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I've been in Chiang Mai Ram 1 hospital for about 8 days now and their care doesn't seem to bad.

A week ago Friday, I was riding my motorcycle with my wife and was broadsided by a pickup truck. I made a mistake to try to go straight when the priority sign said left turn only. I wanted to take a quick shortcut to theother side of the moat in downtown Chiang Mai.

Out of habit I looked left and while looking left I drifted into the other lane. As I looked right all I saw was headlights as one of them 4 door pickup trucks smashed into the side of my Honda 125 wave.

Well, the motorcycle with my wife and I on it went flying backwards instantly. We ended up on the ground. Her head was bleeding from a cut above her eye and I couldnt move my legs and was having problems breathing.

The pickup truck driver tried to drive away but his truck stopped working because of the damage to his radiator. I guess all the water drained out and he was forced to stopped. The police caught him then.

The ambulance was there in less than 5 min. Which I thought was pretty impressive. The ride to the hospital was less than impressive. The ride was bumpy and it rocked back and forth a bit. My friend was with me in the ambulance and kept telling the driver to slow down and drive safer but he kept driving the same.

They broght me in the emergency room, stabalized me, and sent me to get x-rays.

I'm not as small as most Thai's are. Usually I can't find clothes to fit me. I weigh about 105kg. I am not sure if the thai x-ray staff was used to patients my size because they seemed to struggle moving me around. Their struggle meant a lot more pain for me.

Eventually, they finished and I was sent to a room. The doctor came in the next day and told me my hip was broken. This is a very painful injury that required surgery. However, the previous x-rays were not good enough so he ordered a cat-scan of the hip. More fun with moving my body around.

They did the cat scan and sent me back to my room to wait on my surgery appointment. Later that day, the doc came in, did the surgery and moved me back to my room.

It's now day 8 or 9 and the doc says he will get me out of bed next Saturday. When I can walk, I can leave.

Since that day, there are 3 English speaking doctors who are checking on me daily. The nurses record my blood pressure, pulse, and temperature every 2 to 4 hours. They give me all the meds I need to get better.

Twice a day I get a sponge bath. Which, under different circumstance, I might enjoy. But due to my injuries, it is painful.

My wife, who was not hurt as bad, sleeps in the same room with me along with 2 friends who are helping to take care of me.

My room has a bathroom w/shower, air conditioner, ADSL internet, cable tv (english channels), small table for eating, living room area, and a small kitchenette.

All that with the doctors and nursing service is 1500 baht/day.

The surgery, x-rays, cat-scan, meds, nurses, docs, so far has cost around 110,000 baht. I think this is still cheaper than the USA.

Anyway, if your wondering about health care in Thailand, this was/is my expierence. I think the health care is good in Chiang Mai.

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Firstly, sorry to hear of your accident and wish you a speedy recovery.

Sounds like you are in good care and the rates are very reasonable.

Do you have insurance of any kind ?

Do others have medical insurance and are there any plans you'd recommend ?

Firstly, sorry to hear of your accident and wish you a speedy recovery.

Sounds like you are in good care and the rates are very reasonable.

Do you have insurance of any kind ?

Do others have medical insurance and are there any plans you'd recommend ?

I do have tricare standard which refunds me 75% of my bill. Which means I have to pay the entire bill first.

My motorcycle was fully covered so I get 15,000 back for that.

I would recommend picking up insurance if you do not have any and plan to stay in Thailand for an extended amount of time.

AIA and BUPA are decent insurance companies here in Thailand. There are others and all vary in price and coverage.


Sorry to hear about it, Richard. I landed in Chiang Mai Ram over a year ago, after the good ortho surgeon at Maharaj said he couldn't operate for at least 3 days, and I'd be in a general ward until then. I said, "Thanks anyway, Doc; I'm going to Chiang Mai Ram then."

CM Ram operated within hours, everything was hunky dory, 3 nights in the joint ran me at total of....I think 59,000 baht. Tricare didn't need to pay for me (they almost never need to), and FEHBP (civilian) paid about 75%, considering annual deductibles.

Just one teensy problem. A bacteria creeped in, and it took another surgery one year later, at other hospital and surgeon, to scoop it out like greasy gobs of gopher guts. Chiang Mai Ram, Samitivej, experts, etc., couldn't begin to start commencing to get a clue as to what it was, and wouldn't just go in and remove it. Dr. Chanakot, Maharaj Hospital, is now my ortho surgeon, an expert scooper of bacterial gopher guts. And Maharaj (Siripat, special clinic) was cheaper, with equally good care, including private room and nurses who gave me good sponge baths.

You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.


You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.

Yeah, sometimes I'm parked right in front, watching people unable to go up and make a quick U-Turn. I always watched them closely, and wondered what happens when they 'made a mistake'.

