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Australia's Channel Seven investigates the sex industry in Thailand


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According to my wife this has been going on a very, very, very long time in all of Asia. Extreme poverty seems to be the root cause.

I remember reading a news story about an Aussie who raised $2 million with his fake NGO. He posed with little girls in Cambodian villages and claimed he saved them from the sex trade. He was caught and I presume jailed.

Be careful if you are inclined to donate money for such causes because it is an emotional decision as opposed to a rational decision.

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Yeah.. big story.. Thailand has prostitutions problems with young girls, Duh....

Where have they been for the last 40 years? this is a sensationalism piece of journalism,

must be very quit in channel 7 to wake up now to Thailand prostitution issues,

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to do another big expose on corruptions in Thailand too....

Prostitution seems to be ingrained in the culture of just about every community in Issan. No one cares less. Only a small fraction of foreigners use under aged girls compared to Thai men.
How ignorant do people have to be to think something like that.
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The impression given is that this is a chap who has given up his life to save young Thai girls from the predations of Australian sex fiends and that he is some kind of solo operator. This is not the case.

The link below is of the board members of this apparently Californian based operation. This is no small company. (see 'Hundreds of employees') It seems to be a faith based organization.


'Today, Destiny Rescue has grown into an internationally recognized Christian non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing children enslaved in the sex trafficking industry. We work on virtually every continent with hundreds of employees and volunteers dedicated to our mission. Simply put, we exist to see sex-slavery end in our lifetime.

Through the years, we have literally saved hundreds of children from brothels, red light districts and abusive situations and brought them to one of our many “Rescue Homes,” where they can be cared for and looked after in a safe, Christ-loving environment.' (from the site)

I too do not buy it, I am left with an impression of a large faith based organization with a well oiled income strategy, ie Channel 7, and frankly is a solution hunting for a problem.

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It's all over the world.I believe the poorer the country the worse it is.When I was stationed at Udon Thani in 1971,there were

Rumors that A person could buy A young person for $800.Supposely their parents would sell them cause they needed the money.

It's A wild world.

That's no rumor. A girl told me that when she was 13 her mom sold her to a white guy from England. when she was old enough (18) she left the guy.

Then what did he do with her. Take her to the UK as his wife? Hardly!

You can read the one in a million stories like that anywhere. This doesn't make the norm.

I read an article once about a Divorcing Couple in the USA who had to fight in Court over the Custody of their Children. They weren't fighting over who gets the kids, but rather who would be forced to take them. So strange things happen everywhere.

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Seems to me the guy is doing a good and selfless thing deserving of praise rather than derision. The TV will sensationise like they all do.

For those worried a out being regarded as sex pats for going to Thailand, well I've got news for you, people have thought that about Thailand for decades, get over it.

Oh Yeah! Then what is a 30's something Australian Electrician doing in a Pattaya Bar, frequented by Bar Girls, with a Buddy, when his wife and kids are back home? Looking for a new job?

Like a Pig's Pattoot he is!

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It's all over the world.I believe the poorer the country the worse it is.When I was stationed at Udon Thani in 1971,there were

Rumors that A person could buy A young person for $800.Supposely their parents would sell them cause they needed the money.

It's A wild world.

That's no rumor. A girl told me that when she was 13 her mom sold her to a white guy from England. when she was old enough (18) she left the guy.

Then what did he do with her. Take her to the UK as his wife? Hardly!

You can read the one in a million stories like that anywhere. This doesn't make the norm.

I had someone tell me a first-hand account of the "rumor" that the other poster had heard. Now if you want to dispell her account of her own life then that is between you and her. But I did not read anyone saying that it was the norm. It is not the norm to eat tiger meat but they damn sure found some on its way to a restaurant in Bangkok the other day. Just because you have not heard it or seen it does not mean that it is not true or did not happen.
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Reminds me of the last Australian who didn't know his bum from his elbow, the one that came to do an audit on a sugar mill in Nakhon nowhere...... I believe he didn't even reach the hotel before he was drilled......... All very well and good, with good intentions........ But hey boys, take some advice, "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet"..... Fiver he's back on a plane home in three years with an Isaan bunny ............

