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US expats - pay your taxes or lose your passport

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How can one figure out 6 years of back taxes or what was reported? And what is one to do about 6 years of under the table wages abroad? If someone wants to get straight and protect their passport in this type of situation? Thats 12 years...

You simply call IRS and ask.

No matter what your owe, you can fill out a letter of indebtedness, and offer small monthly payments. I did this years ago. They have no choice but to approve it. Basically, you fill out the forms and wait for them to figure out what you owe. I would go ahead and send the "indebtedness waiver, listing your income and expenses". I paid about 50 usd a month.

IIt's not like they will come to Thailand and sell your house and car.

I would not make a bet, that they would'nt come to Thailand or just use their authority.

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U.S. Citizen Exempt form taxes on earnings from outside the U.S. up to 96,000.00 U.S.D.

But must meet the residency requirements, just look up IRS form 2555, explains it.

You must also be outside the U.S. for at

least 330 days in your tax year, this is where they get most people, exceed the time and you are no longer exempt.

In germany only 185 days still.


I think quite a few would be happy to lose their passport to stop paying taxes. Even give up citizenship is made difficult by the US govt.

I cannot understand people who want to be US citizens, its like the Hotel California.

Americans love Obamaland...filled with clowns, comedians, and IRS agents...

You forgot NSA and all these other Bandits.


It would be nice - if at the same time the IRS would collect delinquent taxes owed by a large percentage of IRS employees that go unpaid year after year...

One crow don't picking the eyes of another crow.


JMcarty: "Blood sucking US taxman, no other country taxes their citizens when they are not resident in their country"

Well, you got that right, especially when so many billions are spent on stupid ass, needless wars - and more billions given to the Israelis.

All government rules are only made for the simple ppl (Milking Cows) not for the rulers or the superrich at all.

Note: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild


Yeah that's right Overeducated Hillbilly: "It would be nice - if at the same time the IRS would collect delinquent taxes owed by a large percentage of IRS employees that go unpaid year after year..." It would be nice too if they would collect delinquent taxes and penalties owed by Exxon (and the Alaska oil spill damages owed over 15 years!) amounting to billions and billions of dollars, greedy ass rich individuals like the Cheneys and crew, and the many criminal corporations in bed with the lobbyists and politicians who write the tax laws in the first place. Bernie Sanders for President! And as I wrote before, the U.S. could save a wee bit or two by not giving the Israelis billions and billions of dollars every year, and not building a fighter plane or two, or a 50,000 foot aircraft carrier, or curtailing an endless list of wasteful practices sparked by lobbyists. It's

I think all these entire government rules are only made for the simple ppl (Milking Cows) not for the rulers or the superrich at all.

Note: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild


Why go after the little people , when corporations owe billions , how about taxing the big guys .

I think all these entire government rules are only made for the simple ppl (Milking Cows) not for the rulers or the superrich at all.

Note: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild


Would not surprise me in the slightest if the jolly old taxman at HMRC were, sooner rather than later, to press for similar measures to be introduced for defaulting UK taxpayers!

Wait and see! if you haven't been cheating the Tax man you have nothing to fear,in fact HMRC always give a refund if you have overpaid!


How can one figure out 6 years of back taxes or what was reported? And what is one to do about 6 years of under the table wages abroad? If someone wants to get straight and protect their passport in this type of situation? Thats 12 years...

You simply call IRS and ask.

No matter what your owe, you can fill out a letter of indebtedness, and offer small monthly payments. I did this years ago. They have no choice but to approve it. Basically, you fill out the forms and wait for them to figure out what you owe. I would go ahead and send the "indebtedness waiver, listing your income and expenses". I paid about 50 usd a month.

IIt's not like they will come to Thailand and sell your house and car.

I would not make a bet, that they would'nt come to Thailand or just use their authority.

Forensic and reconstructive income analysis and reporting is done all the time. An acquaintance of mine had not filed taxes for 7 years. messy divorce, Filipina wife ran back to the PI, burned down his house, all paper records destroyed, he took contract jobs in different cities all over the USA, etc. Finally he had to square things up. He had his initial appointment with the IRS. They agent said, you are in big trouble for not paying your taxes. My friend snapped back: "I paid a lot of taxes, I just didn't file". The man was always on a W-2 and always had payroll taxes deducted. He hired a good tax accountant and they reconstructed his income to the satisfaction of the IRS. He was owed several thousand dollars because he had paid in plenty of taxes, he just had not filed his returns. Now overseas stuff will be a bit more work. Under the table wages can be reported and since you never paid taxes on that money, you could owe taxes and some penalties. Now, if you qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion, that could help a lot. The expensive penalty is underpaid or not paid Social Security FICA tax owed. I think there was a post where that can be 25% of what your contributions would have been or something like that.

