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Briton fatally injured after jumping from 2nd floor of Suvarnabhumi departure terminal


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These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

Just like to add this............

For many of us expats, for some reason or another, family and friends just don't exist.

I have been in his situation more than once but have never considered the jump. However, on several occasions when I have not been in that situation, I have considered it. Society today. Go figure.

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Sounds like a sad story. British embassy wont want to get in the loop. Too messy. Call home its your problem.

A 35 year old doesnt become so depressed that he commits suicide because he cant afford a lousy airline ticket.

Obviously alot more to this story. Thailand... 1. Business idea gone terribly wrong. 2.Taken for a fool by a Thai girl or a farang conman? They would be top of my list.

Sherlock Holmes.

Have you ever heard of "Clinical Depression".

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Unfortunately this happens to often. To many foreigners are falling in love and taken advantage off by their girl or boy friends. It's a beautiful country with opportunities to find partner, for a very few it comes with a high cost. It's sad every time this happens.

Please quote where you read all this in this particular case. Speculation or fact. Please advise.

In the mean time may this poor guy RIP

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May this poor man rest in peace.

I agree with the negative comments re The British Embassy

Also I find irregularities I'm the OP from The Nation. In the second paragraph they state his name to be Beker Edwakb Francis. Whilst in the third paragraph they say his last name is Fransic. Hope that his family were notified before they published his name. As Khaosod English had the grace not to punish his name.

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@joboss; Analyse it, turn it around anyway you want, twist it even to fit your liking. The poster, his protectors and likers are all heartless scum that do nothing to make this world a better place. That's all that matters.


Welcome to Thailand.

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These stories are always tragic, God knows how depressed someone has to be to do this, especially at an airport, such a public place.

i'm not defending the British Embassy since Im American and have no knowledge of them, but doesn't his family bear as much if not more responsibility than some strangers in an embassy.

If it was just the cost of an plane ticket surely their must have been some family member who could have helped?

Just like to add this............

For many of us expats, for some reason or another, family and friends just don't exist.

I have been in his situation more than once but have never considered the jump. However, on several occasions when I have not been in that situation, I have considered it. Society today. Go figure.

I feel for you, and totally relate. I don't have a large family, but could always rely on my daughters if things got that bad.

It must be a terrible thing, as in the case of this guy, to find yourself so alone and so helpless.

Again while not defending or castigating the embassy I would suggest they are not social workers, and the problem is not money for a ticket, thats a symptom, he must have had deeper issues which needed to be addressed, and help given.

I don't know what the answer is, should have been, but tragic all around

Edited by GinBoy2
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@joboss; Analyse it, turn it around anyway you want, twist it even to fit your liking. The poster, his protectors and likers are all heartless scum that do nothing to make this world a better place. That's all that matters.


Welcome to Thailand.

That races of people without too much emotional intelligence have no empathy for other people I can understand, but that people who were raised in the west with a social system and care for others, don't have empathy for others, baffles my mind. I did notice that these guys seem to have an easier time here and blend in nicely opposed to guys with feelings for others.

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This poor soul didn't have to die. If the embassy was aware of how depressed he was they should have taken immediate action. There should be someone on call 24/7 to deal with these sort of things, especially in a huge city like Bangkok, surely the embassy could be more proactive?

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Good afternoon British Embassy how may we help......you want us to do what! .....ss ..ff.

And so what do you thing the Irish authorities would do ?even answer the phone?.....unlikely?

Irish embassy is actually not too bad in terms of helpfulness to contact relatives in emergencies etc, but they don't give out free money or airline tickets to everyone who gets in trouble, probably don't have much funding allocated for that kind of thing..

Generally you won't get much help in any third world location if you run out of money because of some mishap and that's why people should get travel or medical insurance in advance

If this guy is British or Irish or not, it's a tragedy but putting up nets and glass barriers will not prevent anyone killing themselves if that's what they have decided on...

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