What do you mean "he was drilled"? With all very well and good...intentions? Your post is interesting but unclear. I wish you would write it in plain English rather than cryptic puzzle-speak so it's accessible.

Google "Michael Wansley"

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Without reading any posts as yet I wonder how many will slate this article in some way. Such as "blowing things out of proportion" or "it happens everywhere" or some other nonsense.

This is a very serious problem here in Thailand, it does not serve the country well but I am sure as always, there will be people who say the "women like their jobs", "they support the family back home" or some such misguided rubbish.

Most of these posters are probably frequent users (abusers) of prostitutes and would never, ever state their approval of the industry back in their home country to any sensible person through fear of mass ridicule.

The more publicity this kind of abuse gets the better.

I wish the organisation well, I hope this kind of exposure continues and pressure increases to drive this disgusting industry away.

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I am very sure you can do more in your Native Country... Please Read....... "Earlier, a court heard a 12-year-old victim of the alleged child prostitution ring told a client she was scared of what would happen if they did not have sex.

One of the alleged clients, 55-year-old Man appeared in Campbelltown N.S.W Australia Local Court, where he faced a number of charges relating to sex with girls aged 12 and 14. He was refused bail..."


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According to the Channel Seven investigation, it is quoted, "The bar is then raided by more than 20 police and Hitchcock sits right in the middle of the club while it all unfolds."

I applaud the efforts of Mr. Kirwan and the reporting of Mr. Hitchcock, but this is Thailand and the people that are being busted will eventually find out the who and the why of those involved. If Mr. Kirwan is on a crusade to save these young women, and at the same time is complicit in the imprisonment and conviction of hardened criminals and mafia, in my own opinion, if would be in Mr. Kirwan's best interest to have his family living in the relative safety of Australia. My guess is that at some point in time, Mr. Kirwan will become a sought after target, and if that spills over into his home such as a home-invasion, his family will be naught but 'collaterial damage' and a significant message to others who wish to follow in his footsteps.

I agree with what he is doing, but keeping his family around him is ludicrous given the danger involved in what his is doing. It's unfortunate that he doesn't have official ties as a law enforcement officer working within the confines of an international agency dealing with human trafficking. But he is a private citizen which puts a 'bullseye' on his back. Or, perhaps he is undercover operating as a civilian. That we'll never know.

Even the mafia would think twice about 'capping' a cop; a private citizen is simply a statistic. I don't mean to be out-of-line with this statement, but it would not surprise me if Mr. Kirwan is found dead after falling 20 stories off of a high-rise prior to shooting himself in the head twice before the fall, not to mention the ligature marks around his neck, wrists and ankles, and then having a very sympathetic police coroner rule the death as an unfortunate suicide. Tell me it doesn't happen in Thailand? Given what he's doing as a private citizen, and the danger involved, I think it's irresponsible to have his family with him. It's fine to play John Rambo as long as your a single man with no attachments. I spent 8 years in the military. Unlike others, I never had a wife or children1 during that time, which was a personal choice. I've seen families destroyed by the death of a military member, and other than giving the grieving family a freaking folded American flag and a 3 rifle volley salute with three fired cartridges encased with the flag, then the family is tosses off the the side of society to fend for themselves on a pathetic Death Benefits that is weighted toward rank and time-in-service. If you're a private with a year in service, your family is screwed. I made a choice early on to never put a family through that. I joined after I divorced one cheating bi*ch, and then didn't marry again until I had over 8 years in-service and knew that I was non-recallable having served my entire contract. I laugh at these poor idiots who put 6 years into the service, then Gult War II is started and the next thing they know is that they are now 'pressed' back into service driving a fuel truck and dodging IEDs (6 years is not a full contract, your on inactive-reserve, and they can call you back to active duty at their leisure). A friend of my got called up, sent to Iraq driving a fuel truck, and got hit by an IED the first day of his deployment. He survived. He had a family. It's not good to have a family around when your life is on the line, and it's stupid to take you family into a 'Hot Zone' with you. Mr. Kirwan keeps his family in a 'Hot Zone'. I wish him and his family nothing but that best of luck, and I hope that he has adequate life insurance to care for his family, if he is insurable at all. Maybe his job is safer than being a public school teacher in Songkhla province. I applaud those brave souls too. But I wouldn't be a teacher in Songkhla province, and I wouldn't do Mr. Kirwan's job unless I was working undercover for a law enforcement agency. If I was him, and I'm not, I'd attempt to find training and employment for women who wished to leave 'The Trade', but I'd leave it at that. Being a civilian informant in multiple sting operations is eventually suicidal.

