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Mae Sai Immigration Tightens Rules For Border Runs

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Mae Sai Immigration tightens border runs

Immigration Department police at Mai Sai on the Thai-Burmese border have decided to make life a little more difficult for those who need to scoot across the border into Burma for a few minutes every month or so, writes our man on the spot Bob Kimmins.

Passport checks are now being carried out at the border post, instead of Mai Sai’s Immigration office. Those returning to Thailand are now required to carry numerous bits of paper, including photocopies of exit and entry stamps from previous border crossings, along with photocopies of their departure card and main passport page.

All these must be signed and dated by the applicant in the presence of an official, before he or she scrupulously places them on top of all the rest on the corner of someone’s desk.

So, what’s this all about then?

Kimmins says the tom toms have it that nipping across borders to extend visas will soon be a practice of the past. After three times, those without non-immigrant visas might be asked where they live (which is obviously not Tachaleik). If the answer is Thailand, then an appropriate visa will be required.

--From The Nation's excellent FARANG AFFAIRS 2004-04-09


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This would seem to contradict on-the-spot information that has been posted here. It was reported that Thai immigrations at Mae Sai was following these policies around/before the APEC shindig last fall but things had since returned to "normal". Is The Nation simply reporting old news? Anybody who has crossed recently at Mae Sai care to comemnt?

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This would seem to contradict on-the-spot information that has been posted here. It was reported that Thai immigrations at Mae Sai was following these policies around/before the APEC shindig last fall but things had since returned to "normal". Is The Nation simply reporting old news? Anybody who has crossed recently at Mae Sai care to comemnt?

The times ...they are achangin'

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Sorry folks but this will not only be a Mae Sai thing. I have heard and seen for myself that immigration is clamping down on people living in Thailand for extended periods on tourist visas. I was told as was another farang that we need to get proper visas. This was at PP thai embassy. The word is that 6 consec. months will be max. I am preparing to depart Thailand when the ultimatum comes. There are no non imm visas that fit my situation being unmarried. under 50 and not working. They don't want me here even though I have a lot more cash than the retirement requirements. It's not worth it anymore. I'm tired of the aggravation. I'll find another country. What they are doing when you get a tourist visa (60 days) is running your passport thru computer and printing out your exits and entries. If you have been living in thailand making tourist visa runs, you are told to get proper visa. If you do not, you will be warned and told you cannot do this. So for so many farangs who have been doing this and are in denial that this is changing, they will find out soon enough as I have. The visa run party is over REGARDLESS of border crossing!!! It sucks but has to be dealt with. I'm out of here after I get screwed around for the final time in Penang in 2 weeks. I will report what takes place and I know it won't be good. I'm glad I did not sever ties with my home country. ###### I've only lived in thailand a year and a half.

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Sorry folks but this will not only be a Mae Sai thing. I have heard and seen for myself that immigration is clamping down on people living in Thailand for extended periods on tourist visas. I was told as was another farang that we need to get proper visas. This was at PP thai embassy. The word is that 6 consec. months will be max. I am preparing to depart Thailand when the ultimatum comes. There are no non imm visas that fit my situation being unmarried. under 50 and not working. They don't want me here even though I have a lot more cash than the retirement requirements. It's not worth it anymore. I'm tired of the aggravation. I'll find another country. What they are doing when you get a tourist visa (60 days) is running your passport thru computer and printing out your exits and entries. If you have been living in thailand making tourist visa runs, you are told to get proper visa. If you do not, you will be warned and told you cannot do this. So for so many farangs who have been doing this and are in denial that this is changing, they will find out soon enough as I have. The visa run party is over REGARDLESS of border crossing!!! It sucks but has to be dealt with. I'm out of here after I get screwed around for the final time in Penang in 2 weeks. I will report what takes place and I know it won't be good. I'm glad I did not sever ties with my home country. ###### I've only lived in thailand a year and a half.

Tell all this to my friend Chiang Mai Thai willya. He says no changes are envisaged by authorities.

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Dr, this is what everyone says. As I said, they are in DENIAL. This is happening NOW! These people are living in the past and have no present day experience. I don't care what people envision. This is what is happening. I can see this first hand. You wouldnt know as you are not in the situation. I am. I know. I see the crap unfolding. So tell all to deal with it as I have to. All farangs living on tourist visas will be told to leave the country unless they get a 1 yr non imm visa. I can assure you. A mass exodus will be happening soon enough. All of you so lucky to fall into a visa category will be left here amongst yourselves, thais and normal tourists. The rest of us are forced to leave for 6 months

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I crossed over through Mae Sai less than a Month ago and it was the easiest run I had been on since I first came to Thailand (2+ years ago).