Ah a kindred spirit who does not wear rose colored glasses. One should take a look at how these acts were passed and whether they are legal. I understand the IRS act was obligated to be passed by a majority of the states which apparently it wasn't. Another good read is how the government handed control of the country over to the Federal Reserve. As Mayer Rothschild once said "Let me control the nations banking system I care not who makes the laws" Apparently they took advantage of the many politicians at Christmas time in 1913 when they were home celebrating the holiday to skewer the vote in the middle of the night. Yes folks these are the same people who love you well only at election time.

The Creature from Jekyll Island is a good read about how that came about. Andrew Jackson fighting these powers (Biddle, et al) is also noteworthy. Following the usual pattern of manipulation used in Plutocracies with so-called "democracy" as a gilded-covering, the "Problem - Reaction - Solution" method was used. They ran currency-attacks to create a "crisis" to create a public "reaction" to allow them to present their pre-planned "solution" (Previously arrived at during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, en route to which these banksters concealed their identities).

For a quick and entertaining animated-introduction to the history and functions of banksterism, and what money actually "is," you can watch the "Money Is Debt" videos on youtube. Here is the first installment of three:



The US had has been refusing to issue or renew passports of those US Citizens that owe child support for years, now they are just going after tax cheats

No outrage over deadbeat dads but nothing but vitriol when it comes to income tax evaders; why the difference ?

In Western nations, women have a choice to become mothers - a choice which continues well past embryo fertilization. They also have many more pre-fertilization options than men to prevent a pregnancy. Men should have a right of "choice," in whether to participate in a family.

All men who consent to becoming fathers, by signing consent forms in exchange for parental-rights, should have to comply with the contract they agreed to. But many men who are called 'deadbeat dads' never agreed to become fathers.

The USA's "child support" / "family court" system has destroyed the lives of more than a few friends of mine, and created an incentive for broken families. This is evidenced by the rate at which women now file for "no fault" divorce (meaning, the husband didn't "cheat" or otherwise violate the marriage contract) against their husbands. Relationships are hard work to maintain, and if you can get the state to simply Steal His Money - why bother staying married?


Hello--I worked overseas from 1986 until this year and I was never taxed. It only applies if you earn above around $96,000, and then they tax you for whatever is above that amount, not the whole amount. (So if you earn 100,000, $4,000 is taxable, but given the standard deductions, you still won't pay any tax on that.)

Unless you are "self-employed" - for which there is a special penalty of 15% levied on your first dollar up to about $115K - and only up to that point. This tax is only on poor and middle-class level of income, and it does apply to ex-pats.

This is one reason why Billionaire Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage in tax than his secretary. The other reason is that most of his income is "capital gains" (not requiring any "work" be done) which is taxed at 1/2 the rate of income which people trade the very hours of their lives to receive.

Who here do you know that has made enough money to owe $50,000.?

Including "Penalties and Interest"? Those add up fast. I pay the USA's tax-mafia primarily because I want to have a valid passport - but I don't kid myself about what it is - a Mafia Racket that transfers money to well-connected cronies. The "penalites and interest," plus armed-collection agents, are perfect representations of mafia-behavior.

The Philippines does too, though their enforcement is very loose.

Not any more. Too many of their citizens were revolking citizenship, so they recinded that law. Creating "Balikbayans" was counter-productive. Another poster mentioned China - not surprising, as the USA now closely resembles what was taught (in govt school) about the "bad ol" USSR and Communist China.

US citizens not retired living in Thailand with a family, and working as a Teacher for the last 15 years or so, earning a good salary paid by a Thai school is required to file and pay annual US taxes?

Unlikely any "income" taxes, given the rate of pay. But since the school is not paying into the US system, possibly 15% from the first baht as a penalty for not working for a US-employer and wandering off on the tax-farm to which your birth condemned you.

That Social Security Number is your cattle-ear-tag. Projected-thefts from unborn tax-cows is the basis of the federal debt, used to give massive sums to crony-crook interests. Ths is why they get so anxious about low birth rates, and open the floodgates to mass-immigration, rather than allowing us to benefit from the increase in natural-wealth of our nation per-person which lower populations enable (if we had a right to our shares of our nation's natural resources). How else to keep the Ponzi Scheme going?

Note that the 330 days rule applies to the "Obamacare" law, which forces us to buy lousy forms of health-insurance from mafia-style crooks. Most Americans forced into bankrupcy by medical debts had so-called "insurance" when they got sick. Try paying 30% of $300,000 on a gross-income of $30K / yr (pre-tax), and the math problem becomes obvious.


