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US refugee quandary: Immigrant legacy vs 9/11-era fears


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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

At age ten I was forced to convert to Catholicism because my father worked for the Catholic University of Leuven. I managed to reject their abject dogmas and live my life against their conspiracies. Subsequently I refuse to bulge to any fairytale, but religion are no fairytales, they are opium at best, rather criminal organisations.

Thus I do not want my once Catholic country almost freed now of that idiocy to turn to a worse religion: the religion of submission, although I also am convinced Catholicism is submission also.


I despise ALL religions and pity humanity: 5 billion humans living under religion's dictatorship, how sad is that?

And by the way, I travelled and worked the world.

Montreal is my preferred city: open, aired, 100 Klms of parks boarding the river and the only real multicultural city I lived in. Spent September there travelling the subway and bus system in perfect harmony with the variety of people there. No one trying to impose their convictions onto others.

I find it too cold there 9 months out f 12.

On the other hand 20% of Brussels city is 80% Muslim, it is strongly advised for a Caucasian not to walk around in Anderlecht and Molenbeek.

I do to get my sense of reality. Molenbeek is not in Belgium.

walk around Sydney's (Australia) Redfern district by your self at night and see how it feels.

Oh, wait a minute, Australian Aboriginals aren't Muslim....

Nope, I can't help your argument, sorry.

Not yet!

But the muslim convicts are trying to convert the Aboriginals in jail.

Heard that from a Guard in a max security prison.

Got my doubts that it will work though.

Our dark brothers like their grog too much to give it up for any religion, lol!

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But the muslim convicts are trying to convert the Aboriginals in jail.

Heard that from a Guard in a max security prison.

Got my doubts that it will work though.

Our dark brothers like their grog too much to give it up for any religion, lol!


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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Apt quote. It's a pity the rednecks, though maybe knowing the quote, can't comprehend it's significance. Ironic, really when you consider the whole patriotic oomph of the Reps.

No it is not an "apt quote":

"Paul Auster wrote that "Bartholdi's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but 'The New Colossus' reinvented the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world."

- The New Colossus - Wiki

In short, the original intent and celebratory nature of the Statue of Liberty, that of American exceptionalism w/r democracy and liberty, was hijacked.

"The statue is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata(a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States, and was a welcoming sight to immigrants arriving from abroad."

- The Statue of Liberty - Wiki

Also, that quote never had anything to do with historic, official US immigration policy, which has often been restrictive and discriminatory w/r specific people, countries and geographic areas.

Ref: List of United States Immigration legislation - Wiki

I will say this:

If immigrants,huddled or not, want to reside in the US under the original intent of the Statue of Liberty, then they must leave their Sharia law, or whatever legal system they had been living under, behind. Sharia is and other law could be antithetical to the meaning of the Statue of Liberty, the US Constitution and the values of most Americans.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Apt quote. It's a pity the rednecks, though maybe knowing the quote, can't comprehend it's significance. Ironic, really when you consider the whole patriotic oomph of the Reps.

No it is not an "apt quote":

"Paul Auster wrote that "Bartholdi's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but 'The New Colossus' reinvented the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world."

- The New Colossus - Wiki

In short, the original intent and celebratory nature of the Statue of Liberty, that of American exceptionalism w/r democracy and liberty, was hijacked.

Also, that quote never had anything to do with historic, official US immigration policy, which has often been restrictive and discriminatory w/r specific people, countries and geographic areas.

Ref: List of United States Immigration legislation - Wiki

I will say this:

If immigrants,huddled or not, want to reside in the US under the original intent of the Statue of Liberty, then they must leave their Sharia law, or whatever legal system they had been living under, behind. Sharia is and other law could be antithetical to both it, the US Constitution and the values of most Americans.

You're on the right track. In fact, the statue is officially "Liberty Enlightening the World." Not Liberty Inviting the World. US immigration policy has nothing to do with a poem.


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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

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Ted Cruz Gets Into Tough Exchange With ABC News Reporter: ‘Can You Say Radical Islamic Terrorism?’

We should not be allowing Muslim refugees from countries where ISIS and Al Qaeda have control of significant amounts of territory,” Cruz said, “because of the inability of this administration, the inability of our intelligence sources to distinguish between who is and is not an ISIS terrorist.” ...“Christians are different in the Middle East, number one, because they are being persecuted and facing genocide, that is qualitatively different,” Cruz said. “ISIS is crucifying Christians.


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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Looking back, there's nothing new in Americans being parochial. From Jewish refugees in the late 1800's, to Ellis Island, to Okies going to California, to WW11 refugees, there has always been right-wing resistance. Ironic considering Lady Liberty.

