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Total Traffic Chaos !


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The Answer: (Don't laugh!) B-I-C-Y-C-L-E!

Glide through and around all of the stuck cages.

Bike for Mom! Bike for Dad! Bike for Sanity!

The answer is S-U-I-C-I-D-E. you don't have any acceleration to get out of the way of other vehicles.

And I really am tired of morons on bicycles ( without mirrors ) who think it's their God-given right to swerve out into traffic without looking or indicating.

Not to mention the complete cretins who don't wear helmets.bah.gif

Sorry, you don't belong in heavy traffic. Pick a quiet mountain road for exercise.

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The Answer: (Don't laugh!) B-I-C-Y-C-L-E!

Glide through and around all of the stuck cages.

Bike for Mom! Bike for Dad! Bike for Sanity!

The answer is S-U-I-C-I-D-E. you don't have any acceleration to get out of the way of other vehicles.

And I really am tired of morons on bicycles ( without mirrors ) who think it's their God-given right to swerve out into traffic without looking or indicating.

Not to mention the complete cretins who don't wear helmets.bah.gif

Sorry, you don't belong in heavy traffic. Pick a quiet mountain road for exercise.

Sorry, but you don't have the right or authority to tell me where I "belong." Inside the city, threading my way through the dinosaurs, I know I am doing something to alleviate the ridiculous situation. It takes a lot of judgement, steady nerves, and skill to negotiate the urban environment. The bicycle is the greatest invention of all time for personal transportation.

So keep on sitting there, stuck in your HiLux Vigo or Fortuner, while us morons sail on past. Jack up your A/C a little higher. Hope you don't run out of gas, stalled and idling. Bye!

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The Answer: (Don't laugh!) B-I-C-Y-C-L-E!

Glide through and around all of the stuck cages.

Bike for Mom! Bike for Dad! Bike for Sanity!

The answer is S-U-I-C-I-D-E. you don't have any acceleration to get out of the way of other vehicles.

And I really am tired of morons on bicycles ( without mirrors ) who think it's their God-given right to swerve out into traffic without looking or indicating.

Not to mention the complete cretins who don't wear helmets.bah.gif

Sorry, you don't belong in heavy traffic. Pick a quiet mountain road for exercise.

Sorry, but you don't have the right or authority to tell me where I "belong." Inside the city, threading my way through the dinosaurs, I know I am doing something to alleviate the ridiculous situation. It takes a lot of judgement, steady nerves, and skill to negotiate the urban environment. The bicycle is the greatest invention of all time for personal transportation.

So keep on sitting there, stuck in your HiLux Vigo or Fortuner, while us morons sail on past. Jack up your A/C a little higher. Hope you don't run out of gas, stalled and idling. Bye!

Yes, you're right. I don't have the right or authority; however, I can express my opinion.

There's a lot of people on Thai Visa that jump to erroneous conclusions. Join the crowd. I drive a scooter in CM, better than a bicycle because I can at least accelerate.

Own a Vigo or Fortuner?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You may have judgment, steady nerves and skill. A lot of your fellow bicyclists don't. Tourists get on a bike here without any appreciation of risk. It's sometimes goodbye to them in tragic circumstances.

Edited by bazza40
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It does appears some have an innate hostilility towards bikes. Cyclists need to ride reponsibly. But motorists also should "share the road". As for not being able to accelerate pedestrians cannot either. Are they suicidal? Should they be required to wear a helmet?

I try to avoid Holiday traffic. There are times when I could walk from Nimman to Thapae gate for example, faster than driving. On any given afternoon however cycling is much faster.

More bikes and proper bike lanes and facilities could really help with traffic in CM.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The hostility arises from the stupid behaviour of some bike riders. And the fact many bike and scooter riders don't use designated bike lanes even when they are there for the taking.

Pedestrians don't share the road. They use footpaths, or what are called sidewalks in the American language. Spurious analogy.

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What do you mean, it's Loi Kratong already today and tomorrow (2 days event) and roads closed around 4 pm everybody should get out of the city!

its only Tuesday, with the bigger days of Loi Kratong to come !!

Royal family will takes around 10 minutes to pass by not the whole day!

some "VIP" is about to drive down it from the airport so the rest of us not permitted to use it.

In your attempt to be very smart you have in fact missed the reality. As others apart from me have confirmed already Hangdong Road was closed on Tuesday at peak time around 6pm NOT for 10 minutes but for the best part of an hour. OK? Thats the fact. Thank you!

I feel your pain, but the motorcade probably took less than 10 minutes laugh.png

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The hostility arises from the stupid behaviour of some bike riders. And the fact many bike and scooter riders don't use designated bike lanes even when they are there for the taking.

