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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

nothing to do with thailand?? lay off the lao kow . look in the south, the bombing in bkk, all muslims, nothing to do with thailand?? have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up.

Hello, PARIS. The clues in the title of the post. Now you can go back to sleep.

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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

I think you're wrong. Mass murder is done by mass murderers. We typically don't blame the victims unless the perps are Muslim. Then the apologists and farang blamers come out of the woodwork. Try to wrap your head around that, OK?

Edited by NeverSure
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Knee jerk reactions as usual. Always the cries of bad Muslim/Moslem. But always accepting of western attacks on Arab countries, either by funding or direct attack.

As horrible as what is happening, it is never as simplistic as bad Muslim/good Westerner. Constant attacks on Arab countries would no doubt compel them to bring the fight to our lands. Of course, we would like to keep the carnage to their lands, their civilians mere collateral damage.

Take a look at a differing point of view/

That's not to say that point of view is true, but is yours? We are always being fed propaganda. The truth is in their somewhere. But of course most people prefer the simplistic.

And pray how do you account for the three hundred years of Muslim conquest before the first crusade, or indeed the Ottoman Turks invading Europe, or Tamerlain butchering 50 million Hindus in India. Death follows the spread of Islam now, as it has done since its beginning, all of this before any Western colonialism.
Apart from your statement being completely irrelevant, it is again overly simplistic. You could say that he styled himself on Genghiz Khan, who certainly was not a Muslim.

Nevertheless, I am not here to argue about nothing. Just expressing the view that there is cause and effect. It's not about bad Muslim and good westerner.

Irrelevant? I was merely refuting your suggestion that Western action in the Middle East had somehow caused the resurgence in Muslim terrorism. It comes due to outbreaks of religiously mandated Jihad, as it always has done. They hate us whatever we do, that is the reality the West needs to wake up to.


But the real problem this should remind us of is the central problem for modern Europe – a problem which is only growing. We don’t know who is here in our continent, and among those who are here there are too many who are active enemies of our societies and our way of life. They hate us when we are involved in the Middle East and they hate us when we are not. They hate us when we stay in our countries and when we leave them. They attack us when we are in Paris and when we are on holiday in North Africa. We need to wake up to the fact that the problem is not us – it is them.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Here's a thought. Why don't we set up an area, say, in the Middle East, and all those of a certain religion from Europe can move to said area so they can live in peace.

Oh, hang on...

A great idea!.....how about The Mediterranean Sea?

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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

nothing to do with thailand?? lay off the lao kow . look in the south, the bombing in bkk, all muslims, nothing to do with thailand?? have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up.

Hello, PARIS. The clues in the title of the post. Now you can go back to sleep.

oh dear, another keyboad hero, at least u can go on in delusion and never see the big picture, oh and by the way , im awake and not asleep as you assume, i said before i dont have a go at you, just ur views, but u dont seem to grasp that and like a tue tv troll, u need to attack me personally.well done to u sir.

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Insanity on their part and insanity on our part

Their religion, islam

we abandoned the old religion for the new religion of Capitalism

Like the signature of one of the members in this forum says

"Good people do good, Bad people do evil, but religion makes good people do evil"

Let's treasure all life, be it French, Iraqi, Chinese, European, African,Asian. Male, Female and let's be equally as upset as the loss or compromise of any of it.

My sympathies with the families of all caught up in the insanity.sad.png

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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

pls send me a link to this, i been saying this all along.open borders in europe are coming back to haunt all of us.

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I watched the video regarding the refugee crisis in Europe. there is no doubt that in 15 years Europe will be changed in a way the World has never seen. The problem is open borders and a huge influx of refugees from the war torn Middle East. Europe has to control its borders. They have to find a way to stop the influx. One way would be to completely withdraw from the Middle East. Bring all foreign troops home and end all assistance to those countries. At the same time, seal the European borders and make sure there are no closed areas where a countries own citizens cannot go to. Recently in the United States a United States reporter from a main stream TV station went to the UK and visited an area that was mostly Muslim. It showed Muslim men harassing British men and women who had been out partying and were drinking. This was an example of Sharia law being used in the UK. This cannot ever be allowed. If one becomes a refugee or emigrates to a Western country- one must obey Western law and adhere to Western traditions. If I move to Saudi Arabia- I have to live according to Saudi rules of behavior. Unless Europe gets control of their borders- more scenes like this will be replayed over and over.

