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China-Thailand joint military exercise shows longtime U.S. ally Bangkok hedging its bets


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China-Thailand joint military exercise shows longtime U.S. ally Bangkok hedging its bets
By Richard S. Ehrlich - Special to The Washington Times

BANGKOK — China and Thailand will conduct their first joint military air exercise with 180 Chinese officers and top pilots starting Thursday at a Thai base that the U.S. Air Force used for bombing missions over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War.

The joint action by Chinese and Thai forces, dubbed Falcon Strike, is the latest sign that Bangkok, a longtime U.S. anchor ally in the region, is prepared to hedge its bets between its traditional ally in Washington and the rising regional power in Beijing.

“For years, indeed decades, this cooperation would have been not only politically unthinkable, but technically impossible, as the [Royal Thai Air Force] was almost wholly dependent on the U.S., while China’s [support] was significantly less advanced,” Benjamin Zawacki, an American analyst who is writing a book on the U.S.-Thai-China axis, said in an interview.

Full story: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/9/china-thailand-joint-military-exercise-shows-longt/

-- The Washington Times 2015-11-10

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

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I suppose Prayut needs the publicity of any country being a friend right now. Chailand here we come. I thought the problem was and confirmed by the juntas lack of ideas, they were already affected by too many joints.

I think the very public handshakes from Obama and the new ambassador - at diplomatic events which are carefully planned - show your ignorance.

Your last sentence makes no sense at all. Please ask an adult who speaks passable English to help next time.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

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Thailand isn't hedging its bets, the new regime is simply finding new bedmates that care less about human rights and democracy. Gotta be hard for the Americans to watch their puppet state long time ally not even pretend to be a democracy anymore.

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Thailand isn't hedging its bets, the new regime is simply finding new bedmates that care less about human rights and democracy. Gotta be hard for the Americans to watch their puppet state long time ally not even pretend to be a democracy anymore.

Since when of late does the US cares about democracy and human rights? Or perhaps I've been living in a parallel universe?

As to Thailand some may recall it has a long history of playing both sides. Served it well in European colonial Times.

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Whenever the topic of Thailand and its relations with America come up,

the term fair weather friend always comes into my head when I see some

of the things Thailand does..... :-) Thailand is ruled and owned by

the Chinese people that immigrated here, so may as well jump into bed

with the real China. A match made in heaven.

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What not a surprise. Ever since Thailand brokered a deal with Russia to allow Russian come with no visa hardship. And leveled the currency with China, Thailand is pretty smart. The U.S.just want all favored nations to walk this way. This typifies how out of touch Western Nations can not or will not recognize different cultures. Next stop, the U.S. will start trading less, pull back freebies, increase tariffs. Either way, Thailand will then embed deeper into China. Why not, they are closer and the percentage of tourist is huge. God, I just hope Thailand gets anger with expats.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

The UK just had a big love fest with the Chinese, lots of hugs and kisses (and promises of $). I doubt the EU is in any position to say squat. If the U.S. wanted to blacken the eyes of Thailand over human trafficking and yet give Malaysia a free pass (and membership in their new 'club') , they deserve the loss of a stategic partner .

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I suppose Prayut needs the publicity of any country being a friend right now. Chailand here we come. I thought the problem was and confirmed by the juntas lack of ideas, they were already affected by too many joints.

I think the very public handshakes from Obama and the new ambassador - at diplomatic events which are carefully planned - show your ignorance.

Your last sentence makes no sense at all. Please ask an adult who speaks passable English to help next time.

I am sure there are many issues in life that dont make sense to you. Thankfully most of us dont suffer from the same illness, although I expect you are an expert in artificial intellegence.

Englishjohn, I'd even shake your hand. It wont change my opinion but I happy for you to interpret it whatever way you fancy.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

And China could destroy the US economy in one hour. All they have to do is sell the USD$3.65 trillion they hold in $ foreign currency reserve to reduce the greenback to toilet paper status.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

And China could destroy the US economy in one hour. All they have to do is sell the USD$3.65 trillion they hold in $ foreign currency reserve to reduce the greenback to toilet paper status.

Why would China want to destroy the economy of its largest purchaser of its exports.

