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Architects in Chiang Mai


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Not sure if I should post in the CM forum or the house forum... I'm planning on building a house, modern style. I've had bad experiences with my first architect so decided to start anew with someone else rather than continuing with him.

I've been to K Home Construction in San Phi Seua and they seemed very professional. They do the whole construction from A to Z, including construction permit, engineer control... They quoted a price of roughly 15k per sq.m. as base price for a one story house of 150-200sq.m.

It's not really cheap but if the work is good it might be okay (with a bit better materials it might go to roughly 17k per sq.m.).

Anyone had any experience with them or can recommend someone with modern architecture experience?


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What type of house are you looking to build?

Generic euro-style boring thing or one that has actully been architectually designed?

If the former, then the local planning office might be a good place to start.

If the latter, there are a few places to think about: Architects 49, Pommballetstudio, Freelance Studio Design, Function D Architect & Design Studio, Plankrich, Original Novel, and Udee Design to name a few.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Little update. Had a talk with khome, blank studio and full scale studio.

All three sound convincing and prices don't vary that much. Full scale sounded very confident, but by the looks they don't really have time and are more interested in getting architecture design awards than anything else so dropped that option.

Now am down to k-home and blank studio.

K-home is more expensive on the construction side (starting at 15,000 baht/sq.m.) with "free" (in other words included in the building price) design. The positive is their experience in construction. Negative is the lack of experience designing modern "unique" houses. Also find it expensive considering 15k is the base price, it will probably go up to 18-20k for good materials (not looking for luxury, just good quality).

Blank Studio quotes at 650baht/sq.m. for the design so approx 100k in our case. The positive is that their projects were built at a starting price of 10-12k per sq.m. so I think at 15k you can get what you want. Other positive is their creativity and experience in modern style. Negative is the construction side. They don't have their teams but do the supervision, that's a bit risky.

I would love to hear some experiences from blank studio on the construction aspect.

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Surely the companies themselves can direct you to some their recent jobs?

I think Blank Studio are currently refurbing a place on Nimman 13 next to the Bicycle shop that sells Trek bikes. Could always poke your nose in there.

Been and talk to all 3 places. They all have their qualities. I want to pick Blank Studio but they don't have the same renown as k-home.

@JaseTheBass, how did you hear about them? Do you know anyone who has worked with them before?

Edited by MastaMak
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Our home was designed and built by Top Design. We selected Top after interviewing many other companies in CM as well as visiting homes they built comparable to our requirements.

Top has done may projects for ex-pats and did an excellent job on time and on budget. He assisted us in sourcing suppliers and materials and was flexible when changes were requested during design and construction.

Here's his website:


And FB:


IM me if you want any more info......

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