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Park project got state funds


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Park project got state funds



BANGKOK: Revelation by 3 agencies contradicts Udomdej's claim that project only used donations; Pheu Thai calls for deputy minister to resign after news Bt63 million used to buy the land

THREE KEY authorities have found that the scandal-plagued Rajabhakti Park project has used more than Bt60 million of the state budget.

In the eye of the storm is Deputy Defence Minister Udomdej Sitabutr, who left the helm of the Army just two months ago.

Udomdej and several other government figures had earlier tried to suggest that the project used donations - not state funding - and thus might not need to be subjected to scrutiny by anti-graft agencies.

Justice Minister General Paiboon Koomchaya yesterday disclosed that he had heard from the Office of the Auditor-General, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) and the Office of the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission that more than Bt60 million of government money had gone into the project.

In its latest statement, the Pheu Thai Party demanded that Udomdej step down from his ministerial portfolio.

The Rajabhakti Park project has emerged as a big scandal lately with more information pointing to alleged irregularities such as demand for illicit kickbacks from foundries, and alleged lack of transparency in budget management.

Funded by about Bt1 billion in donations, this project has developed a grand park in Prachuap Khiri Khan's Hua Hin district and erected huge statues of seven former Thai kings under the Army's supervision. The park also sits on Army land.

After Udomdej retired from the Army at the end of September, General Teerachai Nakwanich rose to the helm of the Army.

"Personally, I think the Army chief said the project has not used the state budget because the Army's probe focuses on the budget used from the time construction of the park started. But more than Bt60 million had been spent on the land plot prior to that," Paiboon said.

The Army had responded to the scandal by launching a probe, but that investigation's conclusion that there was no irregularity in the project's implementation has failed to ease public uproar.

Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan yesterday said his ministry had set up a fact-finding committee to look into the scandal with the ministry's deputy permanent secretary, General Chaichan Changmongkhon, as the committee's chairman.

"I haven't set any specific time frame," said Prawit, who signed the order to form the committee on Thursday.

According to the defence minister, the probe will focus on persons involved in the project, not the project itself.

Paiboon separately described the Defence Ministry's investigation as a probe by an external organisation.

"The defence minister has made the move because he supervises the Army," he said.

Paiboon said the probe by the Army, meanwhile, was like an internal investigation.

He insisted that the authorities had handled this case in line with proper procedures.

"The Centre for National Anti-Corruption, which is an independent, agency, has also looked into the scandal. It's an independent probe," he said.

Paiboon also said the Rajabhakti Park project was not related to any lese majese offence.

"They are separate cases. It's just that some suspects in the two different cases may be the same persons," he said.

The Rajabhakti Park project reportedly received Bt63 million of government money from the central budget, which is usually reserved for reimbursement of expenses that the state officials can claim through the exercising of such rights as those to medical treatment, unexpected expenses, and expenses incurredby special government policies or projects.

The Pheu Thai Party said yesterday that in light of this fact, as well as the close ties between Udomdej and the two suspects - Kachachart Boondee and Maj-General Suchart Phrommai - he should step down.

Both Kachachart and Suchart face arrest warrants. They are considered close aides of Udomdej, according to the Pheu Thai Party. Suchart served as the secretary and a board member of the Rajabhakti Park Foundation, which is chaired by Udomdej himself.

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said that at this point he did not think Udomdej should be held responsible for the wrongdoings of others, even his subordinates.

He also said relevant authorities would investigate the Rajabhakti Park's use of the central budget.

"If the investigation finds wrongdoing, wrongdoers will face disciplinary or criminal actions," he said.

The prime minister urged people to beware of some people's intention to exploit the Rajabhakti Park scandal.

"Don't play into their hands," he said.

NACC president Panthep Klanarongran, meanwhile, said his agency had been working closely with the Office of the Auditor-General in regard to the Rajabhakti Project case.

"This means if the Office has detected any irregularities, it will definitely forward this case to the NACC for further action," Panthep said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Park-project-got-state-funds-30273875.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-28

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"Paiboon also said the Rajabhakti Park project was not related to any lese majese offence"

Well I fail to see how demanding kickbacks in the millions of baht for the casting of statues of former kings is any less reprehensible than posting FB messages. Trying to profit dishonestly in such a way surely can't be kosher, can it?

And incidentally, a billion baht to develop a

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Quick, more smoke needed!