Sorry that it happened to you, but there have been many others before you, acting just as lazily...


You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.

Yeah, sometimes I'm parked right in front, watching people unable to go up and make a quick U-Turn. I always watched them closely, and wondered what happens when they 'made a mistake'.

Sorry that it happened to you, but there have been many others before you, acting just as lazily...

Oh, wait a minute.. You were coming down the road in the left lane (left turn only), but you tried to go straight? Now, that is crazy! :o


Sorry to hear of your accident, I am pleased that the CMR have taken good care of you.

However, I will NEVER go to that hospital again. :o

Maybee I have just been plain unlucky but I had three ops there and every one went wrong, resulting in me having to have more ops to put things right.

In fact they sent me out after they punctured my lung during a routine nerve block operation... I nearly died as a result and the Doctor who fuked up had to pay for my second visit as he admitted it was his fault.

I have an agreement with the Directors there now...I will not go there, and they don't want my business :D


You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.

Yeah, sometimes I'm parked right in front, watching people unable to go up and make a quick U-Turn. I always watched them closely, and wondered what happens when they 'made a mistake'.

Sorry that it happened to you, but there have been many others before you, acting just as lazily...

Oh, wait a minute.. You were coming down the road in the left lane (left turn only), but you tried to go straight? Now, that is crazy! :o

Guess he was heading east on Ratchawithi Road and rather than take the extra minute to make a left turn onto Moon Muang Rd then a U-turn onto Chaiyapum Road went straight ahead against all the signs that say not to. There the traffic only comes from the right, why he looked left who knows? They are both lucky not to have lost a leg. I do feel sorry for the pick-up driver .

The key to survival when riding a motorcycle anywhere in the world, let alone Chiang Mai, is situational awareness.


That's a rather interesting post, ThaiPauly.

Can you tell us more or would that be too personal ?

Better not mention doctors' names, of course.


You are very lucky. Was it the intersection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'??

Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'. About 1130 at night.

I heard later the farang police was telling people I had died. I'm glad they were wrong.

I think if you were there you would have heard me screaming everytime I was moved.

Yeah, sometimes I'm parked right in front, watching people unable to go up and make a quick U-Turn. I always watched them closely, and wondered what happens when they 'made a mistake'.

Sorry that it happened to you, but there have been many others before you, acting just as lazily...

Oh, wait a minute.. You were coming down the road in the left lane (left turn only), but you tried to go straight? Now, that is crazy! :o

I am pleased Richard that you are on the way to a full recovery.

When you get out just remember the costly lesson that you have experienced. Drive like a Thai (ignoring all the rules) and these things will happen.

Would you ignore the rules at home.


Some lessons I have learned are:

My life is not as important as my son and wifes. I should do nothing to jepordize their life.

Since I did almost take my wifes life away, I will give it back to her and fully support her dreams instead of trying to mix in mine. So we will move back to her village in Phayao. I will just develope new dreams of my own in Phayao. Most of my dreams will be of watching my son....and maybe in the future my daughter, grow up.

It scares me to think about loosing my wife or making my son an orphan.

Wisdom doesn't always come with age. Every now and then, hards knocks plays its part.

Some lessons I have learned are:

My life is not as important as my son and wifes. I should do nothing to jepordize their life.

Since I did almost take my wifes life away, I will give it back to her and fully support her dreams instead of trying to mix in mine. So we will move back to her village in Phayao. I will just develope new dreams of my own in Phayao. Most of my dreams will be of watching my son....and maybe in the future my daughter, grow up.

It scares me to think about loosing my wife or making my son an orphan.

Wisdom doesn't always come with age. Every now and then, hards knocks plays its part.

I wish you the best on all counts.

God Speed


> Yes Ajarn, it was the intereection in front of 'Mikes Burgers'.

> About 1130 at night.

Heh, the number of times I almost ran over some idiot farang (or idiot Thai) on a motorcycle in that area..

Do wish you all the best recovering.. And be careful around Phayao, less foreigners around there, but still plenty of nutters in traffic there.




11.17 pm was the time of your unfortunate accident Richard, as I had just walked over the intersection. You might have even seen me crossing the road as your were driving along. I was just aproaching my parked car 15 Mtrs away when I heard that gut wrenching sound that I have heard so often in Chiangmai. I turned to see the songtaew heading off, and both of you lieing on the road. The local Thais were there in a flash, and phone calls were made, while they were assisting your wife.

I think it must be some sort of record, in so much as there were no less than five rescue waggons and an ambulance there in nothing flat.

By Thai standards you were taken care of extremely well, and judging by the state of your crash helmet, you were very lucky, as without one I doubt you would be writing here.

