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What are my options to stay longer in thailand?

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So I've been here a month on a visa exempt entry, got a 30 day extension for 1900 baht this week and I believe if I do a border run I can get another 30 days? After that what would my options be if I wanted to stay longer? If I were to go to the philippines for 1 month then come back here could I repeat the whole process?

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If you want to stay longer you may want to learn Thai and get a long term ED visa.

If you go this route attend a university, this would eliminate alot of problems concerning the visa.

Not everyone can attend University, because of age and other factors.

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Not everyone can attend University, because of age and other factors.

I assume your 'because of age' comment refers to children still in primary or secondary school. Because the last time that I looked, there was no upper age limit for attending university.

I studied for an MA at Chula when I was about 50 years old...

As stated age is no barrier to undertaking university studies.


However, a lack of functioning neurons would defiantly be a "factor" associated with non admission.

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Not everyone can attend University, because of age and other factors.

I assume your 'because of age' comment refers to children still in primary or secondary school. Because the last time that I looked, there was no upper age limit for attending university.

I studied for an MA at Chula when I was about 50 years old..

There is no formal age limit but many people would feel uncomfortable anyway. And there can be required pre-qualification, and a substantial tuition fee. I think it is naive to say that University, In Thailand or elsewhere, is for everyone.

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Not everyone can attend University, because of age and other factors.

I assume your 'because of age' comment refers to children still in primary or secondary school. Because the last time that I looked, there was no upper age limit for attending university.

I studied for an MA at Chula when I was about 50 years old..

There is no formal age limit but many people would feel uncomfortable anyway. And there can be required pre-qualification, and a substantial tuition fee. I think it is naive to say that University, In Thailand or elsewhere, is for everyone.

Who said "University is for everyone" ?

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Regardless of which school you use, be prepared for Consulate-personnel to see "Ed Visa" and read "Illegal Worker". Ed may be a good choice for those who:

1. Are OK with a limitied ability to travel, due to the "4 days per week" rule (going to 5 now?).

2. Can afford the new double-rate tuition, to match the double-hours now required by immigration to qualify.

3. Are prepared to get a new passport when/if transitioning back to Tourist Visas, to erase the "ed stigma" associated with the crackdown.

On #2, if some schools are offering the old tuition rates, some here might benefit from that info, so please let us know.

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im 21 but I dont have a highschool diploma, so Im guessing I have no shot at an ed visa? If I leave for like 3 weeks every 3 months can I repeat the whol 60 day entry + 30 day extension or how does it work?

Your current education status has nothing to do with getting an ed visa (at least for a Thai language school course)

The reason for the responses from MacWalen are because he operates a Thai language school and is drumming up business since you can qualify for an ed visa by merely paying and attending Thai language classes

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im 21 but I dont have a highschool diploma, so Im guessing I have no shot at an ed visa? If I leave for like 3 weeks every 3 months can I repeat the whol 60 day entry + 30 day extension or how does it work?

You can attend a language school and get a ED via and extensions of stay without a diploma.

You have to apply for a tourist visa at an embassy or consulate to get the 60 + 30 days. You could get 3 or 4 of them back to back without anytime in between.

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im 21 but I dont have a highschool diploma, so Im guessing I have no shot at an ed visa? If I leave for like 3 weeks every 3 months can I repeat the whol 60 day entry + 30 day extension or how does it work?

You can attend a language school and get a ED via and extensions of stay without a diploma.

You have to apply for a tourist visa at an embassy or consulate to get the 60 + 30 days. You could get 3 or 4 of them back to back without anytime in between.

So I came in on a 30 day visa exempt entry then I got the 30 day extension for 1900 at the pguket immigration office. Youre saying that if I go to laos I can get 60 more days then extend that for another 30 again?

Also if its possible to get 3-4 of them back to back how come people pay like 50k for that elite visa thing? Not to question your expertise or w.e im just actually curious lol

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im 21 but I dont have a highschool diploma, so Im guessing I have no shot at an ed visa? If I leave for like 3 weeks every 3 months can I repeat the whol 60 day entry + 30 day extension or how does it work?

You can attend a language school and get a ED via and extensions of stay without a diploma.

You have to apply for a tourist visa at an embassy or consulate to get the 60 + 30 days. You could get 3 or 4 of them back to back without anytime in between.