Creating a smokescreen is a very complex military skill. It requires consideration of terrain, weather, the time for which you wish it to remain effective and munitions (means of delivery) available. Smoke can be used to blind your opponent, or screen your own activities. Used properly it causes confusion and disrupts your opponents, whilst allowing you to continue with your activities unobserved. It has the disadvantage of letting your opponents know that something is going on behind it. He just can't tell what.

Creating a smokescreen is one military skill in which the army seems to excel!

Edited by JAG
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Although Udomdej was the chairman, everything was controlled by a sub committee of a sub committee, from dispersing the money to giving orders. Udomdej probably didn't go to a single meeting, choosing to fly around in an army helicopter all the time, so how could he be to blame?

There was no corruption and every penny of public funds went towards the making of the 7 statues for the benefit of the people's enjoyment.

They didn't pay over the top for the statues (say 50% above the true price) and metal does not deteriorate and rot over 4 - 5 years. This is all hot air over nothing - the next time I'm in BKK I will make a point to go and see this wonderful park (developed from people's donations) and admire the statues.

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Although Udomdej was the chairman, everything was controlled by a sub committee of a sub committee, from dispersing the money to giving orders. Udomdej probably didn't go to a single meeting, choosing to fly around in an army helicopter all the time, so how could he be to blame?

There was no corruption and every penny of public funds went towards the making of the 7 statues for the benefit of the people's enjoyment.

They didn't pay over the top for the statues (say 50% above the true price) and metal does not deteriorate and rot over 4 - 5 years. This is all hot air over nothing - the next time I'm in BKK I will make a point to go and see this wonderful park (developed from people's donations) and admire the statues.

Ooooh, cheeky!; But I like you!!

Edited by Krataiboy
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Although Udomdej was the chairman, everything was controlled by a sub committee of a sub committee, from dispersing the money to giving orders. Udomdej probably didn't go to a single meeting, choosing to fly around in an army helicopter all the time, so how could he be to blame?

There was no corruption and every penny of public funds went towards the making of the 7 statues for the benefit of the people's enjoyment.

They didn't pay over the top for the statues (say 50% above the true price) and metal does not deteriorate and rot over 4 - 5 years. This is all hot air over nothing - the next time I'm in BKK I will make a point to go and see this wonderful park (developed from people's donations) and admire the statues.

Ummm. Ok. Enjoy the sightseeing! Don't forget your TAT map of "Imaginary Happyland" so you can actually find the park. Hint: the map is in the back of your "Returning Happiness to the People" handbook that you've been reading. Edited by docshock13
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63 million THB to buy the land,but its Army land ?thats the

way I read it.

regards Worgeordie

Was the 63m bht used to buy the land? The news article isn't clear because it says:-

"Personally, I think the Army chief said the project has not used the state budget because the Army's probe focuses on the budget used from the time construction of the park started. But more than Bt60 million had been spent on the land plot prior to that," Paiboon said.

Maybe the money 'spent on the land' was used to develop/landscape the park which was already owned by the military? However, it wouldn't surprise me if what you're suggesting is true!!

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I love the way the PM always counsels people to not 'play into the hands' of 'troublemakers' etc. hey boss, thanks for the heads up, we'll keep it in mind.

It's as well so many many people in this world just want to sit back, and have their thinking done for them, hey its cheap, freedom is a buck oh five.

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"Paiboon also said the Rajabhakti Park project was not related to any lese majese offence"

Well I fail to see how demanding kickbacks in the millions of baht for the casting of statues of former kings is any less reprehensible than posting FB messages. Trying to profit dishonestly in such a way surely can't be kosher, can it?

And incidentally, a billion baht to develop a

They are the Royal Thai army. Soliciting dodgy funds whilst in uniform would actually be the absolute paragon of lese majeste, when put on comparison with writing a Facebook message.

They are all dodgy, and those who believe this coup was about preventing corruption are so ridiculously naive.

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Although Udomdej was the chairman, everything was controlled by a sub committee of a sub committee, from dispersing the money to giving orders. Udomdej probably didn't go to a single meeting, choosing to fly around in an army helicopter all the time, so how could he be to blame?

There was no corruption and every penny of public funds went towards the making of the 7 statues for the benefit of the people's enjoyment.

They didn't pay over the top for the statues (say 50% above the true price) and metal does not deteriorate and rot over 4 - 5 years. This is all hot air over nothing - the next time I'm in BKK I will make a point to go and see this wonderful park (developed from people's donations) and admire the statues.

