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French Islamic community fears backlash following Paris attacks


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Let's see a Brigade of Moderate Muslims formed to go and fight ISIS.

"No Go" areas in cities.. I would make them "No Come Out" areas.

Also..a Book..

Hannah Shah is an Imam's daughter. She lived the life of a devout Muslim in a family of Pakistani Muslims in England, but behind the front door, she was a caged butterfly. For many years, her father sexually abused her in the cellar of their home.

There is more than a brigade of moderate muslims already sent to fight isis.

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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

Wrong yet again.

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But you don't say why. do you claim Mohammad who launched 65 militarily campaigns against other tribes and unbelievers, who had a woman torn to pieces by horses in front of him and who raped (according to scripture) a 9 year old was not evil?

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But you don't say why. do you claim Mohammad who launched 65 militarily campaigns against other tribes and unbelievers, who had a woman torn to pieces by horses in front of him and who raped (according to scripture) a 9 year old was not evil?

There is no point arguing. You are wrong and it has been pointed out over and over but you keep spewing out the hate.

If you knew about Islam you would know that.

Strange how you consider .001% follow islam and the rest do not. Just on that alone shows how wrong you are. KKK are a Christian organisation, according to them. But I will not consider them to be Christians or following Christian teachings.

You will just think what you want, even when facts prove you wrong.

Up to you.

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The Muslims are right their will be a hugh backlash Please read history

Many Groups through they were safe and look what to the Gypsies, Germans Russians Poles and Jews in the last 400 years about 100 million were wrongful killed

I am sorry but the Muslims should leave You are no different than the above they kill you too

Do not hang around to long

Do not trust the Europeans

Please leave now I hate to say it but they will do the same to you

The Backlash should continue and get worst

The UN will not save you

Edited by HenryB
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It’s going to be hard for people like me to find a job,” explained Rachid. “I’d like to give all north Africans, all Muslims some advice – they should express their solidarity and protest against everything that these people are doing.”

It is required, that more Muslims step up, and voice their dissent, and their anger and make the world aware that they are not in agreement with the heathen fools who are committing these atrocious acts of utter foolishness. Is the mainstream media picking this up and reporting on it? The world needs to see that the average Muslim is NOT in agreement with the insect man children who are advancing this cause, and their sponsors such as the Saudis. Of course there is going to be backlash. The world is angry, and simple minded men like Disgusting Donald are lumping them all together, in an effort to foster hatred and racism, and intolerance. That is what creeps like him do best. Muslims everywhere need to realize that we are at a tipping point, and the result could be disastrous for them, if they do not start speaking out, loudly, clearly, and with vigor and passion. Same goes for the government, and the Imans and clerics. So far, the only leader I hear speaking out is the King of Jordan, who is a man of great courage, conviction, passion and peace.

​The world needs more people like this guy Rachid, who is speaking out and demonstrating conviction and courage.

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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

Absolute rantings of a madman. You are so wrong, with virtually everything you say. You know nothing about anything. You are beginning to sound like Disgusting Donald. Your knowledge and wisdom is completely lacking. Do some studying. Go back to school. Get out of your house more. Do some traveling. Wise up. Be a responsible citizen. Stop spewing hate filled nonsense. You are making yourself sound ignorant beyond imagination.

To state that all Muslims are extreme is ridiculous. Do you know any Muslims? Have you traveled to any Muslim areas? Have you spoken to the people? I have. And you are just dead wrong, on every count. To state that their prophet was evil is preposterous. Your ignorance knows no boundaries.

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[Linky quote name=Linky" post="10109103" timestamp="1448201779]A short video explaining why there are refugees and why the west should be accepting them.

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I' m sure the people of Paris would agree with you.

Edited by nontabury
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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

Absolute rantings of a madman. You are so wrong, with virtually everything you say. You know nothing about anything. You are beginning to sound like Disgusting Donald. Your knowledge and wisdom is completely lacking. Do some studying. Go back to school. Get out of your house more. Do some traveling. Wise up. Be a responsible citizen. Stop spewing hate filled nonsense. You are making yourself sound ignorant beyond imagination.

To state that all Muslims are extreme is ridiculous. Do you know any Muslims? Have you traveled to any Muslim areas? Have you spoken to the people? I have. And you are just dead wrong, on every count. To state that their prophet was evil is preposterous. Your ignorance knows no boundaries.

Islam is an extreme ideology, those who follow it are extreme to some degree, not all of them want to kill Jews and gays, but they still follow a book that says they should.

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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

Absolute rantings of a madman. You are so wrong, with virtually everything you say. You know nothing about anything. You are beginning to sound like Disgusting Donald. Your knowledge and wisdom is completely lacking. Do some studying. Go back to school. Get out of your house more. Do some traveling. Wise up. Be a responsible citizen. Stop spewing hate filled nonsense. You are making yourself sound ignorant beyond imagination.

