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Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath

Jonathan Fairfield

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Obama said 'Those Who Think That They Can Terrorize the People of France or the Values That They Stand for Are Wrong'

Really Mr Obama, is that a serious statement of are you just making jokes again?

I would imagine a lot of people in Paris feel terrorized, especially those who have just lost loved ones or friends!

You don't like Obama, we get it, he's not my favourite US president either, but do you really need to use this quote, which you obviously understood wrongly to launch your attack.

He's obviously suggesting that they (French) cannot be broken by such terrorist attacks, and it was a compliment about the steadfastness and strength of the French. There was no insult intended, but people are always looking for any excuse to bash him.

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Only if by "Islamist" he means "Islamist terrorists" rather than all Muslims.
What a purposeless post. What he means is exactly what he says, and a child by 2015 gets it. In fact, islamist is effectively synonymous with islamist terrrorist, and in common use everyone knows this.

What rubbish. What utter hair splitting word redefining absurdity does one suggest there is a qualitative difference between islamic supremacy and islamic supremacy with a sword; between calling for the death of others and actually killing others; between raising money for jihad and spending money on jihad? This foolish false difference exists in your mind. Islamist are terrorists because they are jihadis. Jihadis are not just those who shout "My God is Greater Than Your God!" and go boom. Islamists insinuate into mosques, raise money, form front groups, build whabbai mosques, become the muslim brotherhood, etc.

I don't often agree with you. Today I am reminded why.

Then u are totally wrong.

Christians that are against abortion are in no way related to christians against against abortion that use violence to force their point.

Lets just out and say what this really is. Its out and out racist. Minority of muslims are from middle east but all the posters here are on about middle eastern bearded rag heads. Thats a quote.

There are many muslims who you wouldnt even know were muslim, eat pork, drink alcohol etc. but reality is most on here know nothing of muslims and islam, yourself included. All they see is dark skinned bearded man with hijab wife in tow and froth starts coming out of their mouth.

But the majority of muslims are not like that.

Its quite funny in malaysia when i am out for beers with the gf and some comments about muslims abound. Sit quietly and let them dig their hole then at the end of the night say they have had a grand old night in company of a muslim girl.

They soon apologise for the stupidity of their generalisation. Funny how they tar all muslims with the same brush.

This is a good response, prima fasciae. However, this is false analogy. Christians who oppose abortion but do not use use violence also and do not advocate outside of the law. When they do, they are arrested.

You make an analogy, quite rudimentary, that asserts people, because they are religious, and have advocacy, share the same analogous value as islamists who espouse supremacist views. Islamists espouse a supranational super state of islamic theocracy with sharia as the law. This House of Submission, global islam, has variously been the goal of caliphs or shia line for... since the first fracture with ali. Islamists who do not take up arms nevertheless consistently have a religious card extended to them in the West whereas no secular advocacy for overthrowing the government would be equally tolerated. The advocacy of hate they offer the Koran statesas meaning would otherwise be met with arrest and jail if it was an atheist and mein kampf read from a pulpit. Thinking islamists and christian advocates opposing abortion are analogous reveals a dark streak in the manner you offer observations, i regret.

How do you devolve a conversation about islamists into a generalization about muslims? I thought we all agreed over numerous OPs these are two very different things, such as wife beaters and humans. Clearly all wife beaters are humans, but not all humans are wife beaters. That you devolve into this generalization so flippantly suggests an emotive argument, and not one of facts. We are not talking about muslims- with any noteworthy posts in this thread- rather terrorists/islamists bent on a supra caliph state acting out violence in Paris and really, the planet earth.

I have spent the majority of my adult life in only muslim countries. Since you are directing your response to me, i assume, I will presume you are calling me a racist. If not, you are saying all people who think the way I do must be racist. Ok. Well, this too demonstrates how out of your depth you are on this topical point alone. Muslims are not a race, they are followers of a religion, previously known as Muhamadeans, later Musselmen, and currently Muslims. All arabs are not muslim. All muslims are not arab. Do you remotely get that this has nothing to with race. People just want the freedom to protest their own abuse, enslavement and death, unlike that offered to the hundreds of millions destroyed by previous islamists.

