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Thai tourism unaffected by Paris attacks


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Hi everybody,

There was no Thai citizen( lucky them) involved in Paris attacks AND the tourism in Thailand is not affected by this "incident" (accurate statement just two days after facts....) So what, the World is so nice.......... Thank you "Madame La Ministre" it makes us so happy !!!! Please go to Paris and meet families of the dead and injured people....they will welcome your words with happyness and hope...... Ah by the way I'm french (nobody's perfect isn't it)

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She needs a good bitch slap to wake her up. So insensitive, it's not a Thai problem and doesn't affect Thailand, I agree, (Thailand is half way across the world), however where is your brain woman? I pray not only for Paris and the people of France, but for everyone else that is effected by the feces known as IS (America's puppet). As for tourist numbers, TAT is so full of shit, they have been saying tourist numbers are up for the past 2 years, however where are they? Certainly not spending money cause I have seen more places close down this year than I have in the last 10 years.

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Disgusting! No respect for those killed and injured in Paris! Trying to capitalise on another country's tragedy is deplorable. She had no need to mention Paris in announcing tourist figures. Most other countries offer help, sympathy and support to France, but Thailand's tourism must go on! Please have some respect.

I'm with you here Graeme, and I guess we all know that the capacity for empathy is not exactly the strong point of Thailand and the Thais.

How many times have I seen Thais flocking around an accident scene to gawk, in the hope of witnessing the gorest possible things, and not in the least concerned about how to give help or comfort to those injured.

I have come to accept that fact because I live here, and that cold, selfish, heartless statement from an 'authority' doesn't surprise me in the least.

I will also add that I did meet, on an individual level, some Thai people who were not like that. So ... thumbs up to them and for the rest, well, I think they need to seriously ponder the meaning of the word 'Buddhist'. And to find out that there is a philosophical, spiritual and ethical backbone to that extraordinary teaching, and that it's not just about 'making merit' which basically means : I give because I believe I will receive even more in return.

Edited by Yann55
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Saw the headline and could not believe what I was reading, all they're F ing worried about is making a statement about their precious tourism, disgraceful.

is there a government agency in this country that has someone with a brain

Absolutely not. TiT.

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Why would there be? The 2 events are not connected to each other.

OK I accept that scum are killing innocent people in both situations.

However the Southern conflict is a separatist one. The isis scum are pursuing an agenda based upon warped interpretations of their faith.

Nearly 100% of all terrorism in the world today is done by Muslims, whether it is ISIS, insurgents in

the South of Thailand, Jihadists or whatever.

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Muslim terrorists can be proud: their share in world terrorist attacks is now close to 100%.

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Disgusting! No respect for those killed and injured in Paris! Trying to capitalise on another country's tragedy is deplorable. She had no need to mention Paris in announcing tourist figures. Most other countries offer help, sympathy and support to France, but Thailand's tourism must go on! Please have some respect.

In a perverse way she was showing respect but to the only thing that matters here, MONEY !

TV muppets again having a go at the people that allow them to stay in The Kingdom. #Tossers

Wow! A simple "Go home, if you don't like it here", wasn't good enough, this time!


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"The number of Thai tourists in November was higher than expected but their spending was lower."

TAT is getting better and better... November is only half way, but they already have all the figures....

off course the spending is down, cause the majority is now Chinese, and they spend their money with the Chinese travel agent, buying stuff in a Chinese shop that does not pay Thai Tax but send the money back to China....

But that is OK, because TAT numbers are up, more tourist are coming....




In 2016 they had an increase of 24% in tourists coming to thailand

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Why would there be? The 2 events are not connected to each other.

OK I accept that scum are killing innocent people in both situations.

However the Southern conflict is a separatist one. The isis scum are pursuing an agenda based upon warped interpretations of their faith.

Nearly 100% of all terrorism in the world today is done by Muslims, whether it is ISIS, insurgents in

the South of Thailand, Jihadists or whatever.

isis and the southern conflict are not the same.

The southern conflict is not a faith based one.

It is a separatist one.

Still doesn't make the killing any better.

Violence against civilians for any reason is always wrong.

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Muslim terrorists can be proud: their share in world terrorist attacks is now close to 100%.

According to........?

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Why would there be? The 2 events are not connected to each other.

OK I accept that scum are killing innocent people in both situations.

However the Southern conflict is a separatist one. The isis scum are pursuing an agenda based upon warped interpretations of their faith.

Nearly 100% of all terrorism in the world today is done by Muslims, whether it is ISIS, insurgents in

the South of Thailand, Jihadists or whatever.

isis and the southern conflict are not the same.

The southern conflict is not a faith based one.

It is a separatist one.

Still doesn't make the killing any better.

Violence against civilians for any reason is always wrong.

I am going to agree with your post, but it does not alter the fact about Muslims and terrorism, no matter the reasons.

Keep in mind your last sentence.

Edited by possum1931
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Why would there be? The 2 events are not connected to each other.

OK I accept that scum are killing innocent people in both situations.

However the Southern conflict is a separatist one. The isis scum are pursuing an agenda based upon warped interpretations of their faith.

Nearly 100% of all terrorism in the world today is done by Muslims, whether it is ISIS, insurgents in

the South of Thailand, Jihadists or whatever.

isis and the southern conflict are not the same.

The southern conflict is not a faith based one.

It is a separatist one.

Still doesn't make the killing any better.

Violence against civilians for any reason is always wrong.

I am going to agree with your post, but it does not alter the fact about Muslims and terrorism, no matter the reasons.

Keep in mind your last sentence.

My view has always been the same. I don't need reminding what is important in it.

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And no mention of almost 7000 people killed in southern Thailand since 2006 by the same Muslim insurgents or jihadists or whatever the warped evil ideology is called.

Muslim terrorists can be proud: their share in world terrorist attacks is now close to 100%.

According to........?

The link has been deleted.

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Right on cue comes the ' not affected ' report and assurances that revenue will, of course, increase.

I'm surprised she didn't actually claim that tourism from France was increasing as people seek some respite from the nightmare in Paris.

So predictable and so pathetic.


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2 days since the attack and she has these facts already. What a bunch of BS coming out of her mouth.

Where do they get these numbskulls from?Tesco Lotus or Makro?How can you tell if it has affected tourism after three <deleted> brainless!!!!!!

7/11 rejects?

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2 days since the attack and she has these facts already. What a bunch of BS coming out of her mouth.

Where do they get these numbskulls from?Tesco Lotus or Makro?How can you tell if it has affected tourism after three <deleted> brainless!!!!!!

Tesco and Makro would never sell such poor quality numbskulls

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