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How to stay in the good books with YOUR Thai lady


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Perfect Harmony,

No need to lie ...... best not to talk to her at all.

Honey, I'm going out ....... Honey, I'm home ......

That's all you need to say.

(and sometimes a bit of foreplay ..... Honey, are you awake?)

The only foreplay she will get off me is when I tell her to brace herself..

Are you from Wales by any chance gigglem.gif

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Accept that with most Thai women you can not carry on a sensible conversation. Further if you ask a yes or no question you get a 15 minute answer that does not answer your question. Do not try to discuss current events and don't discuss anything outside of Thailand. You are not going to have any intellectual enjoyment from a conversation. BETTER TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND SUCK IT UP! A CLOSED MOUTH CAN NOT START AN ARGUMENT.

That doesn't really sound much like a relationship.

The op is very right most thai women no f??k all of what go's on out side of thailand most thai women are with western man for a better life and the money we are all A T M to thai lady's and that is a fact

That doesn't really sound much like a relationship.

Then again it's your own fault if you chose to marry someone who was poor and needed your money to improve their life.

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I just don't see how you can have kids etc? Its like living with a pet crocodile. You must have feelings for her on some level? I assume you have a property together maybe in her name. Are u protected? What is her incentive to stay with you or are you due to fall off the perch in a few years?

It's exactly like living with a pet crocodile ......... one false move and summit gets bitten off.

She does have a house, well 10% of a house, the bank owns the other 90%.

And after I make the repayments over then next 26 years it will be all hers.

Yes at age 60, I'm not expecting to last much longer, 5-10 years would be good.

Nobody lives forever.

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maybe give her quotes from famous people?

Perhaps he's talking to her in one line quotes from his thread of sayings by famous people for example:

Fang, Hello teerak, Very few people can afford to be poor. ( J. Keynes)

T (teerak) Oh no Fang my sweet, you mean all your money is gone!

F. My reputation grows with my failures.' ( J Keynes again)

T. Well, I'm not sure we can go on like this....

F. It's much easier to replace a dead man than a picture.' (JK again)

T Oh no my dear, the coffee is naturally bitter at this time of the year

F. If you live amongst dogs, keep a stick.'( Nikia Khrushchev )

Unable to tolerate any more, Mrs Fang replies with one of her own: Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.' (Nikia Khrushchev)

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Tell her your money has run out...see how much she loves you after you say that. If she still wants to stay with you, you have a true loving relationship. Otherwise...money is the key to happiness. After all, those T shirts with the slogan ' NO MONEY NO HONEY' have been around a longggggggg time.

Just about everyone I know everywhere thinks that money is the key to happiness. That is why selling Lotto Tickets is not a difficult thing to do. Not having enough money does put stress on any relationship. Like My Dear Old Mom used to tell me when I was a child: "When the Wolf comes to the door, love fly out window".

As to leaving a person the second the money runs out is unfair and untrue. But having said that no woman wants a fat unemployed beer drinking man laying around the house when they need money. In that case I would leave him to.

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Hello gentlemen,

Thanks for all those posts. As i read them, i just realize how lucky i've been when life put my wife on my path.

And i've never been so lucky with ladies before. Most of them were pains in the ass, hysteric farangs who cant take work and raise children at the same time and make you pay for it... or fighting lovers who can handle a relationship with a man only through arguments about everything and mostly nothing, or inventors of problems that dont exist.

Now house is peaceful since my wife came and live with us (my daughters and i) here in france. She works hard but never complains always thai yim on her face she supports my daughters when they have problems she's curious and interested about everything she even know about french politics now, she can adapt to every kind of people and everybody likes her... she went to school until she was 17 years old but she's smart and always have a right answer full of balance... her behaviour has never changed from the time we didnt have much money and now that it is much better, always happy and positive she's sunshine in our lives and she gets better and better year after year as a good bordeaux and so do we try to. And last but not least she is very very good in bed with half of candor and half of lust that makes me crazy.

I only hope i give her enough in return because she deserves the best.

There are great ladies everywhere in the world but mine is thai and not far from being a diamond. So maybe you guys didnot find yet the one that will match with you but who knows about future ? Here is my experience i wanted to share with you.

Have you guessed i was in love ?

Sorry for long post and poor english



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Hello gentlemen,

Thanks for all those posts. As i read them, i just realize how lucky i've been when life put my wife on my path.

And i've never been so lucky with ladies before. Most of them were pains in the ass, hysteric farangs who cant take work and raise children at the same time and make you pay for it... or fighting lovers who can handle a relationship with a man only through arguments about everything and mostly nothing, or inventors of problems that dont exist.

