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Bkk To Poipet Then On To Siem Reap


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I want to go to the border at Poipet by bus from BKK and then on to Siem Reap by taxi. Anyone have an idea where to find the bus schedules (besides the bus terminal of course)? Can anyone recommend a taxi service from Poipet to Siem Reap? Thanks in advance.

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I did it last April and will do it again next week. In BKK, I bought a ticket on Khao San Road and paid 300 baht BKK-Siem Reap. If you read lonely Planet..the scam is really the same. You pay the ticket cheap...but they will stop at guest houses, restaurants and ask you more for the visa to make some money.

They told me to come back at 7 AM, same place, for the bus. The bus left around 7:45. We arrived in a snack restaurant of Aranya Prathet around 11:30. We ate (it was more expensive than usually) and while we were enjoying friend rice at 45 baht, they went to make our Cambodian visa. They asked 1300 baht but I knew it was 1000..so I said...NO WAY. I pay 1000. A lady took me apart and after negociations, they agree to let me go at 1000. I was living in Thailand for 2 years...

We crossed the border around 1 pm and it took one hour. You must fill the same paper as in a plane (I forget the name) before arriving to the Cambodian border.

After, you walk to take ANOTHER BUS, smaller, no air (or almost no air), old, up to Siem Reap. The road is CRAZY. Holes everywhere....welcome to Roller Coasters of Cambodia. They stop in a place to change money...but it's more expensive than Siam Reap. Wait.

If you want to rent a cab, it's 50$ US. I believe it's the best way. I didn't know then...I will rent a cab next Wednesday (11th) so, if you wanna join!!!!!!!

Between Poipet and Siem Reap, we stopped 2 for meals and we arrived around 9 PM in a guest house, offering us nice rooms for 6-8$...without air. Normally, you should pay 3-4-5. And maybe 8-9-10 with air. Plenty of places available and now is the low season, just like when I went in October.

Roads will be worse in the rainy season. You will probably save MANY HOURS by taxi and it's more comfortables. If you take the bus, sit in FRONT.

Try a nice restaurant in Siem Reap called "Dead Fish". They have crocodiles inside (alive) a Cambodian show, Live music, nice food and the design of the restaurant is beautiful.

Tuk Tuk driver are 10$ US for one day. You need them to see the ruins or rent a bicycle (1$) or Electric Bicycle (4$).

You can email me for more details [email protected]

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I would suggest going for your hepatitis A shots. My Thai girl & I both got hep a On our 5 day stay . The roads are Crar Thru sispon . You will experience more ways to get burn't on every

Stop . They take your thai baht & give you back Us curency at 22-26 Baht back (if your fortunate)

They will tell you the US dollar is 22 Baht to a US dollar! I am american & live in Thailand Since 2004. Been to 12 countries & would have rather gone to Loas or Vietnam, But My Girls other half of the family lives in Cambodia.She DISLKES Cambodia as well & says its a Key hole(sht Hole)

The girls are Pompui & mai sooyai.

I thought ankor wat was way overated & would have rather watched the discovery channel!

We were sick with Hep A for 1 Year! Their is no place like home!the food is great here & the only money you ever get shorted is moving out of your apt ,condo, or house Or getting Bar fined.

Go see Bali in Indonesia. It is so much more enjoyable & you won't have to deal with mai dee!

If you do go take tons of small Baht so you don't lose your wad.

I am ussually very optomistic in life , But I would rate cambodia as a total limp Hum!

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WOW! No offense guys, but I thought I might get some kernal of knowledge here.... no such luck. You can take a bus from the northern bus station for 150 baht. The visa is only $20 US at the border, from there a taxi is $25-$30 tops. I have done this many times but I just thought some of you may know a better route.

As far as the Hep A goes, Thailand is rife with it. I doubt you know exactly where you caught it. Thanks for the unsolictited and alarmingly subjective profile on Cambodia.

Thanks for the great link Joe, I had forgotten about that site.

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WOW! No offense guys, but I thought I might get some kernal of knowledge here.... no such luck. You can take a bus from the northern bus station for 150 baht. The visa is only $20 US at the border, from there a taxi is $25-$30 tops. I have done this many times but I just thought some of you may know a better route.

As far as the Hep A goes, Thailand is rife with it. I doubt you know exactly where you caught it. Thanks for the unsolictited and alarmingly subjective profile on Cambodia.

Thanks for the great link Joe, I had forgotten about that site.

I thought a taxi from Toilet (sorry....Poipet) to Siem Riep was 45-50 bucks tops! Toyota Camry usually.

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I thought a taxi from Toilet (sorry....Poipet) to Siem Riep was 45-50 bucks tops! Toyota Camry usually.

I may be actually as I have never been from Poipet to Siem Reap via taxi, just the opposite direction (Siem Reap to Poipet). For those two trips I paid $25 and $30 from traevl agencies. I wouldn't think it would be more than that going back, but I have heard of crazier things.

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I took a bus from Central Bangna to Poipet. It cost only 100 baht. The bus belongs to casino. And from Poipet, you can share a taxi with others. It cost around 10 dollars.

They have bus from Central Bangna to Poipet every morning. It may leave around 7 in the monring, but not sure. It depends on how many people will take it. Most of them are the staff of Casino. Not sure whether they will take you if you dont have an asian look tho. hehe

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Not sure whether they will take you if you dont have an asian look tho. hehe

They will take you as long as your money looks asian. (haha)

I took the casino bus back from Poipet to BKK and got dropped off at Central Bangna. They told me 100 baht before I got on the bus only to say "200 for farang" AFTER I got on and the bus was going. I refused to pay the upcharge as I always do and they said "OK" and took my 100 baht. You DO NOT have to pay the upcharges.

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