I have to agree- the number of bicyclists has been increasing, and with that increase have come even more who feel they aren't required to obey red lights, equip their bikes with proper lighting, or maintain lane discipline by drifting over the line into the center lane on major thoroughfares.

There is a disturbingly high percentage of poor drivers and scooter riders in CM, and now we have unskilled bicyclists in the mix. I don't mind sharing the road, but what I've seen lately shows that there are many bicyclists (by no means all, but many) who don't deserve to be on the road in any capacity.

Edited by flare
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The Answer: (Don't laugh!) B-I-C-Y-C-L-E!

Glide through and around all of the stuck cages.

Bike for Mom! Bike for Dad! Bike for Sanity!

The answer is S-U-I-C-I-D-E. you don't have any acceleration to get out of the way of other vehicles.

And I really am tired of morons on bicycles ( without mirrors ) who think it's their God-given right to swerve out into traffic without looking or indicating.

Not to mention the complete cretins who don't wear helmets.bah.gif

Sorry, you don't belong in heavy traffic. Pick a quiet mountain road for exercise.

Driving a bicycle without a helmet is considered more safe then driving a bicycle with a helmet. http://bicyclesafe.com/helmets.html

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More bikes and proper bike lanes and facilities could really help with traffic in CM.

They most definitely would...but... only if they sunk cement or steel guard rails to keep the cars from using it. Yesterday I saw cars and motorbikes using the pavements because the streets were at a standstill due to moving the floats. Cars with their left-side tires up on the walks and their right-side tires down in the lane the scooters use to bypass traffic. I worry that this may become a more common-place occurrence now that they've tasted the forbidden fruit.. After all, it's very important to save three minutes on the trip to town...

Edited by FolkGuitar
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The hostility arises from the stupid behaviour of some bike riders. And the fact many bike and scooter riders don't use designated bike lanes even when they are there for the taking.

Pedestrians don't share the road. They use footpaths, or what are called sidewalks in the American language. Spurious analogy.

Rubbish. Many roads do not have footpaths. Along with pedestrians there are push carts, slow moving motorbikes, and I have even seen Elephants. Motorists are required overtake in a means consistent with safety and give way to pedestrians at zebra crossings.

I do not drive so (other than the Chinese tourists cycling blithely down the middle of the road as if they own it) we do not notice many of these horrible cyclists. What we do see is a huge number of all manner of speeding motorists and crazed motosai riders. Some who purposely cut off cyclists whilst speeding and honking, as if to purposely menace.

(By the way what is it about the Fortunner in particular that tends to animate a certain innate boorishness and selfish attitude?)

Edited by arunsakda
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There are road users and there are Chinese road users.....

It's not just the foreign tourists. Two days ago I was behind a farang ex-pat who was all over the road, cutting off people left and right in his efforts to save 30 seconds. Between the north-west corner of the moat and the north-east corner, he almost caused 5 different accidents weaving in and out neitherlooking nor signaling, and didn't get to the far corner more than 15 seconds sooner than I did by staying in the right hand lane except for the barriers. During low season, when tourists aren't around, the driving behavior isn't a heck of a lot better. There are just fewer people on the road.

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Driving a bicycle without a helmet is considered more safe then driving a bicycle with a helmet. http://bicyclesafe.com/helmets.html

Anyone can cherrypick articles to support their point of view. All the research I've read on the subject indicates an 85% reduction in fatalities and serious injuries such as quadriplegia when wearing a helmet.

If you don't want to wear a helmet, fine. However, don't expect sympathy from me if/when you are permanently crippled.

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My very careful and sober friend has busted three bicycle helmets over the years.

Lucky it wasnt his head.

Personally I walk the line.

I go bare heads UP Doi Suthep (slowly) ......it's cooler.....and wear the helmet DOWN

Edited by cheeryble
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No doubt about it, there is a lot of bad bicycle behavior on display every day in CM. Tourists renting hunk-of-junk bikes, and then riding two abreast, yakking away and rubbernecking, (oh look, honey another temple!) is a major pain, for everyone. This is not exclusive to any particular ethnic group.

I always give very obvious hand signals when turning or changing lanes, but this seems to be a rarity here. I find most bike mirrors to be useless, but a swiveling head/neck combination always works. And LIGHTS LIGHTS LIGHTS!

The CM government made a big deal last year about painting in new bike lanes, but now they are all grayed over from traffic, and were a big flop from the start. Cars and motorbikes are going to use whatever piece of road is available, and cyclists be damned.

