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Overdue taxes? You could lose your U.S. passport

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From CNN

Lawmakers are in the final stages of negotiation over a bill to provide funding for U.S. highways and transit programs. One provision in it would let the federal government revoke, deny or limit a U.S. citizen's passport if the person owes more than $50,000 in "seriously delinquent tax debt," including penalties and interest.

One group who may be most vulnerable to the provision are the roughly 8 million Americans living abroad, who rely on their passports far more heavily than their domestically based compatriots.

"Their financial affairs are, typically, far more complex than their counterparts back home," said Nigel Greene in a statement. Greene runs the deVere Group, one of the world's largest independent financial advisory companies.

The relatively new Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) -- which requires other countries' financial institutions to report back to the IRS on accounts held by U.S. taxpayers -- may add to that complexity, Greene added.

"I would urge U.S. citizens abroad ... to ensure that their financial affairs are in order and compliant by the New Year," he said.

Visa changes and now this--never a dull moment....


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