Why go after the little people , when corporations owe billions , how about taxing the big guys .

You do not bite the hand that feeds you. Look at the new deal between Pfizer and Allergan. Pfizer will be taken over by them and move their head office to Ireland and save 5 to 10% in taxes. Then they will thumb their nose at the IRS and Uncle Sam and of course you the American tax payer.


Hello--I worked overseas from 1986 until this year and I was never taxed. It only applies if you earn above around $96,000, and then they tax you for whatever is above that amount, not the whole amount. (So if you earn 100,000, $4,000 is taxable, but given the standard deductions, you still won't pay any tax on that.)

Unless you are "self-employed" - for which there is a special penalty of 15% levied on your first dollar up to about $115K - and only up to that point. This tax is only on poor and middle-class level of income, and it does apply to ex-pats.

This is one reason why Billionaire Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage in tax than his secretary. The other reason is that most of his income is "capital gains" (not requiring any "work" be done) which is taxed at 1/2 the rate of income which peo

Including "Penalties and Interest"? Those add up fast. I pay the USA's tax-mafia primarily because I want to have a valid passport - but I don't kid myself about what it is - a Mafia Racket that transfers money to well-connected cronies. The "penalites and interest," plus armed-collection agents, are perfect representations of mafia-behavior.

The Philippines does too, though their enforcement is very loose.

Not any more. Too many of their citizens were revolking citizenship, so they recinded that law. Creating "Balikbayans" was counter-productive. Another poster mentioned China - not surprising, as the USA now closely resembles what was taught (in govt school) about the "bad ol" USSR and Communist China.

US citizens not retired living in Thailand with a family, and working as a Teacher for the last 15 years or so, earning a good salary paid by a Thai school is required to file and pay annual US taxes?

Unlikely any "income" taxes, given the rate of pay. But since the school is not paying into the US system, possibly 15% from the first baht as a penalty for not working for a US-employer and wandering off on the tax-farm to which your birth condemned you.

That Social Security Number is your cattle-ear-tag. Projected-thefts from unborn tax-cows is the basis of the federal debt, used to give massive sums to crony-crook interests. Ths is why they get so anxious about low birth rates, and open the floodgates to mass-immigration, rather than allowing us to benefit from the increase in natural-wealth of our nation per-person which lower populations enable (if we had a right to our shares of our nation's natural resources). How else to keep the Ponzi Scheme going?

Note that the 330 days rule applies to the "Obamacare" law, which forces us to buy lousy forms of health-insurance from mafia-style crooks. Most Americans forced into bankrupcy by medical debts had so-called "insurance" when they got sick. Try paying 30% of $300,000 on a gross-income of $30K / yr (pre-tax), and the math problem becomes obvious.

These crooks own also the food-, the pharma- and the weapon industry, first they feeding you sick and then they keeping you sick, and on the end of your life they empty your pockets with insane health treatment bills. Top 1 on their agenda: To reduce the world population, that are max. 1 billion better only 500 million left, these will be the slaves for the superrich. Controled by a RIFD Chip via satelite, this chip will also be used for mind control and as an ID to getting food, healthcare etc. In case you making trouble they switch of your chip and then is a question of time, when you die. This is our pretty close future, when there will be not a quick change. The question is, who should make this change our youngsters, who are brainwashed for decades over newspaper, TV, etc. In top weaked with drugs and alcohol.



These crooks own also the food-, the pharma- and the weapon industry, first they feeding you sick and then they keeping you sick, and on the end of your life they empty your pockets with insane health treatment bills. ...

Agree with that part, as for the rest, the plutocrats (the "they") seem to have the "control" thing working well with just media-control and big-pharma drugs to "treat" those not "well adjusted to a sick society" - no need for a mind-control chip.

Knowing they are always outnumbered, they must play worker against worker to stay on top (see the issues the media they own promote: "wedge-issues," "racism," "sexism," etc). See Edward Bernays and the "public relations" field he created.

If "they" wanted a smaller population, why flood the lower-population countries with immigrants? Wouldn't it be easier for an "accidental outbreak" to take its toll in poor nations with minimal health-care infrastructure? Clearly "they" have the biotech needed to pull this off in some black-budget "defense" department stockpile, complete with antidote for the "few needed serfs" - so why haven't they already done it?

I would suggest returning to the math they use for the answer - why Plutocrats prefer masses of people begging and down-bidding labor-cost, leading to 12 hours a day for a dollar or so (see China - where "they" are moving most production, R&D, etc). And how else to support the "perpetual growth" ponzi scheme?

