BBC years back. Kids go to Grammar and not Comps. Wife foreign. And so on. Not exactly working class hero.

Yes of course they will have a few conservatives to appear balanced like Nick Robinson. The BBC bias is very subtle. Take the use of the terms Left and Right. Any think-tank of the left is spoken of with reverence. Anything on the right that they approve of, they will call independent. The rest of the right that they dislike is called hard right or far right or worse extremem right. They rarely call anything of the left, far left.

The faux left are the establishment. It would be unthinkable to be UKIP even though Labour working class people are voting for them because they apprear to make sense.

The BBC only uses the Guardian for Job Vacancies. ONly Guardian readers need apply.

The Left know they are right. Absolutely. Anyone else is stupid and far right. This is self evident and cannot even be debated.

What will they do when Sharia arrives? My Sharia-amour.


I am afraid that once some people get to the right position they bring in like minded people to consolidate their own position. Head as been mentioned, he sees a different picture than I do most of the time, meanwhile back at BBC HO there are and always have been some rum characters there, some of them look unemployable and their behavior is rather odd, add this to the PC Brigade ( who are bunch of lefties most of the time) and you end up with the sort of bias that more and more are begining to notice. The big problem is how to weed them out and install a more neutral group of people to run what used to be a great organization.

As regards the goings on on Christmas Island the Aussies I know seem to be of the same mind of people in the UK, go back from where you come we are full, we cannot afford to keep you!

Your last sentence is wrong as a lot of Ozzys don't think like that.Aust is far from full and we have an obligation to true refugees,escaping mostly from terror started by the Coalition of the Willing,which includes Aust.


Australia pays the smugglers to take the boat people back out to sea, or builds detention camps on far away islands, run like prisons, to house ones unfortunate enough to make it.

Aren't most Australians immigrants originally?

Yes we are,British gunboat diplomacy won the day,and the originals are still paying for it.Aust migration policy is a disgrace to human rights.The govt off loaded responsibility to private contractors who cut services to the bone.How about bribing Cambodia to take refugees,$50 million,and 4 have gone.Hun Sen is laughing all the way to "his" bank.


I think to anyone that reads my posts would probably agree i am a self identifying 'leftie', which for me at least make the current BBC even more distressing,

I used to listen to the BBC on shortwave in the day, to listen to impartial, non commercial news, which was a rare gift living in California as a kid.

Over the years, and as the platforms changed from shortwave, relayed by NPR to Internet streaming, my awe for the BBC has diminished along with the diminished impartiality of its news output.

The sorry truth is that where once I would have trusted it's output as a gospel truth, I now view it with the same 'pinch of salt' that I use for Fox, MSNBC and the like.

Al Jazeera, PBS are nowadays my more trusted sources. The rest, including the BBC are in the 'interesting but take with pinch of salt' category,

If was talking to my 15 year old self back in the California central valley in 1974 listening to the BBC on my shortwave radio in my bedroom, this whole conversation would seem unbeleivable


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.


The BBC, particularly its international BBC World Channel, broadcasts one bleeding heart story after another, often portraying Western governments, corporations and people as greedy, uncaring, immoral and responsible for the plight of the rest of the totally messed up countries in the world and their feckless, undisciplined populations.

I am not sure why this is. Here are some ideas.

Western middle class guilt.

Crowd pleasing. The majority of the world are not Western.

A diversionary tactic

Not sure

But here is a fabulous article about it from the Independent.


I am a bit of a news buff and I have to say I've found the BBC World News going downhill for years. It's so naff I've had to almost stop watching it.

Strangely enough, I get most of my news from BBC Radio 4 (The Today Programme). The difference couldn't be more pronounced.

I think one of the problems is this (and Sky is often also guilty) . TV relies on 'images' rather than substance. If BBC or SKY send a reporter to cover a story in some remote area, then they often lead with that story, particularly if there are bombs or babies involved. - irrespective of what the real headline story should be. Just notice the amount of stories that begin with 'Our correspondant has this exclusive story from XYZ". They then run it all day and often night. I think it's to justify the expense. I'm not unsympathetci to bombs or babies but it's a question of balance.

II actulally agree with your second point. I often feel the BBC bend over backwards to 'please' an international audience, at the expense of purely objective reporting. We have to bear in mind the BBC World Service has had budget cuts. Also, another gripe is the amount of 'buisiness' eports from Singapore, India, China etc etc. They must think we all watch to check the stock market.

I take no pleasure from this view, but i do think they have lost the plot. Rant over.


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.

Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.

Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.


I think that those on the thread lauding Al Jazeera are talking about Al Jazeera English.

Al Jazeera Arabic is by no means non-biased, even when reporting on the same 'stories.'

Perhaps as some have mentioned it's more about individual reporters and their personal beliefs than a corporate ethos. Mind you birds of a feather and all that so perhaps I'm wrong.


The BBC is very Establishment. To label it left-wing is a nonsense. Jeremy Corbyn is left-wing and the BBC is no friend of his!

Its certainly not nonsense, have you ever seen the hand picked audience on Question Time, they (David Dimbleby) actually appologised to Nigel Farage for the biased programme he was aired on.
Being anti-racist is not being left-wing. UKIP are hardly a majority. As I said, the BBC is Establishment, neither left-wing or right-wing. Long may it remain so.
Nothing to do with being racist, maybe not a majority but they accrued nearly 4 million votes as opposed to the SNP 1.5 million and the Green party 1 million votes. Everybody dererves to be heard fairly, its called democrasy. My post was to highlight the left wing bias of the BBC.

But your post didn't highlight any left-wing bias. The BBC might not be pro-UKIP but neither is it pro-Green, SNP or Socialist Worker. It's "neutral". UKIP got far more BBC coverage in the election than the other monority parties.

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