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

I'm not sure what Irving Berlin's copy is about, but the poem Dex quotes was written in the early 1880's to raise funds for the statue's pedestal and now is memorialised on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

Didn't you know that?

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

I'm not sure what Irving Berlin's copy is about, but the poem Dex quotes was written in the early 1880's to raise funds for the statue's pedestal and now is memorialised on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

Didn't you know that?

The fundraising for the pedestal was done by Joseph Pulitzer. Lazarus donated the proceeds from the sale of her sonnet. The plaque itself was not put on the pedestal until 1903 (Lazarus died in 1887). Again, the statue is called "Liberty Enlightening the World," not "Liberty Inviting the World." In fact, if you take the statue's real meaning as to spread the principles of American democracy throughout the world, then stupid old George W. Bush was much closer to the intent behind the statue than you or Lazarus.

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It might help if there were more information about the refugee resettlement program.

First, refugees are interviewed by UNHCR to determine refugee status. This is a quasi-legal process with an objective and a subjective test to meet the criteria. There is a lot of information gathered, and the UN has access to a lot of information from inside the country in making the determination. The credibility of the asylum seeker is of paramount concern and people who tell little fibs that are uncovered usually get rejected. Once refugee status is granted they are then presented to a country for possible resettlement. Countries get to pick and chose who they want and they may set criteria that is stricter than UN standards. For resettlement in the US, here are some things that they will look at:

Resettling of people who have a connection to the US. That means they have worked, for been involved in or assisted the US gov't or businesses. It also includes those who may have family already in the US. If they have family in the US, they will not enter as a refugee, but will enter as an immigrant.

Any person who is deemed to be a security risk, or has been involved in act that is considered a crime against humanity as well as certain criminal offenses, is inadmissible. People with some mental conditions are not permitted entrance unless it has been in remission for at least a year. Medical conditions are excludable until they are no longer contagious or cured (TB is a big problem among refugee populations).

People who do not demonstrate a likely ability to integrate, can be refused, including those whose religious or political views may be counter to the ethos of the country or which may violate the law (such as having more than one wife, etc.).

Once vetted and approved by Homeland security, they are presented to various NGO groups for resettlement. The NGO' groups from the various states will work with the state gov't to make sure they have the means to accommodate the arrivals. They will be provided housing and assistance for a short time (it was 3 months; not sure what it is now). They will be settled all over the US; not in a single location.

The Constitution does not completely apply to who the US accepts. The full-force of the US Constitution and laws doesn't take affect until the person sets foot on US soil. The US can and will chose whom they feel are in the most need and who can best be accommodated by resettlement in the US.

The process takes 18 - 24 months at a minimum after screening and some people take years before resettlement achieved.

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

I'm not sure what Irving Berlin's copy is about, but the poem Dex quotes was written in the early 1880's to raise funds for the statue's pedestal and now is memorialised on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

Didn't you know that?

Since I have you on ignore somebody was kind enough to point this post of yours out to me.

NeverSure made no reference to the original poem. His reference was to the Irving Berlin song composed in 1949.

Didn't you know that?

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The 31 States who have said NO as of now ... with at least 4 States having a Democrat Governor and with pending elections and likely lawsuits based on putting an undue financial burden on states will keep this matter stymied for a long time ... I expect a forced pause on Obama's plans. Even the normally Left Wing Media is beginning to question this lunacy. It will be slowed to a trickle - then stopped.

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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

Really? After 30 days, refugees become eligible for all federal and state welfare programs. I would guess this includes medicaid, which is a joint federal and state program. I would also guess that the children of refugees (and there must be many of them, as this is all we ever see in the photos) will go to public schools, yet another HUGE financial burden born by state and local taxpayers.

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Syrian refugees split Democratic Party

Desire for restrictions on refugees has caused blow back on the left.

With the White House scrambling to defend its resettlement program and Republicans pressing to “pause” or even eliminate it, liberals were alarmed earlier this week when third-ranking Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York expressed openness to a time-out on resettling Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, Democrats battling in competitive races from Ohio to New Hampshire to Nevada are voicing concerns with the vetting process for refugees fleeing Syria,


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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

They are eligible for state funded driver's licenses, state funded public schooling for their children, federal social security benefits after one year, food stamps, subsidized or provided housing and probably a myriad of other federal programs only the feds know about.

This isn't free at any level.

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

I'm not sure what Irving Berlin's copy is about, but the poem Dex quotes was written in the early 1880's to raise funds for the statue's pedestal and now is memorialised on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

Didn't you know that?