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This will get much worse before it gets any better. Might as well get used to it because there will be at least a couple of generations of carnage ahead.

Enoch Powell was right. The west's liberalism has been a sociological error. Liberalism only gets taken advantage of by the unscruplous.

The only solution I can see is to improve the goverance of Islam. Muslim clerics need to adjust official doctrine in the way that the Pope's encyclicals adjust Catholic doctrine. It's for the ordinary good Muslims to get their house in order. Unfortunately their own system militates against that happening. I don't have much hope.

Old Enoch was right on his head. At the time his rivers of blood speech was ridiculed, declared a racist and lost all credibility, and now it`s becoming a reality. Many good past politicians with guts warned about the dangers of multiculturalism and not putting restraints on immigration, but were over powered by the leftists that have sold Europe out.

I fear now it`s too late, the situations have gone beyond the point of return and the outcome is the horrific scenes we have seen today in Paris.

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May we pause and reflect on the pain and anguish being experienced by those who have lost loved ones? As well, may we also pay tribute to the brave French security forces that put themselves in harms way and saved countless lives last night? Nothing has been mentioned in these posts about their swift response or the countless lives they have saved.

I believe their moral commitment and sense of duty to help anyone in distress sums up the chasm that exists between a culture that gives and sacrifices for what is morally right and a culture that takes innocent lives for personal gain.

RIP to victims. Condolences to loved ones.

Never back down.

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Even after this latest atrocity the usual apologists still will not condemn the real cause, which is the ideology Islam itself, a vile ideology of violence, retribution, expansion and revenge. One of the reasons given for the slaughter was 'insults to the prophet' oh boo hoo the war monger and pedophile who has inspired so much slaughter down the centuries insulted, who would have thought it.

Well done, Jacky.

Yet again you have proven my point for me!

This time the point being that certain people lack the intellectual capacity to realise that their ignorant hate only acts as recruiting propaganda for the terrorists!

When will you start accepting the fact that IS and other Islamic terrorists do not represent Islam and Muslims?

If they do, then why are they condemned by Muslims worldwide?

If they do, why are Muslim soldiers fighting them, and dying, as we sit at our keyboards and pontificate?

many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

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I look forward to the 1,000's of Muslims that will march openly in protest against this atrocity.

The lunatics who did this have nothing to do with normal muslims, if isis did this. I have my doubts.

A strong majority around the world despises those actions.

Time for people like Le pen and the likes to march.

Heil to xenophobia and closed minds.

And Im not a muslim in the slightest.

Seems that "Muslims" have a record you would do well to acknowledge .......................

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Threat Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

That is just the short list compiled by a man who recognises truth !

I haven't the inclination to check the veracity of your list; but speaking as someone who was just minutes away from being in the Horse and Groom pub in Guildford when the IRA bomb went off, I could compile a similarly long list of terrorist atrocities by those who claim to follow other faiths.

Perhaps it is time for "normal" Muslims to oppose this Barbarity.

As has been repeatedly shown in this and other topics; they do, frequently, and have done right from the start. Another example: Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS

You say you recognise the truth. So why won't you recognise the truth that Islamist terrorists do not represent Islam and the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims worldwide are as sickened and appalled by the events in Paris last night, and all the other atrocities committed by terrorist who claim to be Muslim, as you and I?

Who do you think is currently fighting ISIS on the ground? It aint the tooth fairy!

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All muslims should be rounded up shot. Only language these scum understand is violence.

Ever hear of the term False Flag? It's not uncommon to make an attack and blame someone for it to stir up hatred and rally the masses. It's what the security services do, especially CIA and Mossad.

It gets people saying what you did.

Worked like a charm on 9/11.

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Taking a seat back and pondering what this all really means. After some meditation, it occurs to me that the seemingly SAFE life (read in full letters: A society where nobody is able to defend himself if needed, where violence in any form has been contracted out to State powers) is a rather artificial, and if you ask me personally, an unhealthy situation. To that extent, I am actually in favour of the gun lobbyists in the U.S. Proof has been administered, if it was necessary, that the tight gun controls in Europe are no, read NO, obstacle whatsoever to criminal elements. We knew that, of course. But even if we take the firearms issue out of this, which is specific, I think what is needed is a whole different attitude to life. Yes. Danger is NATURAL! Death, also violent Death, is natural as well. We are meant by evolution to face it.

