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Chiang Mai Immigration Nightmare


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Greetings to all Chiang Mai expats. There was a letter to the editor in Wednesday's Bangkok Post describing the horrors of obtaining the yearly retirement visa extension. For years at the old airport office I never had any problems, but next month will be my first trip to Promenada. The letter referred to a visa agent located next to the new office. Has anyone used this agent? If so, could you give me a recommendation and, if favorable, some contact information so that I might consider using them also? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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G4T were in s hop just down from Immi but I gather may have changed (unfortunately) per another thread thanks to some busybodies.

I used them aout two weeks ago now. No problems with English, very thorough checking and preparing documents, and escorted/quick trip through Immi. Dare I say a "one stop shop" at Promenada.

Edited by mamborobert
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G4T were in s hop just down from Immi but I gather may have changed (unfortunately) per another thread thanks to some busybodies.

I used them aout two weeks ago now. No problems with English, very thorough checking and preparing documents, and escorted/quick trip through Immi. Dare I say a "one stop shop" at Promenada.

(unfortunately) per another thread thanks to some busybodies.

I don’t believe so

TV posters were only letting other people know what was going on at Immigration and G4T

Plus many people know who actually owns the business

Which will not be published on TV

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Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

We need G4T back in business

Do you know why they are in business?

I will take a wild guess and say " to make money and profit by providing a service", much like other agents, restaurants, real estate companies etc.

If people consider something untoward is going on, and God forbid can evidence same, take it to the police.

Otherwise are we not getting into the defamation area, where in Thailand, even if factual is no defence.

What is being achieved here. Just an attempt to close of one agent only, of the many who have varying degrees of close relationships with Immi....

Put up or shut up time....I like quite a few others want to continue using them. Others are free not to.

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Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

We need G4T back in business

Do you know why they are in business?
I will take a wild guess and say " to make money and profit by providing a service", much like other agents, restaurants, real estate companies etc.

If people consider something untoward is going on, and God forbid can evidence same, take it to the police.

Otherwise are we not getting into the defamation area, where in Thailand, even if factual is no defence.

What is being achieved here. Just an attempt to close of one agent only, of the many who have varying degrees of close relationships with Immi....

Put up or shut up time....I like quite a few others want to continue using them. Others are free not to.

I have used them. I am fairly sure I know how and why they are in business, I was put in a position where I had no choice but to use them,it does not change what is going on unless your head is stuck in the sand.

If it was any another immigration office chances are I would have not had to use an agency and incur the additional costs.

And if I had cast iron, rock solid evidence of any wrongdoing relating to any Thai authority I would not be stupid enough to report it, would you?

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Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

We need G4T back in business

No, what we want is for everybody to be able to turn up at immigration, in office hours & get their visa business sorted without having to pay some "third" party to "jump" the queue for them. How hard is it to photocopy the correct papers, fill in a form & have your photo taken at one of several hundred photo shops around town?

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I used them and was very satisfied. They cost me 3,000 baht for the service as compared to 5,000 and 5,500 at other places to do the same thing.

I have no idea why people are so concerned with a cheap service that is really helping speed things

My cousin who is is senile says maybe they are shills

Edited by HenryB
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G4T were in s hop just down from Immi but I gather may have changed (unfortunately) per another thread thanks to some busybodies.

I used them aout two weeks ago now. No problems with English, very thorough checking and preparing documents, and escorted/quick trip through Immi. Dare I say a "one stop shop" at Promenada.

Bite your tongue on that last statement about "one stop shop' I agree with the one stop but the last word in my humble way of expressing myself would start with S but not end in P but G.

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G4T were in s hop just down from Immi but I gather may have changed (unfortunately) per another thread thanks to some busybodies.

I used them aout two weeks ago now. No problems with English, very thorough checking and preparing documents, and escorted/quick trip through Immi. Dare I say a "one stop shop" at Promenada.

was there last night. business appears to be gone.

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Is this Visa Agent phenomena only happening in Chiang Mai?

Good question.

There is a thread in the General forums that asked about immigration in the rest of Thailand. Apparently there was no complaints. My friend who lived in Pattaya did his own and said they had a sign there guaranteeing service in 1/2 hour. He didn't say any thing about what happens if they take longer.

If no complaints I would take it to mean people were happy with the service they were getting. If they didn't have to go in for the picture I can understand some busy or well off people using an agent. But in they must go.

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Is this Visa Agent phenomena only happening in Chiang Mai?

Good question.

There is a thread in the General forums that asked about immigration in the rest of Thailand. Apparently there was no complaints. My friend who lived in Pattaya did his own and said they had a sign there guaranteeing service in 1/2 hour. He didn't say any thing about what happens if they take longer.

If no complaints I would take it to mean people were happy with the service they were getting. If they didn't have to go in for the picture I can understand some busy or well off people using an agent. But in they must go.

Somebody is getting the "gold mine" and we are getting the shaft. The above poster explains it all. Everybody else in Thailand seems happy but us. Strange? And now the immigration service has "disappeared?" Maybe the Gods have finally spoken.

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Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

We need G4T back in business

No, what we want is for everybody to be able to turn up at immigration, in office hours & get their visa business sorted without having to pay some "third" party to "jump" the queue for them. How hard is it to photocopy the correct papers, fill in a form & have your photo taken at one of several hundred photo shops around town?

Would be rather nice if all of those using an "Agent" simply get shunted to the back of the queue, to be dealt with AFTER all the REAL PEOPLE have

been attended to.

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Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

We need G4T back in business

No, what we want is for everybody to be able to turn up at immigration, in office hours & get their visa business sorted without having to pay some "third" party to "jump" the queue for them. How hard is it to photocopy the correct papers, fill in a form & have your photo taken at one of several hundred photo shops around town?

"specialness" goes to a lot of expats heads from what ive seen. hss to do with a lot of focus on money over here and increased spending power.

soon after we start seeing a lot of trivial complaints, even inability to stand in line.

similar things occur with spoiled rich kids in the usa

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Is this Visa Agent phenomena only happening in Chiang Mai?

Good question.

There is a thread in the General forums that asked about immigration in the rest of Thailand. Apparently there was no complaints. My friend who lived in Pattaya did his own and said they had a sign there guaranteeing service in 1/2 hour. He didn't say any thing about what happens if they take longer.

If no complaints I would take it to mean people were happy with the service they were getting. If they didn't have to go in for the picture I can understand some busy or well off people using an agent. But in they must go.

Somebody is getting the "gold mine" and we are getting the shaft. The above poster explains it all. Everybody else in Thailand seems happy but us. Strange? And now the immigration service has "disappeared?" Maybe the Gods have finally spoken.

It certainly seems as if Chiang Mai has carte blanche to operate differently from all other immigration bureaus.

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Still knocking G4t but were cheaper and easier to use

We need G4T back in business

No, what we want is for everybody to be able to turn up at immigration, in office hours & get their visa business sorted without having to pay some "third" party to "jump" the queue for them. How hard is it to photocopy the correct papers, fill in a form & have your photo taken at one of several hundred photo shops around town?

And also I would love if the I/O's would learn how to use a computer and store my data so that every time I don't need to do all the paper work again, to prove that I am married....again, to prove that I have a child....again. It is just a mess and nobody really cares.

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Is this Visa Agent phenomena only happening in Chiang Mai?

There are visa agents in other cities around Thailand that have a good-size population of foreigners. Remember, so tasks, like setting up a business and apply for a work permit and business visa can be complex and foreigners usually employ a lawyer to do this. Also, many people who are newly arrived to Thailand like to hire a visa agent to make sure they're doing everything right.

Visa agents serve a valuable function, just like real estate agents do.

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