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Putin reveals ISIS funded by 40 countries, including G20 members


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Putin runs circles around most western leaders. He is a real master of Realpolitik.....

Then why is Russia's economy falling apart, it's hit with sanctions, and it's only serious friends are other dictatorships? And when was the last time there was a demand for Russian made consumer products?

You say the word dictatorship as if you perceive democracy to be a flawless system. You can go to far to the left and end up with tree hugging un patriotic ''do good'' politicians, creatively directed by the big puppeteers who are always ready to try and change things that are not in need of fixing, like your culture and identity. There are dictatorships that are totalitarian such as Zimbabwe, with appalling human rights violations. Then you have Putin who rules with an iron fist, but is at the same time, in touch with the reality of what the propagandize is not showing the people of the world and he does not subscribe to it. You get what you see with Putin. He is very ''Russian'' when it comes to his country and what his country can offer the world. You get strong policy yet flexible and mature policy a willingness to change policy to cater for current affairs. Russia, Thailand, China, are lucky not to have policy dictated from outside its borders unlike Britain. I also don't agree with democracy's policy of restricting elected leaders time in office. Again if something is not broken why change it. If the people are happy what is the problem.

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The Putin fanboyz have their own stream of unconsciousness as we see in their dominating of the thread.

What doesn't fit in their world does of course bounce off their heads.

The OP is a Putin hack propagandist and a self-made public fool. There isn't any critique or criticism of the OP from the Putin fanboyz because the OP is precisely a Putin hack, same as the fanboyz are blindly Putin promoters.

Russians experienced an appreciable time of economic growth and development from 2000 to 2011. Since then it's become a big bust, hence the imperialism and nationalism of Ukraine and now Syria. The OP provides Putin a platform for his diversions and distractions from the fact the Russian economy is minus 5% this year and counting.

That can't sustain what Putin is trying to do in Syria or Ukraine. The Soviet Russian military is already wearing out from daily use over several months.

My first reaction to the OP was, "Huh? Howcome Putin has this VITAL intelligence yet other countries (the US in particular) do not?" This is financial information, surely world banking centres, covered legally to disclose information related to money laundering and finance of terrorism, would have the information already. If the knowledge was available, the US would have it.

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Putin's fanboyz can say all they want against the rational and reasonable Western leaders. Fact remains Putin pissed off the wrong people in the most malevolent region of the world. The most malevolent people in the most malevolent places.

Now the bogeyman is coming to get him. Indeed, the barbarians may already be inside the gates.

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So the OP posts an article with a link to another story by the OP. I think that's called self-referential.

Until such time as Putin reveals the identity of the various countries supposed to be supporting IS, so his claims can be tested, I'm regarding this thread as a waste of space.

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Putin runs circles around most western leaders. He is a real master of Realpolitik.....

Then why is Russia's economy falling apart, it's hit with sanctions, and it's only serious friends are other dictatorships? And when was the last time there was a demand for Russian made consumer products?

You say the word dictatorship as if you perceive democracy to be a flawless system. You can go to far to the left and end up with tree hugging un patriotic ''do good'' politicians, creatively directed by the big puppeteers who are always ready to try and change things that are not in need of fixing, like your culture and identity. There are dictatorships that are totalitarian such as Zimbabwe, with appalling human rights violations. Then you have Putin who rules with an iron fist, but is at the same time, in touch with the reality of what the propagandize is not showing the people of the world and he does not subscribe to it. You get what you see with Putin. He is very ''Russian'' when it comes to his country and what his country can offer the world. You get strong policy yet flexible and mature policy a willingness to change policy to cater for current affairs. Russia, Thailand, China, are lucky not to have policy dictated from outside its borders unlike Britain. I also don't agree with democracy's policy of restricting elected leaders time in office. Again if something is not broken why change it. If the people are happy what is the problem.

Personally, I like to be able to voice my opinions on politics, culture, entertainment, and even food without getting locked up in prison or shot (as does tend to happen to Putin opponents). BTW, I readily agree that the Russians probably do need a strongman, because they've never known or understood anything else. But when the strongman/dictator starts to acquire Stalinist visions of grandeur, it's time to worry. Especially when that attitude might threaten the life I live, as it already has to the people in Ukraine and Georgia.

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Putin runs circles around most western leaders. He is a real master of Realpolitik.....

Then why is Russia's economy falling apart, it's hit with sanctions, and it's only serious friends are other dictatorships? And when was the last time there was a demand for Russian made consumer products?

That dog just won't hunt.

The Russian economy was shot long before Putin and if there is no demand for Russian goods then we can look to the same cause for that as well.

I have got to admit. I am starting to like this guy.

At least he's got balls.

Russian-manufactured goods are a byword for poor quality and superseded technology. The only commodities Russia can sell are out of the resources sector - oil, gold, platinum and gas. And we all know the resources sector is taking a beating on world markets.