1Not entirely true. I had a child with a woman who turned into an alcoholic-drug addict and who enjoyed going out to clubs with her boyfriends. I divorced her. Custody was award to my sl*t, amphetamine popping, drunk ex-wife who the state considered was a 'fit parent' because she was female and I was male. Government in general can be incredibly FBARed.. I supported my daughter during my enlistments, or more specifically my support payment supported my ex's habits, but visits were few and far between based on my deployment - I didn't have a lot of choice. "Needs of the Military - screw you soldier.". After my full enlistment was completed, I obtained full-custody of my daughter. He mother screwed her up, and then I spent 7 years turning her back into a responsible child with a sense of family-values and purpose. That was a tougher job than anything I did in the military, and one that was significantly more rewarding.

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I understand that many underage girls are involved in prostitution in Thailand but very few foreign men are actually involved with child prostitution here. Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages. It seems Australian journos like to pull this sensationalist story out every couple of years, brush it off, and present it again. This time may be more legitimate as they're focusing on a crusading family, and I admire these people for taking up a worthy cause, but they're not going to put any dent at all in the real problem as they won't be able to get to the real source of it in those thousands of villages foreigners will never get to. It's only the Thais themselves that can do anything about it if they want to.

".....in related news, thousands of families die a slow death due to hunger thanks to an Austrailian named Tony who thought he was 'helping' families by cutting off their only source of income. "

"When probed further, 'Tony' said 'I don't care about their culture or whether they eat or not. My only concern is my own selfishness and imposing what I think is right onto other cultures"

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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

An Aussie electrician - obviously well qualified for such work, gives up his job and moves the family to Thailand, there are much worse places to live and devotes his (and their) lives to rescuing underage prostitutes. Sort of thing happens all the time ......... not. Is he some kind of Gladstonian religious nut or looking for an alternative life style funded by charitable donations?

He could have gone to India where forced underage prostitution dwarfs any other countries, or Philippines or Eastern Europe, or South America. Why chose Thailand - because he was once in a brothel with his mate who was offered an underage girl.

All looks somewhat contrived and the usual TV cheapo attempt at "shocking exposure" from the usual self righteous PC Aussie media. Maybe Thai TV should go over and do some exposures of Aussie - the country who pays people smugglers to take them back.

No doubt there are unsavory acts in the sex trade in this, and every other country. But maybe he should check out the ones in his own country first. But, easier to point the finger at others.

Why should he be doing this some other country. Is there something special about thailand that people should not be doing this?

If he wants to really make an impact why wouldn't he choose the worst place to start? Which certainly isn't Thailand.

Could I just go to Australia and start investigating their prostitution, or anything else? Would they allow me to take my family over and seemingly make a career of it? Even though I have zero relevant experience but was maybe once in a Aussie brothel with a mate?

And then arrange for a foreign TV channel to do an expose - which might just make people angry so they might want to make a donation?

