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Did Bangkok Christian Hospital change website ?

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Did Bangkok Christian Hospital change website ? I love the hospital but the website has gotten even more difficult . Today after half an hour dealing with cookie setting , lousy searches for Dr.'s and English setting that still show only Thai I am heading to Bumrungrad as it has the same Dr's I am looking for and I can find their schedules and make appointment from website . I can walk over to BCH as I usually do but today I want to just use technology and make appointment with the web . Hope you are reading this BCH and get your website up to speed one day [emoji15]post-202056-14486813228063_thumb.jpg


Websites are not a priority for most hospitals so quality often varies - but even then they may improve overnight so often worth another check. In point of fact most doctors do not require appointments be made in advance but it is normally easy to do with by phone - which gets attention here to a much higher degree than web (in all cases). I feel your pain as I also prefer web and email - but even in USA the phone is often given priority.

In this case you are talking a non-profit hospital and comparing to one of the most expensive private facilities.


Thanks for your post , last few times I was at BCH the fees to see Dr. after all the hospital charges was close to Bumrungrad . I really like BCH so it does not matter just seems like Bumrungrad in last few years has really evolved with new building and all but I guess bottom line is you see same Dr. so both really exceptional and have great Dr.'s available .


Wholeheartedly agree, the new website is terrible. It is the third change in just a few years abd each one has been worse than the last.

St. Louis ditto and in fact both BNH and Samitivej have made website changes for the worse.


My biggest complaint is just that they do not make it easy -- or in some cases even possible -- to select a doctor. Insufficient number of specialist categories, insufficient bio details. On BNH website, for example, there is no longer any category for neurologist. If looking for one, you'd have to weed through dozens of doctors listed under internal medicine.

And with the exception of BNH and Bumrungrad, you only get a list of names (and often pictures, lord knows why that is considered important) when you enter a specialty and then have to laboriously click one by one to see their bios.

The only decent hospital website now is Bumrungrad. All the others are not only poor but have gotten steadily worse with each revision. This fact undoubtedly helps pull in international patients at Bumrungrad.

In the case of BCH, they do not yet have an English version of the new website up. Why they couldn't leave the old one up in the meantime, who knows.

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