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Impatient, drunk Thai customer files complaint by torching shop


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Impatient, Drunk Customer Files Complaint by Torching Shop
By Chayanit Itthipongmaetee
Staff Reporter

A shop in Prachinburi province yesterday. Police are hunting for Suwan Kohmafai, who is suspected of scorching some snacks there in an arson revenge-attack for not being served alcohol quickly enough.

PRACHINBURI — What started as an argument about slow service at a grocery store in Prachinburi province escalated into a casual act of arson yesterday, the shop’s owner told police.

Police today are still looking for a man, 40-year-old Suwan Kohmafai, who reportedly fled the scene Tuesday after dousing the store with gasoline and igniting it. The subsequent fire singed snacks, display racks and coolers, but no injuries were reported.

Owner Prakob Sermsombul said Suwan staggered into his store drunk at about 8am Tuesday and requested more alcohol from his wife, Pensri. Suwan then scolded Pensri for taking too long to hand over the bottle, leading them to argue, Prakob said.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1448442703

-- Khaosod English 2015-11-25

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If this is how you get the attention of people working behind the counter in Thailand, then it’s a wonder the fire brigade isn’t called out much more often.

Despite the criminal actions of our drunken Suwan, there are two issues of concern I have with the store owners:

1. Where did the petrol come from (hopefully, not a 1 litre bottle on sale in the shop)?

2. Isn’t it illegal to sell alcohol at 8am?

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Well thats one way to get the wind up them, maybe they to busy on the old IPHONE. I dont burn down the shop i just find another,There is one positive you can take out of this i am sure the service will improve.

Wow - what a GREAT detective job!!! You managed to eliminate all other possible reasons for the slow service from this short article. Maybe the owner is old and moves slowly? Maybe the drunk customer was so drunk as to have his sense of time distorted? No, Sherlock has already solved the problem and got it right...

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At least a small part of this, is the near absolute lack of a deterrent in Thai society. The judges and prosecutors are so weak and impotent. They rarely seem to hand down appropriate sentences, especially for first time offenders. I don't care how drunk this misfit was. You burn someones store down, you pay a very heavy price. Five to ten years in prison would be appropriate, I believe. Plus the cost of damage, times three, minimum. Send a message. Make a statement. Do not let this super freak just walk away. The word might get around, that the laws are getting tough. Maybe I should behave myself. Instead of "I can do whatever I want. The police are incompetent. And the courts won't do anything to me".

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Always astounded anew at the short fuse many of these so-called Buddhists have - and at the extreme measures how they resolve issues.

Expressing anger in any way to resolve issues is the Western way sick.gif , completely incongruous with Buddhism [cough]. Showing extreme anger and consuming booze is quickly checked and dealt with. This is a focus held dear and intensely promoted by adherents.

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Drunk at 8am? Yup I believe! Seen those drinking beer at 7 am

i tried to buy beer today at 10.10am and they wouldnt sell it at a 7 which usually sold anytime

luckily the mom and pop store accross the street sold me some so the distress only lasted about 2 minutes

why isnt she going to get in trouble for advertising the fact she broke the law and sold alcohol to a drunk during restricted hours ?? :)

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