These so called do-gooders often make matters worse, as other posters have commented. They are not professionals, and quite frankly, one wonders what their real reasons are. Self gratification, increased self importance, change of lifestyle, change of location etc etc.

Sorry, but my experiences with some of these "charity third sector NGO's" makes me very wary.

Thailand is a known place for the illegal sex trade my friend. Outside of Thailand I would say it will be one of the top things people say about Thailand if asked.

I dont see any problem with people wanting to do something worthwhile in their lives and trying to make a difference. A lot of cynical people see them as do-gooders, I suspect most of those people couldn't give 2 sh*ts about anyone but themselves and have never had the thought of doing anything that involves helping someone else. Or indeed they are frequent users of prostitutes and have to hold a cynical view to justify their own behaviour and choices they make. (I am not suggesting this is you)

Unfortunately we live in a world where people do scam others and you have to be wise before trusting an organisation and you have to do your homework,, but they are certainly not all unprofessional.

Assuming this organisation is legitimate (which I think it is), what is wrong with trying to end a terrible trade in young girls? Surely any normal and decent person would applaud this right?

I hope they bring enough awareness to this to make a difference and apply serious pressure to the Thai government to do something about it, after all Thailand is a very low ranking country when it comes to human trafficking so it would be probably be wise for them to work with agencies such as this.

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Thanks God there are brave men in the world genuinely willing to help others.

But he should be careful in Thailand, a country where people like him are jailed, tortured or killed and the worst criminals seat in the most important posts,specially now.

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Yeah.. big story.. Thailand has prostitutions problems with young girls, Duh....

Where have they been for the last 40 years? this is a sensationalism piece of journalism,

must be very quit in channel 7 to wake up now to Thailand prostitution issues,

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to do another big expose on corruptions in Thailand too....

Prostitution seems to be ingrained in the culture of just about every community in Issan. No one cares less. Only a small fraction of foreigners use under aged girls compared to Thai men.

In my mrs village of about 500 houses only one girl is known to have become a prostitute and it's seen as shameful and not mentioned, so I don't think you can generalize about Issan this way.

How many of these are farang built palaces?

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Yeah.. big story.. Thailand has prostitutions problems with young girls, Duh....

Where have they been for the last 40 years? this is a sensationalism piece of journalism,

must be very quit in channel 7 to wake up now to Thailand prostitution issues,

Oh yeah.. and don't forget to do another big expose on corruptions in Thailand too....

Prostitution seems to be ingrained in the culture of just about every community in Issan. No one cares less. Only a small fraction of foreigners use under aged girls compared to Thai men.

In my mrs village of about 500 houses only one girl is known to have become a prostitute and it's seen as shameful and not mentioned, so I don't think you can generalize about Issan this way.

How many of these are farang built palaces?

One, the prostitute family house, and a cheap job it is too.

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I understand that many underage girls are involved in prostitution in Thailand but very few foreign men are actually involved with child prostitution here. Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages. It seems Australian journos like to pull this sensationalist story out every couple of years, brush it off, and present it again. This time may be more legitimate as they're focusing on a crusading family, and I admire these people for taking up a worthy cause, but they're not going to put any dent at all in the real problem as they won't be able to get to the real source of it in those thousands of villages foreigners will never get to. It's only the Thais themselves that can do anything about it if they want to.

"Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages."

I don't mean to be disrespectfully or anything, but I'm just looking for the truth. Where did you find that information regarding,"Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages.", where "it" refers to "underage girls are involved in prostitution" as mentioned in your preceding sentence.

Can you provide the source of the article, book, journal, newspaper, database or research paper where you obtained that statistic? And when I say 'source', I mean citation information such as the Title of Publication, Author, ISBN, and Page Numbers where that quote can be found, basically create a citation for the source? If you could, that would really be great! thumbsup.gif

I'd like to get the source information filed away for future reference. Can you supply a source citation for me an other individuals researching this topic? Thanks!