Of course I know that. Understand that the Statue of Liberty was never a government item and the poem was never US government immigration policy. The statue was privately funded on the US side, and a lot of the money was from France. The poem was written to help raise funds for the project and it was put to song by Irving Berlin.

I'm saying that Dexterm's use was out of context and downright silly in context with US immigration policy. With the exception of Obama's idiotic immigration stance, the US has a very tough immigration policy. It seems that if someone is an outright loser or even a potential danger, Obama will let them in and in droves. He must have gone to the same school as Merkel in Germany.

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

I'm not sure what Irving Berlin's copy is about, but the poem Dex quotes was written in the early 1880's to raise funds for the statue's pedestal and now is memorialised on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

Didn't you know that?

Of course I know that. Understand that the Statue of Liberty was never a government item and the poem was never US government immigration policy. The statue was privately funded on the US side, and a lot of the money was from France. The poem was written to help raise funds for the project and it was put to song by Irving Berlin.

I'm saying that Dexterm's use was out of context and downright silly in context with US immigration policy. With the exception of Obama's idiotic immigration stance, the US has a very tough immigration policy. It seems that if someone is an outright loser or even a potential danger, Obama will let them in and in droves. He must have gone to the same school as Merkel in Germany.

Speaking of Immigration policy -- Consider this. My good friend has lived in Thailand more than 5 years. Just before their marriage he wanted to take his Thai G/F to America. She is from a well to do family, educated to Masters Degree Level, is senior supervisor with the Thai Education Department, a property owner, house and 2 small rubber tree and oil palm plantations... yet she had to supply a thick application for a visa, wait for weeks, appear at the U.S. Embassy for a grilling in an interview just in order to visit my buddy's family with him in N.Y. State for 30 days... And her good friend - another substantial Thai Lady was DENIED a Visitors Visa to the U.S. to defend her Phd. Dissertation ... and the U.S. lets Illegal aliens and refugees run amok ...

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Keep them out. If even one of them kills a single American, it is a murder that can be prevented by keeping them out. Why do our politicians care more about "refugees" half way across the world than their own citizens?

For the same reason that they care about invading countries half way across the world - and paying for it with our (borrowed) money.

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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

They are eligible for state funded driver's licenses, state funded public schooling for their children, federal social security benefits after one year, food stamps, subsidized or provided housing and probably a myriad of other federal programs only the feds know about.

This isn't free at any level.

What's a state funded driver's license?

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Well done, Obama, to remain fair and resolute amidst all the hysterical Muslim hatefest.

The malign reaction of Islamophobes on this site and worldwide conflating ISIS terrorism with the faith of a quarter of the world's population is exactly what ISIS want.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

The world is full of idiots. The US immigration policy is tough. Try to get visa for a Thai.

The song "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor" was written by Irving Berlin in 1949. It isn't government policy but rather do-gooder shit.

The US isn't open to everyone who just rocks up and wants in unless Obama is in office. He'll be gone soon.

I'm not sure what Irving Berlin's copy is about, but the poem Dex quotes was written in the early 1880's to raise funds for the statue's pedestal and now is memorialised on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

Didn't you know that?

Since I have you on ignore somebody was kind enough to point this post of yours out to me.

NeverSure made no reference to the original poem. His reference was to the Irving Berlin song composed in 1949.

Didn't you know that?

Errrrm...yes, I did know that, hence my reply to him.

Please try to comprehend.

What on earth was so significant about my post that prompted someone to alert you? I'm honoured. Do you get many notifications about my posts?

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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

They are eligible for state funded driver's licenses, state funded public schooling for their children, federal social security benefits after one year, food stamps, subsidized or provided housing and probably a myriad of other federal programs only the feds know about.

This isn't free at any level.

What's a state funded driver's license?

Since you are obviously trolling for a pedantic fight, let me be as concise as possible here.

Each of the 50 states have Department of Motor Vehicles which are responsible for the issuance of driver's licenses to those residents who might become eligible.

An applicant applies for the license, takes both a written test and driving test and, assuming they pass both of them, are issued a license permitting them to legally drive in that state.

For this service, they pay a fee, which only partially offsets the cost of the license.

In a recent court filing the State of Texas claims costs of $198.73 to process and issue each license. The fee for such is $24.00 resulting in a net cost to the state of Texas in the amount of $174.73 for each and every license.

The overhead cost is absorbed by the state which makes the license itself state supported.


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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

They are eligible for state funded driver's licenses, state funded public schooling for their children, federal social security benefits after one year, food stamps, subsidized or provided housing and probably a myriad of other federal programs only the feds know about.

This isn't free at any level.