That would be economic MAD

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The Chinese could do a lot of things they don't do because they are afraid of the US.they could sell off US debt and destroy their own economy at the same time. If they did that, the US would still survive but they wouldn't. They would have absolutely no influence. The EU is at much greater risk due to their love affair with the Chinese and intertwining their economies. The Chinese seek hegemony wherever and whenever. They never do anything for a country without some expectation of a return. Thailand will never go into the Chinese orbit fully. They are simply tweaking the US letting them know there are other options.One thing Thailand always manages to do is to play other countries like a violin. Their History is noted for this.

While I am an ardent critic of the US and its massive defense budget- I do agree that they must engage the Chinese everywhere to let the Chinese know there will be a price to pay for any Chinese aggression. Any real confrontation with the US would end in a Chinese defeat and the Chinese know it.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

And China could destroy the US economy in one hour. All they have to do is sell the USD$3.65 trillion they hold in $ foreign currency reserve to reduce the greenback to toilet paper status.

True, but they'd cut their own throat in doing so.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

And China could destroy the US economy in one hour. All they have to do is sell the USD$3.65 trillion they hold in $ foreign currency reserve to reduce the greenback to toilet paper status.

True, but they'd cut their own throat in doing so.

So with the US, no more essential Chinese products such as iPhones, iPads, Apple computers and Buz Lightyear etc.

But yes the US does constitute 19% of their exports.

What I took exception to is the inference that the US can roam the planet at will destroying other countries economies.

It can be a double edged sword.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

And China could destroy the US economy in one hour. All they have to do is sell the USD$3.65 trillion they hold in $ foreign currency reserve to reduce the greenback to toilet paper status.

True, but they'd cut their own throat in doing so.

So with the US, no more essential Chinese products such as iPhones, iPads, Apple computers and Buz Lightyear etc.

But yes the US does constitute 19% of their exports.

What I took exception to is the inference that the US can roam the planet at will destroying other countries economies.

It can be a double edged sword.

Which would probably cause 30% of the Chinese working population to be out of a job, and make all the debt that the Chinese govt hold absolutely worthless.

It would actually collapse the entire world economy and the Chinese could proudly look at all their factories producing precisely zilch.

The USA had a problem in 2008. How is growth holding up in the world?

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The Chinese economy is a bubblegum and it will blow before I rest my head. The US is losing friends around the world just because the act as they can run/rule it.

The most stupid people are those who hang on to very old ideas, like the Republicans in the Us and the old generals/communists in Asia.

What you know, next era Holland or Belgium might rule the world :-)

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The Chinese could do a lot of things they don't do because they are afraid of the US.they could sell off US debt and destroy their own economy at the same time. If they did that, the US would still survive but they wouldn't. They would have absolutely no influence. The EU is at much greater risk due to their love affair with the Chinese and intertwining their economies. The Chinese seek hegemony wherever and whenever. They never do anything for a country without some expectation of a return. Thailand will never go into the Chinese orbit fully. They are simply tweaking the US letting them know there are other options.One thing Thailand always manages to do is to play other countries like a violin. Their History is noted for this.

While I am an ardent critic of the US and its massive defense budget- I do agree that they must engage the Chinese everywhere to let the Chinese know there will be a price to pay for any Chinese aggression. Any real confrontation with the US would end in a Chinese defeat and the Chinese know it.

Moreover, if the Chinese wished to sell the US debt they hold...they would have to find buyers. Since the world is awash in debt (not just US debt), finding buyers would be a challenge. But we should encourage the Chinese to sell the debt at 25 cents on the dollar. The ensuing chaos might be more entertaining than this boring matter of joint military exercises.

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I would say the general is playing a very dangerous game indeed. Playing with the enemy so to speak and then asking to be friends and get things such as the EU and UN on board and support what Thailand has and is doing, is risky. Don't think the US will let this go as I don't. the US influence the UN and EU and won't be happy that they are frolicking with the Chinese.

It took about six months for the US to destroy Russia's ecoomy. It could destroy the Thai economy in about six hours.

Heck, George Soros did it in six minutes.

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And well Thailand should hedge its bets. Barack Hussein has turned on his allies everywhere because he hates the American Empire and is actively seeking its dismantlement.

However, this will all change once Americans decide to elect a President once again. The Thai American alliance will rise again under Trump.

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