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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

pls send me a link to this, i been saying this all along.open borders in europe are coming back to haunt all of us.

Here is the link:


They found Kalashnikov(s), grenades and explosives.

PS The car was from Montenegro and not Macedonia.

Edited by MobileContent
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Thank you for the quick answer.

We will see these atrocities continue for quite a long time.

Bless you!

Most of the posters of this forum are simplistic in their thinking. Some are extremists themselves. Don't waste your energy. They aren't listening anyway.

No more simplistic was my answer as was his (and yours) statement.

Most of the posters?


Well... I don't know... I have been called a lot of things, but never simplistic.

I guess the question is, is where are your children when the trouble starts. The US military has truly caused a lot of strife that in kind causes a lot of mass movement of peoples, who must run for their lives from the places that the US military focuses on.

I guess if the US military stayed home, as Nigel Farange suggested that the UK butt out and take care of its own peoples, then we would have to see, now wouldn't we?

The beauty of all of this is that what is happening now is creating numerous more algorithms which not even the most intelligent human beings on the planet can predict... yet they feel that they run the casino and therefore have a rigged system... yet fail to understand that the human spirit is one of the most unpredictable and unfathomable factors to rely upon when engaging in any kind of pogrom.

What happened in France today, I think, may have been a bit unpredictable in someone's efforts to bring about something, simply because (for lack of anything better to say) the cowboys and ranchers who are herding the livestock to other people's doorsteps truly did not factor in that livestock's voracity for violence and sheer bestial behavior.

This has nothing to do with being labeled as simplistic for merely casually observing the obvious.

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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

You're entitled to your opinion, and even though I think you're right to a certain degree, it is not always western world, so if you have a pair of glasses and drink beer, then follow your advice and do some thinking.

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Insanity on their part and insanity on our part

Their religion, islam

we abandoned the old religion for the new religion of Capitalism

Like the signature of one of the members in this forum says

"Good people do good, Bad people do evil, but religion makes good people do evil"

Let's treasure all life, be it French, Iraqi, Chinese, European, African,Asian. Male, Female and let's be equally as upset as the loss or compromise of any of it.

My sympathies with the families of all caught up in the insanity.sad.png

and to be fair,

Sometimes , religion makes bad people do good, but not often enough to worth the trouble.

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Obviously a well funded, well organized, multiple location terrorism event.

Obviously Islamist related.

Report from the concert hall, gunman shouted: This is for Syria.

Big surprise. ph34r.png

The dead are now dead, but think of what those hostages must be feeling now.

The hostages will pray that their leaders will not sacrifice their lives for pseudo-religious interests.

Hostages can be exchanged.

Where are the patriotic political and financial leaders to offer their bodies as substitute hostages?

If ISIS took hostages they could be exchanged......but they don't. They only take sacrifices

They believe that anyone that does not follow their vision must die.

Which part of this philosophy do you feel we can negotiate with??

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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

pls send me a link to this, i been saying this all along.open borders in europe are coming back to haunt all of us.

Here is the link:


They found Kalashnikov(s), grenades and explosives.

PS The car was from Montenegro and not Macedonia.

thank you

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

nothing to do with thailand?? lay off the lao kow . look in the south, the bombing in bkk, all muslims, nothing to do with thailand?? have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up.

Hello, PARIS. The clues in the title of the post. Now you can go back to sleep.

oh dear, another keyboad hero, at least u can go on in delusion and never see the big picture, oh and by the way , im awake and not asleep as you assume, i said before i dont have a go at you, just ur views, but u dont seem to grasp that and like a tue tv troll, u need to attack me personally.well done to u sir.

You didn't have a go me, have you read your own post? "lay off the lao kow . have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up" what is it like when you have a go at someone?