So I came in on a 30 day visa exempt entry then I got the 30 day extension for 1900 at the pguket immigration office. Youre saying that if I go to laos I can get 60 more days then extend that for another 30 again?

Also if its possible to get 3-4 of them back to back how come people pay like 50k for that elite visa thing? Not to question your expertise or w.e im just actually curious lol

If you are Phuket you could go to Penang to get a single entry tourist visa at the consulate there. Same if you go to Laos. A single entry tourist visa allows one 60 day entry that can be extended for 30 days.

I think you left off a zero in your post. The fee for a 5 year Thai elite member ship is 500k baht. People that get it want to be able to stay here without making visa and border runs to do it. A elite visa allows unlimited one year entries for 5 years.

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(#1) So I came in on a 30 day visa exempt entry then I got the 30 day extension for 1900 at the pguket immigration office. Youre saying that if I go to laos I can get 60 more days then extend that for another 30 again?

(#2) Also if its possible to get 3-4 of them back to back how come people pay like 50k for that elite visa thing? Not to question your expertise or w.e im just actually curious lol

#1 - Yes - Savanakhet or Vientiene. There are many threads here on how to do that, but not there are only Single Entry Visas now ( SETV = 60+30). Penang, Malaysia is another good option for "low-hassle" SETVs.

#2 The Elite visa allows you to get 5 or 20 years "of visa" - you pay once, and get 1-Year entries. No running to the border every 60 or 90 days. It is the most "trouble-free" option for those under 50 years of age - provided you can justify spending that sum on a visa. Note this system is not like the Philippines, where you merely put USD $20K in their bank to qualify, retain ownership and withdrawal-rights to those funds, and can stay there for as long as the funds remain deposited. Under the Thai system, you pay the 500K Baht (not 50K), as a non-refundable 'fee', and obtain only 5 years of visa-access. The Thai "investment visa" (similar to the Philippines option) is 10 Million Baht.

My Executive Summary of the SETV option:

If you get SETVs repeatedly, after 3 (or maybe 4) at a consulate, that consulate will refuse to give you more of them. Laos is kind enough to give you a "warning stamp" when you have hit their (arbitrary / varying) limit. The stamp says something about proving income and residence, but I have not read any report here of anyone successfully meeting their requirements.

The first workaround to the "no more visas for you" problem, is to use many consulates. The downside: many consulates require showing proof of air-travel out and hotel reservations to receive the visa, so need to buy refundable tickets and lodging. Also, each consulate, and personnel within a consulate, has/have different "rules" for when they are OK issuing a visa. Some see "too many" (arbitrary number) Thai-Visas, from any consulate, and say "no more" (ex: some reports from Phnom Penh).

The second workaround to the "no more visas for you" problem, is to get a new passport when your "visa count" begins to create problems getting new visas. Consulates do not have access to the Police/Immigration computer system, so they only know what they see in your passport. Therefore, a new passport means "starting from scratch" for SETVs at nearby consulates. Let us hope and pray this does not change any time soon (i.e. before I turn 50 years old biggrin.png ).

Note that given the Double Entry visa is now history, it may be a good idea to use occasional Visa-Exempt (VE) entries between SETVs, to extend the amount of time before the "new passport" step - but there is yet another "unknown factor" with these. When you have 6 VEs, over some unknown duration, it brings up a "red flag" on the Immigration computer when you enter the country, at which point they start to ask questions. All I can say,. at this point, is use VEs sparingly - I am aiming for 2 per year, interspersed with SETVs. My advice - just guesswork - is to stay out of the country for at least a few days before re-entering on these - and never get two of them "back to back," if your plan is to stay here long-term (i.e. 'years'). You want to, at the very least, have one available to use when/if you are denied an SETV, so you can "come home" and apply for your new passport.

Last thing - always have 20K Baht when entering the country (Bangkok Bank sells traveler's checks), and always have a clear and concise explanation of where your foreign-money comes from. The two reasons you are most likely to be denied entry are "not enough money" and "suspected of working in Thailand".

Some would say that it is foolish call a place where you have to jump through these hoops "home." They have a valid point. Some people simply like Thailand so much, they are willing to deal with these conditions to stay.