What's a state funded driver's license?

Since you are obviously trolling for a pedantic fight, let me be as concise as possible here.

Each of the 50 states have Department of Motor Vehicles which are responsible for the issuance of driver's licenses to those residents who might become eligible.

An applicant applies for the license, takes both a written test and driving test and, assuming they pass both of them, are issued a license permitting them to legally drive in that state.

For this service, they pay a fee, which only partially offsets the cost of the license.

In a recent court filing the State of Texas claims costs of $198.73 to process and issue each license. The fee for such is $24.00 resulting in a net cost to the state of Texas in the amount of $174.73 for each and every license.

The overhead cost is absorbed by the state which makes the license itself state supported.


And Texas gets funds from TAXPAYERS... to pay the excess costs...

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The cost of refugee resettlement is primarily from the Federal Government. State participation, if any, is minimal.

At the time that a person or family is resettled, they are not a resident of the state and therefore aren't eligible for state-only funded programs.

They are eligible for state funded driver's licenses, state funded public schooling for their children, federal social security benefits after one year, food stamps, subsidized or provided housing and probably a myriad of other federal programs only the feds know about.

This isn't free at any level.

What's a state funded driver's license?

Since you are obviously trolling for a pedantic fight, let me be as concise as possible here.

Each of the 50 states have Department of Motor Vehicles which are responsible for the issuance of driver's licenses to those residents who might become eligible.

An applicant applies for the license, takes both a written test and driving test and, assuming they pass both of them, are issued a license permitting them to legally drive in that state.

For this service, they pay a fee, which only partially offsets the cost of the license.

In a recent court filing the State of Texas claims costs of $198.73 to process and issue each license. The fee for such is $24.00 resulting in a net cost to the state of Texas in the amount of $174.73 for each and every license.

The overhead cost is absorbed by the state which makes the license itself state supported.


And Texas gets funds from TAXPAYERS... to pay the excess costs...

Education, public health care and many public services were for free in Syria.

Same same for Lybia and Iraq.

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News is NEWS - when FACTS are FACTS.....

Even RECENT History of the 1990's......

And Christians make up about 10% of Syria's population and have been treated horrifically by ISIS - who deserves to go to the head of the line - if not the worst treated ?


Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith ... Russian and Ethiopian Jews, Armenians Christians and Catholics from Vietnam have all been moved to the front of the line in previous eras based on their faith, ... “In Iraq and Syria, Christians and Yazidis are the minority, and their situation is dire.”


Edited by JDGRUEN
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Cruz introduces bill to bar refugees from countries dominated by terror groups

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced a bill Wednesday that would prohibit refugees from any country the State Department has determined is controlled in part by a foreign terrorist organization from entering the United States.


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News is NEWS - when FACTS are FACTS.....

Even RECENT History of the 1990's......

And Christians make up about 10% of Syria's population and have been treated horrifically by ISIS - who deserves to go to the head of the line - if not the worst treated ?


Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith ... Russian and Ethiopian Jews, Armenians Christians and Catholics from Vietnam have all been moved to the front of the line in previous eras based on their faith, ... “In Iraq and Syria, Christians and Yazidis are the minority, and their situation is dire.”


As Scott has informed us, this is because of persecution, and that makes sense from a refugee acceptance POV.

However, that does not mean that other faiths should be banned when they are indeed genuine refugees.

Head of the queue is different from not allowed to queue at all.

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., disagrees emphatically with Obama for his "all is well" claims...

Even Democrats Worry About Obama's Weirdly Detached Views On ISIS

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., signed a letter to Obama urging him to stop admitting refugees until "federal authorities can guarantee with 100% assurance that they are not connected" to ISIS.... New Hampshire's Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan says she doesn't want to accept Syrian refugees until the government can "ensure robust refugee screening."


Edited by JDGRUEN
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News is NEWS - when FACTS are FACTS.....

Even RECENT History of the 1990's......

And Christians make up about 10% of Syria's population and have been treated horrifically by ISIS - who deserves to go to the head of the line - if not the worst treated ?


Contrary to Obama claim, US has history of admitting refugees based on faith ... Russian and Ethiopian Jews, Armenians Christians and Catholics from Vietnam have all been moved to the front of the line in previous eras based on their faith, ... “In Iraq and Syria, Christians and Yazidis are the minority, and their situation is dire.”


As Scott has informed us, this is because of persecution, and that makes sense from a refugee acceptance POV.

However, that does not mean that other faiths should be banned when they are indeed genuine refugees.

Head of the queue is different from not allowed to queue at all.

"Faiths" are different from socio-political cults...

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