Now house is peaceful since my wife came and live with us (my daughters and i) here in france. She works hard but never complains always thai yim on her face she supports my daughters when they have problems she's curious and interested about everything she even know about french politics now, she can adapt to every kind of people and everybody likes her... she went to school until she was 17 years old but she's smart and always have a right answer full of balance... her behaviour has never changed from the time we didnt have much money and now that it is much better, always happy and positive she's sunshine in our lives and she gets better and better year after year as a good bordeaux and so do we try to. And last but not least she is very very good in bed with half of candor and half of lust that makes me crazy.

I only hope i give her enough in return because she deserves the best.

There are great ladies everywhere in the world but mine is thai and not far from being a diamond. So maybe you guys didnot find yet the one that will match with you but who knows about future ? Here is my experience i wanted to share with you.

Have you guessed i was in love ?

Sorry for long post and poor english



she have any sisters Fred?
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Jeez Kenny202,

Your previous lengthy posts have me slotting you in the "partnered with insufficiently educated lower class" category.

Sorry to say it but, a girl of higher social standing (education, income group, class, and personal drive) does not present problems you contend with.

I'm sorry, you're just partnered with Lo-so and I'm thinking you lucked out dude.

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From Post #1 Do you lavish her with gifts, compliments & romantic dinners?

From the closing lines to Billy Wilder's The Apartment --Best Picture Oscar 1961:

C.C. Baxter: You hear what I said, Miss Kubelik? I absolutely adore you.

Fran Kubelik: Shut up and deal...


Edited by JLCrab
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Jeez Kenny202,

Your previous lengthy posts have me slotting you in the "partnered with insufficiently educated lower class" category.

Sorry to say it but, a girl of higher social standing (education, income group, class, and personal drive) does not present problems you contend with.

I'm sorry, you're just partnered with Lo-so and I'm thinking you lucked out dude.

I can't argue
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Lol.....I have my Thai wife tuned out most of the time and say little as possible that gives out important information. Money seems to make them more agreeable, in many ways it's like dealing with a child

Accept that with most Thai women you can not carry on a sensible conversation. Further if you ask a yes or no question you get a 15 minute answer that does not answer your question. Do not try to discuss current events and don't discuss anything outside of Thailand. You are not going to have any intellectual enjoyment from a conversation. BETTER TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND SUCK IT UP! A CLOSED MOUTH CAN NOT START AN ARGUMENT.

How true is your statement 100% right

While not wanting to cite a debate, The above responses have me wondering just how old you are and the age of your wife/GF. I have found over the years that a great number that respond like this have huge age gaps and thus cannot relate or communicate with them.

As to the OP,

Relationships always require work. None of them that last are without ups and down. I think far too many TVF posters are jaded. They think its always about money, it always about giving their family money, its always about spoiling them etc etc. Then there are the ones that its all about sex like some deprived craved teenage kid that just found out what his tool is for. In the end its all about balance, maturity, education, exposure to the world and the woman's make up in general. I never feel I have to stay in the "Good Books" with my wife. I just treat her as I would expect her to treat me. Its called respect. If I leave I say where I am going and likely when I will return, she does the same. We have joint bank accts. We do not hide anything from each other. She takes care of me and I take care of her.

Edited by JAFO
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You need to slow down Fang, you're running much too fast, the formula to success is to survey the landscape before planting your guy ropes.

Of course you could well be a troll, a reincarnation of a past poster who will disappear as fast as he arrived.


That's what is referred to as being a brillianty phrased, diplomatic reply thumbsup.gif

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Accept that with most Thai women you can not carry on a sensible conversation. Further if you ask a yes or no question you get a 15 minute answer that does not answer your question. Do not try to discuss current events and don't discuss anything outside of Thailand. You are not going to have any intellectual enjoyment from a conversation. BETTER TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND SUCK IT UP! A CLOSED MOUTH CAN NOT START AN ARGUMENT.

Another total generalisation based on fraternising (I suspect) with someone from a totally different social, economic and intellectual class.


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I don't think there is any secret in this. Each person is different and each persons wife is different to.

What I try to do is treat my wife in the same manner and fashion as how I would like to be treated by her. With respect, honesty, and faithfulness being 3 important ones for me. Mind you every couple is different. Your wife might work in the bar as a Bar Girl. In that case you may not want total honesty from her when you ask: "How was your night Dear?". Faithfulness is also a Grey Area then to, I suppose.

As to the money issue, in Asian Culture Men are expected to take care of their Families, and to extend some of their good fortune to extended families as well. I make the money in my household so I have access to all the money I need. But what if the shoe was on the other foot and she was making all the money. Would I not appreciate some small allowance to buy personal things, or to help out my parents if they needed it? So I give my wife a small allowance which takes care of her and her family obligation.

