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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????

These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

And these are the people that expect soldiers to sacrifice their lives for them...

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????

These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

And these are the people that expect soldiers to sacrifice their lives for them...

Soldiers chose their job TOO put their lives on the line...rolleyes.gif

Not sure if they would if someone told them what it's really for.

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One of two main theories of the source of the Friday the 13th superstition is it was the day Knight Templars were rounded up and burnt at stake in Paris. What are the odds that it would be a co-incidence?

Strike that, it happened in October, not November. Not such a big co-incidence.

Edited by tumama
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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????

These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

Most countries have the same procedure. Guys are paid to do that job of take care.

The Stade de France attack was just symbolic...no way to get inside, the crowd was never in any real danger ( although probably very scared). Stopping soft target attacks such as those at Charlie Hebdo and yesterday's are extremely difficult. They could be carried out in any city or town in the world...and probably will become more frequent ( if not in the coordinated manner in Paris then lone wolf, guerrilla style).
Does this mean more people died of panic than by the actual attacks?

The only person killed at the Stade de France, other than the suicide bombers, was a bystander who was outside the stadium. The big venues are protected and pretty secure, leaving the soft targets . This has been the pattern for a while....a small museum in Belgium, a school in regional France, supermarket in Paris, a cafe in Sydney, a soldier in a London street, etc etc

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As has been repeatedly shown in this and other topics; they do, frequently, and have done right from the start. Another example: Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS

You say you recognise the truth. So why won't you recognise the truth that Islamist terrorists do not represent Islam and the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims worldwide are as sickened and appalled by the events in Paris last night, and all the other atrocities committed by terrorist who claim to be Muslim, as you and I?

Who do you think is currently fighting ISIS on the ground? It aint the tooth fairy!

Nevertheless, there is hardly any country worldwide that is not affected by Muslim fanaticism. Thailand`s deep south is a typical example. Fanatical Muslim extremism is as bigger threat to world peace today as were the Axis powers during the second world war, only this time not only do countries have the enemy outside but also within.

You mention the good and the bad Muslims, but how is the average Joe mean`t to tell the difference? No one knows who and where is going to be targeted next and when any of us or our families are going to be in the wrong places at the wrong times.

Islam has become a worldwide menace and regardless of their walks of life, no Muslims can now be trusted, everyone of them must be considered suspect. Sorry, but that`s the way it is.

Well said,None of them can be trusted,,Only one way to deal with this,Get the World/Country Leaders grow 2 pair instead of 1 and get them ALL out of their Countries back to where they belong.

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????

These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

Most countries have the same procedure. Guys are paid to do that job of take care.

The Stade de France attack was just symbolic...no way to get inside, the crowd was never in any real danger ( although probably very scared). Stopping soft target attacks such as those at Charlie Hebdo and yesterday's are extremely difficult. They could be carried out in any city or town in the world...and probably will become more frequent ( if not in the coordinated manner in Paris then lone wolf, guerrilla style).
Apparently one of the 3 suicide bombers at the Stade de France had a valid ticket for the game, but he didn't came into the stadium thanks to the security screenings at the gates.


yes, and they were there to kill a maximum of people

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????

These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

Most countries have the same procedure. Guys are paid to do that job of take care.

The Stade de France attack was just symbolic...no way to get inside, the crowd was never in any real danger ( although probably very scared). Stopping soft target attacks such as those at Charlie Hebdo and yesterday's are extremely difficult. They could be carried out in any city or town in the world...and probably will become more frequent ( if not in the coordinated manner in Paris then lone wolf, guerrilla style).
Apparently one of the 3 suicide bombers at the Stade de France had a valid ticket for the game, but he didn't came into the stadium thanks to the security screenings at the gates.


yes, and they were there to kill a maximum of people


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Even if there are some "good" muslims, we can't trust them. Since thy are a potential threat to us, we shouldn't let them into our countries.

Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism? I don't trust them. But it's too late already. They won. RIP Europe.

