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why they have to stop right on the middle of the street?


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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

That's funny.

I have driven across Europe many times. Very rarely that I have had to take action to avoid an accident. I don't remember ever seeing someone driving on the wrong side of the road.

Here, I am lucky to drive 20 Km without having to take avoiding action

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Take a deep breath and a quick look in the rear view mirror to check if the one behind pay attention

..a few years ago a pretentious HiSo Thai lady double parked her 'merc' outside McD in Changklan Rd Chiangmai and went into the restaurant..when she emerged at least 30 min later. An officer approached her and asked why she had left her car in such a place blocking one lane of a busy two laned street..to which she replied "well they don't have a drive through, what am I supposed to do"..whereon she flounced off and drove away. The officer did nothing either! cheesy.gif

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Have you noticed the on road behaviour is no different in supermarkets with their trollies?

So many people that are just so inconsiderate of others.

To paraphrase a comment made by a member in another thread, "Thai people are very tolerant. They are also very inconsiderate."

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Although double parking outside shops, banks, etc, not being able to negotiate any sort of corner, and all the above peeves already mentioned, I still find getting in a taxi or minibus for a motorway journey the most annoying.

Apart from every Thai male thinking he's Carlos Sainz and risking everyone's life by tail gating, speeding, and paying absolutely no consideration to road conditions, (when in fact they have the driving skills of a blind clown), what really gets to me are the tight t*ats who think they're saving fuel (and money) by pressing and lifting their foot off the accelerator every 10 seconds, making passengers feel sea sick! Idiots!!

I guess we can be glad that the Thais who fly commercial aircraft don't do that. I wonder why not.

Auto pilot.

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The one that really irritates me is....a car overtakes you and immediately slams on the brakes because he is turning left for some reason like going down a Soi or into a filling station....one other, a car pulls right out in front of you from a side street and usually you were the last car with absolutely nothing behind you....(I always check) I can usually be heard saying in a loud voice to the Mrs...."did you see that, and not a thing in the world behind me, couldn't wait".

I was once cycling past a filling station when a large bus overtook me and pulled into the filling station before completely passing me, forcing me to go in inside him... A couple of punches and kicks to the side of the bus to stop from being crushed under the rear wheels.. I gave the driver a verbal attack to which he simply laughed... Until I called him a "ling", "kwai", and "hia"... at which point he jumped out of his bus and chased me down the street... LOL

...but perhaps I was lucky he didn't take too much offense, or he may have pulled a gun.!

Many, if not most, Thai drivers (motorbikes or cars) have no respect and give no deference to cyclists and pedestrians...they are are simply invisible to Thai drivers.

I walk 10 kilometers 3 times each week in the neighborhoods and hills near my apartment. Every time there are 3-5 incidents when I am almost hit by a car or motorbike. It doesn't matter that I am walking at the very edge of the roadway and if I am walking facing traffic or walking with traffic. Drivers push me almost off the streets, cut corners right in front of me, pull out right in front of me, back out the same...the list goes on. I am convinced that they simply don't care....and I'm sure if I got hit, it would be my fault because I am the farang.

Have you considered that they may be targeting you because you are the Farang. Visible and vulnerable.

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The one that really irritates me is....a car overtakes you and immediately slams on the brakes because he is turning left for some reason like going down a Soi or into a filling station....one other, a car pulls right out in front of you from a side street and usually you were the last car with absolutely nothing behind you....(I always check) I can usually be heard saying in a loud voice to the Mrs...."did you see that, and not a thing in the world behind me, couldn't wait".

I was once cycling past a filling station when a large bus overtook me and pulled into the filling station before completely passing me, forcing me to go in inside him... A couple of punches and kicks to the side of the bus to stop from being crushed under the rear wheels.. I gave the driver a verbal attack to which he simply laughed... Until I called him a "ling", "kwai", and "hia"... at which point he jumped out of his bus and chased me down the street... LOL

...but perhaps I was lucky he didn't take too much offense, or he may have pulled a gun.!

Many, if not most, Thai drivers (motorbikes or cars) have no respect and give no deference to cyclists and pedestrians...they are are simply invisible to Thai drivers.