You don't need a "theory" promoted by those who mix in the "conspiracy realm" (promoted via so-called "alternative news outlets" which "they" own), to support Plutocrat-math. It all comes down to the Iron Law of Wages - which you never hear discussed on "their" media outlets:



These crooks own also the food-, the pharma- and the weapon industry, first they feeding you sick and then they keeping you sick, and on the end of your life they empty your pockets with insane health treatment bills. ...

Agree with that part, as for the rest, the plutocrats (the "they") seem to have the "control" thing working well with just media-control and big-pharma drugs to "treat" those not "well adjusted to a sick society" - no need for a mind-control chip.

Knowing they are always outnumbered, they must play worker against worker to stay on top (see the issues the media they own promote: "wedge-issues," "racism," "sexism," etc). See Edward Bernays and the "public relations" field he created.

If "they" wanted a smaller population, why flood the lower-population countries with immigrants? Wouldn't it be easier for an "accidental outbreak" to take its toll in poor nations with minimal health-care infrastructure? Clearly "they" have the biotech needed to pull this off in some black-budget "defense" department stockpile, complete with antidote for the "few needed serfs" - so why haven't they already done it?

I would suggest returning to the math they use for the answer - why Plutocrats prefer masses of people begging and down-bidding labor-cost, leading to 12 hours a day for a dollar or so (see China - where "they" are moving most production, R&D, etc). And how else to support the "perpetual growth" ponzi scheme?

You don't need a "theory" promoted by those who mix in the "conspiracy realm" (promoted via so-called "alternative news outlets" which "they" own), to support Plutocrat-math. It all comes down to the Iron Law of Wages - which you never hear discussed on "their" media outlets:


About the reduction of the world population, first it's or was written on the official Illuminati Webside, that they want to reduce it to down to 3 billions. I have insider info's that they want to reduce it to max 1 billion PPL and making as much money a possible on this process. The profit is the key point for them. To lauch in some high populated places nucelar weapons, is possible, but bad business. To lauch wars all over the world, was a try, but to expensive. The USA are involved in conflicts in almost 150 countries around the world, that the weapon industry of these banksters etc. runs., but now is the USA and many other countries bankrupt, caused all of these involvements. Time for plan B: Destabilize all economies around the world, this will lead to big social problems and on the end to civil wars all over, and making in the same time big profits on these desasters. These social crisis will also lead to pogroms against refugees, different races and religions. The good thing for these banksters, this costs them nothing, but create lot of profit for them, while selling weapons, food and medicine etc. These are all small sideeffects for them. Their main target are all the debts, they created over decades on the computers, to get ridd off them in 1 time. About 800 to 900 times of the real existing physical money existing in their computers is not real. Think about for EX all this pension funds all over the world are close to bankrupt. That are their debts, caused they made many countries bankrupt. A world wide chaos will create inflations all over, means the get ridd off this debts in 1 time. They own already 75% of the Global Goldreserves a lot of agriculture land and many inventions(Patents), they bought, but never published, caused this would destroy many of the businisses. Then NWO 1 global dictatur, no physical money anymore, just an implanted RFID Chip used for identifiction, which will give you access to food and healthcare etc., but only as long you are a good slave. Oh I almost forgot also used for mind control etc.



Blood sucking US taxman, no other country taxes their citizens when they are not resident in their country!

Oh man, how wrong you are! I'm Dutch, live in Thailand for almost 10 years and still have to pay taxes.

So check things out before you post.

You have assets in Holland or keep money or stocks in Holland, don't you? Most countries will tax their citizens assets if they earn income, or are subject to some other form of taxation in the country they are a citizen. Is your Thailand earned income taxed in Holland?


Unless you are "self-employed" - for which there is a special penalty of 15% levied on your first dollar up to about $115K - and only up to that point. This tax is only on poor and middle-class level of income, and it does apply to ex-pats.

This is one reason why Billionaire Warren Buffet pays a lower percentage in tax than his secretary. The other reason is that most of his income is "capital gains" (not requiring any "work" be done) which is taxed at 1/2 the rate of income which people trade the very hours of their lives to receive.

Including "Penalties and Interest"? Those add up fast. I pay the USA's tax-mafia primarily because I want to have a valid passport - but I don't kid myself about what it is - a Mafia Racket that transfers money to well-connected cronies. The "penalites and interest," plus armed-collection agents, are perfect representations of mafia-behavior.

Not any more. Too many of their citizens were revolking citizenship, so they recinded that law. Creating "Balikbayans" was counter-productive. Another poster mentioned China - not surprising, as the USA now closely resembles what was taught (in govt school) about the "bad ol" USSR and Communist China.