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Let me guess....he lives ONLY in pattaya, BKK, and phuket...

this horrible stuff happens in possibly every big city in the world...and in one-year living in Thailand I never saw it...but i know it happens.

i'm not sure why he didn't go to Cambodia...isn't it worse there? or japan? or other places? i bet he saw Thailand in the top-10 and said, "well, it is nice there."

Why are some, especially the bar flies in here, so negative. The man is a hero but he cannot be everywhere, so he has begun where he sees it. Lay of him . facepalm.gif

Just needs to wear his shorts on top of his pants and put his cape on.

Everyone's a bar fly to you it seems. Maybe you should realize there are other ways to spend your time than boozing.

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Thailand is a known place for the illegal sex trade my friend. Outside of Thailand I would say it will be one of the top things people say about Thailand if asked.

If he wants to really make an impact why wouldn't he choose the worst place to start? Which certainly isn't Thailand.

Could I just go to Australia and start investigating their prostitution, or anything else? Would they allow me to take my family over and seemingly make a career of it? Even though I have zero relevant experience but was maybe once in a Aussie brothel with a mate?

And then arrange for a foreign TV channel to do an expose - which might just make people angry so they might want to make a donation?

These so called do-gooders often make matters worse, as other posters have commented. They are not professionals, and quite frankly, one wonders what their real reasons are. Self gratification, increased self importance, change of lifestyle, change of location etc etc.

Sorry, but my experiences with some of these "charity third sector NGO's" makes me very wary.

I dont see any problem with people wanting to do something worthwhile in their lives and trying to make a difference. A lot of cynical people see them as do-gooders, I suspect most of those people couldn't give 2 sh*ts about anyone but themselves and have never had the thought of doing anything that involves helping someone else. Or indeed they are frequent users of prostitutes and have to hold a cynical view to justify their own behaviour and choices they make. (I am not suggesting this is you)

Unfortunately we live in a world where people do scam others and you have to be wise before trusting an organisation and you have to do your homework,, but they are certainly not all unprofessional.

Assuming this organisation is legitimate (which I think it is), what is wrong with trying to end a terrible trade in young girls? Surely any normal and decent person would applaud this right?

I hope they bring enough awareness to this to make a difference and apply serious pressure to the Thai government to do something about it, after all Thailand is a very low ranking country when it comes to human trafficking so it would be probably be wise for them to work with agencies such as this.

This appears to be some American religious based organization. So what training did the ex-electrician receive? Has he completed relevant qualifications in social work?

The sex trade is complex and varies from country to country due to culture, legislation and historical contexts. Thailand for some reason seems to bear the brunt of the nudge nudge wink wink brigade. Many do seem to think that every Thai lady is a whore and open to their approaches. That goes way back to the stories of travelers and sailors in the old colonial days, Japanese and then American military and finally the "holiday" makers who flock to Pattaya, Phukett or Samui. In their own societies such things are taboo and therefore much hidden and kept quiet about. That was very true of the colonial past hypocrisy.

India has a notorious sex industry with much more exploitation and forced, coerced girls, underage girls and caste based mistreatment. Ask any Indian about it and they clam up, look furious and won't answer. But, ask an Indian man, or many hi so women about Thailand and it's all smutty innuendo and wink wink time. Philippines, Indonesia, HK, Singapore - in fact any Asian country does have a sex industry.

Organizations like this attend to the symptoms, not the causes. And, has been shown many times, some become very wealthy, pay nice salaries etc in the process.

Reducing poverty, increasing education, providing real opportunities so young girls have real choices might help. And fringe religious organizations, whatever their good intentions, can't do much about that.

Once again we have a TV company sensationalizing something, implying that it happens all the time, all over the place, and adding to the myths about Thailand. Maybe they should focus on the practice of families in Vietnam, Loas, Cambodia and Indonesia "selling" daughters to sex businesses in HK and China as indentured labor rather than just Thailand. Or the massive sex industry in UAE and Bahrain full of Asian girls.