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BTW... the comment about most posters on this forum being simplistic was NOT my reply as it looks. I was trying to quote Jiu-Jitsu. He was the one that said most posters on here are simplistic.
My actual comment is posted below his. "No more simplistic was my answer as was his (and yours) statement."

Thank you for the quick answer.
We will see these atrocities continue for quite a long time.
Bless you!

Most of the posters of this forum are simplistic in their thinking. Some are extremists themselves. Don't waste your energy. They aren't listening anyway.

No more simplistic was my answer as was his (and yours) statement.

Most of the posters?


Well... I don't know... I have been called a lot of things, but never simplistic.

I guess the question is, is where are your children when the trouble starts. The US military has truly caused a lot of strife that in kind causes a lot of mass movement of peoples, who must run for their lives from the places that the US military focuses on.

I guess if the US military stayed home, as Nigel Farange suggested that the UK butt out and take care of its own peoples, then we would have to see, now wouldn't we?

The beauty of all of this is that what is happening now is creating numerous more algorithms which not even the most intelligent human beings on the planet can predict... yet they feel that they run the casino and therefore have a rigged system... yet fail to understand that the human spirit is one of the most unpredictable and unfathomable factors to rely upon when engaging in any kind of pogrom.

What happened in France today, I think, may have been a bit unpredictable in someone's efforts to bring about something, simply because (for lack of anything better to say) the cowboys and ranchers who are herding the livestock to other people's doorsteps truly did not factor in that livestock's voracity for violence and sheer bestial behavior.

This has nothing to do with being labeled as simplistic for merely casually observing the obvious.

Edited by Nowisee
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Breaking News from Germany;

Bavarian Police have arrested someone with a Kalashnikov, explosive devices at a random checkpoint on a highway almost a week ago but they didn't announced the arrest to the public.

The car came from Macedonia. A few months ago a cargo ship was stopped at a port in Greece with explosive devices, Kalashnikov's,

Sadly their is no end to this and I am afraid this is just the start of many terror acts in Western Europe.

For the sake of Europe I hope Germany will close its border asap and Merkel will be removed as chancellor with immediate effect.

For any who don't know, a Kalashnikov is an AK. There are variants of it but Kalashnikov was the inventor. The two most common are the AK-47 and the AK-74. I prefer the AK-74 which shoots a smaller but more accurate and longer range bullet. It's also easy to carry more rounds for it because they are smaller and lighter weight. The AK-74 round more closely resembles the NATO standard issue 5.56 and is a sweet lightweight gun that doesn't kick hard or make a lot of noise but can travel with accuracy and penetrate deeply due to superior bullet speed.


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I watched the video regarding the refugee crisis in Europe. there is no doubt that in 15 years Europe will be changed in a way the World has never seen. The problem is open borders and a huge influx of refugees from the war torn Middle East. Europe has to control its borders. They have to find a way to stop the influx. One way would be to completely withdraw from the Middle East. Bring all foreign troops home and end all assistance to those countries. At the same time, seal the European borders and make sure there are no closed areas where a countries own citizens cannot go to. Recently in the United States a United States reporter from a main stream TV station went to the UK and visited an area that was mostly Muslim. It showed Muslim men harassing British men and women who had been out partying and were drinking. This was an example of Sharia law being used in the UK. This cannot ever be allowed. If one becomes a refugee or emigrates to a Western country- one must obey Western law and adhere to Western traditions. If I move to Saudi Arabia- I have to live according to Saudi rules of behavior. Unless Europe gets control of their borders- more scenes like this will be replayed over and over.

You are on spot. I would go one further and predict that one day the Muslim Ummah in Europe will setup their own political parties and in 15 years this could be a real possibility.

Europe is very much doomed and sadly Paris is just the start. Over a million people have been entering Germany this year alone and the German government doesn't know where 30% of those went as they just left the shelters. I am sure most have nothing with terrorism to do but if you let loose 1000 fanatics all over Germany cities like Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Duesseldorf will face similar challenges as Paris had yesterday.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

In the wake of what has just happened in Paris, I don't think this is a great time to 'Thai bash' please save it for a non news day!

i dont think its thai bashing, just showing really how far they are removed from the real world. when the horrible bombing happened in bkk it was all over. 18 people died saddly, here we have more than 150 and its not in the news. i think that whats this member tried to say. no need to accuse him of bashing indeed.