US citizens not retired living in Thailand with a family, and working as a Teacher for the last 15 years or so, earning a good salary paid by a Thai school is required to file and pay annual US taxes?

Unlikely any "income" taxes, given the rate of pay. But since the school is not paying into the US system, possibly 15% from the first baht as a penalty for not working for a US-employer and wandering off on the tax-farm to which your birth condemned you.

That Social Security Number is your cattle-ear-tag. Projected-thefts from unborn tax-cows is the basis of the federal debt, used to give massive sums to crony-crook interests. Ths is why they get so anxious about low birth rates, and open the floodgates to mass-immigration, rather than allowing us to benefit from the increase in natural-wealth of our nation per-person which lower populations enable (if we had a right to our shares of our nation's natural resources). How else to keep the Ponzi Scheme going?

Note that the 330 days rule applies to the "Obamacare" law, which forces us to buy lousy forms of health-insurance from mafia-style crooks. Most Americans forced into bankrupcy by medical debts had so-called "insurance" when they got sick. Try paying 30% of $300,000 on a gross-income of $30K / yr (pre-tax), and the math problem becomes obvious.

Congratulations, Jack, looks like every point in your post is flat wrong. Invective is a poor substitute for understanding.

1. The SE tax "penalty" is not 15%, but half of 15% since the self-employed person pays the employer contribution to SS and Medicare as well as the employee portion, which all employees pay.

2. Neither Warren Buffett nor his secretary are self-employed so the SE tax does not account for any difference in their tax brackets.

3. The OP who teaches at a school in Thailand is not self-employed and not liable for the SE tax. Unless his employer is a US corporation he is not liable for the payroll tax either and will therefore earn no SS credits for his employment here.

4. A US citizen can establish foreign residency for IRS and Obamacare purposes either by being outside of the US for 330 days of the year or by establishing tax domicile in another country. Since the OP pays income taxes in Thailand he qualifies under the second of these two alternate methods of establishing foreign residency.

The OP probably does not owe any US taxes because of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, but he should bring his filings up to date and should probably retain a US-based accountant to assist in dealing with the IRS.


Congratulations, Jack, looks like every point in your post is flat wrong. Invective is a poor substitute for understanding.

1. The SE tax "penalty" is not 15%, but half of 15% since the self-employed person pays the employer contribution to SS and Medicare as well as the employee portion, which all employees pay.

2. Neither Warren Buffett nor his secretary are self-employed so the SE tax does not account for any difference in their tax brackets.

3. The OP who teaches at a school in Thailand is not self-employed and not liable for the SE tax. Unless his employer is a US corporation he is not liable for the payroll tax either and will therefore earn no SS credits for his employment here.

4. A US citizen can establish foreign residency for IRS and Obamacare purposes either by being outside of the US for 330 days of the year or by establishing tax domicile in another country. Since the OP pays income taxes in Thailand he qualifies under the second of these two alternate methods of establishing foreign residency.

The OP probably does not owe any US taxes because of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, but he should bring his filings up to date and should probably retain a US-based accountant to assist in dealing with the IRS.

1. As a self-employed person, you pay double what an "employed by a boss" person pays from their paychecks.

2. Buffet pays this tax on only the first $115K of his income - a tiny portion of his income. His secretary pays it on All of his/her income. Yes, as an "employed by a boss" person, the secretary only sees the 1/2 stolen* directly from her paycheck, not the other 1/2 stolen* from her employer, before-hand.

3. AFAIK, every American Citizen is required to pay this tax on every dollar from the first, to the 115,000th dollar they make - regardless of where it comes from. I would love to be wrong about this, so please provide links to statutes / evidence to the contrary. I am not sure if a double-taxation arrangement provides an offset to the person employed in Thailand, but I believe that would only cover the "income tax" section of their taxes (as with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) - not the 15% tax which is in addition to the income tax.

4. Glad to hear there is a 2nd option to avoid the Obamacare armed-robbery handout to the Insurance Cartels. How long does it take to establish a 'tax domicile"? Glad the OP has an "out," in any case. Care is much better in Thailand (unless you are an American multi-millionaire), and provided at a fraction of the cost.

I use the word "stolen," above, because this tax applied only on lower incomes, masquerades as some sort of "savings for retirement" system, when it is actually just a Ponzi Scheme. There is no savings - no account - and the age for which one "qualifies" to get back their stolen loot, can be changed. Talk now is that "75 years old" is a reasonable compromise for "younger workers," since we might survive until 80 in our wheelchairs - some "retirement" to look forward to.