I worked in Afghanistan a lot as a Civilian, member of various organisations and missions. Security was as difficult as ever, but you would be mistaken if you think that this meant we had no fun. On the contrary, I should say! We socialised a lot, we made love if the occasion offered, we heard music, we even hiked together on one of the nearby mountains, only as a group, of course, Security escort provided. This all appeared to most of us, forgive me, a very natural and healthy lifestyle.

I could drag this out more but the point has been made. What these Islamists did was not to rob us of Paradise, of Civilisation. In some respect, they perhaps did us a favour. Let us heed the lesson, prepare for emergencies, and let us NOT start to be gloomy and pessimist about all this. Life is beautiful! Enjoy while you can...

Personally, I think the Paris of Hemingway, Proust, Joyce, and the Fitzgeralds, as well as fin de siecle Vienna or Berlin in the Twenties, London in the Sixties, were all preferable to the sudden maiming and/or death so prevalent in Afghanistan and other parts of the muslim world where they foul their own nest on a regular basis. Yes, civilization is a paradise. One we should keep. And if that means hunting down the serpent to chuck him out of the garden, so be it. Nobody did Paris any favor by making it even slightly resemble Aleppo.

You can't compare the 7 attacks in Paris with the 5 years attacks in Aleppo.

You can see a lot of footages of French FAMAS assault weapons in Syria and used by non-moderate rebels.

The same for franco-german MILAN anti-tank guided missiles. France started to supply them first to the FSA. Later on you could see ISIS and Al Nusra with the same equipments.

During the Syrian army siege of Homs, more precisely in Baba Amr, some 3000 blended opposition militants (Al Nusra+FSA) were trapped/surrounded. The only problem was that some 30 French military advisers/officers were also trapped.

Assads' army didn't commit a carnage. Under UN blackmail he released the whole mass and evacuated them in busses with darkened windows. It's on YouTube. You won't see it reported in Western media.

French foreign minister Laurent Fabius commented in early Syrian civil war period that Assad should disappear from this planet. Moreover he commented that Al Nusra (Syrian Al Quaida franchise) was doing a good job !

So please, don't de-humanise Syrian civilians and differentiate them with the French tragedy.

Latest events of Paris should require soon a prompt French domestic public response for the risk and responsibility towards protection of French citizens in relation to the choice of French governement to engage in a Syrian war.

used by non-moderate rebels.

Non-moderate rebels?? really ?? what the..?

Gotta love this bs talk......like Hillary 'misspoke' or someone had a 'wardrobe malfunction'.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Taking a seat back and pondering what this all really means. After some meditation, it occurs to me that the seemingly SAFE life (read in full letters: A society where nobody is able to defend himself if needed, where violence in any form has been contracted out to State powers) is a rather artificial, and if you ask me personally, an unhealthy situation. To that extent, I am actually in favour of the gun lobbyists in the U.S. Proof has been administered, if it was necessary, that the tight gun controls in Europe are no, read NO, obstacle whatsoever to criminal elements. We knew that, of course. But even if we take the firearms issue out of this, which is specific, I think what is needed is a whole different attitude to life. Yes. Danger is NATURAL! Death, also violent Death, is natural as well. We are meant by evolution to face it.

I worked in Afghanistan a lot as a Civilian, member of various organisations and missions. Security was as difficult as ever, but you would be mistaken if you think that this meant we had no fun. On the contrary, I should say! We socialised a lot, we made love if the occasion offered, we heard music, we even hiked together on one of the nearby mountains, only as a group, of course, Security escort provided. This all appeared to most of us, forgive me, a very natural and healthy lifestyle.

I could drag this out more but the point has been made. What these Islamists did was not to rob us of Paradise, of Civilisation. In some respect, they perhaps did us a favour. Let us heed the lesson, prepare for emergencies, and let us NOT start to be gloomy and pessimist about all this. Life is beautiful! Enjoy while you can...