Its nothing to do with Thailand, this is about atrocities in Paris. Have you checked that its not being covered in the news? It is being covered, so I ask you again, why bring Thais into it?

nothing to do with thailand?? lay off the lao kow . look in the south, the bombing in bkk, all muslims, nothing to do with thailand?? have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up.

Hello, PARIS. The clues in the title of the post. Now you can go back to sleep.

oh dear, another keyboad hero, at least u can go on in delusion and never see the big picture, oh and by the way , im awake and not asleep as you assume, i said before i dont have a go at you, just ur views, but u dont seem to grasp that and like a tue tv troll, u need to attack me personally.well done to u sir.

You didn't have a go me, have you read your own post? "lay off the lao kow . have another one, go back to ur bar and one day u may wake up" what is it like when you have a go at someone?

ok i agree, i did have a go at you, but i really wanted to bring across that this will happen everywhere and it does ivolve thailand, also i have family in paris, so my comments were charged with lots of anger this day, and no not towards you, i do apologise if i upset you in a personal way, that was never my intention.

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It is a disturbing video and I do not think it's going to take 15 years.

I watched the video regarding the refugee crisis in Europe. there is no doubt that in 15 years Europe will be changed in a way the World has never seen. The problem is open borders and a huge influx of refugees from the war torn Middle East. Europe has to control its borders. They have to find a way to stop the influx. One way would be to completely withdraw from the Middle East. Bring all foreign troops home and end all assistance to those countries. At the same time, seal the European borders and make sure there are no closed areas where a countries own citizens cannot go to. Recently in the United States a United States reporter from a main stream TV station went to the UK and visited an area that was mostly Muslim. It showed Muslim men harassing British men and women who had been out partying and were drinking. This was an example of Sharia law being used in the UK. This cannot ever be allowed. If one becomes a refugee or emigrates to a Western country- one must obey Western law and adhere to Western traditions. If I move to Saudi Arabia- I have to live according to Saudi rules of behavior. Unless Europe gets control of their borders- more scenes like this will be replayed over and over.

You are on spot. I would go one further and predict that one day the Muslim Ummah in Europe will setup their own political parties and in 15 years this could be a real possibility.

Europe is very much doomed and sadly Paris is just the start. Over a million people have been entering Germany this year alone and the German government doesn't know where 30% of those went as they just left the shelters. I am sure most have nothing with terrorism to do but if you let loose 1000 fanatics all over Germany cities like Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Duesseldorf will face similar challenges as Paris had yesterday.

Edited by Nowisee
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Isis may be contained in a far off land, but Muslim radicals ain't contained in the farang lands that welcomed them. Farang land must really get their head in gear and stop 'mamby pandy' ering around. They should start thinking of their own citizens first.

Farang lands own citizens hands are now tied, they cannot even speak out against foreigners in their country or get 'legal' hassle, YET, that religion can say what it likes against the folk that let them into their country for a better life.

Farang land now has a problem they can't get out of....There may well be trouble ahead from citizens who are pissed off..

It is sad to say. But most troubles in this world today is due to Farang land.

Sit back, take a beer, take off your 'tinted glasses', relax and think...think... think.

Am I wrong?

You're entitled to your opinion, and even though I think you're right to a certain degree, it is not always western world, so if you have a pair of glasses and drink beer, then follow your advice and do some thinking.

Ha ha. I laughed because I had a beer in my hand when I read this.

I might have to agree with ravip with the perspective that Farangland is the one who removes the lid from the Pandora's box for whatever reason... or stirs the bee's nest... or pokes a stick in the ant hill. Many views on "why" but I would have to agree with ravip on that one.

Any one of us reading here now could just as easily walk out their front door and do something to cause violence and mayhem, but we do not. The question would be, "Why?"