Congratulations, Jack, looks like every point in your post is flat wrong. Invective is a poor substitute for understanding.

1. The SE tax "penalty" is not 15%, but half of 15% since the self-employed person pays the employer contribution to SS and Medicare as well as the employee portion, which all employees pay.

2. Neither Warren Buffett nor his secretary are self-employed so the SE tax does not account for any difference in their tax brackets.

3. The OP who teaches at a school in Thailand is not self-employed and not liable for the SE tax. Unless his employer is a US corporation he is not liable for the payroll tax either and will therefore earn no SS credits for his employment here.

4. A US citizen can establish foreign residency for IRS and Obamacare purposes either by being outside of the US for 330 days of the year or by establishing tax domicile in another country. Since the OP pays income taxes in Thailand he qualifies under the second of these two alternate methods of establishing foreign residency.

The OP probably does not owe any US taxes because of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, but he should bring his filings up to date and should probably retain a US-based accountant to assist in dealing with the IRS.

1. As a self-employed person, you pay double what an "employed by a boss" person pays from their paychecks.

2. Buffet pays this tax on only the first $115K of his income - a tiny portion of his income. His secretary pays it on All of his/her income. Yes, as an "employed by a boss" person, the secretary only sees the 1/2 stolen* directly from her paycheck, not the other 1/2 stolen* from her employer, before-hand.

3. AFAIK, every American Citizen is required to pay this tax on every dollar from the first, to the 115,000th dollar they make - regardless of where it comes from. I would love to be wrong about this, so please provide links to statutes / evidence to the contrary. I am not sure if a double-taxation arrangement provides an offset to the person employed in Thailand, but I believe that would only cover the "income tax" section of their taxes (as with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) - not the 15% tax which is in addition to the income tax.

4. Glad to hear there is a 2nd option to avoid the Obamacare armed-robbery handout to the Insurance Cartels. How long does it take to establish a 'tax domicile"? Glad the OP has an "out," in any case. Care is much better in Thailand (unless you are an American multi-millionaire), and provided at a fraction of the cost.

I use the word "stolen," above, because this tax applied only on lower incomes, masquerades as some sort of "savings for retirement" system, when it is actually just a Ponzi Scheme. There is no savings - no account - and the age for which one "qualifies" to get back their stolen loot, can be changed. Talk now is that "75 years old" is a reasonable compromise for "younger workers," since we might survive until 80 in our wheelchairs - some "retirement" to look forward to.

You'll want to think twice before using the phrase "AFAIK" since you know so little. Almost everything here is wrong again. But you are evidently beyond correction.

Welcome to my ignore list.


About the reduction of the world population, first it's or was written on the official Illuminati Webside, that they want to reduce it to down to 3 billions.

Please link to the "official illuminati website" or give me some google-hints. I must have missed it.

I tend to look at foreignaffairs (CFR magazine) to see what propaganda is being pushed by the Rockfeller clan - but it is just the propaganda put out by the gang which populates every high-level US State Dept (regardless of election results), every major Media outlet, and many important University Department chairs. They do not necessarily print everything they believe in, or believe everything they print. Still, you can get more of a clue of what is happening, and will happen in the future, with article like this tasty morsel (note the date):


About 800 to 900 times of the real existing physical money existing in their computers is not real.

None of it is "real" - it is backed by nothing. When you or anyone goes take a loan, the money for that loan is "created" out of thin air. It does not come from a depositer's funds. The deposits on-hand do limit the amount of "made up money" a bank can create, but are not "used up" to provide the actual loan-funds. The "interest on the debt" is money that has yet to be created, so progressively more loans are needed to "create" that money, so that the earlier loans can be paid. Hence, "perpetual growth" is needed to maintain this game.

Earlier in time, there was a gold-standard, where some fraction of money was backed by gold. Nixon ended that in the USA. A "pound sterling" also used to represent actual silver, which a person could request in exchange. Not anymore. Watch the "Money Is Debt" cartoon series on youtube - the first installment takes its content from the US Federal Reserve's* own handbook (* Note, privately held - not "federal" and "has no reserves" - clever name, eh? See Orwell and "double-speak")


Congratulations, Jack, looks like every point in your post is flat wrong. Invective is a poor substitute for understanding.

1. The SE tax "penalty" is not 15%, but half of 15% since the self-employed person pays the employer contribution to SS and Medicare as well as the employee portion, which all employees pay.

2. Neither Warren Buffett nor his secretary are self-employed so the SE tax does not account for any difference in their tax brackets.

3. The OP who teaches at a school in Thailand is not self-employed and not liable for the SE tax. Unless his employer is a US corporation he is not liable for the payroll tax either and will therefore earn no SS credits for his employment here.