Personally, I think the Paris of Hemingway, Proust, Joyce, and the Fitzgeralds, as well as fin de siecle Vienna or Berlin in the Twenties, London in the Sixties, were all preferable to the sudden maiming and/or death so prevalent in Afghanistan and other parts of the muslim world where they foul their own nest on a regular basis. Yes, civilization is a paradise. One we should keep. And if that means hunting down the serpent to chuck him out of the garden, so be it. Nobody did Paris any favor by making it even slightly resemble Aleppo.

You can't compare the 7 attacks in Paris with the 5 years attacks in Aleppo.

You can see a lot of footages of French FAMAS assault weapons in Syria and used by non-moderate rebels.

The same for franco-german MILAN anti-tank guided missiles. France started to supply them first to the FSA. Later on you could see ISIS and Al Nusra with the same equipments.

During the Syrian army siege of Homs, more precisely in Baba Amr, some 3000 blended opposition militants (Al Nusra+FSA) were trapped/surrounded. The only problem was that some 30 French military advisers/officers were also trapped.

Assads' army didn't commit a carnage. Under UN blackmail he released the whole mass and evacuated them in busses with darkened windows. It's on YouTube. You won't see it reported in Western media.

French foreign minister Laurent Fabius commented in early Syrian civil war period that Assad should disappear from this planet. Moreover he commented that Al Nusra (Syrian Al Quaida franchise) was doing a good job !

So please, don't de-humanise Syrian civilians and differentiate them with the French tragedy.

Latest events of Paris should require soon a prompt French domestic public response for the risk and responsibility towards protection of French citizens in relation to the choice of French governement to engage in a Syrian war.

You guys must have been heartbroken when The Spotlight stopped publishing and Liberty Lobby went bankrupt.

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The lunatics who did this have nothing to do with normal muslims, if isis did this. I have my doubts.

A strong majority around the world despises those actions.

Time for people like Le pen and the likes to march.

Heil to xenophobia and closed minds.

And Im not a muslim in the slightest.

Seems that "Muslims" have a record you would do well to acknowledge .......................

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Threat Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims

That is just the short list compiled by a man who recognises truth !

I haven't the inclination to check the veracity of your list; but speaking as someone who was just minutes away from being in the Horse and Groom pub in Guildford when the IRA bomb went off, I could compile a similarly long list of terrorist atrocities by those who claim to follow other faiths.

Perhaps it is time for "normal" Muslims to oppose this Barbarity.

As has been repeatedly shown in this and other topics; they do, frequently, and have done right from the start. Another example: Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS

You say you recognise the truth. So why won't you recognise the truth that Islamist terrorists do not represent Islam and the truth that the overwhelming majority of Muslims worldwide are as sickened and appalled by the events in Paris last night, and all the other atrocities committed by terrorist who claim to be Muslim, as you and I?

Who do you think is currently fighting ISIS on the ground? It aint the tooth fairy!

Who do you think is currently fighting ISIS on the ground? It aint the tooth fairy!

But it ain't those Muslim leaders worldwide either.

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Taking a seat back and pondering what this all really means. After some meditation, it occurs to me that the seemingly SAFE life (read in full letters: A society where nobody is able to defend himself if needed, where violence in any form has been contracted out to State powers) is a rather artificial, and if you ask me personally, an unhealthy situation. To that extent, I am actually in favour of the gun lobbyists in the U.S. Proof has been administered, if it was necessary, that the tight gun controls in Europe are no, read NO, obstacle whatsoever to criminal elements. We knew that, of course. But even if we take the firearms issue out of this, which is specific, I think what is needed is a whole different attitude to life. Yes. Danger is NATURAL! Death, also violent Death, is natural as well. We are meant by evolution to face it.

I worked in Afghanistan a lot as a Civilian, member of various organisations and missions. Security was as difficult as ever, but you would be mistaken if you think that this meant we had no fun. On the contrary, I should say! We socialised a lot, we made love if the occasion offered, we heard music, we even hiked together on one of the nearby mountains, only as a group, of course, Security escort provided. This all appeared to most of us, forgive me, a very natural and healthy lifestyle.

