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Thai immigration strengthens screening procedures


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Thai immigration strengthens screening procedures

BANGKOK, 16 November 2015 (NNT) – The Immigration Police are now implementing stricter screening measures for persons entering and leaving the Kingdom, in wake of the Paris terror attacks, dispatching plain-clothed agents to monitor direct flights to and from Paris as a precautionary measure.

The Immigration Bureau commander Pol Maj Gen Nattorn Prohsunthorn has revealed that all immigration control points in Thailand, especially at the five international airports, have been appointed to implement stricter screening procedures for persons entering and leaving the Kingdom, in wake of the recent terror attacks in Paris.

The stricter procedures include a more detailed information registry, travel itinerary scrutiny, and behavioral observation. Officers have been urged to particularly observe the behaviors of detained foreigners, in order to prevent any acts of disturbances.

Plain-clothed agents have also been dispatched on direct flights from Bangkok to Paris to ensure security, while all passengers to France are advised to be extra vigilant and closely monitor the news and information coming out. The Immigration Bureau will implement these heightened measures until the situation deescalated to normal, says immigration commander.

The Immigration Bureau commander has also added that the Thai authorities had received a briefing from French officials to take care of up to 80,000 French nationals currently residing in Thailand.

He also mentioned the number of refugees in transit through Thailand to their destination country has decreased, but more refugees may resume traveling on this transit route, should the European Union decided to close its borders or carry out more stringent inspections.

-- NNT 2015-11-16 footer_n.gif

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What has the Paris terrorist attacks got to do with Thailand? Excuse my ignorance but maybe someone can enlighten me?

Might be smarter to prevent Thailand becoming a transit point for refugees? Especially in light of the Uigher bombings?

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What has the Paris terrorist attacks got to do with Thailand? Excuse my ignorance but maybe someone can enlighten me?

Might be smarter to prevent Thailand becoming a transit point for refugees? Especially in light of the Uigher bombings?

For the same reason some European politicians now use the attack for their political agenda regarding refugees: absolutely nothing.

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So LoS is sending their own ' air marshals ' on flights to Paris ?

I didn't know such a unit existed or in the hours following the atrocities in France have they successfully identified and trained suitable personnel OR as is more likely just BS to make it sound good ?

As other members have asked why is Thailand getting so worked up over this ?

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"The Immigration Bureau commander has also added that the Thai authorities had received a briefing from French officials to take care of up to 80,000 French nationals currently residing in Thailand."

Well I bet that makes the French feel a whole lot safer here.

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"dispatching plain-clothed agents to monitor direct flights to and from Paris as a precautionary measure."

and you guys cant see them because they are invincible and wearing plain-clothes bla bla bla and they have super powers like batman and superman


Thainess we will never understand it.

Why should they start to monitor flights from Paris??

The terrorists killed in Paris was IS soldiers from Syria, wedging a war on France for bombing IS in Syria....

So Thailand is worried because they are not involved in the war on IS in Syria??


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So LoS is sending their own ' air marshals ' on flights to Paris ?

I didn't know such a unit existed or in the hours following the atrocities in France have they successfully identified and trained suitable personnel OR as is more likely just BS to make it sound good ?

As other members have asked why is Thailand getting so worked up over this ?

A Thai air marshall in plain clothes. Hehe. Teeth sucking and the smell of laokhao would blow his cover.

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So LoS is sending their own ' air marshals ' on flights to Paris ?

I didn't know such a unit existed or in the hours following the atrocities in France have they successfully identified and trained suitable personnel OR as is more likely just BS to make it sound good ?

As other members have asked why is Thailand getting so worked up over this ?

A Thai air marshall in plain clothes. Hehe. Teeth sucking and the smell of laokhao would blow his cover.

I can imagine an incident on the flight going unnoticed because he'd either be sound asleep or too busy with his phone.

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So LoS is sending their own ' air marshals ' on flights to Paris ?

I didn't know such a unit existed or in the hours following the atrocities in France have they successfully identified and trained suitable personnel OR as is more likely just BS to make it sound good ?

As other members have asked why is Thailand getting so worked up over this ?

Typical mentality, I'd venture. Has to be seen as being in-tune with times. Relevant. Belonging to the popular crowd. Vanity, and the need to be taken seriously, not that it's doing anything in that direction, if I'm honest. Want to be seen as rubbing shoulders with the people involved with the serious business of 'the world'. Really, just a typical response.

To be fair, I have to say that I agree security should be stepped up but, knowing Thailand, it will be but for only a few days. Take the Erawan Shrine bombing for instance - right after it happened, security tightened in almost anything and everything in the city. But as soon as the government announced that the perp was caught, everybody relaxed. They still check backpacks at the BTS/MRT stations now but if you insisted on ignoring them and walking past with a backpack, they do nothing to even attempt to go after you to check.