4. A US citizen can establish foreign residency for IRS and Obamacare purposes either by being outside of the US for 330 days of the year or by establishing tax domicile in another country. Since the OP pays income taxes in Thailand he qualifies under the second of these two alternate methods of establishing foreign residency.

The OP probably does not owe any US taxes because of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, but he should bring his filings up to date and should probably retain a US-based accountant to assist in dealing with the IRS.

1. As a self-employed person, you pay double what an "employed by a boss" person pays from their paychecks.

2. Buffet pays this tax on only the first $115K of his income - a tiny portion of his income. His secretary pays it on All of his/her income. Yes, as an "employed by a boss" person, the secretary only sees the 1/2 stolen* directly from her paycheck, not the other 1/2 stolen* from her employer, before-hand.

3. AFAIK, every American Citizen is required to pay this tax on every dollar from the first, to the 115,000th dollar they make - regardless of where it comes from. I would love to be wrong about this, so please provide links to statutes / evidence to the contrary. I am not sure if a double-taxation arrangement provides an offset to the person employed in Thailand, but I believe that would only cover the "income tax" section of their taxes (as with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) - not the 15% tax which is in addition to the income tax.

4. Glad to hear there is a 2nd option to avoid the Obamacare armed-robbery handout to the Insurance Cartels. How long does it take to establish a 'tax domicile"? Glad the OP has an "out," in any case. Care is much better in Thailand (unless you are an American multi-millionaire), and provided at a fraction of the cost.

I use the word "stolen," above, because this tax applied only on lower incomes, masquerades as some sort of "savings for retirement" system, when it is actually just a Ponzi Scheme. There is no savings - no account - and the age for which one "qualifies" to get back their stolen loot, can be changed. Talk now is that "75 years old" is a reasonable compromise for "younger workers," since we might survive until 80 in our wheelchairs - some "retirement" to look forward to.

You'll want to think twice before using the phrase "AFAIK" since you know so little. Almost everything here is wrong again. But you are evidently beyond correction.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Sorry to hear you evidently do not know of any evidence to show that foreign-income is not subject to the 15% SSI tax. I had my hopes up, for a minute. I use AFAIK, because I do not pretend to "know it all". YMMV.


Congratulations, Jack, looks like every point in your post is flat wrong. Invective is a poor substitute for understanding.

1. The SE tax "penalty" is not 15%, but half of 15% since the self-employed person pays the employer contribution to SS and Medicare as well as the employee portion, which all employees pay.

2. Neither Warren Buffett nor his secretary are self-employed so the SE tax does not account for any difference in their tax brackets.

3. The OP who teaches at a school in Thailand is not self-employed and not liable for the SE tax. Unless his employer is a US corporation he is not liable for the payroll tax either and will therefore earn no SS credits for his employment here.

4. A US citizen can establish foreign residency for IRS and Obamacare purposes either by being outside of the US for 330 days of the year or by establishing tax domicile in another country. Since the OP pays income taxes in Thailand he qualifies under the second of these two alternate methods of establishing foreign residency.

The OP probably does not owe any US taxes because of the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, but he should bring his filings up to date and should probably retain a US-based accountant to assist in dealing with the IRS.

1. As a self-employed person, you pay double what an "employed by a boss" person pays from their paychecks.

2. Buffet pays this tax on only the first $115K of his income - a tiny portion of his income. His secretary pays it on All of his/her income. Yes, as an "employed by a boss" person, the secretary only sees the 1/2 stolen* directly from her paycheck, not the other 1/2 stolen* from her employer, before-hand.

3. AFAIK, every American Citizen is required to pay this tax on every dollar from the first, to the 115,000th dollar they make - regardless of where it comes from. I would love to be wrong about this, so please provide links to statutes / evidence to the contrary. I am not sure if a double-taxation arrangement provides an offset to the person employed in Thailand, but I believe that would only cover the "income tax" section of their taxes (as with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) - not the 15% tax which is in addition to the income tax.

4. Glad to hear there is a 2nd option to avoid the Obamacare armed-robbery handout to the Insurance Cartels. How long does it take to establish a 'tax domicile"? Glad the OP has an "out," in any case. Care is much better in Thailand (unless you are an American multi-millionaire), and provided at a fraction of the cost.

I use the word "stolen," above, because this tax applied only on lower incomes, masquerades as some sort of "savings for retirement" system, when it is actually just a Ponzi Scheme. There is no savings - no account - and the age for which one "qualifies" to get back their stolen loot, can be changed. Talk now is that "75 years old" is a reasonable compromise for "younger workers," since we might survive until 80 in our wheelchairs - some "retirement" to look forward to.

