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French Islamic community fears backlash following Paris attacks


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French Islamic community fears backlash following Paris attacks


PARIS: -- Barbes is a Parisian neighbourhood with a high percentage of Muslim residents. As in other parts of the French capital, the streets were quiet following Friday’s attacks.

Euronews spoke to Rachid, a 30-year-old Moroccan immigrant who calls Paris home. He has fallen on hard times and fears his situation may worsen if there is a backlash against the North African community in France due to the recent action of Jihadist terrorists.

“It’s going to be hard for people like me to find a job,” explained Rachid. “I’d like to give all north Africans, all Muslims some advice – they should express their solidarity and protest against everything that these people are doing.”

France is home to Europe’s largest Muslim population, with discrimination against the community a common complaint.

Since Friday, security has been increased, only accentuating the feeling of unease among a section of society under scrutiny.

“Since I arrived here in 2000, I’ve never been stopped and checked before,” said Mustapha Zilfi, a North African immigrant, sipping a coffee in a local café. “Yesterday, I was asked, “what’s in your pockets, what’s in your bag?” I feel humiliated, because after 15 years here, I feel that part of me is French.”

“It is really shameful that they are soiling the image of Islam. Islam is the opposite. It is not what these people have done,” explained another local resident, Wahid Barek.

Muslim groups across the globe have been quick to condemn Friday’s attacks.

At Paris’ central mosque, police guarded the entrance.

Euronews’ correspondent in Paris, Valerie Gauriat said:

“The number of worshipers was scarce, with many unwilling to speak with us. The members of the Muslim community that we have met are worried and angry. They strongly condemned Friday’s attacks and called for their community to speak out against the terror committed in the name of Islam.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-16

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

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Those police should be investigating the crime instead.

They are, if the Muslim communities had reported to the authorities that there were unusual activities occurring or that suspicious strangers had appeared in their communities, then perhaps the perpertrators of these terrorist crimes would have been apprehended before their acts of barbarism. BUT THEY DID NOT and they are STILL NOT reporting to the authorities that there is support for extremists within theit communities. So, by staying mute, they are passively condoning the actions of the extremists, so when they are stopped and searched they complain? B*ll*cks. The muslim communities of the west can eliminate the growing cancer from within their midst, by being pro-active and telling the authorities where the cancer is growing so that it can be eliminated. Do they? Probably not. All this b*ll*cks on Twatter/Farcebook etc about these people not representing the majority is talk. not action. Give names/places to the relevant authorities, remove the cancer, purge yourselves of your disease, but don't whine if your community keeps quiet and ALL members of the community are looked upon as collaborators.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

The answer your asertation that there is hatred expressed towards the Moslem communities lies within the Moslem communities themselves. If they stay passive and do not report unusual/extremist behavour/attitudes then they are colluding passively to the growth of the cancer within the Moslem world. It is probably not HATRED as you liberal PC people say, but a fearful reaction to a possible infectious desease (terrorism). I personally do not HATE any particular Moslem, but I cannot trust them anymore, and wish they would remove themselves from my society so that I need not have to be constantly aware of my travelling companions and the people in my environment. In the UK we had a problem/war with the IRA in various forms for a long time. The general public developed an awareness for unusual behavior and were aware of the possibility of carnage within their midst. I personally was very wary of anyone with Irish connections, paranoia?, maybe, survival instinct , certainly. You have Ebola, your are isolated, as are all those that you came into contact with. You have Muslim terrorists, you are isolated, until it is clear that you are not infected. So if Moslems take offence, yet again, at the reaction of the populace in the society , that they choose to live, that they are in fact endangering by their passivety, tough shit. Be very thankful that the example of the last occupiers of Europe made on communities that they thought harboured freedom fighters is not visited upon the Moslem communities.

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Those police should be investigating the crime instead.

They are, if the Muslim communities had reported to the authorities that there were unusual activities occurring or that suspicious strangers had appeared in their communities, then perhaps the perpertrators of these terrorist crimes would have been apprehended before their acts of barbarism. BUT THEY DID NOT and they are STILL NOT reporting to the authorities that there is support for extremists within theit communities. So, by staying mute, they are passively condoning the actions of the extremists, so when they are stopped and searched they complain? B*ll*cks. The muslim communities of the west can eliminate the growing cancer from within their midst, by being pro-active and telling the authorities where the cancer is growing so that it can be eliminated. Do they? Probably not. All this b*ll*cks on Twatter/Farcebook etc about these people not representing the majority is talk. not action. Give names/places to the relevant authorities, remove the cancer, purge yourselves of your disease, but don't whine if your community keeps quiet and ALL members of the community are looked upon as collaborators.

Lots of guessing in that post

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The problem they are all working for the same result active or not , if we want to live in peace we need to send these folks back.

Your opinion is based on a poll that you organized amongst muslims?

Read the Koran

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The Muslim community has a self made problem,they don't integrate,wont integrate, they bring the middle east with them. I have known Turks in Germany, third generation who were born there, went to school there and work there and yet they speak German with a Turkish accent.

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what a strange religion.! to kill people in mass murder of innocent victims, then think you will go to heaven. they say it's a religion of peace, what mean peace for them?

explain to me.

to me that's not war, war has its rules. this is worse than terrorism. this is just acts of desperation.

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The Muslim community has a self made problem,they don't integrate,wont integrate, they bring the middle east with them. I have known Turks in Germany, third generation who were born there, went to school there and work there and yet they speak German with a Turkish accent.