A very expensive and painful experience, and I wish you a speedy recovery....MM

11.17 pm was the time of your unfortunate accident Richard, as I had just walked over the intersection. You might have even seen me crossing the road as your were driving along. I was just aproaching my parked car 15 Mtrs away when I heard that gut wrenching sound that I have heard so often in Chiangmai. I turned to see the songtaew heading off, and both of you lieing on the road. The local Thais were there in a flash, and phone calls were made, while they were assisting your wife.

I think it must be some sort of record, in so much as there were no less than five rescue waggons and an ambulance there in nothing flat.

By Thai standards you were taken care of extremely well, and judging by the state of your crash helmet, you were very lucky, as without one I doubt you would be writing here.

A very expensive and painful experience, and I wish you a speedy recovery....MM

Maejo Man, I wasn't sure of the type of truck that hit me. It happened very fast. Are you saying it was a songtaew? I knew it was a truck but I was told it was a 4 door pick up.

Even my decision to try to take a short cut is a bit of a blur. My first thoughts are of me on the ground holding some nice ladys's hand who was trying to calm me down. Her actions didn't seem like much but at the time, it did help to comfort me.

The truck that hit us tried to drive away and he would have except the impact of the collision busted his radiator. His truck stopped working down the road and the police caught him.

It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

The police said likely, since I was breaking the law by trying to take a shortcut, I would be found guilty if I took this to court. He was wrong for driving away. So we all agreed the best thing to do was walk away. So we did.

However, the Thai court, I have heard found out about the other man fleeing the scene of an accident are going after him.

For now, I'm just happy that my wife and I are alive.

It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

Come on, from the sound of things, how fast can one turn left? What is the speed limit?... :o

Okay, two people driving foolishly, hit each other. Under the law, the biker is at fault, but if you look a bit, one might say that if neither drove crazily, neither would be in their present (uncomfortable) position..

On another issue, who is going to fix the Pick-up? It sounds to me like the driver, himself...:D

It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

Come on, from the sound of things, how fast can one turn left? What is the speed limit?... :D

Okay, two people driving foolishly, hit each other. Under the law, the biker is at fault, but if you look a bit, one might say that if neither drove crazily, neither would be in their present (uncomfortable) position..

On another issue, who is going to fix the Pick-up? It sounds to me like the driver, himself...:D

I say <deleted> the driver of the pick up. IF MM's understanding is correct the <deleted> did a runner.

He wasn't giving a <deleted> about how Richard and his wife were. :o

No thanks to the driver but they are gonna be OK


11.17 pm was the time of your unfortunate accident Richard, as I had just walked over the intersection. You might have even seen me crossing the road as your were driving along. I was just aproaching my parked car 15 Mtrs away when I heard that gut wrenching sound that I have heard so often in Chiangmai. I turned to see the songtaew heading off, and both of you lieing on the road. The local Thais were there in a flash, and phone calls were made, while they were assisting your wife.

I think it must be some sort of record, in so much as there were no less than five rescue waggons and an ambulance there in nothing flat.

By Thai standards you were taken care of extremely well, and judging by the state of your crash helmet, you were very lucky, as without one I doubt you would be writing here.

A very expensive and painful experience, and I wish you a speedy recovery....MM

Maejo Man, I wasn't sure of the type of truck that hit me. It happened very fast. Are you saying it was a songtaew? I knew it was a truck but I was told it was a 4 door pick up.

Richard, sorry for your misfortune, and wish you a speedy and complete recovery....

Got a mysterious call today from a pretty secretive Thai Private Eye, name Sherlockaporn, Thakholmessin, and he wanted to know if you think this may have been the suspect 4 Door Pick up as the owner was sighted in the area at the time.. Guy by the name of Majo Man.... Late at night he was seen wearing a cape [nothing else, just a cape, and one glove]and clinging to the window sill of a 5th floor window in the Rydges Hotel..... could this have been the vehicle that did you dirty....


Understand that the word is out that he is desperately trying to flog it off.... cheap


Sorry MM , just couldn't resist...... :o:D:D

Richard, sorry for your misfortune, and wish you a speedy and complete recovery....

Got a mysterious call today from a pretty secretive Thai Private Eye, name Sherlockaporn, Thakholmessin, and he wanted to know if you think this may have been the suspect 4 Door Pick up as the owner was sighted in the area at the time.. Guy by the name of Majo Man.... Late at night he was seen wearing a cape [nothing else, just a cape, and one glove]and clinging to the window sill of a 5th floor window in the Rydges Hotel..... could this have been the vehicle that did you dirty....

Understand that the word is out that he is desperately trying to flog it off.... cheap

Sorry MM , just couldn't resist...... :o:D:D

:D:D:D I might sell it yet!! It's sitting at home all cleaned nicely. Actually I was driving my other vehicle that night :D


Richard, sorry for your misfortune, and wish you a speedy and complete recovery....