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im 21 but I dont have a highschool diploma, so Im guessing I have no shot at an ed visa? If I leave for like 3 weeks every 3 months can I repeat the whol 60 day entry + 30 day extension or how does it work?

You can attend a language school and get a ED via and extensions of stay without a diploma.

You have to apply for a tourist visa at an embassy or consulate to get the 60 + 30 days. You could get 3 or 4 of them back to back without anytime in between.

So I came in on a 30 day visa exempt entry then I got the 30 day extension for 1900 at the pguket immigration office. Youre saying that if I go to laos I can get 60 more days then extend that for another 30 again?

Also if its possible to get 3-4 of them back to back how come people pay like 50k for that elite visa thing? Not to question your expertise or w.e im just actually curious lol

The Thailand Elite visa provides 5-6 years of hassle free stay leaving (or not leaving) the country and coming back as you feel like it.

The cost of a succession of tourist visas with associated border runs and extensions is often underestimated. How much they cost depends on a number of factors, but assuming travel from Bangkok to Vientiane each 90 days has roughly these costs associated

  • Bangkok Udon return air fare (about 1500 baht)
  • Udon to Nong Khai bridge by van return (about 300 baht)
  • Lao visa (about 1,400 baht depending on nationality)
  • Taxis in Vientiane to/from bridge, hotel, embassy etc. (400-800 baht)
  • 1-2 nights hotel in Vientiane (400-2000 baht, depending on how desperate you are to save money)
  • Thai visa itself (1000 baht)
  • Other costs, such as meals
  • Cost of the 30-day extension (1,900 baht)
  • Travel to/from CW immigration office

I would say for most a minimum of about 8,000 baht per 90 days. You do this four times a year and it is over 30,000 baht. If you sometimes need to travel outside the self imposed 90-day schedule, the costs will be higher. It is definitely cheaper than a TE visa, but you spend 2-3 days traveling for each visa and a half day dealing with CW immigration. For some, convenience is worth paying for.

Edited by BritTim
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My last trip to Vientiene - Costs:

  • VIP Deluxe Bus from BKK -> Nong Khai-Vientiene Bridge - 500 Baht (Wifi, Movies on Demand, 3-seats across, awake for ~3 hrs of the trip)
  • Lao visa - USD $35 / 1225 Baht
  • Bus across bridge - 20 Baht
  • Tuk-Tuk to Thai Consulate - 100 Baht
  • Visa - 1000 Baht (mine was 2K, but one of the last doubles - no more now)
  • Good Hotel walking distance to Consulate 600 Baht (cheaper options exist elsewhere, but the Lao Tuk-Tuk Mafia will eat more than the difference)
  • Shared Taxi back to Bridge from the Consulate on pick-up day - 150 Baht (it was hot in the afternoon, so I opted for an Air-Con ride)
  • Bus across bridge - 20 Baht
  • Shared Tuk-Tuk from Bridge to Nong Khai Bus Station - 50 Baht
  • VIP Deluxe to BKK - 500 Baht
  • Kill Time to bus departure at quality Coffee Shop with Wifi 2 blocks down the street from Bus Station - 150 Baht with friendly tip (including this because there is a 3+ hour delay. Buy your ticket first, so you can pick one of the seats with no adjacent seat.)

Total 4,315 Baht

For over 1 year of stay, one could do this three times, extend those at immigration, plus get two VisaExempts, extending one of them. So figure 13,500 (4500 * 3) (three Vientiene Runs) + 3000 (two visa-exempt runs to Poipet, staying overnight at an air-con hotel) + 7600 (Extensions of the Visas plus one Visa Exempt)

Annual Total = 24,100 Baht.

Go with cheap buses and fan-rooms, and you could shave 15%+ off of that figure. If I was a younger lad, perhaps.

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where can i do my border run if Im in pattaya? Im looking at flight to vientiane and all the tickets im seeing for 1way are starting at 300 <deleted>? where can i get tickets for cheap and how much do they usually run?

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where can i do my border run if Im in pattaya? Im looking at flight to vientiane and all the tickets im seeing for 1way are starting at 300 <deleted>? where can i get tickets for cheap and how much do they usually run?

How cheap is cheap? What budget are you working with. Have you checked Air Asia ?

You may be better taking the bus or the train.

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