I am fascinated with your thesis of leadership. Forget about intelligence, knowledge, charisma and integrity. Balls are all you need, right?

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The Putin fanboyz club associated llc burned itself out during 2015 after spending a lot of time trying to defend Vlad in Ukraine last year and into this one.

After all, a Putin fanboy can only say 'he's a strong leader' so many --many-- times, to include the well worn "master strategist" chopped liver one too.

So the fanboyz llc have had to put their focus elsewhere. And there's even been some praise posted of dictatorship per se and of the right in a dictatorship being superior to democracy or a left dictatorship. That those who identify with Putin are getting philosophical shows the paucity of their arguments which never were any good or many anyway.

Note also the OP written by the shill Srymoupolos says individuals in the alleged 40 countries, which seems to imply people outside of government, although the Putin hack scribbler OP does drop governments into his brew pot. The headline alleges "countries" rather than governments or specific government agencies. It can however be inferred Putin means governments too, but even Putin would be hard pressed to openly or directly accuse 40 governments to include G-20 ones.

As far as we know there's no list or report to see to find out what exactly is (supposedly) being said by Putin and his hand puppet publicists. Putin has to get better writers cause this is an awful and pathetic dumbdown of Tom Clancy. No such writer as the OP would be worthy of becoming a Clancy novel character.

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That would be "forced" would it?

Forty countries only Putin and his 'intelligence' know but will not name publicly.

Maybe the 40 supposed countries don't know who they are any more than the rest of us do.

Not one denial of anything by any country either, not one.

In addition to being a public fool, the OP is now a bad novelist.

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies removed.

When I worked in Iraq (also in Syria and Turkey), while Iraq was under sanctions, oil was brought out of Iraq through trucks which crossed the border, filled their tanks and returned to Turkey. The trucks were sometimes in a queue up to 100 kms long waiting to cross and return (these were not tankers, but trucks with massively oversized gas tanks).

These trucks were run completely by locals that had nothing to do with the politics or fighting.

I am not 100% sure how it is being smuggled now, but at that time, blowing up the trucks would have resulted in massive civilian casualties and not one enemy combatant would have been killed. The neighboring countries have to stop this trade, but there is a lot of money to be made. The option is to blow up the wells, pipelines or incapacitate the pumping ability.

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Right now, Putin is the only one telling the truth. The US is unable to as its main ME allies (Saudis, Kuwait, UAE etc) are the main source of these funds. Further, it's the oil companies (all in the West) that are profiting from the processing and sale of oil from ISIS - the Turks being the main buyers for this oil. At the same time, it is the Western banks that are moving ISIS money around and taking a profit (remember HSBC and the drug cartels). Russia has no freinds and little to lose by telling the truth. The US and Europe, well they have been deceitful right from the invasion of Iraq (obviously before as well). The lies and obfuscation continues. Are you not fed up being treated like sleep walking sheep?

Have a read:



Thanks a bunch…The Atlantic article is really a great piece of journalism….I learnt a lot from it….shows how poorly prepared the west is to deal with this sect.

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The US is unable to as its main ME allies (Saudis, Kuwait, UAE etc) are the main source of these funds.

If what I have read is true, then these ISIS chaps consider all the above muslim states as apostates since they have challenged their interpretation of the quranic texts….and they are going to crucify, behead or enslave them anyway. So why give money to a group that is committed to your destruction?

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies removed.

When I worked in Iraq (also in Syria and Turkey), while Iraq was under sanctions, oil was brought out of Iraq through trucks which crossed the border, filled their tanks and returned to Turkey. The trucks were sometimes in a queue up to 100 kms long waiting to cross and return (these were not tankers, but trucks with massively oversized gas tanks).

These trucks were run completely by locals that had nothing to do with the politics or fighting.

I am not 100% sure how it is being smuggled now, but at that time, blowing up the trucks would have resulted in massive civilian casualties and not one enemy combatant would have been killed. The neighboring countries have to stop this trade, but there is a lot of money to be made. The option is to blow up the wells, pipelines or incapacitate the pumping ability.

A recent change of US strategy with the launch of Operation Tidal Wave 11. All covered in detail, with the history of US led bombing of Daesh oil facilities at:


Also numerous reports ISIS was selling oil to the Assad regime.

Edited by simple1
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The US is unable to as its main ME allies (Saudis, Kuwait, UAE etc) are the main source of these funds.

If what I have read is true, then these ISIS chaps consider all the above muslim states as apostates since they have challenged their interpretation of the quranic texts….and they are going to crucify, behead or enslave them anyway. So why give money to a group that is committed to your destruction?

Regional balance of power proxy war by Sunni dictatorships against Shia Islam.

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Putin runs circles around most western leaders. He is a real master of Realpolitik.....