Got a mysterious call today from a pretty secretive Thai Private Eye, name Sherlockaporn, Thakholmessin, and he wanted to know if you think this may have been the suspect 4 Door Pick up as the owner was sighted in the area at the time.. Guy by the name of Majo Man.... Late at night he was seen wearing a cape [nothing else, just a cape, and one glove]and clinging to the window sill of a 5th floor window in the Rydges Hotel..... could this have been the vehicle that did you dirty....

Understand that the word is out that he is desperately trying to flog it off.... cheap

Sorry MM , just couldn't resist...... :o:D:D

:D:D:D I might sell it yet!! It's sitting at home all cleaned nicely. Actually I was driving my other vehicle that night :D

Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say. And oddly enough I have heard that one before, albeit some years ago. Any witness MM?

Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say. And oddly enough I have heard that one before, albeit some years ago. Any witness MM?

Honest I was :o You know what I normally drive as you have been in it before. Probably a few witnesses, and one English resident actually gave his card to the police that were there. I was looking away when it happened, and I turned just in time to see the songtaew/pickup "fleeing the scene"

It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

Come on, from the sound of things, how fast can one turn left? What is the speed limit?... :D

Okay, two people driving foolishly, hit each other. Under the law, the biker is at fault, but if you look a bit, one might say that if neither drove crazily, neither would be in their present (uncomfortable) position..

On another issue, who is going to fix the Pick-up? It sounds to me like the driver, himself...:D

I say <deleted> the driver of the pick up. IF MM's understanding is correct the <deleted> did a runner.

He wasn't giving a <deleted> about how Richard and his wife were. :o

No thanks to the driver but they are gonna be OK

So what if he ran. He didn't cause the accident, so why would he fear? No problem was caused by him leaving, but a few thousand baht in payments from this guy would affect him a lot more than the man who caused the problem in the beginning...

Something to think about...

It makes me wonder just how fast he was going on a left turn and if his excessive speed is the reason I was not able to get out of his way. Because to damage the radiator on a truck to the point of forcing the truck to stop, I would have to damage everything in front of that first.

Come on, from the sound of things, how fast can one turn left? What is the speed limit?... :D

Okay, two people driving foolishly, hit each other. Under the law, the biker is at fault, but if you look a bit, one might say that if neither drove crazily, neither would be in their present (uncomfortable) position..

On another issue, who is going to fix the Pick-up? It sounds to me like the driver, himself...:D

I say <deleted> the driver of the pick up. IF MM's understanding is correct the <deleted> did a runner.

He wasn't giving a <deleted> about how Richard and his wife were. :o

No thanks to the driver but they are gonna be OK

So what if he ran. He didn't cause the accident, so why would he fear? No problem was caused by him leaving, but a few thousand baht in payments from this guy would affect him a lot more than the man who caused the problem in the beginning...

Something to think about...

The fact that Richard may have contributed to the event does not mean to say that he caused it.

Had the Songtaew driver been driving "defensively" it would be fair to suggest that the event might not have occurred.

I realise that "defensive" driving is not all that big in the realm (unless you're an expat in which case it is essential)

The lesson here is (and I am sure that Richard has twigged to it) and that is regardless of the situation you are very vunerable on a motorcycle.

The fact that the songtaew driver "fled the scene" is perhaps the most serious aspect of the whole affair. In most countries (read western countries) "leaving the scene without rendering aid is an offence that will likely see you spending some time in the slammer.

I say "som nam nah" (if he has to fork out for the repairs to the songtaew)

The fact that Richard may have contributed to the event does not mean to say that he caused it.

Had the Songtaew driver been driving "defensively" it would be fair to suggest that the event might not have occurred.

I realise that "defensive" driving is not all that big in the realm (unless you're an expat in which case it is essential)

The lesson here is (and I am sure that Richard has twigged to it) and that is regardless of the situation you are very vunerable on a motorcycle.

The fact that the songtaew driver "fled the scene" is perhaps the most serious aspect of the whole affair. In most countries (read western countries) "leaving the scene without rendering aid is an offence that will likely see you spending some time in the slammer.

I say "som nam nah" (if he has to fork out for the repairs to the songtaew)

More likely Som Nam Nah to Richard...... I am sorry that he is injured and in hospital but he is the one who put himself and his wife in harms way by blatantly breaking the rules and trying to take a short cut to save himself a minute or so. There is no reason to stop where I think Richard stopped and the average Chiang Mai driver would not expect a motorcycle to stop there. I and many others that I know have almost hit dumbarsed tourists doing exactly what Richard did.

Of course the driver of the vehicle should have stopped but as you know it is normal practise in Thailand for the driver to flee the scene for fear of the consequences with the law whether they are in the right or wrong.

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