You'll want to think twice before using the phrase "AFAIK" since you know so little. Almost everything here is wrong again. But you are evidently beyond correction.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Sorry to hear you evidently do not know of any evidence to show that foreign-income is not subject to the 15% SSI tax. I had my hopes up, for a minute. I use AFAIK, because I do not pretend to "know it all". YMMV.

Here you go:



"If you work as an employee in the United States, you must pay social security and Medicare taxes in most cases."

"In general, U.S. social security and Medicare taxes apply to payments of wages for services performed as an employee in the United States, regardless of the citizenship or residence of either the employee or the employer."

"In limited situations, these taxes apply to wages for services performed outside the United States."


About the reduction of the world population, first it's or was written on the official Illuminati Webside, that they want to reduce it to down to 3 billions.

Please link to the "official illuminati website" or give me some google-hints. I must have missed it.

I tend to look at foreignaffairs (CFR magazine) to see what propaganda is being pushed by the Rockfeller clan - but it is just the propaganda put out by the gang which populates every high-level US State Dept (regardless of election results), every major Media outlet, and many important University Department chairs. They do not necessarily print everything they believe in, or believe everything they print. Still, you can get more of a clue of what is happening, and will happen in the future, with article like this tasty morsel (note the date):


About 800 to 900 times of the real existing physical money existing in their computers is not real.

None of it is "real" - it is backed by nothing. When you or anyone goes take a loan, the money for that loan is "created" out of thin air. It does not come from a depositer's funds. The deposits on-hand do limit the amount of "made up money" a bank can create, but are not "used up" to provide the actual loan-funds. The "interest on the debt" is money that has yet to be created, so progressively more loans are needed to "create" that money, so that the earlier loans can be paid. Hence, "perpetual growth" is needed to maintain this game.

Earlier in time, there was a gold-standard, where some fraction of money was backed by gold. Nixon ended that in the USA. A "pound sterling" also used to represent actual silver, which a person could request in exchange. Not anymore. Watch the "Money Is Debt" cartoon series on youtube - the first installment takes its content from the US Federal Reserve's* own handbook (* Note, privately held - not "federal" and "has no reserves" - clever name, eh? See Orwell and "double-speak")


All these islamic Terror(Terrorists) are all created by the USA.

Afganistan: Support of Bin Laden(Taliban) during the Sovietunion intervension, there are still some Stinger left which tke regulary some USA Helicopters down.

9/11 created by the USA probably with Sleepers from the Project Monarch.


Intervention of Iraq after 9/11 based on a lie. In top to regulary troops sent a lot of Bastards down there like Blackwater(Agenci) to mess it real up.

Intervention of Lybia based on a lie. For Ex under Gaddafi free Electricity, Free Healthcare. If you got married, then you got $ 50,000 from the state as a gift. Gaddafi would like to create 1 single african currency. He also liked to get ridd off the Petro Dollar, the Banksters did'nt liked these ideas. If I had the choice to live in a Dictatur under Gaddafi or in a Democraty like USA today, then I would choose Lybia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THlaMUq6MKU


Syria: ISIS was created by the USA and after boosted it up with airstrikes against freedom fighters to support Assad, now the russian boost it more up and french will top it soon, just with more airstrikes: Reason: To create a lot of refugees and push them into europe with the help of the corrupt european politicians. Reason to destabalize Europe and destroy their entire economy. This will leading to pogroms and civil wars. Big business for these banksters, Illuminatis, Bilderberger etc. This will be a very important step, to NWO a global dictatur controled by these banksters.

Every intervention of the USA after WW II, was just made to keeping their weapon industry running. Result the messed it more up as it was and created terrorishm in top, but this was the plan of these banksters.

If these bankster will be successful with their plan (NWO), then the survivers of us will looking in a bright furture as slaves of these banksters.


If the ppl don't standing up asap, then it's to late.

It's max 1 minute to high noon.

Til Valhall post-4641-1156693976.gifofftopic.gifsorry.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Would not surprise me in the slightest if the jolly old taxman at HMRC were, sooner rather than later, to press for similar measures to be introduced for defaulting UK taxpayers!

the way the uk is treating uk non residents at the moment it might be good to have our passports and british nationality dumped in the trash bin, having any connection with the uk means tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax


FYI - No more extra pages ... only a new passport .. meaning .. they have the decression to not issue a new one:



Not an issue for me, i'm caught up with the IRS and plan on staying that way-still it's one more string the gov'ts got on everybody. whatever happened to the IRS doesn't share it's files. Liberties slipping away one by one.

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