Almost all of the Putin fanboyz affiliated society llc need a bucket of cold water thrown on 'em so here's something to get things back into balance, if not overturn them, from Tom Nichols, professor of national security at the US Naval War College.....

Russia’s Leader Is Neither A Realist Nor A Nationalist
To understand Vladimir Putin’s wars, the key is to understand the final two decades of the Soviet Union, not the first two decades of the new Russia.

If Putin is a realist, it is a strange realism indeed. This is where counterfactual thinking might help: a realist seeking to increase the power and influence of his state simply would not do most of the things Putin is doing. The Kremlin’s foreign policy at this point violates almost every rule of competent strategy, to say nothing of common sense. From the injunction to avoid the needless multiplication of enemies to the danger of letting emotion overcome policy, Putin has trampled all over “realist” expectations.


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It looks to me that many America Jews and well as Christians and Christians from EU and England shall be moving to Russia

The Rich are already during this

Long live Putin

Even the manchild Putin hand puppet OP doesn't go this far off the deep end.

The very deep very far end.

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From the article..."Its worth noting that within the past 24 hours the U.S. has launched its first strike against an ISIS oil convoy. Prior to Monday, the United States had refused to strike the over 1,000 ISIS controlled tanker trucks out of a stated concern about causing civilian casualties, a dubious assertion at best."... Well, yea, that must have been a tough decision to destroy the vehicles and facilities your own CIA and DoD and Israel and other allies paid for with their own taxpayer's dollars and all that loss of future revenue for your project you spent so long setting up. Shoot. Hopefully, they will release the data on which G20 countries are fronting the money causing all this grief. Chances are they never will though. Pity and the band plays on.

I'm from 'down under', I would like to know where the oil in these trucks comes from and who it is being sold to.

Can you enliten me on the CIA and DoD involvement?

Really I don't know. sad.png

I don't think it is as covert as all that.

The probable answer lies with people who wheel and deal in oil all the live long day.

They would buy it at a really cheap price and then onsell it at market price, making a fortune.

Look to who sells oil.

Look to Saudi Arabia.

This is just one man's opinion.

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies removed.

When I worked in Iraq (also in Syria and Turkey), while Iraq was under sanctions, oil was brought out of Iraq through trucks which crossed the border, filled their tanks and returned to Turkey. The trucks were sometimes in a queue up to 100 kms long waiting to cross and return (these were not tankers, but trucks with massively oversized gas tanks).

These trucks were run completely by locals that had nothing to do with the politics or fighting.

I am not 100% sure how it is being smuggled now, but at that time, blowing up the trucks would have resulted in massive civilian casualties and not one enemy combatant would have been killed. The neighboring countries have to stop this trade, but there is a lot of money to be made. The option is to blow up the wells, pipelines or incapacitate the pumping ability.

Another option would be to give them oil cheaper then ISIS is selling it for.

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Turkey is a wolf in sheep,s clothing. At there teams football game they ask the audience for a moment of silence for the Paris terrorist actions in the football stadium. The low life muslims in the stadium booed. You should not help people who do not want help.

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Turkey is a wolf in sheep,s clothing. At there teams football game they ask the audience for a moment of silence for the Paris terrorist actions in the football stadium. The low life muslims in the stadium booed. You should not help people who do not want help.

If this is true, it would be shocking.

Do you have a reliable source, or is this only hearsay?

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Turkey is a wolf in sheep,s clothing. At there teams football game they ask the audience for a moment of silence for the Paris terrorist actions in the football stadium. The low life muslims in the stadium booed. You should not help people who do not want help.

If this is true, it would be shocking.

Do you have a reliable source, or is this only hearsay?

Was posted in another thread :

Belgium, There has been too much tolerance for too long

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These 40 countries should be named, shamed and forced to take the millions of refugees fleeing the war zones in Syria and across the Middle East.

It's clear that Turkey is amongst those 40. And they do have a lot of refugees already. The problem is that they are moving to the north to Europe in hordes and I wonder who's paying for the march through the fields and mountains.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I think it is about time somebody told us just who is buying this oil.

1.4 million dollars a day and they don't know who.

We are being fed some bad cooking here folks.

I don't see any difference between oil of Mosul sold by ISIS and delivered clandestinely to neighbouring countries in an incredible war zone and all the oil that has been sold officially from Basra area's by Iraqi-US puppet regime with licenses to corporate major oil companies from the West. You'll never see ISIS near Basra... Edited by Thorgal
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If this is true, it would be shocking.
Do you have a reliable source, or is this only hearsay?

nidieunimaitre - that is on the BBC, Guardian and other reputable news sites, not the dog and pony show news sites the conspiracy posters have got their "news" from..... And where this Original Post --- comes from - check it out it is a hoot. However it is good to see are Putin Troll Team out in force and having a good day of it biggrin.png

Go Team!

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