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I used to subscibe to a small book, published monthly, for I think 500B a year, which listed all flights in and out of Thailand. My subsciption has expired and Khun Wife has sold all my old copies for waste paper, so I cannot find the address to renew. Does any member here know of this guide and, could they give me an address to re-subscibe to.

Living up country, this was my only way of keeping in touch with flights in and out of the Kingdom.

A postal adress, e-mail address or phone number would be enough. Each guide had a page to fill in to subscibe. If only I could find a old guide.....


Yes, chai,I know what You mean, it was available in may BKK bookshops at 50/60 baht/copy too. About ANY travelagent has it, so if youre in thwe bigtown for the talad, ask there, i would say. I am now not (yet) in LOS, so youll have to wait till next week.

the web has ALL: www.amadeus.net, youre able to access web anyway by posting here, nah?

Note there are 2 DIFFERENT of thse guides, many tr-agents have the bigger, better one, which is only for subscription and also has frieghter servcies, even cargo boats, etc. khrap.

IF you really need printed matter and cannot do with web alone, post again, Ille help you next week when back in KrungThep

I used to subscibe to a small book, published monthly, for I think 500B a year, which listed all flights in and out of Thailand. My subsciption has expired and Khun Wife has sold all my old copies for waste paper, so I cannot find the address to renew. Does any member here know of this guide and, could they give me an address to re-subscibe to.

Living up country, this was my only way of keeping in touch with flights in and out of the Kingdom.

A postal adress, e-mail address or phone number would be enough. Each guide had a page to fill in to subscibe. If only I could find a old guide.....

Aha says he pulling out his trusty Thailand Airline guide

Just look up


and all will be revealed and it worked for me 5 minutes ago cos I checked.


I used to subscibe to a small book, published monthly, for I think 500B a year, which listed all flights in and out of Thailand. My subsciption has expired and Khun Wife has sold all my old copies for waste paper, so I cannot find the address to renew. Does any member here know of this guide and, could they give me an address to re-subscibe to.

Living up country, this was my only way of keeping in touch with flights in and out of the Kingdom.

A postal adress, e-mail address or phone number would be enough. Each guide had a page to fill in to subscibe. If only I could find a old guide.....

Aha says he pulling out his trusty 1 year old Thailand Airline guide

Just look up


and all will be revealed and it worked for me 5 minutes ago cos I checked.


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