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'We must stand up to those who want us to kneel'


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Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.


Personally, I don't have a problem with Christianity or Buddhism.

It is not the religion that is a problem. It is the moronic interpretations thereof, as well as the religious institutions, that seem to be the problem.

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1. The aim of of Islam is to oblige all non Muslims to become their slaves, pay money to avoid this or be killed. It's in the Koran.

2. They have repeatedly said that their aim is to conquer Europe, whether through the stomachs of their women or otherwise doesn't matter. 40% of Muslims in Europe wish for an introduction of strict Sharia law, including the amputations and stonings.

3. They despise non Muslims.

4. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim or a radical Muslim. How do I know> Erdogan, the guy that believes that Mohammed flew around on a white horse to the moon, Damascus or whatever, and also happens to be the president of Turkey, said so.

5. There is no such thing as a religion of peace, most the nice bits were abrogated by the later verses.

6. I don't hate anyone, I do despise people that don't do some research on what is a radical change that is taking place in Europe. I don't have a bad conscience about being European, anything that the Muslims accuse us of they have done themselves in the past, with spades.

You really are full of it.

Well,, in the interests of clarification, what is incorrect about what I wrote?

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Talking about the situation in France there are three different problems that need to be addressed separately.

- The war in the Middle East. This is not our war, we should let Iran and Saudi Arabia solved their mess by themselves (with the help of Russia if it pleases Putin) and get out of there as soon as possible.

- The migrant : Separate the wheat from the chaff, give temporary shelter to the war refugees and send back the economical migrants.

- Local minorities : A big cleaning is long overdue here too


But the first step is to recognize there are three different problems and religion is not one of them.

But the common denominator is one religion

(Vague) correlation does not imply causation.

It does not imply causation - it is the causation

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Talking about the situation in France there are three different problems that need to be addressed separately.

- The war in the Middle East. This is not our war, we should let Iran and Saudi Arabia solved their mess by themselves (with the help of Russia if it pleases Putin) and get out of there as soon as possible.

- The migrant : Separate the wheat from the chaff, give temporary shelter to the war refugees and send back the economical migrants.

- Local minorities : A big cleaning is long overdue here too


But the first step is to recognize there are three different problems and religion is not one of them.

But the common denominator is one religion

What about this one: but the common denominator is the petrol and the benefits of the big shareholders (among which obviously arms manufacturers)...

US Governments armed enough resistant groups (afghans, ISIS and others) to serve their own interests:

- Counter Russia (Afghans)

- Take out Iraq, Kadhafi, El-Assad...

Then left them alone with the weapons...

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1. The aim of of Islam is to oblige all non Muslims to become their slaves, pay money to avoid this or be killed. It's in the Koran.

2. They have repeatedly said that their aim is to conquer Europe, whether through the stomachs of their women or otherwise doesn't matter. 40% of Muslims in Europe wish for an introduction of strict Sharia law, including the amputations and stonings.

3. They despise non Muslims.

4. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim or a radical Muslim. How do I know> Erdogan, the guy that believes that Mohammed flew around on a white horse to the moon, Damascus or whatever, and also happens to be the president of Turkey, said so.

5. There is no such thing as a religion of peace, most the nice bits were abrogated by the later verses.

6. I don't hate anyone, I do despise people that don't do some research on what is a radical change that is taking place in Europe. I don't have a bad conscience about being European, anything that the Muslims accuse us of they have done themselves in the past, with spades.

You really are full of it.

He might not be that far off the mark tho:


This was already discussed last year on those forums if I remember properly.

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Why after 2 bombs going off outside a football stadium packed out with people wasn't the match stopped and everyone evacuated?

Oh what a brilliant idea!

Stop the match and evacuate 50.000 spectators...where, exactly?

Outside of the stadium, I guess?!

Where the 2 bombs just went off?

You are a special kind of...special, aren't you?!

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Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.


Personally, I don't have a problem with Christianity or Buddhism.

It is not the religion that is a problem. It is the moronic interpretations thereof, as well as the religious institutions, that seem to be the problem.

This discussion may be a bit off topic, but I disagree...respectfully!