In six years of daily riding these city streets, I have seen MANY accidents involving motorbikes, but I have never seen one involving a bicycle. I know it probably happens daily, but motorbikes are by far the most dangerous choice for riding.

As a bicyclist, I realize that my safety is strictly up to me, and that I am 4th Class transport on these roads, maybe 5th now that there are so many more colossal tour buses rolling down even the smallest sois. Let's run it down:

1.) Songteaws: these guys act like Kings of the Street. Lump in with them their little annoying, noisy brother, the tuk-tuk. Noisy, dirty, uncomfortable. The new large red ones are a big improvement, but some of those beaters should have been scrapped long ago.

2.) Big trucks and buses. Especially to be feared: concrete mixer trucks. By the way, there seems to be no law regarding diesel emissions from the old trucks. Rank black smoke with every change of gears. Ugghh!

3:) Cars and pickups. Sitting up so high, (the Fortuner and its ilk) you'd think they would see better, and act accordingly. But...no.

4.) Motorbikes and weird combinations of same. The ultimate cool: riding three or four up, with the driver talking on the phone and smoking a cig.

5.) The lowly bicycle. Remember us in your prayers.

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The hostility arises from the stupid behaviour of some bike riders. And the fact many bike and scooter riders don't use designated bike lanes even when they are there for the taking.

Pedestrians don't share the road. They use footpaths, or what are called sidewalks in the American language. Spurious analogy.

Rubbish. Many roads do not have footpaths. Along with pedestrians there are push carts, slow moving motorbikes, and I have even seen Elephants. Motorists are required overtake in a means consistent with safety and give way to pedestrians at zebra crossings.

I do not drive so (other than the Chinese tourists cycling blithely down the middle of the road as if they own it) we do not notice many of these horrible cyclists. What we do see is a huge number of all manner of speeding motorists and crazed motosai riders. Some who purposely cut off cyclists whilst speeding and honking, as if to purposely menace.

(By the way what is it about the Fortunner in particular that tends to animate a certain innate boorishness and selfish attitude?)

Rubbish yourself. If you can't see the thousands of footpaths in CM, you're walking around with either closed eyes or a closed mind.facepalm.gif

Possibly you also have not noticed how pedestrians here endanger themselves by walking with their backs to the traffic. Can't say if it's particular ethnic groups; however, they seem to be operating on the principle if they can't see the traffic, it can't hurt them. Simple logic says you walk on the side of the road where you can see traffic coming and step aside if necessary; however, this is Thailand.

Large pickups and SUV's operate on the principle because they are bigger than most cars, that entitles them to muscle into lanes of traffic whenever they feel like it. I've sometimes thought I'd like to revive the axle blades used in Ben Hur in the chariot race, in order to teach them some road manners by shredding their very expensive tyres. biggrin.png

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Don't bother cheeryble the anti-bike brigade is out in force. Thousands die in all nations worldwide due to motor vehicle accidents. Whenever a cyclist is a victim or causes an accident bikes are suddenly blamed as particulary dangerous hazards.

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Don't bother cheeryble the anti-bike brigade is out in force.

I'm on the 'anti-idiots-on-bicycles' brigade-'I have nothing against bikes being properly ridden and I don't mind sharing the road with bicyclists who don't create a safety hazard. I'm also on the 'anti-idiot-drivers' brigade and the 'anti-idiots-on-scooters' brigade- it gets confusing as I never remember which uniform I'm supposed to wear on what day.

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Each of those cyclists is saving you guys sitting in traffic even longer.

If you'd like the motorbikes to all go by car too you'd better get a toilet in yours.

I think I need a toilet in my car anyway, some of the driving I see scares the shit out of me.

Example: A few months ago, narrowly avoided being sideswiped from the left by a guy who had rigged a shirt on his driver's side window to keep out the sun.

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Cyclists often take a bad rap for their derring-do driving attitude. Some deserve to be criticized.

I think that the bicycle itself is not designed well enough for driving in much of Thailand.

1. no rio-bars (front and rear)

2. no enhanced air-horns for warning other kinds of vehicle drivers

3. no electronic turn signal lights

4. no air bags

5. no or little commercial adverts to catch traffic attention

those wiley 3 wheeled bike-taxi drivers sure get a lot of respect and leeway though - I love to tuck in behind them whenever possible

Edited by WaiLai
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I don't understand what's the hate for cyclists!

Do you think we should stay in line and breath all the axaust? You should just be thankful to have somebody that instead of clogging the traffic and pollute, just ride a bicycle. Talking of bad driving.....how about cars, songteos, motorbikes and tuktuks. Bicycles are the least of the problem.

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