Why single Thailand out when the problems are as bad, if not worse in other countries?

Because it's easier to blame someone else.

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So he gets lots of donation money to be able to cruise the bars in Pattaya, Bangkok, and Patong to do his 'research'. Plus to rent a fancy house for his entire family here. Bet he drives the latest range rover too.

Sounds like a typical NGO scammer.

Everybody who has been here for any length of time and gets about knows that the small amount of underage stuff is almost exclusively confined to Thai men. It's becoming less and less every year. There would be far more muslim rape gangs operating in Australia abusing young females (probably males too) that he could be exposing... but maybe that wouldn't be as fun of a lifestyle for him.

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well ive been going to pattaya every year for the last 12 years and have never seen what i would describe as an under age girl in a bar or gogo,

isnt the somewhat awkward truth is that the under age girls are being used in THAI brothels in villages up and down the country, likewise in Cambodia,

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Why was it not a Thai TV station (instead of a foreign one)?

Because the story is mostly BS and underage girls are very rare among the 'farang bars' in tourist areas. This is sensationalism with little basis in reality from an NGO looking to increase their funding and a news channel looking for a salicious story.

Thai people see farang men with Thai girls every day, but they are older single mothers, not young girls. That is the stereotype of farang men among Thais, that they date older single mothers, and that is based in reality. Farang men here are always being set up with single mothers because Thai men will not take them and they think we prefer them.

"Farang men here are always being set up with single mothers because Thai men will not take them and they think we prefer them."

True! Personally, I do.

Given the choice between a 20 year old whose brain has yet to develop and whose wants are larger than most men's pocketbooks, and a 30 something year old who has life experience (in many ways), I'll take the 30 something year old 100% of the time. 20 year old 'eye-candy' is fun to look at, but for me personally, it ends there. Mature 30 year olds can be hot!

Anyhow, 'long-time' sex for a 20 something year old means 10 minutes, lol. "Now get off me and let's go buy me a new iPhone." Your welcome to have all the 20 year olds out there. Dek yings: Let the Thai guys have them, and the insecure 60 and 70 years old who never had a girlfriend until they were 30+ and missed out on the fun, and now are trying to compensate with a November/February romance. And Miss February probably has a boyfriend (or 2) her own age to boot.

But 30 year olds with at least 1 child. "Euuuu! But they have stretch marks!" So, I have 'love-handles'. Who am I to complain. Once you get old enough that 50 year old women look pretty good too (not to discount the 30 and 40 year olds), once the clothes come off pretty much everything is in a state of sag: you and her both, unless your fitness freaks. It's at this wonderful time that you find that the biggest sex organ in the body in your brain, and witty conversation, playfulness, and caresses can be a heck of a lot of fun, and slowwwww can often defines erotic. There are guys out there who think like me. You know what I'm talking about. The only problem with 50 year olds women is when your Tiirak goes menopausal - then unfortunately fun time is over. Sadly enough. Then what do you do? Lol

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Good luck with that one buddy

From the OP:

Destiny Rescue has been around for about 15 years and has saved more than 1300 girls from bars and brothels.

I sorry but can't you see what a nebulous statement that is¿

How you they define rescued...how long do they have to be on the straight and narrow? Assuming that the first was 13 around 15 years ago that would make him her 28 now...what system of confirmation is there and how do we then agree on a definition of " saved"?

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To be perfectly frank, splitting the difference between a 15 year old or a 17 year old in a bar isn't exactly saving the world now is it. Its all a bit distateful, but reality is, the amount of underage hooking in foreign bars is pretty low in comparison with the Thai prostitution business.

What hes doing isn't bad, it is just scraping the tip of the iceberg, and misses the point. But in reality, catching real paedophiles instead of finding mamasans who haven't checked id cards would be a better pursuit.

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