I could drag this out more but the point has been made. What these Islamists did was not to rob us of Paradise, of Civilisation. In some respect, they perhaps did us a favour. Let us heed the lesson, prepare for emergencies, and let us NOT start to be gloomy and pessimist about all this. Life is beautiful! Enjoy while you can...

Personally, I think the Paris of Hemingway, Proust, Joyce, and the Fitzgeralds, as well as fin de siecle Vienna or Berlin in the Twenties, London in the Sixties, were all preferable to the sudden maiming and/or death so prevalent in Afghanistan and other parts of the muslim world where they foul their own nest on a regular basis. Yes, civilization is a paradise. One we should keep. And if that means hunting down the serpent to chuck him out of the garden, so be it. Nobody did Paris any favor by making it even slightly resemble Aleppo.

You can't compare the 7 attacks in Paris with the 5 years attacks in Aleppo.

You can see a lot of footages of French FAMAS assault weapons in Syria and used by non-moderate rebels.

The same for franco-german MILAN anti-tank guided missiles. France started to supply them first to the FSA. Later on you could see ISIS and Al Nusra with the same equipments.

During the Syrian army siege of Homs, more precisely in Baba Amr, some 3000 blended opposition militants (Al Nusra+FSA) were trapped/surrounded. The only problem was that some 30 French military advisers/officers were also trapped.

Assads' army didn't commit a carnage. Under UN blackmail he released the whole mass and evacuated them in busses with darkened windows. It's on YouTube. You won't see it reported in Western media.

French foreign minister Laurent Fabius commented in early Syrian civil war period that Assad should disappear from this planet. Moreover he commented that Al Nusra (Syrian Al Quaida franchise) was doing a good job !

So please, don't de-humanise Syrian civilians and differentiate them with the French tragedy.

Latest events of Paris should require soon a prompt French domestic public response for the risk and responsibility towards protection of French citizens in relation to the choice of French governement to engage in a Syrian war.

blended opposition

Assads' army didn't commit a carnage

domestic public response

to engage in a Syrian war

Surprise me...tell me you aren't a public servant...they have degree courses for that kind of gibberish these days. I guess you graduated with honours.

​Well done!!

But not all of us fall for the doublespeak....we were forced to read 1984 at school before it became trendy in universities..

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One of those terrible muslims that needs to be eradicated. Sonny Bill Williams, All Black, gives his world cup medal to kid who ran on the field to hug him only to be tackled by security. How dare he try and be nice, he is muslim and all muslims want to kill all non muslims. Yeah right.

For the UK posters, how is Mo Farrah. Another wanting to kill all or just getting on with his life.


Dude, whats wrong with you? You are the only one conflating muslims with terrorists/islamists. I have seen no other do that in this OP or others. That there is a fear of islam is clearly no different than the near universal archetype of fear or snakes, though most are not poisonous. That all snakes can bite is obvious, but the majority do not unless provoked. You continue to inflate those that bite with regular peace loving animals. Its not those whom people are concerned with. Its the ones who kill us.

Don't like snakes? Substitute any negative archetype and you will find its the exceptions that are the concern that paints the fear.

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So let's take a realistic tally. Muslims don't get along with Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and most telling...other Muslims. It's time to really push back hard. We have to assume they are all enemies of freedom. I'm sshocked there hasn't been any vigilantism.... Yet.

Realistic tally.

Jews, christians, hindus, buddhists, other muslims do live together in most muslim countries with no issues.

Muslims living in china, thailand, myanmar, central africa republic, israel are treated harshly and subject to random extermination.

Btw, hindus and christians certainly do not get on we in india, christians are being slaughtered there.

Dont let the facts interrupt bigotry

You really need to get out of you bedsit in Scunthorpe a bit more.

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It is a sad fact that in the modern world it is never the leaders who do the fighting; if it were then maybe we'd have fewer wars.

I think you know very well what I'm talking about.

