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Official: 2 Palestinians killed in clash with Israeli troops


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It was not collective punishment

Only the homes of Philistines who are involved in terrorist acts are demolished

Three Palestinians killed fighting Israeli forces razing terrorist’s home

At the Kalandia camp north of Jerusalem, an Israeli force who arrived early Monday to demolish the home of the terrorist who murdered Danny Gonen was assaulted by hundreds of Palestinians with gunfire, fire bombs and large rocks. The force returned the fire, killing three Palestinians and injuring 20 and withdrew after completing the demolition.

What did the mother, father, and siblings of the alleged attacker do to deserve having their homes destroyed? That is collective punishment illegal under the Geneva Convention... and something that has never happened to fanatical Israeli Jewish terrorists. Double standards.

Civilized democratic countries don't behave that way.

I believe that the families of noble martyrs of Islam receive cash if one of these treacherous brainwashed idiots actually does what he is daily exhorted to do on TV and gets killed. 'Palestine' or whatever it is wouldn't exist if the UN wasn't supporting them. Screw these suicidal half wits. Israel is fighting for its life and is the last outpost of civilisation on this part of the Mediterranean, good luck if they do manage to kill all the Jews as they constantly threaten to do, after that Europe will be even easier to take over than it appears to be now.

This is a good exchange as it captures some of the usually tossed "truisms":

House demolitions are not collective punishment - Yes they are. Family members are held accountable for actions of another.

Double standards - Are also in evidence with most one-sided posts commenting on the conflict. All Palestinian transgressions are washed away.

Civilized democratic countries - civilized democratic countries rarely face similar challenges to their democratic systems. There is no one-size-fits-all democracy.

Israel is fighting for its life - No, it doesn't. Unless one believes that a bunch of thugs with knives are a threat to national security, of any country.

Last outpost of civilization - The concern is that this "outpost" is slipping and turns into the ones it fights.

First Israel, than Europe - Israel is not a necessary stop on the way to Europe, nor does it serve as a buffer zone.

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Palestinian terrorists same-same ISIS terrorists. Wipe all Islamic terrorists out.

That is just blind bogotry. Palestinians are defending themselves against an illegal invading Israeli army that has been occupying their land for 67 years.

It's time Eurpopeans put pressure on Israel to obey international law.

The Palestinians defend themselves by carrying out attacks against civilians within Israel?

The reference to the 67 years of occupations kinda makes your usual claims to accept the 1967 lines hollow.

Just to be clear, as a advocate of non-violent resistance, do you support Palestinian violence only within the 1967 lines? Or perhaps the 1948 lines? Earlier?

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Someone occupies your home by force. Do you meekly accept it, or do you fight back?

If you fight back, do you do it openly against a superior force and thus achieve nothing but suicide, or by sneaky and devious ways?

If you choose to fight the superior occupying force by sneaky and "dastardly" ways, are you are terrorist or a freedom fighter?

Put it another way.

You're in a pub and a 130 kg 190 cm pure solid muscle Hell's Angel decides he wants your GF, and forcefully takes her, and you have nowhere to run or turn. You have no choice but to fight.

Do you eye-gouge and bite, use a bottle if handy, fight tooth and nail, or do you fight Queensburry Rules?

I can tell you, if my home was taken and my kids killed, and I had no hope of beating my opponent by any "fair" way, I would be using every dirty trick in the book, and unwritten ones too.

If you insist on simplified, inane analogies - I think what most people object to is that instead of hitting the biker, our "hero" glasses the biker's gf/daughter/mom.

Claiming that the Palestinians attack only "biker" targets is a far from the truth. But so is the suggested analogy.

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What did the mother, father, and siblings of the alleged attacker do to deserve having their homes destroyed? That is collective punishment illegal under the Geneva Convention... and something that has never happened to fanatical Israeli Jewish terrorists. Double standards.

Civilized democratic countries don't behave that way.

Double standards. That says it all. Applying western civilization to a middle eastern situation.

What makes you think that there are single standards that can work here? Who guarantees them? The naïveté of you people is only exceeded by those of you who are not do closeted antisemites.

Civilized western democracies do not occupy their neighbors land for 67 years, and inflict daily humiliations, beatings and murders on the Palestinians they are occupying.

It's simple. If Israel wants to join the family of civilised Western democracies, end the occupation and stop behaving badly.

The Middle Eastern situation as you call it is all Israel's creation. Israel also has the power to undo the mess it has made.

67 years of occupations you say? Wasn't there a considerable period during those years when the Palestinians were occupied by the Egypt and Jordan?

It's simple to say it's simple. Simple.

Western democracies do not face the same threats and challenges. The notion that Western ideals could be perfectly applied anywhere is a myth. Most countries when having to make a choice between following prescribed ideals and addressing valid threats to their security, will ultimately go with the latter.

The Middle Eastern situation is not all Israel's creation. And Israel cannot single-handily solve things, as suggested. Re Simple.

Your comments on Israel vs. "civilized Western democracies", would be less ridiculous, if you could, sometimes, refer to the future Palestinian state in this regard. Not holding my breath....

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It's understandable that Israel will take the opportunity to do a bit of spring cleaning while Paris is fresh in everyone's mind and occupying most of the front pages/news cycles.

You'll be lucky if this actually makes any of the MSM.

Timeline indicates otherwise. The Israeli Supreme Court issued its ruling on the evening of the 12th. The next couple of days being Friday and Saturday, the demolition was scheduled for the beginning of the next week. The Paris attacks were carried out on the night of the 13th.

If you're looking for "spring cleaning", may want to check what building plans were approved these last couple of days....

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