Thailand now gives exit stamps at the border. They didn't require me to photocopy my pasport this time .. and I didnt notice any other farangs carrying around excess papperwork. It took the immigration agent less than a minute to thumb through my passport (after the fallout last year I was spending upward of 10 minutes while they inspected my passport)

I do have a non-im B, there were a couple of 30 dayers ahead of me and they didn't seem to be having any problems. Of course a lot can change in one month.

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Wake up boys and smell the coffee!

It makes sense to me. After all why would they go through all the trouble to make these retirement visas and other types available. First they tighten the rules, then the fees are raised and then the stop the way to get around it.

I have also been told that this Forum is watched on a regualr basis by a number of agencies, so as to enable the Immigration folks and other agencies to monitor how the Farang are circumventing the system.

It is their o#####ry and what they do, they do to benefit themselves and their Nation, rightfully so, as do countless other nations. :o

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Dr, this is what everyone says. As I said, they are in DENIAL. This is happening NOW! These people are living in the past and have no present day experience. I don't care what people envision. This is what is happening. I can see this first hand. You wouldnt know as you are not in the situation. I am. I know. I see the crap unfolding.

I assume you are talking about the Immigration Dept here?

They certainly seem to be changing the rules at about the same

rate as their underwear.

The change will certainly clear out a lot of farangs.

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Mr unbiasedbob.

There are no non imm visas that fit my situation being unmarried. under 50 and not working.

Have you looked into the possibility of a non-O? I have spoken to people that have acquired this visa type with relative ease in the UK. You do need to apply in your own country though.

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Far be it from me to suggest that the publishers of Thaivisa.com are alarmist, but, you're alarmist.

Even when they were doing the exit stamps at the immigration office in town (in Mai Sai) if you were doing that crossing twice in a row you needed photocopies. It sounds like with the move to doing the exit stamps at the border post they've added a few more requirements.

But has anyone heard of people getting turned back here? Sure, the law on the books is that people can only stay here for 6 months of the year on tourist visas but there has been no word from government that they're going to enforce it, only on this forum.

I know that visa-runners are on thin ice but it seems to me that lots of people here are all too keen to cry wolf.

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I crossed the border at Mae Sai 2 days ago to activate the second entry on my tourist visa. The whole process went without incident and took only 10 minutes.

However..... this time I noticed they have stamped the word "WALK" above my entry stamp.

This is obviously done to make it easier for the immigration officials to count the number of border crossings.

Looks like you were right Dr. Pat.

Repect as always. :o

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You're all a bunch of hopeless scaremongerers.

Why not just go back to to your home country once every 15 months and get a 1 year non-O visa. Easy as piss, just what is the big deal?

All Asian consulates have a poor reputation for handing out visas freely, once you are back in your home country though you are calling the shots.

Surely you've all got family to see back home anyway.


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You're all a bunch of hopeless scaremongerers.

Why not just go back to to your home country once every 15 months and get a 1 year non-O visa. Easy as piss, just what is the big deal?

All Asian consulates have a poor reputation for handing out visas freely, once you are back in your home country though you are calling the shots.

Surely you've all got family to see back home anyway.


You sound just like me as a newbie. :o

Better curb that attitude sunshine, it's really not very clever.

I much rather be a hopeless scaremongerer that a total ######.

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When the time comes, I will return these immigration challenges in spades to the Thai officials acrross the pond.

Outta here....but enjoying that last of it before I leave

EACH orrifce at the I office does not know Shinola from Fecal material. The Good Constable up in CM... An interesting X.... but we know april fooles are special.

Yes Times are changing.... and we shall overcome... WE have a cause..and our wrath.. .will come... for it is written....For he ....wait a minute BEER Break.. :o

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Someone should tell ole CMT

No need to gloat Doctor. I'm open to the possibility that things may change, but seeing is believing. I personally know a good half dozen walkers who I only see tomorrow and the next day because they are being allowed to cross over and back no problem. When they are all told to leave and only come back when they have the proper visa, I will declare in unison with you that the times are changing.

I do remember last August when you and others were declaring the imminent end to the walkers. Since then, many guys I know have been to Mae Sai each and every month without incident. No one I know has been told to leave the country. So like I said, seeing is believing. I don't believe yet.

I have said all along though that you are better off on a real visa. For those who complain that they can't stay here because they don't qualify for a proper visa, you simply don't want it bad enough. Get creative. Do some research. And you WILL get the visa.

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I crossed the border at Mae Sai 2 days ago to activate the second entry on my tourist visa. The whole process went without incident and took only 10 minutes.

However..... this time I noticed they have stamped the word "WALK" above my entry stamp.

This is obviously done to make it easier for the immigration officials to count the number of border crossings.

Looks like you were right Dr. Pat.

Repect as always. :o

They stamp 'walk' because you came in on foot and not by boat, plane or car.