I walk 10 kilometers 3 times each week in the neighborhoods and hills near my apartment. Every time there are 3-5 incidents when I am almost hit by a car or motorbike. It doesn't matter that I am walking at the very edge of the roadway and if I am walking facing traffic or walking with traffic. Drivers push me almost off the streets, cut corners right in front of me, pull out right in front of me, back out the same...the list goes on. I am convinced that they simply don't care....and I'm sure if I got hit, it would be my fault because I am the farang.

Have you considered that they may be targeting you because you are the Farang. Visible and vulnerable.

Yes, I have. I've definitely got the impression at times that some drivers would actually like to hit me...or at least scare me to make me think that they will hit me. There is no love lost by some Thais for farang.

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

The most stupid reply on this thread.

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The one that really gets me is when they pull out from a line of parked cars (forcing you to brake)...then drive along in a very indeterminate manner at 10KPH. You're left wondering - are they going to pull in again..are they going to speed up...are they going to pull out further? Who knows, or dares to dream....

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

The most stupid reply on this thread.

I agree. Are people that ignorant that they aren't aware of the carnage and death toll on Thailands roads?

Edited by giddyup
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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

The most stupid reply on this thread.

I am speaking as a mainly motorcycle rider .At least most Thais drivers watch out for bikes .German drivers whom most would hold up as safe ,have many speeding idiots .Their main fault is driving too fast for the given road conditions ( ice and fog for 6 months of the year there ) and they always seem to be in a hurry .Germany also has ''Geist Farher'' which translates to Ghost driver .(people driving against the flow of traffic on an Autobahn. ) When listening to the car radio an announcer will break in quite frequently warning of a G.F.auf der E20 etc . Dutch drivers followed by the UK ,i found to be good and considerate in the main .

Edited by anto
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Largely because those who do, lack common courtesy of others on the road. It's truly a country that is 'all about me' and cares little about you. Just ask your GF where you rank in the 'family' tree, a bit lower than the soi dogs running around. Parking is one thing, what about those turning left into a main road without even looking (or glancing) to their right to see if the road is indeed clear. Driving in Thailand requires all senses and constant mirror peeks to see the motorcycles coming up both sides of you. Good luck, and take many deep breaths to ease the frustration!

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

The most stupid reply on this thread.

I am speaking as a mainly motorcycle rider .At least most Thais drivers watch out for bikes .German drivers whom most would hold up as safe ,have many speeding idiots .Their main fault is driving too fast for the given road conditions ( ice and fog for 6 months of the year there ) and they always seem to be in a hurry .Germany also has ''Geist Farher'' which translates to Ghost driver .When listening to the car radio an announcer will break in quite frequently warning of a G.F.auf der E20 etc . Dutch drivers followed by the UK ,i found to be good and considerate in the main .

The majority of road accident deaths in Thailand are motorcyclists. So much for Thai drivers looking out for motorcyclists.

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

The most stupid reply on this thread.

I am speaking as a mainly motorcycle rider .At least most Thais drivers watch out for bikes .German drivers whom most would hold up as safe ,have many speeding idiots .Their main fault is driving too fast for the given road conditions ( ice and fog for 6 months of the year there ) and they always seem to be in a hurry .Germany also has ''Geist Farher'' which translates to Ghost driver .When listening to the car radio an announcer will break in quite frequently warning of a G.F.auf der E20 etc . Dutch drivers followed by the UK ,i found to be good and considerate in the main .

The majority of road accident deaths in Thailand are motorcyclists. So much for Thai drivers looking out for motorcyclists.

Only because of the vast number of Motorcyclists on Thai roads .I don't know the numbers versus car drivers but it must be many multiples of what it is in the average Western Country.

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Only because of the vast number of Motorcyclists on Thai roads .I don't know the numbers versus car drivers but it must be many multiples of what it is in the average Western Country.

The bottom line is that Thailand is not a safe place to drive a car or ride a bike. The facts speak for themselves. To try and argue that it is safe is frankly absurd.

Edited by giddyup
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Only because of the vast number of Motorcyclists on Thai roads .I don't know the numbers versus car drivers but it must be many multiples of what it is in the average Western Country.

The bottom line is that Thailand is not a safe place to drive a car or ride a bike. The facts speak for themselves. To try and argue that it is safe is frankly absurd

I did not say that it was safe rather that its not as bad as people here make out .The fatality figures would make you never want to venture on a Thai road its true.

