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Facebookers Face 8 Years in Jail for Criticizing Thai Cops


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Police officers in southern Thailand have charged two people with libel, possible a modern replacement for a suggestion box how can we improve our customer satisfaction to you outside every police station they would have been better shooting the officer and at least they would have probably evaded a prison term, not that I condone violence in any way its always easier for police all over the world to penalise motorists than investigate a crime, less paperwork and always a cash incentive in Thailand for any motor offence but not normally for a violent attack.

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LOS a real democracy not. no freedom of speech

Why do posters constantly recite this idiocy, it's not 'a democracy' in case you hadn't noticed there was yet another military coup not far back and as to whether there was 'freedom of speech' under any other pretext for 'a democracy' in the shape of yet another bunch of thieves at the trough is debatable. Christ there are some real muppets on this forum.

What gets me is the no freedom of speech. They forget that is a fact in all countries they all have things you may not put in print with out legal retribution. Thailand by and by is not that bad. It only makes sense when you are trying to reform a government that is rotten to the core to shut up the people who made it that way.

Elementary my dear Watson.

You are quite correct it is not a democracy. It is how ever better than what was supposedly a democracy. It is my belief that when it is returned to a democracy people will be much happier.

If any one thinks it was a democracy under the last Prime Minister kindly explain to me why she doesn't have to attend cabinet meetings She has her criminal on the run in self imposed exile call in to the meeting and give instructions.

Edited by northernjohn
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A Farang Buddy of mine has been selling Condo's for the last 17 years in Pattaya.

These days he has 2 categories of clients left:

- Long term Farang residents are clearly on the sellers side.

- Only "new Farang's" are left on the buyers side.

Witch side is better equipped to assess "where Thailand is going" ?

Should this tell us something?


Would you expect it to be the other way around? Think about it.

You need a more comprehensive analysis.

Sorry, I forgot to mention: Most sellers do not seem to re-invest their money in another real-estate project in Thailand.


Is Pattaya not becoming over supplied with housing. I was wondering when you said long term could be Pattaya is not the same free wheeling sex and drugs 24 hour a day no problem city it was when they moved in.
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LOS a real democracy not. no freedom of speech

Why do posters constantly recite this idiocy, it's not 'a democracy' in case you hadn't noticed there was yet another military coup not far back and as to whether there was 'freedom of speech' under any other pretext for 'a democracy' in the shape of yet another bunch of thieves at the trough is debatable. Christ there are some real muppets on this forum.

What gets me is the no freedom of speech. They forget that is a fact in all countries they all have things you may not put in print with out legal retribution. Thailand by and by is not that bad. It only makes sense when you are trying to reform a government that is rotten to the core to shut up the people who made it that way.

Elementary my dear Watson.

You are quite correct it is not a democracy. It is how ever better than what was supposedly a democracy. It is my belief that when it is returned to a democracy people will be much happier.

If any one thinks it was a democracy under the last Prime Minister kindly explain to me why she doesn't have to attend cabinet meetings She has her criminal on the run in self imposed exile call in to the meeting and give instructions.

"What gets me is the no freedom of speech."

That gets me too, but unlike you it's the actual limitations on freedom of speech that is problematic for me...coffee1.gif

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This country seems to be getting worse in regard to freedom of speech. First it is do not criticize or comment on the Ratchapakdi Park fiasco (despite it being so obvious that corruption was involved), do not comment on politics or present political opinions even if you are a university lecturer teaching political science, and now do not criticize the police. Next it will be "Do not criticize the ban on criticism."

Bloody hell, when are they going to introduce thought police to this new Orwellian state.

These laws are catch all laws, like Lese' Majeste which is used to attack, imprison political opponents.

Thailand appears to be descending into an Eastern Soviet Union.

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Does critising the police in this thread give everyone a potential jail term hanging on them?

'Not sure the website operations are physically located in Thailand. The "reach-out-and-touchability" of the ownership is another question. So I'm also not sure I'd take too awfully much for granted.

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if the service isn't good enough then expect to be criticised, it's all part of feedback and continued improvements

and if you think you are beyond criticism be careful about the can of worms you are about to open, it will come back and bite you hard

If this woman broke the law then prosecute her for the offence she committed and move on, this libel accusation is pure nonsense and any reasonable court will see it that way

Agree with everything you say,except when you say any Reasonal court.

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How can reporting the facts (true facts) be libel?

Libel - "a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation."

Yes, but that is under Western countries laws.

No, it's the dictionary interpretation of libel. Thailand has its own interpretation, but that doesn't change the legal factuality of its meaning.

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This country seems to be getting worse in regard to freedom of speech. First it is do not criticize or comment on the Ratchapakdi Park fiasco (despite it being so obvious that corruption was involved), do not comment on politics or present political opinions even if you are a university lecturer teaching political science, and now do not criticize the police. Next it will be "Do not criticize the ban on criticism."

Bloody hell, when are they going to introduce thought police to this new Orwellian state.

'Bloody hell, when are they going to introduce thought police to this new Orwellian state.' Now there's an oxymoron.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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Well an 8 year sentence isn't a moral lessons is it, it's a legal one. Duh

"If convicted on all three counts, Peerasuth and Sukanya face up to eight years in jail for their comments."

They haven't been sentenced. Most of these articles are written (and read) by drama queens who act as if the people were already on bread & water and chained up in some dungeon. Realistically they'll probably walk and, as was said, the point was that the two were not accurate in their accusations against the police ... a common occurrence here on TV where moronic imagination and confusion fill entire threads.

Are you still wearing those rose tinted sunglasses?

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Corruption and injustice at their climax. In the past 18 months Thailand has gone back 10 000 years. Innocent citizens jailed,killed and/or tortured, the worst criminals and crooks making millions. Impunity, injustice and corruption.

Edited by max72
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Well an 8 year sentence isn't a moral lessons is it, it's a legal one. Duh

In a way I wish they'd start here. Duh without really bothering since they were just charged on the weekend, it's unlikely they're going to get what's probably the max if convicted and sentenced to 8 years. But it does send out a message to fabricators that spread misinformation like gospel don't it?

Was it false information.I don't think so.

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Well an 8 year sentence isn't a moral lessons is it, it's a legal one. Duh

In a way I wish they'd start here. Duh without really bothering since they were just charged on the weekend, it's unlikely they're going to get what's probably the max if convicted and sentenced to 8 years. But it does send out a message to fabricators that spread misinformation like gospel don't it?

Was it false information.I don't think so.

It is a ludicrous issue to have the police complaining about their reputation being damaged. They are not a business, they are not an individual, they have an obligation to SERVE the people.

That includes NOT suing people when they complain rightly or wrongly about their service.

They can have a chit chat to explain their bit, but they should never be allowed to sue for defamation.

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no we are ok on here guys, it said FACEBOOK, not THAIVISA, we are coming next lol !! and next there will be a wall built between north and south

You can say what you like, if where you say it is not hosted on Thai soil. Just google John Oliver + Thailand. It's hilarious, but like most funny things, sadly true.

But what if you said something the rtp find offensive from outside thailand, then you go to visit thailand? that's what i am wondering.

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