How many of the Muslim countries in the middle east, that aren't invaded by ISIS, are actively fighting them?

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Firstly, sympathy to all Parisians & French people & very sad for France & EU to deal with.

In a Facebook comment yesterday, regarding the arrest of an Al Queda chief captured within group of migrants,

I stated "The "Open Border" policy of EU is a farce & EU will find more terrorists have already entered EU or on way to set up cells in EU countries; the invasion is happening!!

EU Leaders are a bunch of Dumb A*ses to have allowed this massive migration to occur w/o proper controls; believe they will rue the day !!" ....and unfortunately it has started!!

"EU Leaders are a bunch of Dumb A*ses to have allowed this massive migration to occur w/o proper controls"

It wasn't just allowed to happen it is all part of a bigger plan. Any fool could of seen this coming. The western governments want boots on the ground in Syria but the people in those western countries are against it, they've had enough of war and rightly so. Then this despicable act takes place today in France. Coincidence? I just saw in the news the terrorists left their passports at the scene...seriously?? Its been well documented Isis has no more than 50,000 members to its name ...why the <deleted> haven't they been destroyed. There's plenty of speculation around to answer that. What have the west been doing for the last year?? I'm glad Putin took his stand. But now things will escalate now that the "people" will be onside. A very sad day for France & the French people but the blame for this lays directly at the governments feet.

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Quite ironic reading about bigotry and xenophobia towards farangs in other threads.

Judging by some comments here, some need to take a good look in the mirror.

I don't pray Im atheist

Same here, but it is about calls for solidarity mostly.

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So let's take a realistic tally. Muslims don't get along with Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and most telling...other Muslims. It's time to really push back hard. We have to assume they are all enemies of freedom. I'm sshocked there hasn't been any vigilantism.... Yet.

Realistic tally.

Jews, christians, hindus, buddhists, other muslims do live together in most muslim countries with no issues.

Muslims living in china, thailand, myanmar, central africa republic, israel are treated harshly and subject to random extermination.

Btw, hindus and christians certainly do not get on we in india, christians are being slaughtered there.

Dont let the facts interrupt bigotry

Why would it be necessary to presume tony5150 is a bigot? Perhaps he is only mistaken. Can you guide another to a point of view without pejorative? In this case, however, you are wrong and tony5150 is correct.

If one thing a current world events lesson teaches us is that islam is having a hard go of it in nearly all places- nearly!

In some estimates, 100-200 million hindus were slaughtered by islam in the second great jihad. Another generation? One can hardly tell. The most recent deaths from India are hindu politicians and 7 islamists in custody. Hardly a meritorious point here.

I have no comment about islam in Thailand other then to say every single muslim person I have interacted in Thailand has been kind and honorable to me. This is not censorship, but fact.

Myanmar has, in some respects, some house cleaning to do. However, few outside the parroted media realize that Myanmar has a reason to be concerned as a large majority of their problem are in fact Bangladeshis. Moreover, the highly publicized recent Buddhist on Muslim crimes shared widely were in response to some brutal rapes of children. Not that anything here is excusable, but there is context.

Islam has always claimed persecution. It is an integral disarming technique observed and enshrined by the prophet in 1 Mecca, the tolerance phase. The observation of claiming persecution is not noted retrospectively but was appreciated in real time by the architects of the nascent islam and enshrined as one of the stages of protest hijra migration jihad. They perfected it in Medina by extended claims of persecution to claims of Defensive Jihad. This is not exegesis. This is the blueprint for islamic jihad claimed 1,400 years ago themselves. This is why the disconnect between the near universal outreach to islam and the apparent rebuke and continued demands for more accommodation. There is nothing new here.

Africa? Your kidding, right?

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First terrorist identified is French born.

And the Syrian passport was reported to be from one of the suicide bombers outside the Stade de France football stadium.

Apparently the blast didn't destroy it...

Not only a Syrian passport found but an Egyptian one as well. How very lucky either document could survive the blast, very convenient as well.

Coincidentally a pass port was found from one of the hijackers the flew in to the WTC.

My pass port was completely destroyed after my mother in law sent it through the washing machine. Go figure.