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Car drivers in Thailand show very poor skill, any fool can learn how to ride a motorbike, but you have to be taught how to drive a car properly

They often drive at 10 miles an hour in the middle of the road, give no signals when turning, and yes double park and cause big bottle necks, and watching some go round a corner is hilarious

Ever watched a female reversing in a UK supermarket car park?

Not just the UK.

Australia too.

And driving at 80kph & blocking lines of traffic on a major road where you can't overtake. grrrrr!

My mysoginist mate reckons that women shouldn't be allowed to own cars! lol!

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Car drivers in Thailand show very poor skill, any fool can learn how to ride a motorbike, but you have to be taught how to drive a car properly

They often drive at 10 miles an hour in the middle of the road, give no signals when turning, and yes double park and cause big bottle necks, and watching some go round a corner is hilarious

Ever watched a female reversing in a UK supermarket car park?

Not just the UK.

Australia too.

And driving at 80kph & blocking lines of traffic on a major road where you can't overtake. grrrrr!

My mysoginist mate reckons that women shouldn't be allowed to own cars! lol!

My mysoginist mate reckons that women shouldn't be allowed to own cars! lol! I would not go that far as woman are less inclined to speed than men, and therefore have less accidents.

Apart from reversing, the biggest problem women drivers have is being far too over cautious at times.

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country


You should try driving in Indonesia. Worse than Thailand.

Bali by sheer weight of numbers of cars and motorcycles ,and narrow roads make it far more dangerous than Thailand its true .Hanoi ,North Vietnam is quite maniac also .Had the scariest motorcycle taxi ride in my life there.

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country


You should try driving in Indonesia. Worse than Thailand.

Thailand is #2 in the world for fatalities, Indonesia isn't even in the top 25, so how can it be worse?

Depends on which part of Indonesia .I would guess that the figures in Bali taken on its own would equal or surpass Thailand .Although i have been in Jakarta ,i just travelled by bus and do not know first hand about driving in that City.

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Thais Drivers no worse than any other Country,i have driven in ,and thats plenty.Probably close to 50 Countries.You get idiots everywhere .Defensive driving is whats required no matter where you are .

The most stupid reply on this thread.

I am speaking as a mainly motorcycle rider .At least most Thais drivers watch out for bikes .German drivers whom most would hold up as safe ,have many speeding idiots .Their main fault is driving too fast for the given road conditions ( ice and fog for 6 months of the year there ) and they always seem to be in a hurry .Germany also has ''Geist Farher'' which translates to Ghost driver .(people driving against the flow of traffic on an Autobahn. ) When listening to the car radio an announcer will break in quite frequently warning of a G.F.auf der E20 etc . Dutch drivers followed by the UK ,i found to be good and considerate in the main .

At least most Thais drivers watch out for bikes

I also drive a motorbike most of the time.

Thai drivers look out for bikes??!!

I know that it is impossible, but most times I can only conclude that I magically become invisible as soon as I sit on my motorbike.

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>> most times I can only conclude that I magically become invisible as soon as I sit on my motorbike.<<

I suggest you get the latest model PCX with the very bright day time front lights then .You may though be just driving around too fast in conjested traffic .

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>> most times I can only conclude that I magically become invisible as soon as I sit on my motorbike.<<

I suggest you get the latest model PCX with the very bright day time front lights then .You may though be just driving around too fast in conjested traffic .

I never drive too fast on my motorbike. Whenever I come up to a u turn, if there is a vehicle in the opposite lane waiting to turn, at least 50% of the time, they will pull out straight in front of me, just as if I am invisible. Of course the 50% is not always true. The lorries with a trailer and buses don't even pause, they pull out 99% of the time no matter what is coming.

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>> most times I can only conclude that I magically become invisible as soon as I sit on my motorbike.<<

I suggest you get the latest model PCX with the very bright day time front lights then .You may though be just driving around too fast in conjested traffic .

Will you even concede that it's the Thai drivers that are the problem? You seem to be hell bent on absolving them of any responsibility.

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Even the western people are obeying by some laws and it took a hell of a time for them as well. When did we stop littering streets? 10-20 years ago?

Since Thailand is about 60 years back, you'd probably have to wait for many years or let's say till eternity.

Britain is pretty bad for litter as well. But it's apparently now an £80 fine if caught by the council Stasi. Of course they only go after little old ladies accidentally dropping a bus ticket, or till receipt, not the people dumping old fridges.

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