To state that all Muslims are extreme is ridiculous. Do you know any Muslims? Have you traveled to any Muslim areas? Have you spoken to the people? I have. And you are just dead wrong, on every count. To state that their prophet was evil is preposterous. Your ignorance knows no boundaries.

Islam is an extreme ideology, those who follow it are extreme to some degree, not all of them want to kill Jews and gays, but they still follow a book that says they should.

Keep posting rubbish.

The koran explicitly states that jews and christians must be free to practice their religion. Thats why you have to learn islam, not just read the koran.

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[Linky quote name=Linky" post="10109103" timestamp="1448201779]A short video explaining why there are refugees and why the west should be accepting them.

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I' m sure the people of Paris would agree with you.

I believe the terrorists were from belgium. Whether the people of paris agree or not is irrelevent. Do you have a link indicating they dont?

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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

Absolute rantings of a madman. You are so wrong, with virtually everything you say. You know nothing about anything. You are beginning to sound like Disgusting Donald. Your knowledge and wisdom is completely lacking. Do some studying. Go back to school. Get out of your house more. Do some traveling. Wise up. Be a responsible citizen. Stop spewing hate filled nonsense. You are making yourself sound ignorant beyond imagination.

To state that all Muslims are extreme is ridiculous. Do you know any Muslims? Have you traveled to any Muslim areas? Have you spoken to the people? I have. And you are just dead wrong, on every count. To state that their prophet was evil is preposterous. Your ignorance knows no boundaries.

Maybe saying their prophet was evil is preposterous and maybe it's not. If you look at his life history, there are some very dark aspects of it which anyone can discover. The pedophilia. The massacre of Jews. Etc. But you know what's really preposterous? The majority of Muslims thinking it's justifiable to murder people for not respecting their prophet (such as cartoons) whether Muslim or not. That is extreme. Islamic culture is different. It's not just the Jihadists. It's majority public opinion of Muslims in general, some very extreme stuff belonging more in the DARK AGES than now. People can act like this isn't a problem, but brother, IT IS.

Edited by Jingthing
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“I’d like to give all north Africans, all Muslims some advice – they should express their solidarity and protest against everything that these people are doing

Er.. that should be a given.

Absolute rantings of a madman etc etc

IMHO, the number of 'deaths-by-Islam' in so many countries, (not just Europe but also Africa ==> Boko Haram), is because ordinary citizens fear your type of verbal abuse and are too afraid to speak out and take positive action to reduce the risk of these types of terrorism.

As JT said 'People can act like this isn't a problem, but brother, IT IS'

Edited by simon43
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I dont feel the need to draw a cartoon or any other drawing of any prophet of any religion. So it does not concern me at all.

I guess some feel the desire to do something just because they want to be defiant or to try and cause trouble. I have just never felt the need, want or reason to do it.

Didnt realise so many people are interested in drawing prophets.

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[Linky quote name=Linky" post="10109103" timestamp="1448201779]A short video explaining why there are refugees and why the west should be accepting them.

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I' m sure the people of Paris would agree with you.

I believe the terrorists were from belgium. Whether the people of paris agree or not is irrelevent. Do you have a link indicating they dont?

You're dancing with words again Linky. Try not to twist comments around, it makes you look too much like an apologist.

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I dont feel the need to draw a cartoon or any other drawing of any prophet of any religion. So it does not concern me at all.

I guess some feel the desire to do something just because they want to be defiant or to try and cause trouble. I have just never felt the need, want or reason to do it.

Didnt realise so many people are interested in drawing prophets.

So, you don't feel the need to draw a cartoon, therefore it is fine to kill anybody drawing a cartoon that you consider offensive? That my friend is the wrong answer.

There is no situation whereby the drawing of a cartoon would warrant being murdered for having drawn it. None. Ever. That the majority of muslim's believe that drawing of a cartoon of mohammed deserves death is very telling about the mindset of muslims. Your post is revealing. Very revealing indeed.

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I dont feel the need to draw a cartoon or any other drawing of any prophet of any religion. So it does not concern me at all.

I guess some feel the desire to do something just because they want to be defiant or to try and cause trouble. I have just never felt the need, want or reason to do it.

Didnt realise so many people are interested in drawing prophets.

So, you don't feel the need to draw a cartoon, therefore it is fine to kill anybody drawing a cartoon that you consider offensive? That my friend is the wrong answer.

There is no situation whereby the drawing of a cartoon would warrant being murdered for having drawn it. None. Ever. That the majority of muslim's believe that drawing of a cartoon of mohammed deserves death is very telling about the mindset of muslims. Your post is revealing. Very revealing indeed.