So you mean middle east muslims dont integrate. Thats not the same as muslims dont integrate. They do

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what a strange religion.! to kill people in mass murder of innocent victims, then think you will go to heaven. they say it's a religion of peace, what mean peace for them?

explain to me.

to me that's not war, war has its rules. this is worse than terrorism. this is just acts of desperation.

Its not a strange religion, the religion does not tell people to do that. It is crazies using the excuse of religion.

Those are not real muslims and do not follow islam.

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Pattern of behavior. And we do have a pattern of behavior with one after another of these muslim inspired atrocities taking place in the West. The pattern of behavior is: what about US!!! What about us!!! Oh, yea, some people were killed, but what about us!!!

Isnt that what everyone does? People dont care much unless it affects them. I dont see you jumping to the defence of innocent palestinians being killed. I dont see you commenting when any muslims are killed. Its all about you.

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Muslims just love seeing themselves as the victims, and to be honest they are- victims of Islam just like the people killed. There may be many moderate Muslims. but there is no such thing as moderate Islam, that's the problem Islam itself and obviously they are not going to denounce that.

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It is imperative that the French government (and Western governments in general) protect their Muslim citizens and residents against the type of hatred that some members here express. The hatred is what ISIS wants. ISIS wants division, ISIS wants Muslims in Europe to feel ostracised and to experience hatred against them, so that those Muslims become disgruntled and turn to ISIS.

All the rednecks that fall for the propaganda and spill bile and actual violence against Muslims are playing into ISIS's hands. Thanks, rednecks, you are assisting ISIS, which is treasonous.

The answer your asertation that there is hatred expressed towards the Moslem communities lies within the Moslem communities themselves. If they stay passive and do not report unusual/extremist behavour/attitudes then they are colluding passively to the growth of the cancer within the Moslem world. It is probably not HATRED as you liberal PC people say, but a fearful reaction to a possible infectious desease (terrorism). I personally do not HATE any particular Moslem, but I cannot trust them anymore, and wish they would remove themselves from my society so that I need not have to be constantly aware of my travelling companions and the people in my environment. In the UK we had a problem/war with the IRA in various forms for a long time. The general public developed an awareness for unusual behavior and were aware of the possibility of carnage within their midst. I personally was very wary of anyone with Irish connections, paranoia?, maybe, survival instinct , certainly. You have Ebola, your are isolated, as are all those that you came into contact with. You have Muslim terrorists, you are isolated, until it is clear that you are not infected. So if Moslems take offence, yet again, at the reaction of the populace in the society , that they choose to live, that they are in fact endangering by their passivety, tough shit. Be very thankful that the example of the last occupiers of Europe made on communities that they thought harboured freedom fighters is not visited upon the Moslem communities.

So you would advocate internment as a filter system?

Not the worst idea in the world today, but alas, much too late. Roots have already been grown in all European countries and the first fruits from these unregulated, unwanted plants are already active and beginning to cause damage.

Damage has already been done. When society, or rather the governments (democratically elected) of various societies, deem it is correct to drop borders on their individual countries and lose control of their populace, there is no going back.

Unless the self-produced problem is tackled in a different way.....................wink.png

This is where it will be interesting, as governments decide which of their policies will be binned and which emergency measures will be implemented to even begin to stem the tides that are already flowing.

As seems to be happening at the moment, re-establishing borders would be the first step.

Edited by chrisinth
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Any Muslim who has expressed support for radical Islam and Jihad should pay a stiff price for it. Truly moderate Muslims should be left alone.

moderate muslim, is there such an animal?


Well Linky please explain WHY these 'moderate Moslems' are not actively eliminating , by informing relevant authorities or physical ejection, of the extremist element within their society? I am guessing(as you like the term) that they are either fearful of repurcussions or passively condone theses actions. Either way they show NO sense of responsibility towards the society that THEY have chosen to live in. We in the west welcomed them into our midst, many then chose to live in ghettos and to try and impose their laws and beliefs upon us. To those that have assimulated into western society, whilst still following Islam, welcome and thankyou, to those that wish to live as they lived in the countries they originated from(with Western conveniences of course,income support, free health etc ), go back, we do not want you or yours.

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Its not a strange religion, the religion does not tell people to do that. It is crazies using the excuse of religion.

Those are not real muslims and do not follow islam.

Nonsense. They are doing EXACTLY what the Koran tells them to do. It also tells them to lie in order to perpetuate the religion.

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what a strange religion.! to kill people in mass murder of innocent victims, then think you will go to heaven. they say it's a religion of peace, what mean peace for them?

explain to me.

to me that's not war, war has its rules. this is worse than terrorism. this is just acts of desperation.

The first casualty of war is always the truth.

Someone has been lying to you............................wink.png

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Its not a strange religion, the religion does not tell people to do that. It is crazies using the excuse of religion.

Those are not real muslims and do not follow islam.

Nonsense. They are doing EXACTLY what the Koran tells them to do. More to the point, it also tells them to lie in order to perpetuate the religion.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Its not a strange religion, the religion does not tell people to do that. It is crazies using the excuse of religion.

Those are not real muslims and do not follow islam.

Nonsense. They are doing EXACTLY what the Koran tells them to do. More to the point, it also tells them to lie in order to perpetuate the religion.
Absolute rubbish again. You should not only read the koran but have the meaning taught to you instead of making false claims on here.

So .0003% of muslims act according to the koran and the other 1.5 billion or so are not. Yeah right.

You have quite the extremist reputation.

Edited by Linky
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The problem they are all working for the same result active or not , if we want to live in peace we need to send these folks back.

Your opinion is based on a poll that you organized amongst muslims?

Read the Koran

I don't. I am too old for reading Disney style fairytales.

Did you read it?

But I did read some parts of the bible. Slave obey your Master etc.

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