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many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

What you say is false.
Muhammad in the second part of the Qur'an (Koran of Medina) clearly calls for the killing of infidels almost every page. All us therefore, and particularly the 128 of Paris.
4.89: "They would like as their sombriez yourself in disbelief that you're at the same point (sawa ') than them. Do not take them for friends as they will not have emigrated for the cause of God, and if they turn away, you grab them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take them as allies or supporters for! "
4.90: "[kill them wherever you find them] with the exception of those who visit a tribe (qawn) to which you are bound by a treaty or those who come find you a heavy heart at the thought of you fight or fight their tribe; if God had willed, He would have made you masters and they would have fought you. Also, if they avoid you, do not fight you and offer you their submission, God will not allow you to show their hostility. "
etc ...
Like it or not Islamist murderers of Christians or Jews are simply good Muslims.
Is why we are in a complete impasse with that.

There is no such (Qur'an of Medinah)

The verse your trying to say: 4:89 have to read the full context to know what is the topic talking about, beside that the translation is not accurate as the native script,

Muslims when they established their regime in Spain, the minority of Jews who living there were given their full freedom to practice and teach their believe freely, while under the christian rulers before Islam they were not allowed, read the history about this,

Islam is a religion and open ideology for all, that's why most nations accepted,

if look around the world, there is no single country have no Muslim citizens, even to be a small minority, maybe except north Korea,

who adopted Islam in the west? have little search on google, youtube to see and listen them what they are saying,

these devil events are mastered by some bigger devil mind intelligence agencies to market a bad image about Islam and Muslims, and many narrow minded and blind heart people they absorb the trick to prove their hater feelings to Islam,

Like it or not, Islam is a religion of peace, and will keep spreading among the most intellectual westerners, because Islam ideology is based on logical thinking structure,

these devil terrors are not from Islam and never represent Islam, only to bring more blind dark hearts to campaign against Islam and accuse this action to blame it on Islam,

I think the original poster pointed out to the Medinan chapters of the Qur'an.

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Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism?

1. because u're blind

2. because u know no muslim people u talk to, deal with, be friends with

3. because many muslims feel ashamed and mind their own business, in peace, not in public

4. because public demonstrations, according to (subjective interpretation of) islamic law, can be considered (and many muslims i know actually do consider them) "fitna" (-> google is your friend) and fitna = haram (opposite of halal).

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Like many people you err in calling islam a religion....it is not.

it is a political system that permeates every aspect of life,

What you can or not cannot do.

What you can or cannot wear.

Who you can or cannot marry.

And that's just for the men.

For the women its much ,much worse.

Genital mutilation i.e the clitoris removed with a knife ( where are the feminists now??).

In some areas cannot go outside the house uncovered without being accompanied by a male relative.

Basically a slave

Forget driving a car

Education...yeah right!

Can't handle the rules?..no problem...get stoned (no bongs involved here) until you die buried in the dirt up to your breasts.

No..its never been a religion...religiously followed for sure...but never a religion.

Forget driving a car? Unfortunately that statement highlights your ignorance.

Ahh, actually, your projecting. If you want to protest his observation go ahead, but make sense; you do not. He may not have been comprehensive but he is generally correct. That makes you... not!

Islam is unquestionably a military, social, judicial ideology that behaves/also has a valid religious component. In fact, the core component is a pre existing religion. With the exception of FGM being primarily tribal he is not wrong- it is quite fair to say it behaves like an ideology with ritual and dogma. No other religion in the history of planet earth has the unique features islam does. This is what makes islam such a threat to others and this is what makes others such targets for islamists- its military blueprint/ideology.

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Pathetic response as usual by the leaders….this is an attack on humanity….we will not be afraid….they will not change out values….do not be cowed….dont stay at home etc etc…its ok for them…they got 24/7 security coming out the wazoo.

Wish they would speak responsibly as hundreds of million of moronic sheep hang on their every word.

I suspect they are doing this just to protect businesses and other engines of the economy….it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the world has changed and responsible people must adapt their behaviour accordingly.

Don't cower at home but plan where you are going to be carefully…use your brains….I would not spend time aimlessly wandering around a crowded street on ny eve or christmas…just to give an up yours to would be terrorists.

But hey thats just me.