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The enemy has finally become more clever in the selection of their targets. I always wondered why our Islamic enemy didn't go after more cafes, sporting events, and music concerts. Now, they have. They are shutting down life in Europe. The lights are going out in Paris and things will soon go dark in London, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Stockholm. The next targets? Imagine suicide bombers attacking airports where people are herded together in line WAITING for a security check. What about places across the continent, such as the Trevi fountain, the Spanish steps, the Parthenon, the British Museum, or scores of other places packed with tourists that will make Bangkok's Erawan Shrine look like a pimple on an elephant. It's coming. Soon. Europeans need to be prepared either to fight or to die.

I usually agree with you , but "The enemy has finally become more clever in the selection of their targets" ....really ? Those are the easiest , most lame a-s targets they can choose. They should get 72 old ugly fat virgins for that. There are much better targets around , that make sence and spare bystanders who no-one but their families care for. Can't name better targets here , I'm sure to get deleted , (or flagged...).

Indeed, the Apocalypse is near.

This planet will be better off without the (self-destructive) human species.

Darwinisme still need to prove the human species is a regression.

Humans are the worst specimens evolution has engendered, maybe the dinosaurs were also a misfit of nature? (Or should I say God?)

I've said it before , life on earth was a gigantic mistake , not just the human species. It should not have evolved beyond some brainless micro-organisms.

I cried watching that, felt cold with fear. Far worse then any horror film I have ever seen. And now we have the western government leaders letting in thousands upon thousands of Muslim refugees into the countries, they must be insane, it`s madness.

After years of fictional and non fictional brutal violence on tv , movies , games ....you cried with that video ? In the recent movie : "no escape ", filmed here in thailand , there was more blood and gore , than on that lame video in the link.

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MobileContent, I've not quoted your or my posts on the number of refugees as doing so would take up too much space; we both know what each other said and anyone else interested can go back and look.


1) No Gulf state has signed the UN Convention on Refugees, therefore the UNHCR do not count the Syrians in any Gulf state as refugees; but from the Wikipedia article I got my figures from

According to the UNHCR's representative for the Gulf region, there are 500,000 Syrians in Saudi Arabia, but in "official documentation they are referred to as "Arab brothers and sisters in distress"" and not as Syrian nationals.%5B183%5D While Al Jazeera and Arab News, on 12 September 2015, reported that Saudi Foreign ministry official says nation has received nearly 2.5 million Syrians since 2011.%5B184%5D%5B185%5D Though there were no evidence to authenticate this statement or prove it.

Amnesty International does not mention Saudi Arabia for basically the same reason as the UNHCR don't; because Saudi doesn't classify them as refugees.

However, the Amnesty figures are

More than 4 million refugees from Syria (95%) are in just five countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt:

•Lebanon hosts approximately 1.2 million refugees from Syria which amounts to around one in five people in the country

•Jordan hosts about 650,000 refugees from Syria, which amounts to about 10% of the population

•Turkey hosts 1.9 million refugees from Syria, more than any other country worldwide

•Iraq where 3 million people have been internally displaced in the last 18 months hosts 249,463 refugees from Syria

•Egypt hosts 132,375 refugees from Syria

2) That one may have been living in a country prior to war starting in ones homeland and so one does not, cannot, return home does not mean one is not a refugee.

3) Most refugees in the countries neighbouring Syria do stay there; they lack the means to do anything else. Yes, those who can leave in search of what they believe (hope?) will be a better life in Europe.

In their position, would you not do the same if you could?

Of course, only a fool would deny that among the refugees are chancers, criminals and even some terrorist infiltrators; but the vast majority are genuine.

None of the above is an attempt to belittle the refugee crisis in Europe; it is a vast problem and getting worse; one which needs addressing in a fair and humanitarian manner.

But all of that is a subject for a different topic, not this one.

read this


from the mouth or arsesof mohammed himself..apparently. basically migrate and dominate .

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Now what? They will make some peace marches, light some candles, tweet some pathetic peace hashtags and after 6 months…boom…another one!

I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets….just watch.

Its all building up to an us vs them confrontation.