On high ticket items I pay for those. Sure it is okay to buy your wife a gift if you can afford it. But if money is tight and you can't afford it, she will understand. That is if you are not spending foolishly on yourself first.

So just treat her the way you would like to be treated. If you think it is okay to lie when you go out, then expect it is okay for her to do the same to you. If your are unfaithful, expect she has the same right. If you are drunk all the time and belligerent, expect her to find someone else and leave you. What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.


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show her respect and allow her to have power in the relationship even if you think you know what is best.

Aside from the availability of the farang money aspect, the feeling empowerment (within the farang relationship), is probably the second most important attraction (to a farang) features available to a Thai lady. With a Thaiguy (aristocrat) relationship, she generally gets zilch, in terms of both money and empowerment.

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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maybe give her quotes from famous people?

Perhaps he's talking to her in one line quotes from his thread of sayings by famous people for example:

Fang, Hello teerak, Very few people can afford to be poor. ( J. Keynes)

T (teerak) Oh no Fang my sweet, you mean all your money is gone!

F. My reputation grows with my failures.' ( J Keynes again)

T. Well, I'm not sure we can go on like this....

F. It's much easier to replace a dead man than a picture.' (JK again)

T Oh no my dear, the coffee is naturally bitter at this time of the year

F. If you live amongst dogs, keep a stick.'( Nikia Khrushchev )

Unable to tolerate any more, Mrs Fang replies with one of her own: Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.' (Nikia Khrushchev)

you missed another great quote, who said, what the fuk was that!!,,, the mayor of Hiroshima...
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If my wife is nagging around, I just laugh at her. 2 hours later, she is normal again.

If I do something wrong and she tries to pin me down on that, I just laugh at her. 2 hours later, she is normal again.

If we have an argument about anything, I just laugh at her. 2 hours later, she is normal again.

Before, in an argument, she was always "winning" with just saying nothing. The "silence"-treatment, making me crazy. It took me a while to understand how to prevent this: It is really easy, do not take anything of her serious if you do not want to.

I sometimes talk to her in terms of what to eat today, what to buy, what about to do with the kids, etc. I ask her for her opinion but in the end, I just do what I think and sometimes it meets with her thoughts but if not and we are getting into an argument, I just grab her, give her a kiss or just plain laugh at her, after some hours, she is back to normal happy mode as nothing happened.

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My beloved and Sainted wife has gotten me to learn two things that all the previous bumps and bruises couldn't. Nor my beloved Dad, -RIP

Filter my thoughts and keep my mouth shut. When you've got nothing , you've got nothing to lose. Having Thai wife is lightyears away from having nothing.

Nothing to do with gender.

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If my wife is nagging around, I just laugh at her. 2 hours later, she is normal again.

If I do something wrong and she tries to pin me down on that, I just laugh at her. 2 hours later, she is normal again.

If we have an argument about anything, I just laugh at her. 2 hours later, she is normal again.

Before, in an argument, she was always "winning" with just saying nothing. The "silence"-treatment, making me crazy. It took me a while to understand how to prevent this: It is really easy, do not take anything of her serious if you do not want to.

I sometimes talk to her in terms of what to eat today, what to buy, what about to do with the kids, etc. I ask her for her opinion but in the end, I just do what I think and sometimes it meets with her thoughts but if not and we are getting into an argument, I just grab her, give her a kiss or just plain laugh at her, after some hours, she is back to normal happy mode as nothing happened.

Good read. Thank you.

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While not wanting to cite a debate, The above responses have me wondering just how old you are and the age of your wife/GF. I have found over the years that a great number that respond like this have huge age gaps and thus cannot relate or communicate with them.

I wouldn't want a wife that was less than 20 years younger than me.

I doubt if I would start 'dating' a girl less than 30 years younger than me.

My ideal woman would be able to cycle faster than me, run faster than me and hike further than me.

But I've never met a girl like that, and if I did, she wouldn't want me.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Perfect Harmony,

No need to lie ...... best not to talk to her at all.

Honey, I'm going out ....... Honey, I'm home ......

That's all you need to say.

(and sometimes a bit of foreplay ..... Honey, are you awake?)

While not wanting to cite a debate, The above responses have me wondering just how old you are and the age of your wife/GF. I have found over the years that a great number that respond like this have huge age gaps and thus cannot relate or communicate with them.

I wouldn't want a wife that was less than 20 years younger than me.

I doubt if I would start 'dating' a girl less than 30 years younger than me.

My ideal woman would be able to cycle faster than me, run faster than me and hike further than me.

But I've never met a girl like that, and if I did, she wouldn't want me.

Seems like you live an odd life based on your posts above MJM. You might be better off with a dog and sex mannequin. Neither of them you have talk too. The dog can run faster than you and hiker further than you and will always like you and the sex doll only needs to be moved around..biggrin.png

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