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UN urges Europe not to blame refugees for Paris attacks


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UN urges Europe not to blame refugees for Paris attacks


NEW YORK: The United Nations is urging European nations not to reject or blame refugees in the wake of the the Paris attacks by ISIL.

Security officials on both sides of the Austria-Slovenia border have been carrying out detailed security checks on thousands of migrants heading towards Western Europe.

People fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa were body searched and had their belongings scanned on Monday.

At one refugee centre in Brussels migrants empathised with France, saying such attacks are commonplace where they come from.

“These are terrible attacks against humanity, against all civilisations, said one man. “These attacks are not against one people, nationality or religion, but against everyone.”

“We escaped from this kind of situation in Afghanistan,” said another. “So I’m sorry something like this happened. It scares us over here too.”

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees says it’s concerned by the reaction of some states to end programmes for migrants that have been put in place, backtracking from commitments they made to manage the refugee crisis.

As UNHCR spokesman said they are deeply disturbed by language that demonises refugees as a group, calling it dangerous and a contributing factor towards xenophobia and fear.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-18

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I think it is time the world got real. You look at the terrorists. They claim french or English or American citizenship. But they were all immgrants who received citizenship after migrating to these countries.We let them in give them citizenship and then the turn on us. Now the UN says donot blame refuges. They will be the next terrorists,but its ok with the UN. Take all the refuges to an Island give them tools and let them survive on their own. Maybe then people when learn to clean up their own countries instead of bringing their problems to others..

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UN urges Europe not to blame refugees for Paris attacks cheesy.gif

One of the terrorist in Paris had a Syrian passport found on his body, the Greek minister Nikos Toscas declared this man crossed the island of Leros as a refugee on October 2015 .

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cheesy.gif The UN ______ cheesy.gif

what a complete waste of time and money for professionals that speak out of both sides of their (to say it nicely... but) mouth. Although, I would say that it does offer some great employment for those in impoverished states (take a look at the UN 'Peace keeping' forces). The UN, what a great united joke bah.gif

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I think it is time the world got real. You look at the terrorists. They claim french or English or American citizenship. But they were all immgrants who received citizenship after migrating to these countries.We let them in give them citizenship and then the turn on us. Now the UN says donot blame refuges. They will be the next terrorists,but its ok with the UN. Take all the refuges to an Island give them tools and let them survive on their own. Maybe then people when learn to clean up their own countries instead of bringing their problems to others..

Send all the UN hi ups there too. See what they say to all us peasants when they can't go back to their million euro house in their suuuuper posh (90% white) neighbourhood.

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