"I think the next things is that europeans are going to rise up on their own to take back their streets…"

Fight with what? The Europeans are all disarmed, just like their governments want them to be. The libs have tricked the citizens into believing that the governments should be the only ones with arms and that the governments would protect the people.

That Lie is coming home to roost. The governments are attacking their people with sea changes in culture and demographics and are utterly failing to protect society or individuals.

I agree that the people have to rise up and protect themselves, but they lack the means. The Lie that governments should be in charge rather than the truth which is that the people should rule the government has ruined Europe.

This Lie has left the people to be subjects of the government, totally powerless to do anything.

I weep for the people of Europe.

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First terrorist identified is French born.

And the Syrian passport was reported to be from one of the suicide bombers outside the Stade de France football stadium.

Apparently the blast didn't destroy it...

Not only a Syrian passport found but an Egyptian one as well. How very lucky either document could survive the blast, very convenient as well.

Coincidentally a pass port was found from one of the hijackers the flew in to the WTC.

My pass port was completely destroyed after my mother in law sent it through the washing machine. Go figure.

says it all really don't it.......problem reaction solution AGAIN

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May we pause and reflect on the pain and anguish being experienced by those who have lost loved ones? As well, may we also pay tribute to the brave French security forces that put themselves in harms way and saved countless lives last night? Nothing has been mentioned in these posts about their swift response or the countless lives they have saved.

I believe their moral commitment and sense of duty to help anyone in distress sums up the chasm that exists between a culture that gives and sacrifices for what is morally right and a culture that takes innocent lives for personal gain.

RIP to victims. Condolences to loved ones.

Never back down.

Agree with your sentiments...apart from never back down.

The emergency/security people you rightly praise have, along with the rest of the population, been lead by the nose, bent over and royally shafted by their government for reasons only the conspiracy theorists can describe.

Imagine being of the age where you saw the horrors of the second world war and then, finally peace.

Growing old gracefully surrounded by family, grandchildren and lifelong friends.

And then facing this next threat.

It's not simply one country turning to shit politically...it seems to be a pattern all over the western world.

Who decided we would go from a multinational country.....which worked as people assimilated..... to a multicultural country where third world scum brought their primitive culture with them?

Insert country of your choice.

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many anti-Islam they take advantage of such occasions to say: look how this ideology? look how Islam is?

if we use a little logical thinking to come up with a reasonable conclusion we'll find the true that these killers are highly condemned and accused in Islam and from the holy book of Quran, whoever killed one single innocent person same as killed everyone,

However, you racist and anti-Islam keep trying all your best, you will never cause any harm to this the most and fastest religion that keeps spreading over the glob,

this terror activity is first condemned and most accused in Islam,

these vagabond dogs they may rest in the hell forever, they are not belong to humanity or any religion,

What you say is false.
Muhammad in the second part of the Qur'an (Koran of Medina) clearly calls for the killing of infidels almost every page. All us therefore, and particularly the 128 of Paris.
4.89: "They would like as their sombriez yourself in disbelief that you're at the same point (sawa ') than them. Do not take them for friends as they will not have emigrated for the cause of God, and if they turn away, you grab them and kill them wherever you find them. And do not take them as allies or supporters for! "
4.90: "[kill them wherever you find them] with the exception of those who visit a tribe (qawn) to which you are bound by a treaty or those who come find you a heavy heart at the thought of you fight or fight their tribe; if God had willed, He would have made you masters and they would have fought you. Also, if they avoid you, do not fight you and offer you their submission, God will not allow you to show their hostility. "
etc ...
Like it or not Islamist murderers of Christians or Jews are simply good Muslims.
Is why we are in a complete impasse with that.
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The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

they're after ALL of us.

Message received.

It's about getting everyone to think just as you and everyone else on here. It has to be done in grand style or everyone would not unify in there justification for world war. All the big wars are started with false flags. It's not as large a scale as 9-11 but should work to do what the big boys want. All they talk about is the over population of the world, (False) global warming which they say will cause famine. Yes famine may come but will be caused by something other than our cars. And there grand control,,, there order.

Wake up people.

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