Anyway, back to the point I'm trying to make - what the ISIS/IS/ISIL/whatever half-breeds are doing is over and beyond all forms of rules of engagement. Not that terrorists adhered to any, to start with. This makes ANY and ALL countries vulnerable. Some are right to say that Thailand isn't at the top of the list, and there is no reason for them to attack Thailand. On the same token, there is also no reason for them not to! What's to stop them from 'staging a show' in Thailand, or any other countries that do not have heigtened security, just to make a point and show the world they are everywhere, can strike anytime and then really instill fear in everyone? There is a large French community in Thailand, no? Ditto Americans, British, Russians.

The thing is, I wish Thailand would be less vain. Step up security by all means, but do it quietly. People will notice, and they will feel safer and appreciate that. Putting on a show, beating your chest and making lots of noise is but just a circus clown show and people can see that. If you're serious about security, then do it - seriously. And quietly. Stop all this look-at-me-being-a-global-citizen crap. That will definitely keep the tourists coming in, if that's your main concern right now, despite the massacre and deaths, you insensitive gits.

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What has the Paris terrorist attacks got to do with Thailand? Excuse my ignorance but maybe someone can enlighten me?

Might be smarter to prevent Thailand becoming a transit point for refugees? Especially in light of the Uigher bombings?

well, Uighurs are Muslims as well. Same as IS. So there might be a connection...one day.

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While I kow people on here like to BASH the Thais at every turn Let me say this.

It makes perfect sense that Thailand as well as many other countries would beef up their security for flights that go to France.

These terrorists will you any possible means of getting into the country and flying into a country with lack or no security then transferring to a French flight would be the first way.

Also we have seen that IS is not adverse to crashing planes. While the quality of air marshal may not be up to "american" standards at least they are attempting to try to do something.

Imagine what would have happened if the international community had paid attention to a plan e that was highjacked in 1996 in Pakistan to Afghanistan by people with box cutters.


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While I kow people on here like to BASH the Thais at every turn Let me say this.

It makes perfect sense that Thailand as well as many other countries would beef up their security for flights that go to France.

These terrorists will you any possible means of getting into the country and flying into a country with lack or no security then transferring to a French flight would be the first way.

Also we have seen that IS is not adverse to crashing planes. While the quality of air marshal may not be up to "american" standards at least they are attempting to try to do something.

Imagine what would have happened if the international community had paid attention to a plan e that was highjacked in 1996 in Pakistan to Afghanistan by people with box cutters.


They'll just balls it up as usual and it'll be your genuine tourists and expats who'll suffer.

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As long thai immigration run their department for revenue raising, then they will always have problems.

And what exactly does "Strengthen screening procedures" mean? Are the current security procedures inadequate to stop terrorists? It's like they are admitting, "yeah well we were asleep on the night watch last night, but tonight we'll be awake"

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So LoS is sending their own ' air marshals ' on flights to Paris ?

I didn't know such a unit existed or in the hours following the atrocities in France have they successfully identified and trained suitable personnel OR as is more likely just BS to make it sound good ?

As other members have asked why is Thailand getting so worked up over this ?

Haven't you made the connection yet Kid?

The former police general Thaksin mate who got nabbed with a gun in Japan was really the "prototype" of the new Thai Air Marshals service. That's why he got off free with no prosecution in Japan and all gone quiet here. He's a plainclothes secret service air marshal.

The coppers don't get those para type wings and all those medals for nothing you know.whistling.gif

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So LoS is sending their own ' air marshals ' on flights to Paris ?

I didn't know such a unit existed or in the hours following the atrocities in France have they successfully identified and trained suitable personnel OR as is more likely just BS to make it sound good ?

As other members have asked why is Thailand getting so worked up over this ?

Haven't you made the connection yet Kid?

The former police general Thaksin mate who got nabbed with a gun in Japan was really the "prototype" of the new Thai Air Marshals service. That's why he got off free with no prosecution in Japan and all gone quiet here. He's a plainclothes secret service air marshal.

The coppers don't get those para type wings and all those medals for nothing you know.whistling.gif

Now that's quite a thought but one thing concerns me, with their love of uniforms and rows of decorations I can't imagine a Thai air marshal in ' plain ' clothes.

Maybe a raid jacket with ' I am an Air Marshal ' in several languages.

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Terrorism works...

A concern of mine is if a large group of nationals from a country form an 'enclave' here in Thailand, they could be seen as a soft target. There are many French (Russian/German/Scandinavian/Israeli) people living here and they tend to gather in their compatriots' establishments, and live in the same areas. Russian forces are hitting IS really hard - expect them to be next.

The first attacker in France is a French national. He would not need a visa to enter Thailand upon arrival, or he could quite easily obtain an SETV with no checks, as long as he has a clean passport. That will have to change.

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