The "I didn't attend a meeting" defence is being tried somewhere else and probably won't work.

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said that at this point he did not think Udomdej should be held responsible for the wrongdoings of others, even his subordinates.

Is that precisely the opposite of the position on Yingluck.. No one is saying she stole or miss used any more from the rice scheme only that she was responsible for it oversight ??

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Quick, more smoke needed!

Creating a smokescreen is a very complex military skill. It requires consideration of terrain, weather, the time for which you wish it to remain effective and munitions (means of delivery) available. Smoke can be used to blind your opponent, or screen your own activities. Used properly it causes confusion and disrupts your opponents, whilst allowing you to continue with your activities unobserved. It has the disadvantage of letting your opponents know that something is going on behind it. He just can't tell what.

Creating a smokescreen is one military skill in which the army seems to excel!

The military junta do seem more capable at smokescreens than the previous bunch of politicians. And more inventive and creative in answers.

Maybe one lot got too arrogant and thought they didn't have to try so hard anymore; or are simply more contemptuous of the people.

Sadly, none seen to have any moral or ethical traits to hold them back.

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said that at this point he did not think Udomdej should be held responsible for the wrongdoings of others, even his subordinates.

Is that precisely the opposite of the position on Yingluck.. No one is saying she stole or miss used any more from the rice scheme only that she was responsible for it oversight ??

Which bit of "Yingluck knew exactly what was going on and did nothing about it" don't you understand ?.

She was complicit in the corruption. That makes it criminal. It's called gross negligence.

It sounds like this guy is just incompetent and his subordinates ran rings round him. He should be held responsible for his misjudgement and sacked and they should be prosecuted for corruption just as the lower-life down from Yingluck should.

But if you think his situation is the same as Yingluck's, you don't really understand all this 'politics' stuff do you ?.

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said that at this point he did not think Udomdej should be held responsible for the wrongdoings of others, even his subordinates.

Is that precisely the opposite of the position on Yingluck.. No one is saying she stole or miss used any more from the rice scheme only that she was responsible for it oversight ??

Which bit of "Yingluck knew exactly what was going on and did nothing about it" don't you understand ?.

She was complicit in the corruption. That makes it criminal. It's called gross negligence.

It sounds like this guy is just incompetent and his subordinates ran rings round him. He should be held responsible for his misjudgement and sacked and they should be prosecuted for corruption just as the lower-life down from Yingluck should.

But if you think his situation is the same as Yingluck's, you don't really understand all this 'politics' stuff do you ?.

1) you think yingluck was aware of it.. That needs to be proven.. I think its simply every aspect of this country is ripe with graft, blaming one while not understanding the other is doing exactly the same is naive..

2) you think this guy is incompetent (so should he have been assigned such a post ?? Perhaps whoever assigned him is showing their incompetence.. if in fact they are all such incompetents, maybe just hold an election and have the people choose which incompetent they feel best represents them) which is very convenient since your so sure in the reverse one side is all knowing and the other just makes mistakes... Very convenient position that cant be proven.

The final point is the PT had every judiciary biased against them, were hounded constantly by clearly not impartial investigative powers and every unelected branch of civil government, the Army has no such restrictions and can just say "nothing to see here folks" and close ranks.

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said that at this point he did not think Udomdej should be held responsible for the wrongdoings of others, even his subordinates.

OK, that's all she wrote. The U.S. is the same way. If you are in a position of high authority you did not do anything wrong, even if the people you are supposed to be controlling did something wrong. There was a time when the military had very different views. There was an English admiral they court martialed and hanged because they felt he didn't fight hard enough. Napoleon used the phrase, "Pour encourager les autres." Sorry, I don't have a European keyboard with the accents. Translation, "To encourage the others." In the Philippine Insurrection the U.S. Army actually court martialed a General because his troops used the "Water Treatment" (version of waterboarding) on some prisoners. Unfortunately I think the court let him off, giving us the precedents we have now.

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The Army had responded to the scandal by launching a probe, but that investigation's conclusion that there was no irregularity in the project's implementation has failed to ease public uproar.

The army investigates the army, comes out clean as a whistle, and no one believes them... what did they expect?? cheesy.gif

The prime minister urged people to beware of some people's intention to exploit the Rajabhakti Park scandal.

"Don't play into their hands," he said.

So then the retired General and self-appointed "PM" comes around to make subtle threats... just perfect. coffee1.gif

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