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????
These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!
And these are the people that expect soldiers to sacrifice their lives for them...

Soldiers chose their job TOO put their lives on the line...rolleyes.gif

Not sure if they would if someone told them what it's really for.

You are obviously not a soldier..a hair dresser maybe, but thats great, cos YOU chose YOUR profession, same as soldiers...thumbsup.gif

Yeah, great to have a profession, so you're free to work for ANY employers.
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here we have the results of letting in 1000000 so-called refugees into europe.
kick merkel out of office fast....

What nonsense. The refugees are fleeing from the same enemy that committed this atrocity.

So you don't suppose jihadists like those who perpetrated the atrocities in Paris are amongst them?

I would think it highly unlikely that one of the perpetrators was a genuine refugee who had fled from the horrors of Syria/ISIS.

I think it highly likely that at least a few of the millions of migrants are actually jihadists that have used this as an opportunity to get into Europe.

Yes; not a genuine refugee.
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I have Muslim friends.

You think you do - until you inadvertently laugh at the wrong cartoon.

I have many Muslim friends in the West, specially in Berlin Kreuzberg and Neukoelln. They are very liberal that the Islamists will walk over the other side of the street because they are well integrated into Germany and made Islam a low priority in their life. Many Muslims in Germany are well integrated but it is those 20-25% of Islamists that try to push them to come back to Islam.

Example: Almost all Spaetkaufs (Night mini marts) sell alcohol and they are all run by Muslims in Berlin Kreuzberg and Neukoelln. The Islamists try to push the shops to only sell to the kafirs and not to other Muslims.

A good friend of mine is married to a German woman and they have a 16 year old daughter. The daughter has a German boyfriend and she was kicked out of her Quran classes because she dated a kaffir. They also try to push her to use a hijab to cover her head but she refused.

Get rid of all those islamists and Muslims could be well integrated into Germany. As long you have those fanatics preaching on the streets in Neukoelln that a new caliphate is on the Horizon and those preachers with their long beards are permitted to preach racism nothing will get better.

Several Muslims on this forum are correct that Islam is a religion of peace but I hear nothing of the condemnation from them against the Islamist's that try to force their believes on other Muslims by radicalizing them. Lets be clear Islam has been radicalized for the past 40 years due to Saudi petrol dollars and they have build mosques all over all the world and also install their own imams.

I was married once to a Muslimah for almost 16 years and dated many Muslim woman''s after my divorce. Muslim womans in 'general are excellent partners for life but they only blossom once you take them far away from the families. Most of the relations ended because of political and religious thoughts but strangely they all want to come back to me and get rid of the family after I broke up with them. I was a devote Muslim for 16 years, prayed 5 times a day, took my Ramadan every year but when my own wife laughed during the 9/11 in front of the TV, I got very upset and when she said they deserved it I know that I made the biggest mistake of my life. She was radicalized by her family in Singapore in one month on a holiday and she came back with my three stepdaughters and all used a hjab as it was forced onto them by her older brothers.

Thankfully I promised myself I will never marry again and I have now a loving Buddhist woman and a 3 year old boy.

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Even if there are some "good" muslims, we can't trust them. Since thy are a potential threat to us, we shouldn't let them into our countries.

Why i never saw a demonstration of muslims against terrorism? I don't trust them. But it's too late already. They won. RIP Europe.

Because you've never looked!

Some examples.

British Muslims stage anti-ISIS protest march in London

Muslims in Europe rally against extremist violence

Austria Muslims demonstrate against terrorism

Thousands of German Muslims protest against terrorism

Then there is the Not in my name campaign; which started in Luton and has now spread worldwide.

Also the Open Letter to Al-Baghdadi

Plus, as already said, this latest outrage has been roundly condemned by Muslims worldwide.

Paris attacks: Leading Muslims call for solidarity as thousands set to attend Trafalgar Square vigil in honour of victims

Muslims all over the world condemn terrorism, express solidarity with French

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

ISIS attack us with bombs, rockets and guns, we fight back with hashtags, Facebook profiles, candles and pretty colours on buildings. Are we hoping they die laughing? I despair for the 'Generation Snowflake' that we've become.