All the holy books and teachings are full of bad ideas to begin with!

You are right in terms of "interpretations", but the "source material" is completely bogus already!

Full of vile, hatred and right out fairy tale stuff!

The bible is not better than the koran, just because people cherry pick the "hippie- Jesus"- stuff!

There are more than 1 (utterly moronic) reasons, to kill "they neighbor" in the bible!

"Thou' shalt not kill", does not count for people who work on the Sabbath or who let their wife stay in the house, while she has her period!

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Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.


Personally, I don't have a problem with Christianity or Buddhism.

It is not the religion that is a problem. It is the moronic interpretations thereof, as well as the religious institutions, that seem to be the problem.

This discussion may be a bit off topic, but I disagree...respectfully!

All the holy books and teachings are full of bad ideas to begin with!

You are right in terms of "interpretations", but the "source material" is completely bogus already!

Full of vile, hatred and right out fairy tale stuff!

The bible is not better than the koran, just because people cherry pick the "hippie- Jesus"- stuff!

There are more than 1 (utterly moronic) reasons, to kill "they neighbor" in the bible!

"Thou' shalt not kill", does not count for people who work on the Sabbath or who let their wife stay in the house, while she has her period!

Maybe you should go into the facts again. Why have the Jews and the Christians managed to get away from the old testament crap and, slowly, with many set backs, get into 'civilised mode'? The Muslims are not allowed to criticise or talk about revising the Koran. They are still obliged, if they are Muslims, to follow the Koran to the letter. That's the difference. I am an atheist but I would prefer that the Bible lead my life than the Koran.

I am not interested in reading about what some tribesman in the Bronze Age wrote down. I AM interested in reading about what is being done today in the name of the peaceful religion of Islam.

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The USA new this all along they new that the replications of war would have created an invasion of maslim to Europe . But they are miles away so who cares, European should place all the refugees in boats and planes and send them there after all who started all this shit

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Why after 2 bombs going off outside a football stadium packed out with people wasn't the match stopped and everyone evacuated?

Oh what a brilliant idea!

Stop the match and evacuate 50.000 spectators...where, exactly?

Outside of the stadium, I guess?!

Where the 2 bombs just went off?

You are a special kind of...special, aren't you?!

Yes, a little bit of a facepalm at that one.


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Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.


Personally, I don't have a problem with Christianity or Buddhism.

It is not the religion that is a problem. It is the moronic interpretations thereof, as well as the religious institutions, that seem to be the problem.

This discussion may be a bit off topic, but I disagree...respectfully!

All the holy books and teachings are full of bad ideas to begin with!

You are right in terms of "interpretations", but the "source material" is completely bogus already!

Full of vile, hatred and right out fairy tale stuff!

The bible is not better than the koran, just because people cherry pick the "hippie- Jesus"- stuff!

There are more than 1 (utterly moronic) reasons, to kill "they neighbor" in the bible!

"Thou' shalt not kill", does not count for people who work on the Sabbath or who let their wife stay in the house, while she has her period!

Maybe you should go into the facts again. Why have the Jews and the Christians managed to get away from the old testament crap and, slowly, with many set backs, get into 'civilised mode'? The Muslims are not allowed to criticise or talk about revising the Koran. They are still obliged, if they are Muslims, to follow the Koran to the letter. That's the difference. I am an atheist but I would prefer that the Bible lead my life than the Koran.

I am not interested in reading about what some tribesman in the Bronze Age wrote down. I AM interested in reading about what is being done today in the name of the peaceful religion of Islam.

I understand that there are a lot of Islamic charities that do good work the world over. Yes they focus upon Muslim communities but it's still good work. Of course the Red Crescent society does a great job, much like the Red Cross. I also listened to a spokesperson from the French Islamic societies on the BBC this morning condemning the atrocities of last Friday and vowing to continue to the work it does to promote understanding between the different faiths in France. Not convert or enslave or impose sharia as some world have us believe, but just bring different faith communities together. I thought that was nice as well.

So many ignore these things because it doesn't suit their agenda. Such a shame, eh.

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