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I still maintain you're a bunch of scaremongering <deleted>!!!

who are you to tell to people living here for years that you know better then them?

I'm living here with a non-0 because of the birth-certificate of my daughter.

some country give a non-0 easier than others, and surely not that easy for a year valid one ...

and, I assume you like to go back every now and then to visit your family ...

this is not the case of everyone!

just open your eyes and look around and open your ears and listen to what the people living here have to say, it should be better for you that to be taken for a dude on your first post :o

as it has been said "newbie", yop! sounds like :D how long have you been living here?

no shame about anything, just say :D


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:o I must agree with JEDDAH JO or am i missing something here.Get a NON IMM O and it saves all the AGGRO.

Why do i see so many posts on different subjects where people seem ###### bent on keeping their normal tourist visas going.IF you want to stay for some considerable time THEN get a NON IMM O.

I apologise if i have offended anyone but i just do not understand the problem,or am i missing something.


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:o I must agree with JEDDAH JO or am i missing something here.Get a NON IMM O and it saves all the AGGRO.

Why do i see so many posts on different subjects where people seem ###### bent on keeping their normal tourist visas going.IF you want to stay for some considerable time THEN get a NON IMM O.

I apologise if i have offended anyone but i just do not understand the problem,or am i missing something.


I think you are missing the point. Read up on what is required by the book for Non Im O's. You don't just walk into the Washington DC Embassy and tell them that you've been staying in Thailand on tourist visas and now you want a Non Im O. You must QUALIFY for it. And by the book, many, many people don't. That is why people are AGGRO. But as I said, do a little research and there are ways to obtain it without too much trouble. Certain consulates come to mind where 'studying culture' seems sufficient for a one year stay.

I will do a little of my own reporting George. Each month that my aquaintences come back from Mae Sai, I will post to let everyone know if these guys had any problems or if it is business as usual. Keep in mind that these guys have been walking every month for years and that Mae Sai is a major border crossing. If there are new rules, you'd expect Mae Sai to be one of the first places to put them in effect.

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:o dear chiang mai thai

As i said perhaps i am missing something.All you need for a non imm o multiple entry visa from the thai embassy in HULL england is NINETY POUNDS for the visa and a letter from someone saying that they will pay your fare home if this is needed.



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On December 22, 2003 I received the following response from the Honorary Thai Consul in Portland Oregon, where you can obtain a 6 month Tourist Visa for $75. If you are visiting the United States, this can be done very easily by mail. Similar services are available in the UK, Europe etc.

Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, it is possible for you to apply for a visa in our office. You can get a certain type of visa depending on your purpose of visit. In your case, it looks like you’re only visiting Thailand as a tourist. Therefore, you need to apply for a tourist visa. A tourist visa is good for 60 days each entry, and you can apply for 3 entries at one time. The cost for this visa is $25/entry.

The requirements are:

Valid passport with at least a blank page for stamp

Application form completely filled out and signed

Two passport size pictures

Fee, payable in cash or money order only

Prepaid return envelope when applying by mail

I hope this answers your questions.

Thank you.

Royal Thai Consulate General

One World Trade Center

121 S.W. Salmon Suite 1430

Portland, OR 97204

Ph. (503) 221-0440

Fax (503) 221-0550

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where is this hole called Mae Sai...

Ok, be honest, if it hits a place like that, sure not an invention of theirs.

If you have the money it can be cheaper to just cross the border every month and get a stamp till this mess of current farang pestering stops....

OR get the proper visum as if you are staying here or anywhere else on a tourist visum for a long time, sure problems will follow...

Anyway, there are bypasses everywhere and what I use myself I wouldnt post. Shit, immigration is no doubt monitoring this list...

Anyway, if you want to stay long time here, a tourist visum is the wrong visum.

I had multiple entrees year visums and even a real year visum just on the birth certificates of the kids, you donot have to be married...

BUT you need paper from umpur certifying you are the legal papa...

Has other advantages as well as it means you can sign for the kids and even buy land in their name and believe me, you treat your kids as you should, especially the girls are much more to be trusted then girlfriends...

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Someone should tell ole CMT

No need to gloat Doctor. I'm open to the possibility that things may change, but seeing is believing. I personally know a good half dozen walkers who I only see tomorrow and the next day because they are being allowed to cross over and back no problem. When they are all told to leave and only come back when they have the proper visa, I will declare in unison with you that the times are changing.

I do remember last August when you and others were declaring the imminent end to the walkers. Since then, many guys I know have been to Mae Sai each and every month without incident. No one I know has been told to leave the country. So like I said, seeing is believing. I don't believe yet.

I have said all along though that you are better off on a real visa. For those who complain that they can't stay here because they don't qualify for a proper visa, you simply don't want it bad enough. Get creative. Do some research. And you WILL get the visa.

It isn't a gloat CMT.

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