Perhaps that is what ravip was on about, although I do not pretend to speak for him (or her).

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Thank you for the quick answer.

We will see these atrocities continue for quite a long time.

Bless you!

Most of the posters of this forum are simplistic in their thinking. Some are extremists themselves. Don't waste your energy. They aren't listening anyway.

No more simplistic was my answer as was his (and yours) statement.

Most of the posters?


Well... I don't know... I have been called a lot of things, but never simplistic.

I guess the question is, is where are your children when the trouble starts. The US military has truly caused a lot of strife that in kind causes a lot of mass movement of peoples, who must run for their lives from the places that the US military focuses on.

I guess if the US military stayed home, as Nigel Farange suggested that the UK butt out and take care of its own peoples, then we would have to see, now wouldn't we?

The beauty of all of this is that what is happening now is creating numerous more algorithms which not even the most intelligent human beings on the planet can predict... yet they feel that they run the casino and therefore have a rigged system... yet fail to understand that the human spirit is one of the most unpredictable and unfathomable factors to rely upon when engaging in any kind of pogrom.

What happened in France today, I think, may have been a bit unpredictable in someone's efforts to bring about something, simply because (for lack of anything better to say) the cowboys and ranchers who are herding the livestock to other people's doorsteps truly did not factor in that livestock's voracity for violence and sheer bestial behavior.

This has nothing to do with being labeled as simplistic for merely casually observing the obvious.

a lot of good stuff here ,

except for one thing IMO, that any of these, if I understand correctly , was unpredictable.

I is all very predictable, as is our response,

In fact a lot of this is designed to elicit our predictable response, as evident by many of the replies in this forum, and I am afraid a lot of what was done in the past to bring us to this impasse was probably designed to elicit their predictable response .

I can't believe that those who brought us here were so stupid, How could they have being so smart in other things yet so stupid in this?

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Most of the people on this board have never hurt anyone nor would they unless attacked. What we are hearing is outrage over an incident that is indeed outrageous.Emotions are running high because innocent people have been killed and wounded for no reason. As I mentioned earlier I never worried about who was Muslim or not or what any religion anyone has or does not have. That is a personal decision. Unfortunately there are people of the Islamic faith who take a strict interpretation of the Koran and believe they can kill all others who do not believe the way they do. I can't tell who is Muslim or not but now when I see someone wearing the garb of a Muslin I want to avoid them. I do not feel comfortable around them. They have brought this feeling on themselves as they refuse to assimilate and want to impose their beliefs on others. The Paris terrorists yelled "Allah Akbar" which is a pretty good indication to me what their belief is.The World will now become more vigilant, but it is necessary for Muslim leaders and Imans the World over to condemn this type of violence. If they do not, they become an accessory.

From what I have read, that evidence comes from one news channel BFMTV...not the most reliable.

"As a rolling news channel, BFMTV has been criticized for "accelerat[ing] reality, and creat[ing] pressure for instant solutions", as well as being conflating what it means to be "popular" and "populist" due to its pursuit of audiences. Thus other media institutions have insinuated that that BFMTV has furthered the cause of Marine Le Pen, the head of the nationalist Front national political party."

I will hold judgment until I see more trustworthy news sources.

The point I made was about the hysterical Muslim bashing fest without any concrete evidence so far. More indicative of the bigoted posters than comment on news.

Dexterm, you are delusional.
Far from it. I prefer to obtain my news from reliable sources, not delude myself as you appear to do with the first hearsay reports of the French equivalent of Fox News that support your prejudices.
I am sure reputable journalists from the BBC,Reuters, the Independent, Guardian and Haaretz are just as keen to fact check and hear witness evidence themselves or have it verified by the police.
When that happens there will be more clarity and less delusion around. We will know exactly who the monstrous barbaric and cowardly perpetrators of this atrocity against innocent people are, rather than blanket condemn a quarter of the world's population to suit one's own bigotry or political agenda.
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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

everything is because of Bush Cheney only that

Gaddafi was a personal crusade of Sarkozy

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