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What's this kind of unrest you try to stir?I also had Muslim girlfriends, none of them were fundamentalistic.

Maybe you've had so many Muslim GF's you've started thinking like them. I am expressing my opinion on here but you think I'm trying to stir unrest?

No, I am not trying to stir unrest, and disagreeing with the teachings of Allah is not intended to stir unrest. By all means, disagree with my Christian beliefs - I will not shoot anyone for doing so. I won't even get angry.

You stir unrest if you force someone to decide between her god and her lover.

LOL.. so that's what you mean?

It's better he doesn't force her to make a choice and get out while the going is good.

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Yeah just a GF, never met the family they would not approve and there will never be marriage. Can say what I like accept talk about Alah because she gets upset so I leave it alone but like I said her view on yesterdays events will determine which way the relationship will go

To be honest you put your GF in a very candid position. Hopefully she doesn't have a big brother, uncle or any family member that will see you one day together and it will be your GF that will get hurt and not you.

I wish you both any way luck and happiness and hopefully you get the right answer you want to hear.

Ask her if she believes in the Ummah.

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tropo, on 15 Nov 2015 - 05:56, said:snapback.png

micmichd, on 15 Nov 2015 - 05:52, said:snapback.png

I have Muslim friends.

You think you do - until you inadvertently laugh at the wrong cartoon.

wrong, i talk about such issues with muslim friends. their answer is that their imaginary friend god will judge (those people/cartoons/etc) and not them. honestly, i can live with that answer... coffee1.gif

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????

These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

Most countries have the same procedure. Guys are paid to do that job of take care.

The Stade de France attack was just symbolic...no way to get inside, the crowd was never in any real danger ( although probably very scared). Stopping soft target attacks such as those at Charlie Hebdo and yesterday's are extremely difficult. They could be carried out in any city or town in the world...and probably will become more frequent ( if not in the coordinated manner in Paris then lone wolf, guerrilla style).
Oh, that's ok then.....I feel safe now you pointed that out.

If 10 of them blasted their way in with Kalashnikov's with NO fear of dieing...they could get in if they wanted too. What I'm saying is that it's always the people that cause the troubles (ie, Hollande and other world leaders) that are made to feel the safest. Then innocents die for doing nothing wrong except being in the wrong place.

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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????
These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!

Most countries have the same procedure. Guys are paid to do that job of take care.
The Stade de France attack was just symbolic...no way to get inside, the crowd was never in any real danger ( although probably very scared). Stopping soft target attacks such as those at Charlie Hebdo and yesterday's are extremely difficult. They could be carried out in any city or town in the world...and probably will become more frequent ( if not in the coordinated manner in Paris then lone wolf, guerrilla style).
Does this mean more people died of panic than by the actual attacks?

The only person killed at the Stade de France, other than the suicide bombers, was a bystander who was outside the stadium. The big venues are protected and pretty secure, leaving the soft targets . This has been the pattern for a while....a small museum in Belgium, a school in regional France, supermarket in Paris, a cafe in Sydney, a soldier in a London street, etc etc

Oh, so only one died there? That's ok then....1 too many as far as I am concerned.
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Did anyone else notice at the Stade de France, when the bombs went off, that the security made sure President Hollande was 'slid' away to safety...leaving ordinary people to be murdered, and to look out for themselves??????
These are the people who don't want this scum allowed into the country, and Hollande and his cronies allow them here to cause chaos and murder, but when it gets too close, they are the first ones to run and hide!!! Same for Cameron, and other leaders. They are the ones who can stop this, but they let the innocent people die first....they are so weak....grrrr!
And these are the people that expect soldiers to sacrifice their lives for them...

Soldiers chose their job TOO put their lives on the line...rolleyes.gif

Not sure if they would if someone told them what it's really for.

You are obviously not a soldier..a hair dresser maybe, but thats great, cos YOU chose YOUR profession, same as soldiers...thumbsup.gif

I didn't know soldiers were there? As far as I know, it was innocent people who were killed,out having a good time, not a threat to anyone, not people who have signed up.
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