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Work permit application requirements?

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The nearest thing to an official list I have seen is what is listed in the WP1 application form package. See: http://wp.doe.go.th/wp/images/form/Form_tt1.pdf

More forms can be found here: http://wp.doe.go.th/wp/index.php/en/form-english

Thanks Ubonjoe!

If you don't mind I have another questions. Once I do my application for the WP, how long will it take me to get an extension of my NON-B?

Is a month - 5 weeks enough time?

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you really need a thai accountant to help you do this. I just did the work permit for my manager and things are difficult without some local knowledge. I have used the same girl for 8 years and she is very reliable. this year it took 2 months to get the full 1 year non im visa and work permit (she said things were trick with the Bangkok bombing) be prepared it costs quite a lot of money. company I use is called Plan B. silly name I know but they know what they are doing.

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