I didnt say it was ok to kill anyone for it and only extremists would do it. The majority of muslims do not consider killing someone for it is deserved. But I still dont feel the need to not only draw it but also no need to publish it. It is not a concern to me.

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There is nothing in the koran that prohibits the drawing of mohammed however there are hadiths that discourage not only drawings of mohammed but also the prophets of other faiths, such as Jesus.

The reasoning is that Muslims consider if you have drawings or statues of a prophet then it can be idolised as a deity, or a God and they do not want any prophets idolised as if a God.

However, it is not punishable by death and never has been. Although it is discouraged it is not rare in places such as Iran where they can be considered common.

So sorry to debunk the myth that most muslims think it is acceptable to murder people for drawing prophets.

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Some of the Paris terrorists were 'moderates' labels are irrelevant they all believe in the same totalitarian, exclusive non believer hating ideology. There is NO moderate Islam, only some Muslims who are not as extreme as others. All jihadists are Muslims, all moderates are Muslims and they ALL follow one of the most evil men in history.

Absolute rantings of a madman. You are so wrong, with virtually everything you say. You know nothing about anything. You are beginning to sound like Disgusting Donald. Your knowledge and wisdom is completely lacking. Do some studying. Go back to school. Get out of your house more. Do some traveling. Wise up. Be a responsible citizen. Stop spewing hate filled nonsense. You are making yourself sound ignorant beyond imagination.

To state that all Muslims are extreme is ridiculous. Do you know any Muslims? Have you traveled to any Muslim areas? Have you spoken to the people? I have. And you are just dead wrong, on every count. To state that their prophet was evil is preposterous. Your ignorance knows no boundaries.

Maybe saying their prophet was evil is preposterous and maybe it's not. If you look at his life history, there are some very dark aspects of it which anyone can discover. The pedophilia. The massacre of Jews. Etc. But you know what's really preposterous? The majority of Muslims thinking it's justifiable to murder people for not respecting their prophet (such as cartoons) whether Muslim or not. That is extreme. Islamic culture is different. It's not just the Jihadists. It's majority public opinion of Muslims in general, some very extreme stuff belonging more in the DARK AGES than now. People can act like this isn't a problem, but brother, IT IS.

I do understand it is a problem. No doubt about that. But, to portray ALL Muslims as being complicit, and in support of the super freaks is just not constructive. Certainly ALL Muslims need to be far more proactive, and to speak out and distance themselves from the extremists, and from the murderous, gang raping fools amongst them. They need to be very, very vocal, and to demonstrate to all of us, that they do not sympathize on any level with these madmen. And the government authorities, and the Muslim clerics need to rise up, and speak out in a unified voice. Not just the courageous and heroic King Abdullah of Jordan. Otherwise, we may be heading toward a disastrous rise of the general non Muslim population, declaring war on the general Muslim population, at some point in the near future. That must be averted at all costs. That would be a second crusade. Most Muslims are peace loving, moderate, and kind hearted, and come from a very rich cultural background. In general, that is not a popular point of view, and the media does not portray much of that, at all. Let us not forget, prior to the start of the Crusades (of which Christians were entirely responsible for decimating many Islamic cultures, but only in response to massive Muslim aggression, prior to the Crusades) many Arab and Muslim cultures were at the forefront of mathematics and science.

Having said all of this, do not think for a nanosecond that I am not angry about all of what has been happening. I have spent my lifetime defending moderate Muslim people. But, that position is becoming harder and harder, as those same people I defend refuse to speak out against the atrocities. Rise up they must. Speak out they must. Denounce they must. The alternative is potentially horrendous. To say the Islamic world faces a horrific PR problem at this stage would be a massive understatement.

On another note, the Crusades were greatly misunderstood. They were a response to tremendous Muslim aggression against the Christian world. The following is a good explanation for what happened. One of the most concise I have found.

With enormous energy, the warriors of Islam struck out against the Christians shortly after Mohammed's death. They were extremely successful. Palestine, Syria, and Egypt—once the most heavily Christian areas in the world—quickly succumbed. By the eighth century, Muslim armies had conquered all of Christian North Africa and Spain. In the eleventh century, the Seljuk Turks conquered Asia Minor (modern Turkey), which had been Christian since the time of St. Paul. The old Roman Empire, known to modern historians as the Byzantine Empire, was reduced to little more than Greece. In desperation, the emperor in Constantinople sent word to the Christians of western Europe asking them to aid their brothers and sisters in the East. That is what gave birth to the Crusades. They were not the brainchild of an ambitious pope or rapacious knights but a response to more than four centuries of conquests in which Muslims had already captured two-thirds of the old Christian world. At some point, Christianity as a faith and a culture had to defend itself or be subsumed by Islam. The Crusades were that defense.


Edited by spidermike007
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